Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2300 A round of salvo

"Riding a Dinosaur in the Apocalypse ()"

This action showed that they were on Scarface's side, and there were two reasons for this.

One is that they had decided before that they would trust whoever wins the Scarface or the Shadow Guard.

Now that Scarface has won, they naturally choose to believe in Scarface.

The second is that even a third-level supernatural being like the shadow guard can win, which is enough to show the strength of Scarface and make them afraid of it.

After all, they don't want to be poisoned by heavy metals like the shadow guards, this is really too painful...

Seeing everyone's actions, Scarface was even more proud. This was the result he wanted.

Although the shadow guard almost hurt him just now, he also helped him a lot invisibly.

Because after the battle just now, he has completely instigated these supernatural beings, which will be very beneficial to his next plan.

Seeing the supernatural beings from the Baisha Consortium gradually approaching him, the shadow guard on the ground couldn't help but smiled wryly, with madness in his eyes: "If that's the case, then die to me!"

The moment he finished saying this, the shadow guard suddenly sat up from the ground, made seals with his hands, and used his third ability, bone explosion.

This is the most powerful ability of the shadow guard. The effect is to detonate the bones of the whole body, causing huge damage to creatures within 50 meters.

The side effect is that the shadow guard himself will also suffer a huge backlash, and even be seriously injured. It belongs to the kind of ability that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred.

However, at such a time, the shadow guard didn't intend to live at all, he could only use up all the energy in his body, just to die with Scarface and the supernatural beings around him.

Feeling the terrifying fluctuations in the air, Scarface also realized that something was wrong, and immediately opened up his brainpower, frantically condensing various heavy metal elements to bless himself, covering his body completely.

Although the surrounding supernatural beings were not of the third level, they could still feel the danger, and immediately retreated as fast as possible, trying to stay away from the shadow guard.

But their movements were still too slow, because the next moment, the energy on the Shadow Guard's body reached its peak, and it exploded suddenly, and there was a loud and regrettable sound.

Immediately afterwards, the range of 50 meters was covered by a terrifying energy, and the supernatural beings who hadn't had time to run around died one after another, and smoke and dust filled everywhere.

The ordinary soldiers who were resting in the distance saw this scene and stood up in fright. They didn't know what happened, and they didn't dare to approach the location of the explosion.

After the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, the center of the battlefield reappeared in front of everyone.

I saw that the shadow guards on the ground had disappeared, not even clothes and bloodstains, probably evaporated by energy.

Only Dao Scar stood in the middle of the battlefield with his face covered in blood, and his clothes were tattered. It seemed that the injury he had just suffered was not small.

Although he was at the very center of the explosion, he should have been vaporized by the huge energy together.

But he was smarter, and he controlled the heavy metal in time to protect himself, forming an airtight humanoid armor, allowing the heavy metal armor to resist all damage for him.

Although he still suffered a little injury at this time, this kind of injury is not fatal at all, at most it just makes him a little embarrassed...

Because his hands were entangled by the bone chain, Scarface couldn't condense the shield in time to resist the bone knife, and he was about to be chopped.

The surrounding supernatural beings were indifferent to this, they had already decided that as soon as Scarface died, they would go back with the shadow guard.

Although just like Scarface, they also had the intention of rebellion, but the law does not blame the public, I believe that the Southern Emperor will not do anything to them.

But at the most critical moment, the shadow guard, who was halfway swinging his knife, suddenly twitched, began to lose all strength, and collapsed to the ground.

The bone chain tied to Scarface's body also began to fall off as the shadow guard collapsed, until Scarface was completely loosened.

"You... what did you do to me..." Shadow Guard said to Scarface while trembling on the ground.

Because he found that his hair was falling out, his skin was beginning to rot, and his whole body was turning blue, as if he had been poisoned.

In fact, this was the result of the continuous infiltration of lead liquid into the body of the shadow guard just now.

If you cut the shadow guard's skin at this time, you will find that the muscles and bones are covered with lead liquid, and even the internal organs.

"Oh, it's nothing, it just poisoned you with heavy metals, doesn't it feel good?" Scarface looked at the shadow guard with a sneer.

Although he looked calm on the surface, Scarface was still flustered in his heart.

Because the situation just now was really thrilling, if the onset of the heavy metal was one second later, he would probably be hacked by the shadow guard...

Feeling the pain coming from all over his body, the shadow guard couldn't help lying on the ground and retching, spitting out a large amount of yellow liquid.

"You...you only have second-level strength...how... how could you beat me..." the shadow guard said while panting heavily.

"Who told you that I only have a second-level strength? In fact, I have long been a third-level supernatural being, but I just kept it from the Southern Emperor. You didn't expect it? Hahaha..." Dao Scar's face was full of pride, nothing is better than killing Enemies are even more exciting.

In fact, he is really a third-level supernatural power user. The supernatural power is to control heavy metals. Every time he upgrades to one level, he can control one more heavy metal element.

When he was fighting with the shadow guard just now, what he controlled was the lead element, and he could use the characteristics of lead to switch between solid and liquid at any time.

"Ahem...why...why... Lord Nandi treats you so well...why did you betray him..." The shadow guard spat out another large mouthful of yellow liquid, covering his mask completely, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"I betrayed him? No, no, no, he betrayed us, he betrayed the Baisha Consortium!" Scarface put his foot on the shadow guard's head, and said viciously.

Seeing that the shadow guard had the upper hand one minute, and the shadow guard was about to die the next minute, the surrounding supernatural beings were stunned.

"You...do you also want to help this traitor? There are so many of you, if you capture him back and hand him over to Lord Nandi, Lord Nandi will not do anything to you...instead he will reward you..." Shadow Guard Resisting the feeling of fainting, he told everyone.

Because he knew that he was going to die, but he didn't want to let Scarface leave, so he could only put his hope on the supernatural beings around him.

"What do you say? Do you believe me or him now? If you think I'm a traitor, just come and take me back." Scarface opened his hands, making a candid look, and then pointed Pointing to the shadow guard on the ground, "Otherwise, come here, everyone give me a kick!"

Seeing this, the supernatural beings around looked at each other and communicated with each other with their eyes.

After a while, a second-level ability user walked slowly towards the shadow guard, followed by more ability users.

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