Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2334 Sublimation

"Okay, I promise that I will make a major renovation of this place within a month, so that it will be completely different from what it is now." Hongyue looked very confident, as if she had her own ideas.

"Well, we can't just think about how to live now, we have to find a way to restore our own civilization and make our people live better, otherwise living is like a walking dead, and it is no different from being dead." Lu Jun said again .

"Actually, you have such an idea. Most people outside are still dying. For them, having a safe place where they can sleep in peace may be enough." Hongyue said different views.

They were chatting anyway, so she didn't restrain herself or anything.

"Because of this, we have to be different from others. What others don't have, we have. What others have, we need to get more. Only in this way can we gain a firm foothold in the last days and attract more people to join us." Lu Jun The voice became a little heavy.

"Then your goal in the last days is to expand the gathering place, gather survivors, and establish a superpower like the Babu?" Hongyue turned her head and looked at Lu Jun's profile.

"Let me tell you this." Lu Jun also turned his head and looked at Hongyue, "At the beginning of the end of the world, I was panicked and didn't know if I could survive. The goal at that time was to protect myself and the people around me Live until tomorrow without thinking about the enclave or the survivors."

"Later, I gained the ability to protect myself and faced more and more enemies. I realized that it was not enough to rely on the few people around me, so I thought about forming my own power and expanding it."

"When I had my own influence, I thought I would be satisfied, only to find that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and I became busier."

"If you ask me my current goal, it is to gather all available forces, kill those infected bodies and monsters, establish a force stronger than the eight tribes, and restore our lives to before the end of the world."

"Of course, what I said is very difficult to do. Maybe I won't see that day when I die."

"But people must have dreams, so that they will have the motivation to move forward. I believe that I have the opportunity to do what I said."

"As for what I want in the future, I really don't know. Let's see if I can get there."

After Lu Jun finished speaking, Hongyue smiled slightly: "I understand what you said, just like when I was very young, I wanted to eat all kinds of snacks, but unfortunately I didn't have money to buy them, and then I swore to myself, wait When you grow up, you must try all the snacks in the world.

But when I have this ability, I realize that the things I wanted before are no longer interesting, and the dreams I once had become other things with the passage of time. This also means that we are growing up, and our vision and ambition are no longer the same. up. "

"What about now? What is your dream?" Lu Jun suddenly asked Hongyue.

"Originally, I wanted to work for the Babu people all the time, because I always remember that they saved my life, and they are also a very strong force with a bright future."

"But after recent events, I found that the Babu people are not the same as before, and I don't need to follow them anymore. I owe them, and I have paid them back over the years."

"So now I plan to hang out with you in the future. In addition to repaying the help you gave me, I also want to see if you can complete what you said. You don't mind, do you? Hehehe." Hongyue suddenly revealed With her dimples, she said something playful.

Because the conversation with Lu Jun made her feel unprecedentedly relaxed, and this was the first time she had a sincere conversation with an outsider since she was a child.

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord! We will definitely do our best!" Huang Ming lifted his spirits and continued to nod to Lu Jun.

Although it sounds like only one-tenth, according to Zhang Xiao's greed, it is actually a lot.

"Well, go down and get busy." Lu Jun waved his hand and glanced at Night Demon, "You also follow him, kill the black-robed man and the fallen warrior if you find them, and dispose of the corpses, I want to see them before dawn It's back to normal here."

"Yes, my lord, I promise to complete the task before dawn." Ye Mo stood up, grabbed Huang Ming with one hand, and was about to ride the bone dragon.

"Let's go together, my lord." At this moment, a man in black robe suddenly stood up and asked Lu Jun for instructions.

"You guys? Don't you need to rest after suffering such a serious injury?" Lu Jun stroked his hair, somewhat puzzled by the thoughts of these black-robed men.

"No, my lord, it's all skin trauma. It's enough to be locked up there for the past few days. We want to find something to do." The black-robed man tore off his dirty black robe, revealing the muscular muscles of his upper body. .

"Okay..." Lu Jun nodded helplessly, "Then your job is to lead the city guards, and don't let them make trouble."

"By the way, tell the survivors of Starlight City, let them not be afraid, we will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and will give them food and protection, as long as they are willing to cooperate."

Seeing that Lu Jun agreed, the people in black robes were very excited, and they all hugged Lu Jun: "Thank you Lord Lu Jun! I promise to complete the task!"

After finishing speaking, they followed Ye Mo on a bone dragon, flew into the air, and headed towards the direction Huang Ming pointed.

All the creatures left, only Hongyue and Lu Jun were left around, and they suddenly became quiet.

Hongyue was a little embarrassed, she didn't know what to say to Lu Jun, she looked at the ground for a while, and then at Lu Jun, she seemed a little bit shy.

It was Lu Jun who broke the silence first, raised his hand and patted Hongyue on the head: "Take me here for a walk, I haven't been to Starlight City yet."

"Oh, good." Hongyue simply responded, raised her legs and walked forward.

Originally, Lu Jun wanted to see the bustling scene before the end of the world. Unfortunately, Starlight City has very little electricity, and many places have been abandoned, and those high-rise buildings have become some warehouses.

In addition to the chaos that had just been experienced, there were only some city guards patrolling the streets, and there were very few people walking around.

So Lu Jun walked around and saw nothing, which made him frown slightly.

"Actually, Starlight City was very prosperous in the past, but Zhang Xiao and the others only cared about plundering and exploiting. They didn't carry out business operations after the end of the world, which led to the current situation, which is not even as good as ordinary gathering places..." Hongyue said with some embarrassment Explain to Lu Jun.

"Well, it can be seen that the living standards of the people here are very poor, they are just living, and I will help you build something after it stabilizes, and it depends on you how to develop." Lu Jun nodded, his eyes swept around architecture set.

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