Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2311 Airspace Controversy

"Riding a Dinosaur in the Apocalypse ()"

While Commander Xueyan was in a daze, Lin Yilan was not idle. He quickly swung the space blade in his hand and slashed hard on Commander Xueyan's abdomen, making the sound of the sharp blade touching the flesh.

It's just a pity that her attack is still too weak, even with the ability to tear the space, it can't cause any damage to the blood rock commander.

Instead, Lin Yilan's hands were numb under the powerful defensive ability of Commander Xueyan, and he almost couldn't even hold the edge of space.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yilan knew that it was impossible for her to control Xueyan today, and it would be difficult to even break the defense.

Rather than wasting energy in vain, it is better to be rational, so as to have a slight chance of winning, this is Lin Yilan's thinking at this time.

So the next moment, she switched from offense to defense, no longer took the initiative to take a step forward, and focused all her attention on avoiding attacks.

Because in this way, she can save a lot of physical and mental energy to defend, or use the space gap to save her life.

It can also help Ruan Bing and others delay more time, which is what she wants to see.

And the commander of Xueyan, who was in a rage, didn't seem to realize Lin Yilan's plan, and was still attacking frantically.

Maybe it knew that Lin Yilan was deliberately delaying time, but it couldn't control itself from doing it.

After all, being provoked by a creature that is weaker than oneself and unable to take revenge is really irritating...

But no matter how it launched an attack, Lin Yilan was able to hide in the space gap in time, and so far has not suffered a single bit of damage.

This also means that Lin Yilan relied on his own ability to successfully delay a super-level blood rock leader, helping Ruan Bing and others relieve a lot of pressure.

While Lin Yilan was entangled with Commander Xueyan, Ruan Bing also took a short rest and recovered a lot from the period of fatigue.

She directly raised the soul-devouring sickle in her hand, looked at Xiao Wan and Ruan Xue beside her and said, "I'm going to deal with a blood rock leader, and you two will also work together to deal with one. I don't care what method you use, you must Delay them and wait for the army to come back!"

While speaking, Ruan Bing rode on her Soul-devouring Beast, condensed the Ten Thousand Souls Slash, and aimed at the Blood Rock Commander who was closest to her.

This is her most powerful single-target attack so far, and it is very suitable for dealing with enemies stronger than her.

As Wanhun Slash flew by, Commander Xueyan couldn't dodge in time, a large wound opened on his body, and blood gushed out from it.

Probably because he didn't expect to be injured, the leader of Blood Rock let out a loud cry, not knowing whether he was calling for support or venting his pain.

But Ruan Bing didn't care about this, and after the first blow was successful, he quickly sent out the second Myriad Soul Slash, preparing to expand the results of the battle.

It's a pity that the commander of Xueyan had already noticed this time, so he dodged to avoid it, and then quickly ran back to fight with Ruan Bing, and it was hard to tell the outcome for a while.

Seeing that Ruan Bing and Lin Yilan were fighting with Commander Xueyan, Xiao Wan and Ruan Xue looked at each other, nodded, and then both used their own methods to rush towards the last Commander Blood Rock, looking An extremely firm expression.

Although they didn't have Lin Yilan's ability to dodge attacks instantly, nor did they have Ruan Bing's powerful single-target attack.

But they still understand how to delay the enemy, as long as the last Blood Rock Commander is left here, it is enough, this is their goal.

As for the other blood rock creatures around, there are treants, pig monsters, and many other creatures to deal with together, so they don't have to worry about it. This is also where they can let go of their hands to fight.

In this way, as time passed, Ruan Bing and others fought with the three blood rock leaders in a very short period of time, and the battle was extremely fierce.

While Ruan Bing and others were desperately fighting, Lu Jun led the Fengshen pterosaurs in mid-air battles were equally tragic...

Immediately afterwards, a large number of bone spurs burst out from its body, shooting wildly around, each shot would hit a treant or other creatures, leaving a large area next to it.

At the same time there are a large number of spurs across the tree crowd,

He flew towards Ruan Bing at an extremely fast speed.

In this case, it is almost impossible for Ruan Bing and the others to escape, because all positions are blocked, even if Xiao Wan activates the third ability to fly away, it is too late.

At the most critical moment, a green shield suddenly blocked a few of them, forcibly catching a large number of bone spurs.

Although the green shield was also shattered, Ruan Bing and the others did not suffer any damage.

And the green shield is nothing else, it is Ruan Xue's second ability, the wooden shield, which can resist damage.

As for why she didn't use it when dealing with the blood rock bat before, it was because the coverage area of ​​her ability was too small to block all the damage from the blood rock bat, so it had no practical significance.

It's also a good thing that Ruan Xue didn't use this ability before, which made Ruan Xue somewhat reserved. Now that she uses it, it can just block a very well-known blow for everyone.

"I'm going to delay one, I don't know how long it will last, you hurry up and spread out!" Lin Yilan suddenly shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, she rushed towards a blood rock commander with the two space blades in her hand.

It can be seen that there is fearlessness in her eyes besides perseverance, and she doesn't feel afraid just because the enemy is a super creature.

Seeing a thin figure rushing towards it, the leader of Blood Rock was a little disdainful, and directly slapped Lin Yilan with his sharp and blood-red claws.

If he was hit by the attack of a super-level creature, let alone Lin Yilan who was only a third-level creature, even the Lu army would be killed instantly.

The best way now is actually to temporarily avoid the edge of the leader of the blood rock and use the speed to deal with it.

But Lin Yilan didn't seem to have the slightest intention of evading, instead of retreating, he began to collide with the position of the leader of Xueyan.

This scene made the Blood Rock Commander even more angry. As a super-order creature, how could it be attacked first by a weak alien creature, making it feel that Lin Yilan was looking for death.

However, one thing that surprised him very soon happened, that is, its attack passed through Lin Yilan's body, and it couldn't hurt Lin Yilan, let alone Lin Yilan's clothes. Did not touch.

If Lu Jun were here, he would have discovered that what Lin Yilan used just now was the space gap, an ability that can temporarily hide in the space and is immune to any damage.

When Lu Jun met Lin Yilan for the first time before, he was "shown" by Lin Yilan's ability, and his expression was exactly the same as that of the leader of Xueyan at this time...

It was this unique ability that gave Lin Yilan the courage to face the leader of Blood Rock alone. It was her confidence that she would not be instantly killed.

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