Just when Lu Jun had no hope for Xueyue City, Wu Liang next to him suddenly muttered: "Last time I heard a survivor say that there are more powerful mutant beasts for sale in Xueyue City, and that they found I found a thing called a portal, which can go to far away places..."

Hearing this, both Lu Jun and Lin Yilan's eyes brightened. If Xueyue City had a portal, then maybe they could really return to Qingfengyu, this is also the fastest way.

But just after Wu Liang finished speaking, Wu Ren gave Wu Liang a hard look, as if warning Wu Liang not to say any more, so scared that Wu Liang quickly shut up.

Although this movement was very subtle, it was still discovered by Lu Jun, which made Lu Jun understand that Wu Ren must be hiding something from him.

However, Lu Jun did not choose to ask questions, but looked at Wu Ren quietly, using his aura to exert pressure on Wu Ren invisibly. Sometimes this method is more effective than pressing questions.

Sure enough, looking at Lu Jun's eyes, Wu Ren's heart trembled a little, and he quickly smiled awkwardly to conceal his panic.

"Um...it's like this." Wu Ren explained, "Because we live near Xueyue City, occasionally survivors pass by here."

"When they sometimes work too late to go back, I will let them stay overnight and wait until dawn to avoid danger at night."

"As for what my son said, the survivors from Xueyue City did say it, but it sounded too mysterious. I didn't know if it was true or not, so I didn't dare to tell you..."

After listening to Wu Ren's words, Lu Jun nodded silently. No matter what, he had to go to Xueyue City. Even if there was no teleportation gate, it would be great to get a flying mutant beast to go.

"Okay, thank you for the news, let's go to Xueyue City now." Lu Jun nodded to Wu Ren and said.

Hearing that Lu Jun was leaving now, both Wu Ren and Wu Liang were a little surprised, and the expressions on their faces also changed.

"In such a hurry? Is your Excellency a supernatural being?" Wu Ren was a little puzzled.

Because this kind of Tianlu Army can actually walk around in single clothes, which makes him feel that Lu Jun is not an ordinary person.

"No, what's wrong?" Lu Jun asked casually.

Although he and Lin Yilan are indeed supernatural beings, there is no need for him to tell the truth to Wu Ren. It is very important to hide his true strength in front of strangers.

Seeing that Lu Jun himself said that he was not a supernatural being, Wu Ren seemed very happy, his slightly frowned brows relaxed, and he regarded Lu Jun as an ordinary person with a relatively strong body.

"It's like this, if you are not a supernatural being, then don't go out at night, it's better to stay here for one night." Wu Ren began to remind Lu Jun, "Because in our Wucang area, there will be a kind of monster called Yeti creatures haunt."

"This kind of creature is covered with white hair and is extremely powerful. The smallest one is nearly two meters high. If it encounters a big one, it is estimated that even the supernatural beings may not be able to beat it."

"And the snow monsters are very fond of attacking humans. Xueyue City has been attacked countless times since the end of the world. If there were not so many people there, easy to defend and difficult to attack, the city would have been destroyed..."

After listening to Wu Ren's words, Lu Jun couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Judging from Wu Ren's expression, there seemed to be such a creature in Wu Cangyu.

And now that his powers are blocked, and Lin Yilan doesn't have offensive powers, if he encounters a powerful snow monster, it will probably be very troublesome.

So after looking at Lin Yilan, Lu Jun nodded silently: "Okay, then we'll stay here for one night and leave at dawn, so I won't bother you."

Seeing that Lu Jun was willing to stay, Wu Ren couldn't help squinting his eyes and laughing: "Don't bother, don't bother, we are all human beings, we should help each other, we welcome all survivors."

At this time, the meat that had been roasted for nearly half an hour was ready, Wu Ren sprinkled some fine salt, cut a few holes with a knife, and handed a large piece to Lu Jun.

But Lu Jun saw that the texture and color of this piece of meat were very strange, and he didn't know what kind of creature it was, so he didn't eat it.

Seeing that Lu Jun didn't eat it, Lin Yilan didn't eat it either, so he gnawed on the compressed biscuit in his hand.

In this way, in the following time, Lu Jun and Wu Ren chatted about Xueyue City and Wu Cangyu.

After the conversation was almost finished, Lu Jun took Lin Yilan to the room on the right to rest.

The room is relatively simple, with only some sleeping bags and bedding, and an oil lamp hanging on the top, without even a bed.

According to Wu Ren, this is Wu Liang's room, and if there are survivors staying overnight, they will be allowed to live here.

After closing the door, Lu Jun subconsciously changed the stinky clothes of the elite infected body, and put on the clothes he just got from the cellar.

Although this was also worn by others, at least it was washed clean, it was not so disgusting, and it was more comfortable to wear.

But at the moment after the change, Lu Jun realized that Lin Yilan was beside him, and his expression was a little dazed.

After all, Lu Jun hurriedly closed the door and took off his clothes as soon as he came in, which really scared her. She thought Lu Jun wanted something...

"Ah... sorry, I didn't pay attention just now..." Lu Jun quickly explained.

"Well, it's okay, anyway, I watched it once during the day..." Lin Yilan responded to Lu Jun while giggling.

When Lin Yilan said this, Lu Jun became embarrassed, scratched his head, and looked at Lin Yilan helplessly.

"Eh... do you think that the two father and son are a little strange." Lin Yilan suddenly put away his smiling face, leaned into Lu Jun's ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Well, half of what Wu Ren said was a lie." Lu Jun silently nodded.

"And they seem to want us to stay here overnight, which is abnormal." Lin Yilan continued to add, "Because logically, we don't know him well, he should be wary of strangers, and we have been Using their supplies, he doesn't care at all, he's being too generous."

Listening to Lin Yilan's analysis, Lu Jun patted Lin Yilan's head appreciatively. Indeed, these are Wu Ren's suspicious points.

We must know that this is the end of the world, even a "rich" person like Lu Jun would not share supplies with strangers, why would Wu Ren, who is struggling on the edge of survival, do this?

So there can only be two reasons for this phenomenon. One is that Wu Ren is acting like this on purpose, trying to confuse Lu Jun and achieve his ulterior purpose.

The second is that Wu Ren is a kind person who is willing to help others, even if he is hungry.

But the second reason is difficult to establish, because in the extremely dangerous apocalypse, it is very difficult for a good person to survive until now, at least the road army has not seen it since the end of the apocalypse.

Even if you used to be a good person, you will follow the trend and become a selfish bad person. This is the end of the world...

Riding a dinosaur in the last days

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