If these fighters planned to act recklessly, then Xiao Wan and her mutant beasts would probably start a massacre.

Fortunately, what he was worried about did not happen. After the soldiers of the Silent Crusade left the inner city, they went straight to the territory of the Tomahawk Legion and came to the flanking battlefield.

The battle here is going on at this time, and it has reached a feverish stage. The overall situation is particularly unfavorable for the Tomahawk Legion.

Because as the battle continued, they were surrounded by silent crusaders from all over in less than two hours, and everyone was trapped together, including Lin Zhan, the leader of the Tomahawk Legion.

If you get closer, you can find that Lin Zhan's current situation is very bad, with several wounds on his body, all of which were caused by supernatural abilities.

But he was still holding on, fighting bloody battles, without any intention of admitting cowardice or giving up resistance.

The same is true for the other members of the Tomahawk Legion. They can still maintain their fighting spirit despite the huge disadvantages, which is why they have persisted until now.

However, Lin Zhan knew very well that they were completely overdrawn at this time, and it was estimated that they would all be killed by the Silent Crusaders within five minutes.

Although they don't know what's going on in the inner city, they don't seem to have a chance to see it, which is a pity.

"Brothers, our plan may fail. I, Lin Zhan, am sorry for you, but I am very grateful that you can accompany me through this journey!" Lin Zhan said in his thick voice.

"Boss, we don't regret it, see you in the next life." Dozens of members who were relatively close to Lin Zhan responded to Lin Zhan.

In fact, when the battle has progressed to this point, most of them look away, anyway, the worst thing is to die.

It was not in vain to be able to get rid of the silent crusaders who had been oppressing them before they died and plunge the city of Ori into chaos.

"Okay! See you in the next life!" Lin Zhan's eyes turned red as he suppressed the sadness in his heart.

Just when he was about to order his soldiers to make a final charge, an accident happened, and the Silent Crusaders suddenly stopped attacking, as if they had received some orders.

This made Lin Zhan and the people of the Tomahawk Legion very puzzled, wondering what the Silent Crusaders were doing.

What made Lin Zhan even more surprised was that suddenly a Silent Crusader walked up to them with his hand raised: "Please come with me, there is an adult waiting for you to pass in the inner city."

"Your Excellency?" Lin Zhan said subconsciously, he didn't know who the so-called "Master" was, and he didn't know any "Masters" in the inner city.

At the same time, Lin Zhan suspected that this was a trick of the Silent Crusaders to capture them, so he rushed forward the next moment and caught the person who came over.

Anyway, they are going to die in the end, so it's better to kill a back-up before dying.

This scene made the Silent Crusaders who had just come here a little headache, and gave a wry smile, neither going up nor retreating.

Because it was an order from the Route Army to let the Tomahawks enter the inner city, and they came here to convey and execute the order.

They also called to stop these silent crusaders just now, in order to quickly end this battle. Who knew that such an "oolong" would happen again.

"Calm down first, let our people go, don't continue fighting, there are really people waiting for you in the inner city..." The Silent Crusaders began to try their best to explain to Lin Zhan.

And this time was no exception, the people of the Silent Crusaders were very cooperative, and just after the Lu Jun shouted, someone knelt down, and these people were the top leaders of the Silent Crusaders.

In fact, they were very helpless and very unwilling to endure this humiliation, especially in front of so many subordinates.

But they really can't help it. The fourth-order power user dies, and the other power users can't beat them. What else can they do if they don't surrender?

With the top taking the lead, the Silent Crusaders quickly knelt together and threw their weapons aside.

If there are outsiders here, they will find that the situation at this time is very strange. Tens of thousands of Silent Crusaders actually surrendered to the rebel army with only one squad.

But after the real battle, I know that apart from the superficial things, the rebels also have countless soul bodies and mutant beasts to help them, and their fighting power is stronger than a corps.

This also means that after several hours of fighting, Lu Jun and others finally calmed down the battlefield in the inner city and took the initiative in the situation.

However, due to the severe shortage of manpower, the Route Army had no way of counting how many Silent Crusaders had been captured, so they could only hastily issued his order to the more than 100 senior officers of the Silent Crusaders.

Some of the most important ones are that the Silent Crusaders must immediately stop their encirclement and suppression of the Tomahawk Legion, remove the defenses of the inner city, and let the Tomahawk Legion come in.

Although they have been fighting, the Route Army has not forgotten the members of the Tomahawk Legion who gave them the opportunity.

If it weren't for these people who attracted most of the attention of the Silent Crusaders, their operation would definitely not go so smoothly.

So after controlling the top management of the Silent Crusade, the first thing the Route Army did was to rescue the Tomahawks.

At the beginning, the top leaders of the Silent Crusaders were unwilling to carry out the orders of the Route Army, because once they did so, it would mean handing over the control of the inner city, and they would have no chance to come back.

But the army will not talk too much nonsense with them. For a second of silence, if the high-level crusaders don't pass on the order, he will kill one person.

You must know that the entire Silent Crusade has only nearly 200 high-ranking officers. Dozens of them have been killed by the army during the battle, and now they have been massacred by the army, and there are dozens less in an instant.

The most frightening thing was that the army didn't even ask what positions they held in the Silent Crusade, and they didn't care who their leaders were. Anyway, they just started killing randomly from left to right.

As time "tick-tick-tick" passed, the top executives of the Silent Crusade quickly became overwhelmed, and could only surrender to the army, and conveyed the orders that the army had said one by one.

The soldiers of the Silent Crusade did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately left the inner city in groups to carry out their orders.

Although they were free for the time being, they did not dare to change their minds, because they had a very strong premonition that the "master" of Ori City might change, so they all wanted to perform well in front of the new "master".

In fact, they just want to make a living in the last days, and they cannot be said to be very loyal to the Silent Crusade.

Since they all work for others, who do they work for? Maybe they can live longer if they change to a group of stronger high-level executives, this is what most people think.

However, the Lu army was not at ease with these Silent Crusaders, so they secretly asked Xiao Wan to follow.

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