Feeling the power from heaven and earth, Lord Blood Rock knew that it was time to decide the winner, so he took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, it compressed its own space domain to the extreme, filling its surroundings with space balls.

Looking from a distance, one can clearly see the ball of space flying around the Great Lord of Blood Rock until it completely envelops it.

The most important thing is that these space balls are constantly merging, and they grow from small to large in a blink of an eye, just like when the Lu army fused the flame bombs.

And judging from the power, the fusion of these space balls is more, and it is definitely stronger than the road army's fusion of only two flame bombs.

When all the space balls were almost fused, the blood rock lord threw the fused space ball towards the position of the wood.

At this time, Mu Mu's Thunder Prison Shadow Array was also condensed, and thousands of sword lights appeared beside Mu Mu, sealing off all the positions of the blood rock lord.

It can be clearly seen that under the blessing of the dark form, all the sword lights have turned black, and the size is much larger than before.

When the space ball of Lord Blood Rock flew over, thousands of sword lights also flew towards the position of Lord Blood Rock.

A second later, the abilities from both sides collided violently, the surrounding area became thunderous and lightning, and the ball of space flew across.

The shock wave formed by the collision swept hundreds of meters away, and many blood rock warriors and Hank's creatures were blown away.

Even the Lu army had to prop up a particle shield to help everyone resist the attack and prevent it from being affected.

At this moment, their eyes were staring at the inside of the battlefield, waiting for the smoke and thunder to dissipate.

At this moment, they are all waiting to see the result, wanting to know which side has won.

Only Lu Jun and Ruan Bing were relatively calm, because the stronger ones had already felt that the aura of the blood rock lord was rapidly weakening, or even almost disappeared.

This also means that the blood rock lord has already failed in this wave of collisions. It seems that the situation of the battle is very clear, and it is estimated that the battle will end soon.

The only problem is that they can't feel the condition of the wood, and they don't know what the condition of the wood is at this time.

Therefore, Lu Jun and Ruan Bing were also watching the battlefield carefully. Only when they knew the situation of the wood could they arrange the next arrangement.

The same is true for the blood rock warriors and Hank beasts in the distance. Perhaps they are the most anxious at this time...

Ten seconds later, the smoke and thunder on the battlefield began to dissipate slowly, and the surrounding situation began to be revealed slowly.

With the help of the flames nearby, everyone could clearly see that there were pits everywhere on the ground, large and small, probably made by the attack just now.

At this time, the Great Lord of Blood Rock and Mu Mu stood firmly on the ground, staring at each other.

"Why did Brother Mu improve so much after changing his form, but Lord Blood Rock is still at a super level?" Xiaowan looked at the battlefield and asked in confusion. It has always been her style to ask questions when she doesn't understand.

"Ultra-level is only the strength on the surface. The true strength of the blood rock lord should be above the ultra-level and below the final level, or only a little distance from the final level."

"As for the wood, I'm not sure. This is the first time I've seen the dark form of wood."

"But I can feel that in this form, neither Giganotosaurus nor I are its opponents."

"Perhaps I can only fight him after I activate the Tyrannosaurus Realm, and I don't know the outcome." Lu Jun seriously analyzed the details of Lord Blood Rock and Mu Mu with Xiao Wan and everyone on the field. strength.

"Wow, even you say that, that's too strong..." Ruan Xue beside her couldn't help sighing.

"Well, it is very strong, but please remember that any ability that transforms into a stronger form has a very fatal weakness, and that is the problem of short duration."

"As long as you can avoid this period of time without fighting and wait for the transformation of the form to end, then the victory must be yours."

"Because this kind of ability will definitely have side effects after the end, which will make the body's strength not as good as before." Lu Jun still looked at the battlefield and said to everyone.

"Understood, then who do you think will win this battle?" Ruan Xue asked again.

"Wood, it must be wood. It can be seen from the attack just now that the battle is likely to end soon. We must be prepared to face Wood." Lu Jun's expression was a little dignified.

To be honest, he didn't want to fight Wood head-on, because it would probably cause them both to lose.

He even wanted to see Wood lose for a while in the battle with the blood rock lord, so that he would have more control over the situation.

But he knew very well that this would not be the case in reality, the blood rock lord could not beat wood no matter what.

After a brief conversation, Lu Jun, Ruan Bing and the others calmed down and stared at the battlefield again.

It can be clearly seen that the situation on the battlefield at this time is just like what Lu Jun said, it is in a one-sided situation, and Wood has a great advantage.

A large part of the reason is that the space ball of the blood rock lord can't hurt the wood, and the strength of the wood is higher than that of the blood rock lord.

However, if Mu Mu wanted to quickly kill the Lord of Blood Rock, it would not be an easy task, at least Mu Mu couldn't do it now.

The battle between the Blood Rock Warriors and the Hank Beasts was also fierce. Both sides lost more than a thousand each, and the corpses were piled up thickly.

At this time, nearly 20 minutes had passed since Mu Mu came here, and he hadn't been able to take down the Lord of Blood Rock. To be honest, this speed was too slow.

If the reinforcements of the blood rock lord arrive at this time and start slaughtering the blood rock clan, then the battle situation will be troublesome again.

But fortunately, the Blood Rock Clan still didn't have reinforcements coming, so Mu Mu still had ample time.

But it's not a problem to procrastinate like this, the soul in Mu Mu's body can't wait to kill the blood rock lord and enter the high tower to find Lu Jun and them.

At this time, in addition to hating the Blood Rock Clan and the Great Lord Blood Rock, it also had resentment towards Lu Jun and the others.

After all, it has fought the battle to this extent, Lu Jun and others are still indifferent, clearly wanting to sit and watch its success or failure, this feeling makes it very uncomfortable.

It is also very important that the blackened form of the wood will not last long, and it is estimated that it will end in a few minutes.

At that time, without the blessing of this form, it may not be able to beat the blood rock lord, and the advantages accumulated with great difficulty will be wasted.

So in the next second, Mu Mu approached the Great Lord Blood Rock, and began to condense the Thunder Prison Sword Array to kill him. This was the final blow to the Great Lord Blood Rock.

I saw that the moment Mu Mu began to condense his abilities, a large number of dark clouds descended from the entire sky, and at the same time, there were lightning surges.

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