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Lu Jun didn't know that the black mark had this effect, and the moment the bone armor possessed him, he was filled with infinite power.

Although he always felt that this power didn't belong to him, and he didn't know why it happened, but whatever, as long as he could increase his strength, it would be a good thing. After all, what he lacks most now is strength.

So the next moment, Lu Jun jumped into the icy river in front of him with a bone spear, and swam towards the position of the Glacier King Crocodile.

Since he said that he wanted to kill the Glacier King Crocodile, Lu Jun would definitely not hesitate, not to mention that after suddenly gaining inexplicable power, he had to make the Glacier King Crocodile into a crocodile today!

Originally, Lu Jun thought that the river would be very cold after he jumped, but after he fell, he realized that because of the protection of the bone armor, he didn't feel the piercing feeling at all, probably because it was blocked by the bone armor.

This made Lu Jun swim faster in the water, and the bone spear was like an oar, pushing him forward.

Seeing Lu Jun jumping into the water with a strange appearance, the watchman immediately followed, for fear that something would happen to Lu Jun.

The Glacier King Crocodile couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw both the Lu Jun and the watchers coming down, because its purpose was to come up to make trouble, and it didn't expect to anger this human being. It seemed that it was time for revenge.

Thinking of this, the Glacier King Crocodile continued to order the surrounding Glacier Crocodiles to rush towards the army.

It felt that Lu Jun's own ability was not strong, but the bone armor on his body was a bit weird, so he decided to let the glacier crocodile try it out first.

Facing the incoming glacier crocodile, Lu Jun didn't panic at all, swung his bone spear and stabbed forward a few times.

The rough-looking bone spear is extremely sharp to use, and can kill a glacier crocodile with every blow, and the surrounding glacier crocodiles can't get close to the two-meter range of the road army.

Looking at the "violent" Lu Jun, the Glacier King Crocodile was a little puzzled, because the performance of the Lu Jun was seriously inconsistent with the strength of the Lu Jun.

This made the Glacier King Crocodile more cautious, and directly condensed a penetrating frost ability, hiding in the river and attacking the road army.

Due to the rapid rate of fire of the frost ability, it swims like a few small torpedoes, causing bursts of water splashes, and the target is the chest of the Lu army...

"Well, you send me to our rear first, let me resist the undead creatures behind,

Then you come back here alone, watching the movement of the Glacier King Crocodile, as long as it dares to show its head, you must kill it! " Lu Jun said the plan that came to mind in an emergency.

Although this is very risky, because he may not be able to block the attack of the Abyss Demon King, it is very difficult even with the thunder dragon.

But at this time, we can no longer hesitate, we must make a choice, otherwise they will be exhausted here sooner or later.

"Okay!" The watcher replied bluntly. She has no better way now, but can only do as Lu Jun wants.

Just as the watchman grabbed Lu Jun's arm again, and was about to lead Lu Jun to the back of the battlefield, suddenly a pair of hands blocked Lu Jun, preventing the watcher from moving.

"Wait! What do you see?!" Lin Yilan, who had been staying by the side, pointed to the open space on the other side of the river.

Seeing this, Lu Jun and the watchman immediately followed Lin Yilan's finger and looked towards the other side of the river, until with the help of a little light, they saw thousands of them, two meters tall and four meters long, crawling on all fours, with sharp teeth and white bodies. creature.

"It's...it's snow...snow bear!" The watcher trembled, "How could they appear at such a time..."

Lu Jun looked at the snow bears who were confronting the elf warriors on the other side of the river, and his face darkened.

He really came here for whatever he was afraid of. He just finally thought of a way to deal with undead creatures and glacier crocodiles at the same time.

But in a blink of an eye, this method was useless, because of the arrival of the snow bear, they had to face the attack of the snow bear.

In this way, Lu Jun and the others were fighting three races at the same time, with snow bears in front, undead creatures in the back, and damned glacier crocodiles interspersed in the middle.

If it was normal, with the troops in hand, the army would probably be able to hold out for a while even in the face of a three-way attack. After all, he has a dinosaur that can change the situation of the battle.

But now it's useless for him to have dinosaurs. A few dinosaurs can't deal with so many snow bears at all.

Not to mention that there are still a large number of undead creatures, the abyssal demon king, and a glacier king crocodile staring at the rear, and the dinosaurs are completely unable to make a move.

And now they are crossing the river, and they are being flanked in this situation, so it is impossible for them to move forward, it is impossible to retreat, and it is useless to stay.

Although Lu Jun has been suffering from all kinds of troubles and tribulations since the last days, today is definitely the most desperate time for him, bar none.

The only thing that can change the situation now is the super-level dragon in the Road Army Dragon Training module, an ancient creature that can live in water.

As long as the dragon is released, the glacier crocodile in the river will be emptied in an instant, and there may be a glimmer of hope for the elves to cross the river smoothly.

Unfortunately, the class of Shanglong is too high, and the incubation time is too long. At present, there is no way for Lu Jun to hatch immediately, so this only hope is not valid.

Although the road army let three thunder dragons and the elf warriors who crossed the river form a line of defense ahead of time.

But without any bunkers, relying on these elf warriors who have traveled long distances and worked without sleep for two days and nights, it is impossible to defend the snow bear, even if the thunder dragon is there.

It seems that no matter which way they think about it and make any possibility, they will die today...

The glacier king crocodile hiding under the water seemed to have sensed that the snow bear was coming, and knowing that Lu Jun and the others had nowhere to escape, they immediately popped up from the bottom of the water, and another huge wave hit the dazed elf.

If you do the calculations carefully, you will find that this damned Glacier King Crocodile used a total of three huge waves, and each wave caused huge casualties to the elf fighters. In total, more than 300 elf fighters died at the hands of the Glacier King on.

Originally, Lu Jun could continue to think calmly, but after the attack of the Glacier King Crocodile killed a large number of elves, Lu Jun finally couldn't help it, and the seriousness on his face turned into fury, pointing at the position of the Glacier King Crocodile and shouting One sentence: "I'll fuck you, you like to play like this, don't you? If I don't kill you today, I won't leave!"

The moment he yelled this sentence, the black mark on Lu Jun's right arm seemed to sense the anger in Lu Jun's heart, and suddenly a large amount of black air gushed out, enveloping Lu Jun.

Immediately afterwards, the black air directly formed a pair of bone armor and a bone spear, which tore apart Lu Jun's clothes, attached to Lu Jun's body, and covered him from head to toe, making Lu Jun look like a relatively high-level skeleton warrior……

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