Fortunately, Lu Jun saw this scene, and directly came to the female supernatural being with a flash, raised his right hand, propped up his third supernatural power, and defended absolutely.

When the tyrant's infected body kicked the shield of the army in the middle, there was only a loud noise, and the air seemed to be still.

Although the attack of the tyrant's infected body was terrifying, it was obvious that the defense of the road army was better, blocking the attack perfectly.

Only then did the female supernatural being behind slowly open her eyes, and looked at Lu Jun gratefully.

In fact, she could feel everything that happened just now, but she couldn't move her body.

Originally, she thought she was going to die, but Lu Jun suddenly rescued her like a god descending from the earth.

The supernatural beings around him also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the female supernatural beings are fine, otherwise they would definitely blame themselves for their mistakes for the rest of their lives.

And they were still admiring the strength of the Lu army in their hearts, and they could easily block the tyrant's infected body with one hand, which made them admire in their hearts.

"Lu...Boss Lu...thank you..." The young female superhuman said with a flushed face.

I don't know if she is excited or shy, maybe both, after all, this is the first time she is so close to Lu Jun.

"Small problem, you have worked hard, leave this to me, you can help other people." Lu Jun turned his head and grinned, speaking to the female supernatural beings, and also telling the surrounding resistance members.

"Yes, Boss Lu, be careful, we're withdrawing." The members of the rebel army left the battlefield with the injured female supernatural being without any inkling, and handed over the four tyrant-infected bodies to the Lu army. .

If other people wanted to deal with four tyrant infected bodies at the same time, they would definitely scoff.

Because even if it is a fourth-order superhuman, it will be very difficult to kill a tyrant infected body, let alone deal with four at the same time, it is almost like sending to death.

But the person in front of them was Lu Jun, so they had nothing to say.

And each of them firmly believes that the Lu army can kill the four tyrant infected bodies. There is no special reason, just because they believe in the Lu army...

If someone can understand Lao Wu's inner world at this time, he will find that he wants to say: "Fourth, have you seen it? I am on the way to avenge you, and I will make the enemy more painful than before you died. Wait for everything When it's over, I'll go find you again..."

Zhifu and Baqi don't know what Lao Wu is thinking, they have been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, and they don't know that they have been being used by Lao Wu...

At the same time, on the side of the corpse controller, after all the previous plans failed, they finally couldn't help it, and sent all the mutated infected bodies directly.

Hundreds of thousands of elite infected bodies led the battle, with more than a hundred mutated infected bodies mixed in, followed by tens of thousands of double-hammer infected bodies, and the flanks were all blackthorn infected bodies, coming menacingly.

In the absence of fire guards and artillery attacks, more than 100,000 elite infected bodies are definitely a strong enough front row.

And one hundred and thirty corpse controllers are still hiding in the mutated infected body, ready to move.

Under normal circumstances, they will not make a move, but after making a move, it must be a fatal blow. More than a hundred corpse controllers definitely have the ability to change the situation of the battle.

"Boss Lu, there are two infected tyrants on the right side of the battlefield, we may not be able to stop them, please help..."

"Boss Lu, three tyrant infected bodies also appeared in the middle of the battlefield, please help..."

"Boss Lu..."

A series of warning sounds interrupted Lu Jun's thoughts, causing him to quickly regain his senses, and pressed the short-range communicator next to his ear: "Got it, I will go to support right away, you don't want to fight head-on with the tyrant's infected body."

The moment he finished speaking, Lu Jun summoned all the Fengshen pterosaurs in the dragon training module, and looked at Ruan Bing and others behind him: "The tyrant's infected body is here, and only people with abilities above the third level can fight with them." They compete, only the fourth-order superhumans have the ability to kill them, now I want you to rush to the front battlefield to buy time for me, I will take the dinosaurs and kill them one by one."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun turned on the dragon form,

Grow two wings, and fly to the front of the battlefield with Fengshen pterosaur.

He didn't join the battlefield before, just to beware of the tyrant's infected body. Now that the tyrant's infected body has come out, it's time for him to make a move.

As for the members of the rebel army who did not fight, they all rode on the sprinting dragon and followed Ruan Bing to the front of the battlefield.

The mission of their fifth echelon is to go where they need to go, and now is the time to play a role.

A few seconds later, Lu Jun brought Fengshen Pterosaur to the frontal battlefield, which is directly above the sky.

In front of him, four infected bodies of the tyrant came, and more than a dozen second-level abilities of the rebel army were using their abilities to limit the actions of the infected bodies of the tyrant, delaying time.

Among them was a female superhuman who had learned the supernatural power of three thousand feet of white hair provided by Lu Jun. She directly let her hair grow violently, which was more than 20 meters long. It was divided into four parts, and each restrained a tyrant-infected body.

Under the serial binding of hundreds of thousands of hairs, the four tyrant infected bodies looked a little funny as if they were bandaged.

Due to the strong pulling force generated by the three thousand feet of white hair, the four walking tyrant-infected bodies immediately paused and stopped.

You must know that the tyrant's infected body is five or six meters high, and it stands up like a giant. It can control four tyrant's infected bodies at the same time, which shows that this female superhuman is also a bit powerful.

The other dozen supernatural beings took advantage of this opportunity to use their supernatural abilities crazily, smashing at the infected body of the tyrant.

As for the scattered orc warriors and dinosaurs, they didn't get close to the tyrant's infected body, because they were not strong enough, approaching would kill them, and they could only fight back and forth with other mutated infected bodies.

It's a pity that the attack power of the second-order supernatural being is too weak, even the shield of the tyrant's infected body can't be broken.

Moreover, when the tyrant's infected body exerted its force, it directly tore off the white hair on its body with violent force, and regained its mobility.

Immediately afterwards, they rushed over together, raised their thick wooden legs with spikes, and kicked at the dozen or so supernatural beings in front of them.

Facing the attack, the supernatural beings reacted quickly, and immediately dispersed to get out of the attack range of the tyrant's infected body.

Only the female power user who had just finished using the three thousand feet of white hair remained motionless, with a painful expression on her face.

This is because her hair was broken in a large area just now, which caused her to be backlashed by the ability, and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

The other supernatural beings soon discovered the situation of this female supernatural being and wanted to come back to rescue her.

It's a pity that it's too late, the attack of the tyrant's infected body has already reached the female supernatural being, and it is estimated that the female supernatural being will be crushed to the ground in the next second.

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