Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2457 The Fierce Battle

"Then I'll take you to Sister Ruan Bing, she should be rectifying her defenses now, we can give her a surprise." Xiao Wan snickered.

Although she hasn't had much contact with Ruan Bing these days, she still knows Ruan Bing's location.

After she finished speaking, Xiaowan swung her four wings fiercely and flew more than 20 meters in an instant.

Lu Jun and the others followed closely behind, together with Xiaowan's army of flying creatures.

Looking from a height, you can see a long line of defense below, consisting of trenches and bunkers.

Outside the line of defense lay the corpses of many Zerg creatures, large and small, with stumps and broken arms everywhere.

The ground is covered with green blood, and some places have turned into hard lumps like concrete. It can be seen that the recent battles have been very fierce.

There are many members of the rebel army and orc warriors staying in the bunker, their expressions reveal exhaustion, and their bodies have been overdrawn by days of fighting.

In addition to these members in charge of fighting, there are also a large number of logistics personnel cleaning up the battlefield around.

These are members of the Outer Legion of the Rebel Army who were urgently transferred.

Only a small part of them are supernatural beings, and they are not in charge of the battle on the main battlefield. They made the bunkers and trenches.

But they can also participate in the battle in critical moments, so their casualties are not rare these days.

From time to time, a human or orc warrior would look up and look at the flying creatures above.

They knew that these were all controlled by Xiao Wan, so they were not surprised.

But what they didn't know was that Lu Jun was above, the man who made them look forward to returning soon day and night.

And Lu Jun didn't say hello to the people below, let alone make too much noise.

Two minutes later, Xiaowan landed in a place where there were many key members of the rebel army, Lin Xiaobai and the Ruan sisters were both here.

Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai grew up very fast due to spending every day in continuous battles. They had already changed from Tier 1 to Tier 3 in just ten days.

These show that their talents are extraordinary, and it is only a matter of time before they become strong.

Seeing Xiao Wan coming over, Ruan Bing was obviously a little surprised, because Xiao Wan refused to communicate with her these days.

"Xiao Wan, what's the matter? Is there something new?" Ruan Bing tried to speak in a gentle tone.

Her voice sounded a little hoarse, and she looked a little haggard without rest for several days, her hair was simply tied up, even a little messy.

But even so, it is difficult to resist her extraordinary appearance and temperament, and she can become the focus by standing quietly.

"Hee hee, sister Ruan Bing, look who is back." Xiao Wan playfully pointed behind her.

This sentence made Ruan Bing stunned for a moment, not understanding Xiao Wan's meaning.

But she was shocked very quickly, with disbelief in her eyes, because she saw the Fengshen pterosaur and Lu Jun who had just jumped off.

Not only Ruan Bing, but also the others, who were immediately attracted by Lu Jun's figure, stopped what they were doing and froze.

"You... are back..." Ruan Bing was the first to react. She took two steps forward without any fluctuations in her expression.

But her slightly trembling hands still revealed the fact that she was very excited.

"Well, I'm back." Lu Jun slowly stepped forward and gently hugged Ruan Bing into his arms.

Although they haven't seen each other for only ten days, in the last days, ten days may be the difference between life and death.

Being hugged by Lu Jun in front of so many people, Ruan Bing trembled subconsciously, because this seemed to be the first time Lu Jun did this in front of so many people.

However, she didn't struggle and just buried her head in Lu Jun's arms quietly. She had been looking forward to this hug for too long.

When the people around saw this scene, they didn't say anything, let alone disturb the two people in front of them...

After a long time, Lu Jun slowly let go of Ruan Bing, who was blushing, raised his hand to hold Ruan Bing's right cheek, and looked at Ruan Bing's slightly purple pupils: "You have worked hard these days."

Ruan Bing shook his head,

He and Lu Jun looked at each other: "It's good that you come back."

Although it is just a simple dialogue, it contains too many things.

Just when Lu Jun was about to continue to say something, Lin Xiaobai who was next to him suddenly rushed into Lu Jun's arms and put his whole body's weight on Lu Jun.

"elder brother……"

Hearing the crying voice, Lu Jun couldn't help but chuckled.

Because this is Lin Xiaobai's habitual action since he was a child, and he will do this every time he hasn't seen him for a long time or has been wronged.

"Okay, okay, I'm back, I won't worry you in the future..." Lu Jun comforted Lin Xiaobai as he comforted Xiaowan.

Because in his heart, these two people are his sisters, a very pure and pure feeling.

"Brother Wood...he hasn't woken up yet...you haven't heard from me...I'm really scared...if I lose the two of you...I really don't know what to do..." Lin Xiaobai's emotions Obviously broken.

Because she is under much more pressure than others these days, worrying about Lu Jun and taking care of the unconscious Mu Mu at the same time, only she can understand the feeling of it.

"I know, I know everything, don't worry, Mu Mu will be fine, I will definitely wake him up." Lu Jun hugged Lin Xiaobai tightly in his arms, and his face became serious again.

He has only one goal now, and that is to kill Siwak, because Siwak is responsible for his disappearance for so many days.

Wood's unconsciousness was also caused by Siwak, and it was Siwak who caused their rebels to be attacked these days.

And now he is back, and has gained more powerful power, so Siwak must die! Lu Jun secretly swears in his heart.

With Lu Jun's comfort, Lin Xiaobai's mood gradually stabilized, and he soon left Lu Jun's embrace, and continued to stand around, leaving space for Ruan Bing and Lu Jun.

As for Ruan Xue, she didn't say anything to Lu Jun, let alone rushed into Lu Jun's arms, but just watched all this quietly with a smile on her face.

Although she was very happy that Lu Jun came back, and she missed Lu Jun very much in the days when Lu Jun disappeared, but she didn't feel that she and Lu Jun were familiar enough to hug each other.

There are many reasons for this, for example, she has less communication with Lu Jun, her relationship has faded, her sister is here, she can't do this, etc...

Lin Yilan who came back with Lu Jun was also a little lonely, she knew that from today onwards, Lu Jun would not belong to her anymore.

They couldn't take care of each other like they did in the Frost Forest, and Lu Jun would never be the first to tell her anything.

Because there are too many people around Lu Jun who are more important than her, even though Lu Jun said that she is also very important...

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