"Riding a Dinosaur in the Apocalypse ()"

As for why the army took so long to set up, it was because it was not enough to set up one explosive pile, at least four places were needed. So he immediately ordered the ostrich to turn around and run to the other side...

During the period when the army deployed explosives, the rebels and orc warriors also fought the infected bodies who were about to escape.

Since the width of the west gate was only more than ten meters, the infected bodies could not take advantage of their numbers, so dozens of them could only rush out from the west gate together.

But this amount of infected bodies was not enough for the well-prepared rebels and orc warriors. They didn't even need to use the abilities of the rebel army, and the infected bodies that rushed out were chopped down by the wolf cavalry.

But when the situation on the battlefield tilted towards Lu Jun, there was a sudden burst of intensive firing behind Lu Jun and the others.

At first, Lu Jun thought it was people from the Blackstone Consortium who were shooting, but when he looked back, he realized that it was not, because it was Ruan Bing and those from the Blackstone Consortium who were attacked at the end.

However, due to the limited field of vision, the Lu army could not see the distant scene from this position, so he could not see who was attacking them for the time being.

Seeing this, Lu Jun frowned, and immediately shouted at the position of the rebel army: "What's going on?!"

Hearing Lu Jun's question, the butcher who had been holding up his binoculars immediately responded: "Boss Lu! There are people from other forces behind us! But they are at a high place, and I don't know how many of them there are for the time being!"

Hearing what the butcher said, Lu Jun frowned even deeper. Since Tianhai City had just been destroyed, he really didn't expect that there would be people from other forces here, which made them suffer from the enemy now.

But fortunately, the road army is now "strong and strong" with sufficient personnel, so he immediately asked the butcher to take the rebels to support Ruan Bing and the others, leaving only Wood and the orc warriors here to block the door.

But as soon as the rebels left, the infected bodies in the Tianhai gathering place went crazy, and began to rush out regardless of casualties. At the same time, dozens of B-rank blackthorn infected bodies and elite infected bodies also rushed out.

Under the counterattack of so many high-level infected bodies, the defensive pressure of the orc warriors suddenly increased, and even the orc warriors were scratched.

Although they will not be infected by the infection virus, they are C-level creatures after all, flesh and blood, and they will bleed when injured. If they are attacked by B-level mutated infected bodies, it will be difficult for them to defend.

Seeing this, Lu Jun knew that there were corpse controllers in the Tianhai gathering place, otherwise these infected bodies would not have rushed out in such a uniform manner.

Just when Lu Jun was about to put down the work at hand and help the orc warriors guard the gate, the wood who had been quietly watching all this made a move.

He first pulled out the Raikage Hengdao on his back, and then swung the saber as fast as he could into the city gate, which is the area where the infected bodies are most dense, and directly used the third ability he just obtained, the Thunder Prison Knife Blast.

I saw that at the moment Mu Mu used his power, dozens of energy bodies of Raikage Hengdao suddenly rose into the air, forming a circular knife formation about 30 meters away.

Immediately afterwards, the infected bodies in the knife array were unable to move, whether they were ordinary infected bodies or B-rank elite infected bodies and black thorn infected bodies, they all settled in place.

Lu Jun in the distance also saw this scene, and he could guess that this was Wood's third ability.

But Lu Jun still didn't know the effect of Mu Mu's ability. Just when he thought that Mu Mu's ability could only control the enemy, suddenly there was thunder and lightning in the sword formation, and the thunder shadows flying in the air cut across the sword. The energy body also automatically slashed at the infected body in the knife array at the fastest speed.

If it's just killing the infected body, Lu Jun may not be very surprised, but the attack speed of these Leiying Hengdao is surprisingly fast, and it only takes less than three seconds to kill all the infected bodies in the knife array. "Slice", even the bones are broken into pieces...

When the rest of the Blackstone Consortium heard Ruan Bing's words, their originally gloomy eyes lit up a little.

Because they felt that what Ruan Bing said was right, it was okay to be sad anytime, but the opportunity to take revenge and strengthen oneself was rare, so it was better to do something instead of standing here stupidly.

Thinking of this, the people of the Blackstone Consortium immediately took action, loaded their weapons with ammunition, stepped on the accelerator of the truck, and followed closely behind the orc warrior.

Lu Jun saw Ruan Bing and the others following up, and a slightly intriguing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. As for what this smile means, perhaps only he himself knows...

As Lu Jun and the others advanced, one kilometer passed quickly, and they arrived at the west gate of the Tianhai gathering place in less than a minute.

Although most of the infected bodies are inside the Tianhai gathering place, there are still many infected bodies in military uniforms at the west gate, and they are all transformed from Jun soldiers who died before.

When these infected bodies saw humans approaching, they roared and limped towards Lu Jun and the others, as if they were very excited to see the fresh food.

Seeing this, Lu Jun was not polite to these infected bodies, holding an anti-tank barrel tightly, he raised his hand and fired a rocket, blowing up more than a dozen ordinary infected bodies into the air.

The rebels and orc warriors are not to be outdone, and every ability of the rebels is fatal to the fragile ordinary infected body.

The energy axes and giant spears in the hands of the orc warriors can kill many infected bodies with each attack.

Under this level of attack, thousands of infected bodies at the gate of the city were almost wiped out by Lu Jun and others in an instant.

However, the explosions caused by the fighting by Lu Jun and others also disturbed the infected bodies in the Tianhai gathering place.

They were still gnawing on the broken survivors' corpses on the ground, but when they heard the big movement outside, they struggled to stand up again, and rushed out together, the number was about 10,000.

Seeing the tide of infected bodies gathering in groups, Lu Jun also felt a little tricky, and immediately said to the people around him: "You are responsible for blocking the door! I need a little time to arrange explosives! When the time comes, I will ask you to withdraw and you will immediately Run back!"

After speaking, the Army of the Route Army rode an ostrich-like dragon to the city wall next to the west gate, took out a large number of explosive packs obtained in Ori City from the armed modules, and piled them under the city wall.

As long as these things can explode, the stones on the city wall will be destroyed, and the falling boulders will naturally block the west gate. This is the way for the road army to seal the city.

After arranging the explosives, the Army placed a timed grenade in the pile of explosives. The time limit was ten minutes, and the grenade would detonate the pile of explosives as soon as the time was up.

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