Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2114 Making things worse...

Immediately afterwards, the Lu army quickly exerted force, smashing the corpse of the blood rock warrior to the surrounding blood rock warriors, causing them to fall to the ground together.

Sensing the road army suddenly coming behind them, the blood rock warriors were shocked, and quickly adjusted their formation, preparing to continue their defense.

But in front of the road army's flickering, all this is useless work, no matter how they adjust their formation, they will be beaten.

In the end, after a minute of continuous tossing, the dozen or so blood rock warriors were all killed by the road army, leaving corpses all over the ground.

The Lu army didn't even look at these enemies, and continued to walk down after searching all the empty rooms.

The battle that lasted for a long time has already made him a little numb, and he has no feeling about killing the enemy.

At this moment, all he wanted in his mind was to quickly find the body of the soul in the wood so that he could complete the task.

However, it is obviously impossible for the Lu army to charge forward as quickly as before this time.

Because the great lord of the blood rock clan has arranged a lot of blood rock warriors on each floor of the tower below.

These blood rock warriors were the same as the first batch encountered by the Lu army. They all held shields, and when they saw the Lu army, they put on a steadfast attitude.

Although the army can kill them in a short period of time, the defense ability of these creatures is too high.

Even if the army used flashes to go around and fight them every time, this method was too mentally and physically exhausting, and it was a waste of time.

It took nearly 20 minutes for the Lu army to go down and capture the towers of the ten cities, which is very exaggerated.

You must know that there are more than 20 layers of towers below. If you rush down layer by layer, wouldn't it take several hours?

Seeing that the Blood Rock Commander and the Blood Rock Great Lord have already figured it out, the troops above are used to delay time.

Their real purpose is to clear out the enemies below before going back to besiege the road army.

As long as the enemies below are eliminated, their pressure will be greatly reduced, and there will be nothing to fear when there is only one army left.

Otherwise, if you are attacked by enemies on both sides, no matter how many of them there are, no matter how brave they are, they won't be able to withstand it...

Lu Jun also knew what the Blood Rock Clan was thinking, but unfortunately he couldn't spare the time to inform Ruan Bing and others.

After all, it would be too troublesome to go up and down the tower. If he goes down now, the tower above will be occupied by the blood rock creatures again, and it will have to attack again, which is not worth the candle...

Now Lu Jun hopes that Ruan Bing can realize the situation on it and make a suitable response, otherwise he will be in a little trouble.

And Ruan Bing, who was below, saw that the attack of the Blood Rock Clan was still so fierce, and soon realized that the attack from the top of the road army must be blocked.

Seeing that his companions couldn't defend at all, and the creatures of Hank's family also launched an attack, the blood rock lord hiding on the high tower immediately ordered his subordinates to support.

As groups of blood rock creatures and two blood rock lords rushed down, the battlefield around the tower became even more chaotic, with stumps and broken arms everywhere.

Anyway, the current situation is that the Hank family, the Blood Rock family, and the summoned creatures from Ruan Bing's side are fighting wildly. It is difficult to distinguish who is the enemy and who is the friend...

This also means that some of the enemies above the tower have been drawn away and are in a state of emptiness, which is the best time to attack.

Looking at this scene, Lu Jun knew this very well, and directly activated the dragon form, taking advantage of the cover of night to fly to the high tower.

And along the natural hole above the tower, he slipped in as before without anyone noticing.

Since the road army came to the highest floor, no enemies were found for the time being.

Moreover, this place is different from the place he arrived before, and all the rooms are empty, which makes Lu Jun breathe a sigh of relief.

However, he didn't stay for too long, and soon walked down, looking for the body of the soul in the wood.

But according to his judgment, with the leader of Blood Rock and the IQ of the great lord, he would definitely not put such an important thing in a position without biological guards.

If he guessed right,

The so-called physical body should be in the middle of the tower, around the twentieth floor, where there are the most enemies.

Therefore, the Lu army must be extremely careful, otherwise it is likely to fall into the siege of the blood rock clan.

After walking quietly, Lu Jun quickly walked down more than ten floors without encountering any abnormalities along the way.

In fact, this was all expected by Lu Jun. The creatures of the Blood Rock clan were all dealing with the battle situation below, and they would definitely not come to the top of the tower.

After all, it is too high here, even with a bow and arrow, it is difficult to hit the enemy below, and it is meaningless to deploy soldiers to defend.

Lu Jun didn't even know what the Blood Rock Clan used to build such a tall tower, it looked like a decoration...

Originally, Lu Jun thought that he would have to go to at least the 20th floor to see the creatures of the Blood Rock family.

But he overlooked one point, that is, being attacked by multiple high towers in succession, the creatures of the Blood Rock clan had long been on guard.

Especially on tall towers, they are well aware that enemies will suddenly circle behind them.

So when they reached the thirtieth floor, the road army encountered a large number of enemies, all of whom were blood rock warriors holding shields and spears.

They were not surprised when they saw the route army, as if they had already guessed that there would be enemies attacking their rear.

Looking at the hordes of enemies, Lu Jun also looked indifferent, flicked his dragon claws, and was ready to fight.

Although the enemy is outnumbered, Lu Jun is a double fourth-order supernatural being, and these creatures of the blood rock clan will definitely be unable to do anything to him.

However, what Lu Jun didn't expect was that these blood rock creatures had no intention of attacking him first, and they were all holding up their shields in a defensive posture.

Because they also know very well that their own side cannot collide with the road army head-on, and they have already learned from the high tower in front of them.

Rather than wasting physical strength and attacking in vain, it is better to stay behind and defend, so there may be a chance.

Looking at the enemies in formation, Lu Jun also knew what these creatures were thinking, so he sneered softly.

Immediately afterwards, it lit up its dragon claws and rushed forward, launching a fierce attack on the blood rock warriors without hesitation.

Since the enemy does not attack, let him attack, which is essentially the same.

Looking at the approaching army, the blood rock warriors put their spears in front and put their shields on their chests.

This method can prevent the road army from getting close to them, and can also stab out their spears at any time to attack.

Although they are very clear that they may not be able to cause any harm to the road army, it may be excellent to delay the time a little bit, and this is also their mission.

But they still underestimated the road army. Looking at the shields and spear formations ahead, the road army had no intention of charging directly.

Instead, he quickly used flicker, came to the back of the blood rock cavalry, waved the dragon claw, and pierced the heart of a blood rock cavalry at once.

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