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Looking at the members of the resistance army who were about to cry, Lu Jun chuckled. It seems that there are too many crystals, which will cause trouble...

"It's okay, you've finished your work by piling up these stuffs, let's see what I do next." Lu Jun comforted several members of the rebel army a little.

Immediately afterwards, he walked to a pile of crystal stones, gently stretched out his right hand, and pressed his palm on the surface of the pile of crystal stones.

After Lu Jun thought about it, the pile of spars in front of him disappeared like a disorganization of molecules, and all of them entered Lu Jun's armed module from the ground.

This method is much faster than slowly counting members of the Resistance Army, and the Army's system can also automatically count and classify, leaving a lot of effort.

Seeing this miraculous scene, the members of the rebel army stared wide-eyed, not daring to take a breath, for fear of missing any shot.

Only the butcher was calmer, because he knew that Lu Jun had this ability, and he had become familiar with it.

And Lu Jun didn't stay long after collecting a pile of crystals, and quickly moved to the next pile, until it took more than ten minutes to collect all the hundreds of piles of crystals on the field.

Although it looks slow, in fact, the ability of the armed module has improved after the rank is promoted, and the speed has become very fast.

If it was placed a few days ago, it is estimated that it would take half an hour or even an hour for Lu Jun to completely take back these crystals.

After some automatic statistics by the system, there are a total of more than 4.3 million crystals of each level displayed in the armed module.

Among them, Tier D, Tier C, and Tier B accounted for the vast majority, and Tier A, Tier S, and Super Tier S accounted for less than one-tenth of the total.

As for why more than 7 million infected bodies and millions of Zerg creatures came to attack and only got nearly half of the crystals.

It is because there are many non-ranked infected bodies, they will not produce crystals, and the dinosaurs and bone dragons also secretly ate some of them when cleaning the battlefield, resulting in so many crystals left in the end...

I don't know if the system was slow to respond, but after Lu Jun finished reading the data panel, a familiar voice slowly sounded from his mind.

"Ding, the dragon rank value has reached 100%, and the rank is allowed to be promoted. The dragon riding system has been achieved. The trading module has an additional sales function, and the functions of other modules have been slightly improved."

Although he didn't know why the system was broken, Lu Jun didn't care too much, and was soon attracted by the new sales function.

In layman's terms, this function is to help Lu Jun sell excess or unnecessary items through the trading module.

For example, Lu Jun can't use up so many dragon eggs, so he can choose some of them to sell, in exchange for precious dragon coins, and buy more urgently needed items.

And not only the items opened in the supply box, but even the resources and crystals obtained by the army in the real world can be put in it for sale, which is very convenient overall.

Of course, the price of items for sale can vary greatly, in two ways.

The first type is those items purchased from the trading module or opened from the supply box, and the selling price is uniformly 50% of the original price.

The second type is those items obtained by Lu Jun in the real world, and the selling price is unified at 20% of the original price.

To be honest, this kind of sales method is very tricky, as long as it is put in and sold, the Lu army must lose money.

However, as a means of obtaining dragon coins, something is better than nothing.

If the Lu army can get a lot of resources from the real world, it is estimated that they can get a lot of dragon coins after the sale.

Generally speaking, the Lu army is now somewhat self-sufficient, able to buy and sell, and everything is on track.

In addition, after the rank promotion, apart from the relatively large changes in the trading module, there are also many changes in other modules.

For example, the rewards of the task module will be slightly improved, and the dinosaur capacity and hatching time of the dragon module will be changed accordingly.

The dinosaur transformation in the genetic transformation module will be more diverse, and the integration speed of the fusion module will be accelerated.

Anyway, as long as it is a module owned by Lu Jun, after this promotion, its own functions will have a lot of changes.

But Lu Jun didn't have time to compare and experiment one by one, because he had already stayed here for a day to open these supply boxes.

The members of the resistance army who were resting outside had already woken up, and there were a lot of things waiting for him to deal with. If the ink continued, Westwind Fortress would probably be in chaos again.

So the next moment, Lu Jun exited the system, stretched his numb body, and walked outside.

Of course, before he exited the system, he threw all the dinosaurs that should be hatched into the dragon training module. After all, it is very important for these dinosaurs to come out as soon as possible.

Moreover, Lu Jun also let the Dragon Nest module start to produce 30 Dragon Nests, which directly cost Lu Jun three million dragon coins.

As long as these dragon nests can be placed around Westwind Fortress and all the dinosaur eggs are thrown into them, nothing can stop the development of the rebel army...

After walking for about five minutes, the route army came directly to the outer battlefield of West Wind Fortress.

Since the bone dragons had cleaned up the place, there was no corpse to be seen, and a layer of unknown vegetation seeds was spread on the ground to cover up the traces of the battle.

But Lu Jun, with a more sensitive nose, could immediately smell the thick bloody smell underground. After all, so many creatures died, and it would not dissipate so quickly.

Fortunately, Lu Jun didn't pay much attention to these, and quickly ignored them, focusing on the piles of corpse crystals that looked like hills in front of him.

There are spars ranging from infected bodies to Zerg creatures and even mutated creatures. There are hundreds of piles of large and small piles, so Lu Jun can't see how many there are with the naked eye.

The butcher, who had slept for more than ten hours, was talking to the members of the rebel army next to several piles of spars, as if he was doing verification and statistics work.

But from the innocent expressions on the faces of the rebel members, it can be seen that they are obviously troubled by the butcher's question.

This made the suspicious Lu Jun walk over quickly, and came to the butcher and the members of the rebel army.

As Lu Jun approached, the butcher who was so absorbed in the conversation quickly realized that he turned his head and glanced at Lu Jun: "Uh... Boss Lu, why are you here? I'm counting spars with them, but these The stinky boy actually told me that it is impossible to count..."

Listening to the butcher's complaints, the members of the resistance army put on a sad face and lowered their heads slightly, as if they were worried that the army would reprimand them.

Only one courageous member hurriedly explained with a wry smile: "Boss Lu, it's not that we are lazy, it's that without professional tools, there is really no way to count these things. We have tried many methods and counted them all. Yes, but the more you count, the more chaotic, the more you count, the more chaotic, we can't even do the basic classification, there are really too many..."

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