Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2373 Ask Naga for Help

Now there is only a team of A-level elite infected bodies left by his side, which are his carefully selected guards.

In the next moment, the young master ordered the group of elite infected bodies to rush forward, while he quickly ran back, preparing to evacuate here.

After all, there is no chance of winning. Instead of waiting to die here, it is better to run quickly, so that the green hills will not be afraid of running out of firewood.

As long as he can leave alive, he promises that he will come back with an army of infected bodies and kill all these damn black-robed men!

At the same time, the young master also ordered the elite infected body who stayed in the building to go in and kill Scarface.

Since Scarface couldn't be taken away enslaved, he could only be killed, and it wouldn't be in vain for him to come here.

But during the time when the young master was fighting with the man in black, the pain on the scarred face lying on the ground has been relieved a lot, and his consciousness has gradually recovered.

He saw the elite infected body suddenly rushing in from outside, and immediately understood that these infected bodies were going to kill him.

Although he was seriously injured at this time and didn't know what happened outside, it was impossible for him to sit and wait for death!

So the next moment, Scarface reluctantly used his own abilities, condensing several lead doors in front of him, blocking the way of the elite infected body.

Then Scarface grabbed the ground with both hands and crawled towards the corner of the third floor, dragging a long bloodstain along the ground with his crippled knee.

Although he was about to faint from the pain again, the strong sense of survival still occupied his brain, making him persist in completing these actions.

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, the elite infected bodies in the back were so anxious that they hammered hard on the lead door in front of them, trying to break it like the young master did.

However, what they don't know is that the young master has such destructive power due to his S-level strength.

And they only have A-level, if you want to destroy the lead door, it will take a few hours.

But how can they have a few hours at this time? So the order that the young master asked them to carry out undoubtedly failed...

The young master running below also knew that Scarface hadn't been killed, which added a layer of haze to his heart.

After all, after running so far and killing so many subordinates, the goal was not achieved, which was another blow to him.

Fortunately, he quickly looked away, because he knew that he had turned Scarface into a useless person.

Since he can't kill him for the time being, let Scarface live in pain longer, and it won't be too late to come back and kill him when he becomes stronger.

Scarface, the eight tribes, and the man in black robes, he has all remembered them, and when he returns, he will definitely settle the old and new grievances together!

Looking at the young master who was fleeing for his life, a fourth-level man in black robe suddenly shouted: "Catch him! Don't let him escape!"

The black-robed man and the fallen warrior who received the order also reacted immediately, ignoring the elite infected body in front of them, and directly surrounded the young master's position.

At the same time, another fourth-order black-robed man also used his ability to condense a two-meter-long fire snake, aiming at the position behind the young master...

And the fact really made the young master guess that the enemy who attacked had something to do with Scarface.

Because at this time, the young master and the infected body were surrounded by a group of men in black robes and fallen warriors.

They also came from hundreds of kilometers away, just behind the young master and the infected bodies. Si minus B xwx. cO Si

In fact, they have been paying attention to the young master and these infected bodies for a while. The reason is that the young master has harassed them for a long time, and they are different from the previous infected bodies, which makes them feel weird.

There was no counterattack before because their large forces did not come back and they were not suitable for taking the initiative to attack. Sacrifice wanbar.net Sacrifice

It wasn't until their team returned from the expedition a few days ago that the Babu people planned to send troops to capture the young master in order to achieve their research goal.

Originally, they thought that the young master would not go far with the infected body, but who knew that the pursuit lasted for several days, which almost made them collapse.

Fortunately, the fallen warriors don't need to rest. It's not a big deal for the black-robed man to not sleep for a few days as a supernatural being, and he persisted in the end.

But when they chased to Cang Qiong City, they actually lost the young master in order to check the situation in the city.

Fortunately, the signal from Scarface appeared in mid-air in time, allowing them to chase after the signal, and this scene happened at this time.

And the young master looked at the men in black robes who came to ruin other things in front of him, he couldn't help frowning, his heart itched with hatred.

In fact, their Baisha consortium has always been in contact with people from the eight tribes, and he is also familiar with many people in black robes.

But before that time, when he had an identity, now he is neither a ghost nor a ghost, and it is estimated that the Babu people just want to catch him.

Now that the identity of the enemy is known, things will be easier to handle, just to settle the old and new grudges together.

So the next moment, the young master ordered the infected bodies who had just returned to defense to start attacking.

First of all, the ordinary infected body will take the lead and act as cannon fodder to consume the brainpower of the black-robed man and the fallen warrior.

Secondly, let the black thorn infected body use the ability to move quickly to penetrate from both sides, looking for opportunities to attack the back row of the black robed man.

In the end, a group of elite infected bodies formed an assault formation, confronted the fallen warriors head-on, and prevented these people from approaching.

While maintaining his memory and IQ, the young master has brought out the characteristics of the infected body and human tactics to the fullest.

If there was only an ordinary team led by men in black robes in front of him, then the young master must have won the battle.

Because the number of infected bodies on his side is large enough, several times more than the black-robed man and the fallen warrior, as long as they are used properly, victory is inevitable.

But the young master obviously underestimated the determination of these black-robed men to catch him. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the battle, the eight tribes actually sent two fourth-order black-robed men over.

When the two fourth-level black-robed men used their large-scale abilities to cover the ordinary infected body and the elite infected body, the young master knew that the battle was over.

After all, with his current strength, it is still very difficult to head-to-head with two fourth-order supernatural beings, let alone other infected bodies.

Although the last corpse controller took the opportunity to sneak attack and kill a group of fallen warriors with a mental shock, and the black thorn infected body also killed several black-robed men, but this did not have any impact on the battle.

With the passage of time, the young master's side was defeated very quickly, and it was still a disastrous defeat. In less than ten minutes, more than 20,000 infected bodies were bombarded and killed by various abilities, and the ground was full of corpses and meat sauce. .

The desperate attacks of the infected bodies only killed hundreds of fallen warriors and four men in black robes, which were relatively weak ones.

The young master never expected that he would be defeated by these men in black robes again. He defeated the warriors of the Zerg with the weak and the strong, but unfortunately he was not able to defeat these obviously stronger men in black robes. Mi He Mi

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