Feeling the discomfort coming from her head, Xiaowan shook her head fiercely, trying to wake herself up, because she knew that the leader of the praying mantis was following behind, and the danger had not been lifted.

The bloodthirsty king bat immediately turned around after meeting Xiao Wan, trying to get rid of the pursuit of the mantis leader and mantis guards, and took Xiao Wan away from here.

But the bloodthirsty king bat's body is too big, and it takes a while to turn around in flight. The mantis leader is less than ten meters behind it. After the bloodthirsty king bat completes its turn, the mantis leader can also catch up.

Looking at the leader of the mantis who was close at hand, Xiao Wan became anxious for a while, she knew that the leader of the mantis should not be approached, otherwise the forefoot of the mantis leader's scythe would have to cut down the bloodthirsty king bat.

Although she intends to do something, Xiaowan's brain power is exhausted, her bullets are empty, and she has no means of attack. She can only watch the leader of the praying mantis charge up.

However, Xiao Wan glanced at the empty-loaded Ruger MP-9 submachine gun in her hand, suddenly thought of something, and immediately raised the Ruger MP-9 and threw it fiercely at the head of the mantis leader.

The flying mantis leader saw something flying in front of him, subconsciously dodged to the right, and easily dodged the Ruger MP-9 that was thrown at it. After hiding, the mantis leader glanced proudly at Xiaowan , which means that it is impossible for Xiao Wanyin to do it a second time.

Although it didn't need to dodge just now, because there was a shield in front of it, Xiaowan's attack could not break its shield, but avoiding the attack flying towards its head is the instinct of all intelligent creatures.

And Xiaowan looked at the leader of the mantis who avoided her attack, and she was not at all frustrated, but relieved. In fact, she did not intend to hit the leader of the mantis with the Ruger MP-9 at all, her purpose was to force the leader of the mantis to dodge subconsciously.

Because this can slow down the speed of the leader of the praying mantis, buy a second for the bloodthirsty king bat, and help the bloodthirsty king bat complete the movement of turning and accelerating. After all, at this moment, one second is the difference between life and death.

The leader of the praying mantis looked at the bloodthirsty king bat who had turned around in an instant and distanced itself from it, and immediately realized that he had been fooled. It was so angry that it let out a strange cry, and then immediately speeded up to follow.

While chasing, the leader of the praying mantis also remotely ordered tens of thousands of ordinary fighting mantises in other places to come back for help, preparing to attack from both sides and surround and kill the bloodthirsty king bat.

However, the bloodthirsty king bat also knew what the leader of the mantis was thinking, and climbed directly to an altitude of nearly 200 meters, avoiding the pincer attack of ordinary fighting mantises, and distanced himself from the leader of the mantis again.

Seeing the bloodthirsty king bat and Xiao Wan flying farther and farther, the leader of the mantis was out of breath and wanted to speed up with all his strength, but its wings had just been pierced by bullets a few holes, and its flying speed was slightly affected, so it couldn't perform at its peak level.

The panic-stricken leader of the praying mantis could only stop in place, aiming at the position where the bloodthirsty king bat left and began to brew its attack skills, condensing hundreds of sickle blades.

But its skill is very strong against fixed targets. It is almost difficult to hit such a high-speed moving target, let alone the bloodthirsty king bat that flies high and far.

Seeing hundreds of sickle blades disappearing into the air, and the bloodthirsty king bat also disappearing from its field of vision, the leader of the praying mantis flying in mid-air raised his head and let out a strange cry to vent his anger.

This was the first setback for it since the end of the world. It never expected that it would be fooled by this human being and this creature all night. This was an unforgettable shame for it.

However, the mantis leader didn't stay here for too long. After venting for a while, he led his men to withdraw in the direction of the Zerg lair.

It has already remembered the shame of today, and when it completes a higher level of advancement and has the power to crush everything, it is bound to lead the Zerg army to flatten the human city...

And Xiaowan, who was sitting behind the bloodthirsty king bat, saw that the leader of the mantis had stopped chasing them, she was relieved, her highly tense spirit also relaxed, she just closed her eyes and lay down on the ground, maybe fell asleep Still fainted.

It was five o'clock in the morning, and the night was not so dark anymore.

In the night sky, there was only a lonely figure of the bloodthirsty king bat. It dragged its scarred body and took Xiao Wan lying on its back, and flew towards the gathering place wearily...

At the same time, the Lu army on the other side had just returned to Weimu Town with the rebels. Everyone who had been busy all night looked tired, but none of them wanted to rest. They all stood in the safe area and waited for the road. The army said what their rebel army should accomplish in the next step.

Lu Jun looked at the crowd in front of him, he didn't choose to say those unnutritious words, but went directly to a more open place, and took out a series of weapons and equipment such as infantry vehicles purchased from Goshawk in front of everyone.

Because there were too many of these things and they took up a large area, it took the Route Army two minutes to take them out, and they piled up all the open areas in the safe area.

Everyone in the rebel army stared at the miscellaneous weapons and equipment in front of them, and then burst into a burst of strong cheers. They knew what these weapons and equipment meant.

After taking out the equipment stored in the armed module, Lu Jun also took out a dozen food boxes by the way, and then said to the rebels below, "These are all assigned to you, but I don't want you to use these things for yourself. Bao, but I want you to go out to plunder, expand, and grab the resources of the last days."

"After all, this world has changed. There are ownerless things everywhere. No matter what you want, as long as you have the strength, you can grab it. On the contrary, if you just want to live in a corner, eat and die, then you must You won’t survive a month in the last days.”

After speaking, Lu Jun casually took out a supernatural stone tablet and said, "You must have seen the strength of those supernatural beings in Beizhai today. Are you envious? Want to have those abilities?"

"Now I can tell you very responsibly that this kind of stele is the source of the ability, and I can also make you a person with the ability, provided that you are qualified to absorb the ability, and you will help our team a lot from tomorrow. Loot, collect this stele."

Lu Jun told the rebels that this is because the secret of the power stele can no longer be concealed. Some of them already know it, and it will spread sooner or later. It is better to explain it directly and let them realize the secret of the power stele. The importance is convenient for him to plan for the next step.

After listening to Lu Jun's words, the rebels' eyes were full of wild light, and their expressions were very excited. What Lu Jun said was exactly what they thought in their hearts. After all, they were all serious criminals before the end of the world. All reveal violence...

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