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In the following time, the Lu army led two dinosaurs to counterattack the retreating infected bodies, using the flames of Abelisaurus and anti-tank rocket launchers to kill ordinary infected bodies in pieces.

In just half an hour, the Lu army and the dinosaurs killed nearly 2,000 common infected bodies, and this number is still rising.

Seeing that the infected bodies stopped chasing after them, the wolf cavalry returned from a distance to follow the army. More than 20 ordinary infected bodies would die under their energy axes every second. It's nothing to the infected body group, but in this situation, every infected body killed is a profit.

The corpse controller also knew that the Lu army was killing a large number of infected bodies under it, but this time it was not angry, and did not let the infected bodies encircle and suppress the Lu army, because it learned to be smart and knew how to target the Lu army and the two dinosaurs. It's useless, the business is to quickly gather the scattered teams.

Seeing that the infected bodies did not resist, the Army of the Route Army and the Wolf Cavalry became even more joyful in killing them. They used all the methods that could quickly kill the infected bodies, and did not stop until the infected groups regrouped.

After killing a circle, Lu Jun looked back at the two surrounding hills, only to find that the corpses of infected bodies were scattered all over the hills and plains. Eight thousand ordinary infected bodies.

Seeing the results of his two-hour battle, Lu Jun was a little excited, but he was not satisfied because the number of ordinary infected bodies was still large, and the number of mutated infected bodies did not die, and the group of infected bodies was far from being injured. At the level of bones, the battle may have just begun.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun raised his head and drank a bottle of brain power reagent to fill up the brain power that had begun to dry up, and then summoned two B-rank Utahraptors. There are more dinosaurs.

After doing this, Lu Jun waved his hand and ordered the four big dinosaurs and wolf cavalry to rush down the hill together. He would continue to harass the flanks of the infected group, anyway, he would not let the infected group Safely advancing.

However, what Lu Jun did not expect was that in the face of his subsequent harassment, the corpse controller made a solution that caused Lu Jun a headache, that is, sent two thousand ordinary infected bodies to resist Lu Jun, and the rest of the infected bodies It is to continue to advance towards the West Wind Fortress.

Although the corpse controller knew that these two thousand ordinary infected bodies would not be able to stop the army, let alone hurt the dinosaurs, they could at least delay the army for ten or twenty minutes.

In this way, they only need to pay a small price to continue to move forward, and it can also consume the physical strength of the road army and dinosaurs.

There is no better way.

When Lu Jun spent more than ten minutes killing the two thousand ordinary infected bodies, he realized that this was a strategy of the corpse controller, because the infected group had traveled a lot more than ten minutes ago, and continued like this It will be a matter of time before we reach Westwind Fortress.

Of course, Lu Jun, who had seen through the plan of the corpse controller, would not let the infected group leave, and immediately led the dinosaurs and wolf cavalry to catch up again. It is impossible for him to let the infected group get rid of him today.

Seeing that Lu Jun was following up again, the corpse controller didn't panic, and once again controlled two thousand ordinary infected bodies to rush towards Lu Jun, like a death squad. Anyway, there are many ordinary infected bodies, two thousand two thousand This kind of death is acceptable for a huge infected group.

Seeing ordinary infected bodies coming up again, Lu Jun felt a little irritated, because he had to kill these ordinary infected bodies first, otherwise he would be easily surrounded by these infected bodies from behind to form a circle, and the trouble would be even bigger.

But it takes at least ten minutes to completely kill the two thousand ordinary infected bodies, and the infected group can advance a considerable distance in these ten minutes. This is the result that the army does not want to see...

Xiaowan, who was throwing grenades in the middle of the infected group, also found out what was going on with the Lu army, so she wanted to rush back to help. This would speed up the speed of the Lu army's killing of ordinary infected bodies, and she was running out of special grenade bags left. , in urgent need of supplies.

But just as Xiaowan was riding the bloodthirsty king bat and turned around in the air, a dozen tongue-shaped objects suddenly attacked the bloodthirsty king bat on the ground. , was directly entangled in the body by two tongue-shaped objects.

Just when the bloodthirsty king bat was about to figure out what these things were, it only felt that the tongue-shaped object was pulling it down forcefully, and the force was so great that the bloodthirsty king bat could only flap its wings to resist.

Xiaowan also noticed the strange situation of the bloodthirsty king bat, and immediately took out the hunter submachine gun and shot at the tongue-shaped object, intending to help the bloodthirsty king bat to get rid of the entanglement of these strange objects.

After some shooting, Xiaowan finally broke the two tongue-shaped objects with a bullet from a magazine, and the bloodthirsty king bat returned to normal from the edge of being almost pulled down.

But before Xiaowan and the bloodthirsty king bat could breathe a sigh of relief, dozens of tongue-shaped objects flew up from the ground, and the target was still the bloodthirsty king bat.

This time, Xiaowan saw clearly that the one with the big tongue sticking out from the ground was a new type of mutant infection with a thin body, but with a particularly large head and a particularly long tongue.

Seeing this, Xiaowan immediately asked the bloodthirsty king bat to evade, and the bloodthirsty king bat followed Xiaowan's words to climb up quickly, but the speed of the tongue-shaped object was too fast, even if the bloodthirsty king bat avoided most of the , There are still several tongues tied to the legs and body of the bloodthirsty king bat.

Because there are more tongues binding the bloodthirsty king bat this time, although the bloodthirsty king bat resisted with all its strength, it was still pulled down by these thick tongues, and it was getting closer and closer to the infected group on the ground.

Seeing this, Xiaowan couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately pulled out the small dagger at her waist to activate her third form, and flew to the bottom of the bloodthirsty king bat to cut off the big tongues that entangled the bloodthirsty king bat, otherwise if she was caught Pull the bloodthirsty king bat to the ground and it's over.

As for why they didn't just shoot the big tongues off, it was because Xiaowan didn't have time to reload the bullets again, and the gun was not as useful as a dagger at this time.

After some hard work, Xiaowan finally cut off all the tongues wrapped around the bloodthirsty king bat, and also threw the only grenade left on her body down, so as not to let the strange mutated infected body attack .

After doing this, Xiao Wan and the Bloodthirsty King Bat stopped staying, and climbed up nearly 100 meters at an accelerated rate, and then adjusted their direction and flew to the position where the army was located...

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