Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2396 Water Source

"Sir, we also found enemies in the other two forests, and now we are surrounded!" A superhuman who was closer to Huang Lie hurriedly reported to Huang Lie.

"And the enemies in those two places are monsters we haven't seen yet! What should we do, sir?!" Another supernatural user also added.

"How could this be..." Huang Lie was suddenly a little discouraged, and his voice was much lower.

Because he never thought that things would develop like this. Originally, he thought that at most some of the shield fighters would die, but now it seems that they are going to be planted here...

Before Huang Lie could figure out a way, he saw many shadows appearing above his head, that is, above the forest, including mutant beasts and bee-stinging pterosaurs.

When these flying creatures also poured their attacks on their heads, Huang Lie collapsed even more. Now there are enemies everywhere, and there seems to be no way to escape except to burrow into the ground.

As the gunfire around him became more and more intense, and the screams of his own personnel became louder and louder, Huang Lie knew that this could not go on like this, and he had to make a choice.

"All of them! Let's fight them! Everyone rushes out, whoever can get out alive is resigned to fate!" Huang Lie shouted while riding the mutated deer.

Although this is not a good method, they must struggle before they die, and even if they die, they must die with some backbone.

However, before Huang Lie's order could be implemented, the rebels suddenly shouted: "Put down your weapons and don't kill! Surrender and don't kill..."

This kind of words is fatal to the silent crusaders at this time, and it is more effective than attacking them with guns.

Because they were going to do their best, but now the enemy said that they would not be killed if they gave up resistance, which made them fall into great entanglement.

If you work hard, you may die, if you surrender, you have a chance to survive, this multiple-choice question is too difficult...

"Don't listen to them! They're lying! Get out with me!" Huang Lie tried to use his deterrent power to restore the morale of the Silent Crusade that was fading away.

But at this time, the dinosaurs of the Lu army just rushed out from all around, and each of them made a huge beast roar. Coupled with their huge size and fierce appearance, they were obviously more intimidating than Huang Lie, and made the Silent Crusaders a lot Everyone turned pale with fright...

After struggling for a while, Huang Lie finally ordered to walk towards the three woods in a defensive formation.

Although his intuition told him that he had to retreat, but they had wasted so much effort on this trip, if they just retreated like this, he would not be able to explain to his superiors.

Moreover, he, Huang Lie, would also have to bear the infamy of running away without even seeing the enemy, which was not what he wanted to see.

So Huang Lie planned to see the enemy no matter what, and lead the team to leave after confirming that they were defeated, so that their senior management would not be able to blame him.

As for why he didn't continue to send people in to investigate, it was because Huang Lie felt that it was useless.

If the people who go in still can't get out, then they are just wasting their troops in vain...

As the distance to the three woods got closer, the members of the Silent Crusaders, including Huang Lie, became tense, for fear that some terrifying monsters were waiting for them inside.

Fortunately, what they were worried about did not happen. When they entered the woods, they found that it was peaceful inside, with no large footprints, and even small animals walking around.

This made everyone feel relieved, because if there was an ambush inside, the little animals would definitely be scared away. This is common sense.

However, what puzzled Huang Lie was, since there was no ambush, where did the people who came in go?

Could it be that there was some invisible passage in the woods that caused his people to accidentally enter the passage and disappear?

Just when Huang Lie was thinking about these things, he suddenly felt that something was wrong in front of him, a very illusory look.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in the woods was like a mirror shattered, revealing Lu Jun and others on the other end, as well as hundreds of soldiers sent in by Huang Lie.

It's just that these soldiers were all imprisoned by Lu Jun's subordinates at this time, and they couldn't even speak.

He was looking at Huang Lie with horrified eyes.

"Not good! I've been tricked! Get out!" Huang Lie patted the mutated deer under him and shouted at the team behind him.

Although he couldn't see how many people were on the road army's side for the time being, he could feel that the enemy must be stronger than them, and much stronger.

The Silent Crusaders who received the order also knew that their side was ambushed, and immediately maintained their formation and withdrew to the rear.

Although they were also frightened by the sudden appearance of enemies, they didn't panic as a whole, which was the result of long-term training.

"Oh, want to run? Impossible! All the rebels are there, hit me!" Lu Jun shouted while pulling the trigger of his rifle and firing dozens of bullets into the air.

The rest of the rebels also held weapons and shot at the Silent Crusaders, creating a tsunami-like offensive.

In fact, they have been staying here all the time. They just saw the Silent Crusaders stop, and they were worried that the Silent Crusaders would find something and would not come in.

So when Huang Lie sent the scout soldiers of the Silent Crusaders in, they controlled them in an instant without making a sound, just to let the Silent Crusaders take the bait.

Although the process was a bit thrilling and they were almost exposed, but fortunately their plan was successful in the end, and they directly brought in Huang Lie and others, resulting in the scene just now.

As for why Huang Lie and the others couldn't see them when they first came in, it was because some of the rebels had abilities who could use illusions, and it was no problem to create a simple illusion.

The walking animals were controlled by Xiao Wan, in order to create an illusion of peace and make the Silent Crusaders relax their vigilance.

But now that the encirclement circle has been completely formed, they don't need to hide it any more, they just rush out and it's over.

Huang Lie didn't know that Lu Jun and the others had put in so much effort to deal with them. At this time, he was commanding frantically in order to be able to quickly lead the team to escape safely.

Although he really wanted to turn around and resist, seeing that Lu Jun and the others had so many guns, he immediately dismissed the idea.

After all, their shield fighters are actually ordinary people holding stone shields. It is very unrealistic to use flesh and blood to fight bullets.

Although there are not a few of them with supernatural powers, it is not impossible to use supernatural powers to fight against the hail of bullets, but the enemy also has supernatural powers, it is better to run first...

However, soon Huang Lie found that the team behind him had stopped, blocking their escape route, and he didn't know what happened.

"What are you doing?! Go away! Stay here and wait to die?!" Huang Lie roared behind him.

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