Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 881 Unexpected Supplies

"Everyone, no matter what happens tomorrow, we are friends today, I respect you." Lu Jun raised the wine glass in his hand and drank the liquid inside.

"Respect, Boss Lu!" A crowd of men in black robes also stood up one after another, raising their glasses to face Lu Jun, their eyes full of respect.

Lin Yilan told them the title of Boss Lu. After getting along with each other for many days, they already regarded themselves as members of the Lu army.

After finishing drinking, Lu Jun casually put a few Grade A crystals on the table, and led everyone out.

The few drinkers who stayed in the tavern secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Lu Jun had finally left. This night, they were frightened...

As soon as Lu Jun and others left the tavern, they were woken up by the cold wind outside, making their drunkenness disappear instantly.

People with sensitive noses will soon be able to smell the faint smell of blood in the air, which also means that Xueyue City last night was not peaceful at all.

Since an agreement was made with the captain of the city guard last night, Lu Jun and the others didn't think much about where they were going next, and walked directly to the location of Xueying.

After walking for 20 minutes, a group of people came to the middle of the snow camp. The battlefield here has been cleaned up, and there is no trace of the battle from last night.

Gao Tian and the captain of the city guards had already been waiting here, their faces were covered with snowflakes, and they were tired, it could be seen that they hadn't closed their eyes at all last night.

"My lord, you are here." Takata greeted Lu Jun across the distance.

"Well, is the matter settled?" Lu Jun replied lightly.

"It's done, it's done, I rescued all those elves, they didn't lose a hair, and I disbanded all the major forces. From now on, Xueyue City will only have the city guards, and there will be no others. Gao Tian reported to Lu Jun respectfully, looking like he was waiting to be praised.

"Very well, then let the elves come over, I will take them back." Lu Jun nodded, wanting to test whether what Gao Tian said was true.

"Already making arrangements, my lord, they will come here soon. Before that, I want to show you something that you will definitely like." Gao Tian suddenly said mysteriously.

"Oh? Okay, let's go." Lu Jun agreed to Gao Tian immediately, because he was also curious about what it was.

"Hey hey, my lord, come with me." Takata made a gesture of invitation, and led Lu Jun forward for more than 50 meters, then turned a big bend, and came to an open space.

It's just that this place is full of all kinds of materials at this time, miscellaneous bags and containers are scattered everywhere, and there are also a large number of crystals of various levels, like a hill.

"Hey, look, my lord, here are all the supplies I looted from the various forces last night, and we didn't count the exact amount all night." Takata patted the container in front of him with a flattering face, "Originally, these are for It was confiscated, but I thought about it, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to find the materials of those forces, so I decided to bring all these materials out and let you dispose of them."

Although the words are relatively cryptic, Gao Tian's meaning is still very obvious, that is, let the Lu army accept all the supplies.

"What the hell? So many? These forces are too rich, right?" Lu Jun couldn't help sighing.

Although he can be regarded as someone who has seen the world, the supplies here are really too much, more than the sum of what he has seen in the last days.

"Hey hey hey, my lord, as long as you like it." The smile on Gao Tian's face became more and more obvious, "Where are you going to move these things? I'll arrange it for you right away."

"No, I'm not very interested in these foods. I only need some of them, and the rest will be given to the city guards as rewards. As for these crystals, I will take them all away." Lu Jun said while looking at the crystals. heap go.

But Gao Tian behind him didn't quite understand what Lu Jun meant. Lu Jun just said to take them away, but he was alone, and he didn't want to help. How could he take these things away?

Just when Gao Tian was puzzled, Lu Jun walked to the side of a large pile of crystal stones, put his right hand on the pile of crystal stones, and the next moment, the crystal stones in front of him disappeared like molecular disassembly, leaving none behind .

After collecting the spar piles, the Lujun did the same, and began to collect some of the better food until the space of the armed modules was filled.

"Okay, the rest will be distributed to the city guards as rewards, thank you, and thank them too." Lu Jun wiped his palms.

"This... this... this..." Takata obviously hasn't recovered from Lu Jun's "performance", because so many supplies suddenly disappeared, it's really scary.

After dozens of seconds, Takata took a deep breath: "My lord, there is still a lot left, is it all divided?"

Although he didn't understand how Lu Jun did it just now, Gao Tian knew that it must be one of Lu Jun's abilities, so it was not easy to ask.

Compared to this, he was even more surprised that Lu Jun wanted to divide all the remaining supplies. You must know that this is the end of the world. Anyone wants to take the available supplies for themselves, and it is impossible to share them with others, let alone Will give it away for nothing.

But Lu Jun doesn't seem to be like this. Not only is he willing to divide up the supplies, but he also pays so much for one point, which really makes him unable to guess.

"Divide it up. Remember, the world today is not short of supplies, but the lack of people vying for supplies. As long as we can unite and have enough strength, supplies are everywhere waiting for us to get them. As a manager, your vision We must take a long-term perspective, so that we can achieve great things." Lu Jun, who was in a good mood, also educated Gao Tian by the way.

In fact, what Lu Jun said is correct. In today's world, the population is less than one thousand, and the demand is not that great at all.

The reason why there is a shortage of supplies in various gathering places, and even people starve to death, is not that there is no supplies at all, but that there are no people, or the inability to go outside to get supplies.

As long as you have the strength, there will be resources everywhere, and they are free to use.

Although for the time being, it seems that the Route Army has lost so much material, but in fact, the Route Army can win the hearts of the city guards by doing so, let them deepen their impression of the Route Army, and even feel grateful to the Route Army.

After all, cannibals have short mouths, soft hands, and suddenly get a lot of urgently needed things. Normal people will be very happy.

And the most important point is that Lu Jun doesn't care about these materials at all, because these things don't help his strength, and if they are distributed, they will be distributed...

"My lord, thank you for teaching me. I understand, and I will do it." Gao Tian cupped his hands respectfully. Lu Jun's words really benefited him a lot.

While Lu Jun was talking to Gao Tian, ​​the elves who had been captured also came over. After counting and questioning by the watchman, there was indeed not a single elf missing...

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