Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2276 Vigorously rectify

"Riding a Dinosaur in the Apocalypse ()"

"If she really can't last a week, then she is not worthy to be the city lord of Starlight City, and it's no one's fault if Starlight City is lost."

"So our biggest problem right now is this side. As long as Westwind Fortress is safe, we can slowly clear up other enemies." Lu Jun expressed his thoughts.

Although the words are a bit heavy, they are all true. With Hongyue's ability, she must be able to stick to it for a week.

And his decision is undoubtedly correct, after all, Westwind Fortress is their foundation, as long as Westwind Fortress is still there, everything will come back.

"Understood, it shouldn't be too late, let's go quickly." Ruan Bing nodded, so she didn't have any doubts.

When everyone had no problem, the group set off on the Fengshen pterosaur.

It is worth mentioning that the blue-haired girl did not go with them, and chose to stay in Westwind Stronghold to do business.

After all, as Lin Xiaobai's deputy at present, she has to complete the issuance and transmission of many orders...

And before setting off, Lin Xiaobai deliberately told the news of Lu Jun's return to the members of the resistance army in the entire West Wind Fortress.

Because Lu Jun is the soul of the rebel army, his return can restore the morale of all members.

Doing so was indeed very effective. In less than ten minutes, the news of the army's return spread throughout the West Wind Fortress.

Those members, whether injured or not, cheered up and felt that they had won the battle.

Although they are still at a disadvantage, this is their confidence in the road army.

At the same time, under the leadership of Lin Xiaobai, Lu Jun and others also came to the enemy's first camp.

"Look, this is the first camp built by the Apocalypse Knights. It is the farthest from the Westwind Fortress and has the weakest defense. It was shot down by our wolf cavalry a few days ago. The half-dark area It was deliberately burned by the wolf cavalry." Lin Xiaobai pointed to the huge camp below and introduced to everyone.

"Their defense is too weak... how come it feels like we can attack as long as we go down..." Xiao Wan muttered.

Because from their current field of vision, they can clearly see the overall picture of the camp and the deployment of troops.

From the scattered positions, it can be felt that most of the camps below are old, weak and wounded soldiers.

The specific number is extremely small, and the overall number is less than 20,000. If Lu Jun and others want to fight, it is estimated that they will be able to fight within half an hour.

"That's right, what's the situation here? Is it just this enemy? It shouldn't be..." Ruan Bing was also surprised by this, which was seriously inconsistent with what she thought in her mind.

"Uh... forgot to tell you, because this place is far away from Westwind Fortress, and the location is very remote, so the people of Apocalypse Knights don't think much of it, and they have the intention of giving up after the wolf cavalry set fire to it."

"Now the main function of this camp is for them to recuperate and recuperate the wounded soldiers. The main force is no longer in this camp."

"Another very important point is that their losses in the recent battles are relatively large, and there must be hundreds of thousands of casualties."

"So it's enough for the remaining people to stay in the other two camps, and this is completely in line with their current strategic goals." Lin Xiaobai explained to everyone seriously.

This question stumped Lin Xiaobai in an instant, and he didn't know how to answer it better.

Because if it is useful, I don’t see where it is useful. If it is useless, it seems to be useful...

"Well, let's put it this way, this camp is useless to the members of the Apocalypse Knights, but it has a great effect on us." Lu Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had a plan in mind.

"What?" Ruan Bing and the others were puzzled by what Lu Jun said.

Although Lin Xiaobai is his younger sister, there is no need to be too hypocritical, but a little compliment is still necessary.

And everything he said was true.

No exaggeration or anything.

"Well, there are still many mistakes. If we can do better, then the casualties will be much less." Lin Xiaobai looked a little embarrassed.

"Then the question now is, the combined army formed by the Knights of the Apocalypse and the other two parties has not dispersed yet, it is not far from us, right?" Mu Mu changed the topic a little.

"Yes, it looks like they want to fight but don't want to fight, but I always feel that things are not that simple. They must be plotting some big plan, otherwise they won't be quiet for so many days." Lin Xiaobai told everyone follow her guess.

"Then what are we going to say now?" Xiao Wan questioned.

For her, a battle of this scale is still too big, and basically she can't think of any good method, so she can only listen to Lu Jun and others' orders.

"I want to go to see the situation of the other two camps first, and then talk about the people and beasts of the Apocalypse Sect." Lu Jun frowned slightly and analyzed.

He knows the specific strengths of the Apocalypse Knights and the Babu, but this Apocalypse sect feels a little troublesome to him.

And any battle needs a lot of information and data to support it. After all, knowing this and knowing the enemy is the only way to win every battle.

"Okay, then let's go and have a look together. Those camps are not far from here, and we can arrive soon by riding flying creatures." Lin Xiaobai nodded quickly. She still knew the exact location of the enemy. of.

Just when everyone was about to set off with Lin Xiaobai, Ruan Bing suddenly interrupted everyone: "Wait, are those towers and sub-cities really all right? And Hongyue, are you sure you don't need to go to support them?"

While speaking, Ruan Bing first looked at Lin Xiaobai, then at Lu Jun, the worry in his tone was very obvious.

"Our sub-city can rest assured. Before you come back, we will keep in touch and report the daily situation. There is no problem at all. The butcher and other capable key members are sent there by me. It's gone." Lin Xiaobai thought for a while before saying, "But I don't know about Hongyue's situation. We haven't contacted her since she went back."

Lin Xiaobai's eyes were full of worry when he said these words. After all, what Hongyue was facing was the main force of the Eight Tribes, and the situation was probably not much better than theirs.

If Hongyue and the others can't defend or something happens, it will be quite hurt to their rebels.

"There will definitely be nothing wrong with Hongyue, because there is an army of night demons and bone dragons standing there, and their air power is almost invincible. Even the main force of the eight tribes can't do anything about them."

"I dare not say anything else. Without support, Hongyue and the others will definitely be able to hold on for a week, or even longer."

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