Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2330 Crazy Troop Expansion

"The ability only accounts for a small part. The most important thing is that we Babu people have done some small research using end-time materials. We call this thing a remote monitoring board." Baqi's tone also revealed pride.

"Maybe we can exchange the technology we have, which is good for both of us." Zhifu suddenly suggested.

The switching technology sounds simple, but it is actually very complicated to operate. It is the first time Zhifu has seriously thought about this problem.

"It's okay, but you have to wait until this battle is over, then you can trade with us whatever you want, haha." Baqi was in a good mood because the rebels were about to suffer.

Zhifu was also in a good mood when he received Baqi's reply, and grinned involuntarily. Today is probably the most exciting day for him in the past month...

In the next ten minutes or so, Zhifu, Baqi and others spent waiting.

Because the people in black robes are very slow in splicing the remote observation board, it has not been done until now, and it is annoying to wait for the disaster.

But he couldn't urge him directly, so he could only look at Laowu and Baqi: "By the way, do I remember that there is an Ori city nearby? There is a power called the Silent Crusade there, why didn't you go find it?" They ask for help?"

This is a question that Zhifu suddenly thought of. After all, Ori City is much closer than Wolf Smoke City. There is no reason for Lao Wu and others not to find the Silent Crusaders.

Hearing this question, Lao Wu and Baqi first glanced at each other, and then Baqi touched the black robe on his head with some embarrassment: "Uh... Let me tell you the truth, we found it, in Zerg creatures and resistance During the battle between the two armies, the Silent Crusaders also participated in the sneak attack on Westwind Fortress from behind, which once caused a lot of trouble for the rebel army."

"But just when we thought we would succeed, the Lu army came back and not only repelled the Zerg creatures, but also wiped out more than 40,000 people from the Silent Crusade, so we ran hundreds of kilometers to find you ..."

In the end, Yaqi's voice became lower and lower, and he didn't know whether he was angry or recalling.

But one thing, this incident must be an indelible memory in Baqi's heart, maybe there are still some shadows...

"Is his strength so perverted?" Zhifu sounded a little frightened.

Even though he is a fourth-level power user, he doesn't think he can reach the level of Lu Jun with his own strength.

"He's such a pervert,

So we must be cautious when dealing with him, and we must not be sloppy in the slightest, otherwise he may seize the opportunity to turn around at any time. "Baqi nodded heavily, his tone revealing seriousness.

In these days of fighting, he was really scared by the rebels, and he didn't want to give him a chance.

"Understood, then this time we will fight steadily until we are sure to kill them." Zhifu also regained the dignity on his face.

"Speaking of this, I thought of a question, I have to ask you." The fifth child suddenly stood up and looked at Zhifu, "When we went to find the Silent Crusaders, we found that many of them also had stone shields and stone spears. Equipment, isn’t this exclusive to your Apocalypse Knights? How come there are people from the Silent Crusaders?”

This question also aroused Baqi's interest, and he also focused on Zhihuo, because he thought about it before he found out.

Back then, when the Silent Crusaders attacked Westwind Fortress, they indeed used a lot of shield warriors, and their equipment was not much different from that of the Apocalypse Knights...

"Good job!" Zhifu replied to Lao Wu, and then pulled his sleeves again, "Then what's the situation now? Is it time for us to act?"

Since I haven't seen the situation at Westwind Fortress with my own eyes, I can only get information through Lao Wu and others.

"Not yet, the infected body hasn't arrived yet, but the people in Westwind Fortress have already discovered it, and they are probably working on countermeasures." Baqi shook his head and explained.

"By the way, why are you so fast? We only released the infected body yesterday, and you arrived today?" The fifth child felt a little incredulous.

Because Zhihuo and others were so fast, Lao Wu originally thought that it would take several days for these people to arrive.

"Normal walking is of course not so fast. We have a lot of supernatural beings who can use group acceleration. They will give us a blessing every half an hour, which will increase our traveling speed by more than three times." Zhifu said A little proud.

After all, the existence of these supernatural beings allows them to guarantee the marching speed even in the last days, and large-scale marching is no longer difficult.

Of course, this method still has to use legs, which is very tiring, so the soldiers of the Apocalypse Knights have opinions in their hearts.

"Oh, that's how it is." Baqi said in a tone of sudden realization.

To be honest, it was the first time he heard of this ability in the last days, and it made him feel that the Knights of the Apocalypse had many secrets.

"Then what's going on now? We're just waiting here? Don't need to investigate?" Zhifu looked around, a little anxious.

Because he couldn't wait to see the scene of the infected attacking the West Wind Fortress, so he didn't plan to stay here and wait.

"Hey, don't you think our position is very good, we can see from high to low, and the entire West Wind Fortress is completely in front of us." Baqi pointed to the scene below.

But Zhifu didn't buy it after a glance, and frowned slightly: "You guys are kidding me, this place is ten kilometers away from Westwind Fortress, and it looks like a small spot, what's the use of it? You can get any Useful information?"

Indeed, their position belongs to the highest point of this area, and the surrounding scenes can be seen at a glance.

But they are human beings, their eyes cannot use telescopes, and their field of vision has a limit distance, so they can hardly see anything at such a distance.

"Don't worry, your Apocalypse Knights have unique skills, and so do our Babu people." Baqi suddenly came over and patted Zhifu on the shoulder, pointing to the dozen or so men in black robes who were tinkering with something behind him, "Seeing if the small boards in their hands are there, they will be combined later to become a large board, which will display the image of the West Wind Fortress, just like surveillance, allowing us to clearly see what happened there."

"And it's very safe here. You don't have to worry about people from the rebel army coming over suddenly, and you don't have to be afraid of being affected by the infected group. There is no better position than this." Lao Wu also added.

After many battles with the rebels, Lao Wu understood the various characteristics of the rebels.

It is no exaggeration to say that apart from the rebels, the fifth child is the one who knows the rebels best.

"What's the principle? Is it a supernatural power?" Zhifu was a little surprised, because the method that the fifth child said was very attractive.

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