Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 62 Legendary Ability Stele

After Lu Jun finished speaking, he walked out. The butcher was a little surprised to see that Lu Jun came out so quickly. Could it be that Mu Mu has... Alas, he used to be his student, and he has been with him for three years. It is a lie if he has no feelings of.

The butcher patted Lu Jun on the shoulder, signaling him not to be too sad, and was going to go in and hit Mu Mu's head, otherwise the corpse would turn into that kind of monster.

After entering the door, he found that Mu Mu was looking at him with a smile. The wound on his body had been bandaged, and there were two white boxes beside him. The butcher's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief. I saw him carrying a box, where did these two boxes come from...

Seeing that Lu Jun was walking outside, the butcher hurried after him, but Lu Jun didn't explain anything to the butcher, and the butcher couldn't ask more questions.

Goshawk saw Lu Jun coming out and came over, looking at Lu Jun suspiciously.

Lu Jun ignored him, turned to the butcher and said, "Where did Xiaobai go to find medicine?"

"Zeng Hu, come here." The butcher raised his hand, and a young man in ragged clothes ran over.

Zeng Hu looks very smart, about the same age as Lu Jun, with a prisoner's mark engraved on his face, Lu Jun is very curious about what he committed at such a young age to be imprisoned in such a place.

"This is Zeng Hu. He will guide you. I can't leave here, otherwise no one can stop them." The butcher introduced Lu Jun and pointed to the group of felons.

Lu Jun understood what the butcher meant, and handed the MK35 in his hand to the butcher with a joke, "You haven't forgotten how to use it, have you? Keep an eye on the wood and wait for me to come back."

The butcher laughed loudly, looking at the reddish eyes of the gun in his hand. He had been useless for seven days, and finally got a usable firearm. He immediately squatted on the ground and skillfully disassembled the MK35 and then reassembled it. The whole process It only took one minute and thirty seconds.

Lu Jun nodded. It seems that the butcher is not old. He turned to Goshawk and said, "I will take 20 people out to find someone, and you and 20 people will stay here to defend."

Goshawk had a reluctance on his face, he was almost sleepy, did this kid deliberately torment the old man? But before he could complain, Lu Jun leaned close to his ear, patted his shoulder and said softly, "I'll talk to you about a big deal when I come back. If there is any change in these people, kill them!"

Hearing that there is another big business, Goshawk's spirits perked up, the big business is good, this time I have to think about the routine, and when the time comes, I will make a fortune out of this kid, this can be regarded as robbing the rich and helping the poor, right?

Lu Jun also said to Xiao Wan who was on the side: "You follow Uncle Goshawk and be careful."

Xiaowan nodded, and Goshawk showed an unscrupulous smile when he heard what Lu Jun said, "Little sister, come to uncle, uncle has candy..."

He stopped before he finished speaking, because the military dog ​​was staring at him viciously, and made a gesture of preparing to attack.

"Twenty people, follow me." Lu Jun no longer cared about them, and said to the small forces.

The people of minor forces hesitated a bit, after all, it would be more dangerous to leave the semi-safe zone.

"Will it be a little less if there are only 20 people..." A small force in front of Lu Jun hesitated.

Lu Jun sneered, "I lead the team, what are you afraid of?"

After speaking, he walked directly to the gate of the chaotic area. The two brothers and sisters, Anan and Ake, followed closely behind Lu Jun, and Zeng Hu also hurriedly followed. Although the small forces were reluctant, they still walked out in 20 people. Food for others, work for others, this rule still has to be followed.

Lu Jun sat directly in the driver's seat of the off-road vehicle, Zeng Hu sat in the co-pilot to lead the way, Anan and Ake sat in the back seat, and all the small forces got into the big truck brought by Goshawk.

Lu Jun asked the people of the small forces to wait. He drove the off-road vehicle to the back. He wanted to find the dogs first. The dogs called Lu Jun all night. He wanted to take a look and take them away by the way. It won't take much time,

When Lu Jun stepped on the accelerator, he arrived at the place where the dogs were originally put down in a few minutes. He parked the car here and got out of the car by himself. The dogs would definitely not wait for him at the same place. Expedition teams often come and go here. of.

After walking for more than 30 meters, Lu Jun could already feel Gouzi's position, which was right in front, but why did it look like some animal's corpse on the ground?

The more Lu Jun walked inside, the more corpses of small animals were found. From the appearance, it looked like spiders, but what happened to the spiders that were bigger than palms? What the hell did they do?

Turning another corner, Lu Jun saw the Gouzi and the Dark Demon Wolf. They seemed to have just finished fighting not long ago. The Dark Demon Wolf had lost a few tufts of hair. Next to them was the corpse of a spider that was bigger than a human. , since the spider is dead, I can't scan the information at all, but it must be some kind of spider monster.

Gouzi and Dark Demon Wolf were very happy to see Lu Jun coming, and they all came together. Lu Jun always felt that he missed something. How many dragon coins and supply boxes do there have to be so many monsters? Because there are only quest rewards for kills within one kilometer, the road army didn't have any quest rewards last night.

Eoraptor deliberately pretended not to know that Lu Jun was coming, and was eating something similar to spider eggs with relish, and his mouth was full of disgusting mucus.

Lu Jun went directly to pat it on the head, and glanced at the two remaining spider eggs, [King spider eggs, can hatch. 】

hatchable? Lu Jun directly pulled away the Eoraptor who was about to continue eating. Spiders are also animals, and they will be hatched for Xiaowan when the time comes. This thing can crawl around regardless of the terrain, and it must be better than a dog for scouting.

Lu Jun touched the king spider eggs with his hands, and the two king spider eggs disappeared. They were not hatched in the armed module, but in the dragon training module. It showed that it would take six hours, which surprised Lu Jun. Can it be like this?

Seeing Lu Jun snatching its food, Eoraptor looked sad, but still bit Lu Jun's trouser leg with its mouth full of mucus, signaling him to go this way.

Lu Jun followed curiously, did they find something? After walking a dozen steps, Lu Jun saw something that excited him, the supernatural stone tablet! A yellow supernatural stone monument!

This is not the same as the supernatural steles Lu Jun saw before. The ones he saw before were all white and a little broken, similar to the ordinary steles on the roadside.

Lu Jun glanced at the yellow power stele, [Legendary power stele, which stores a more powerful power, and the chance of failure when absorbing it is greater. 】

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