Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 890 Dialogue on the 3rd Floor

Looking at the panicked scarred face in front of him, the young master's body also trembled slightly.

But it returned to normal in the next moment, without any other movements, and the face was still covered by the gray robe.

With this effort, the scar face finally recovered, and while stepping back, he pointed at the young master: "You... Are you a human or a ghost?!"

Faced with the question, the young master did not speak, but took two steps forward and entered the stair passage.

The moment the young master came in, Scarface felt a piercing cold, as if his whole body had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Are you a human or a ghost?! Talk!!!" Scarface couldn't help but roared, his legs were trembling.

But the young master still didn't speak, his steps were very slow, every step would echo in the corridor.

However, it was this kind of echo and silence that made Scarface feel great pressure and fear.

Seeing the young master who was getting closer and closer to him, Scarface finally couldn't take it anymore, and yelled again: "You shouldn't be here! Go to hell!"

After finishing speaking, Scarface activated its own ability, shooting dozens of lead bullets and lead spikes, blocking all the positions of the young master.

This is almost the strongest attack he can make so far, and he went there with the mentality of failure or success.

The attack speed of the lead bullets and lead thorns at close range was very fast, and they arrived in front of the young master in a blink of an eye, and were deeply embedded in the gray robe.

The young master didn't dodge Scarface's attack, and he didn't know if it was intentional or he didn't react.

"Successful?" Scarface was obviously a little surprised, he didn't expect his attack to hit the young master so easily.

But the next moment, Scarface's expression changed drastically, because the young master who was hit by all the attacks did not stop, and continued to walk forward, as if he had not been disturbed by anything.

If you look closely, you can see that Scarface's attack only penetrated the young master's gray robe, but did not harm the young master's body.

This also meant that the young master blocked all the attacks with his own body, and he remained unscathed.

"How is it possible?! Impossible!" Scarface said to himself again, his face full of disbelief.

Because no matter what he said, he was a third-order supernatural being, and he could kill ordinary S-order creatures.

But now his strongest blow didn't even penetrate the young master's skin, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to him.

In this way, Scarface had no way to stop the young master from approaching, so he could only keep backing away until he entered the third floor.

And in the dim environment, the young master finally made new movements. He slowly pulled the ashes off his head, revealing a face with three scars.

With the help of the candlelight scattered on the ground before, Scarface could clearly see the young master's appearance at this time.

Although this person made him dream countless times after the apocalypse, he still couldn't accept it when he actually saw it. After all, he was a person who had died...

"You...why are you still alive..." Scarface took a few deep breaths and asked the young master again.

Since I can't escape, I might as well be a man, face the fear in my heart, and die with a clear understanding.

"Traitor...I've been looking for...you...for a long time..." The young master suddenly spoke intermittently.

The expression on his face also changed from indifference to a sneer, as if there was a kind of joy that the hunter finally caught the prey.

It's just that his voice is very hoarse, even a little weird, as if his vocal cords have been damaged, or he hasn't spoken for a long time, and he has forgotten how to say it.

Hearing the young master's voice, Scarface's legs softened, and he knelt on the ground subconsciously.

Because since he can speak, the young master is really still alive, and the resurrection of the dead has completely refreshed his world view.

"There may be a little misunderstanding between us...can you give me a moment, let me explain..." Scarface said while trembling.

His idea is very simple, that is to see if he can find an excuse to fool the young master, to delay the time or something.

Last time he fooled Nan Di on the verge of death, and he has survived until now, so he wants to do the same when facing the young master who has come back from the dead.

"Misunderstanding? No... There is no misunderstanding... You killed my men... You attacked me from behind... You caused me to become what I am now... You also killed my father... Destroyed my family... This is not a misunderstanding!" Young Master It was difficult to make a strange sound, but it was obviously better than before.

After finishing speaking, the young master stretched out his right hand under the gray robe, and stuck it to Scarface's face.

It was only when he got close to the scarred face that the young master's right hand was no different from the claw of the black thorn infected body except that it was a little bigger.

Before Scarface could figure out why, he felt a sharp pain. It turned out that the young master directly plunged his claws into his face, tearing off a large piece of skin in an instant, leaving the right cheek of Scarface Go bloody.

"Ah! Ah! Ah..." The moment he reacted, Scarface let out a scream, covered his face and rolled on the ground, and the piercing voice echoed everywhere on the third floor.

"This is...for you..." The young master pointed at the three scars on his face, "I...will not...kill you easily...I want...to enslave you...let you Eternal life... tortured..."

His idea is very simple, that is to see if he can find an excuse to fool the young master, to delay the time or something.

Last time he fooled Nan Di on the verge of death, and he has survived until now, so he wants to do the same when facing the young master who has come back from the dead.

"Misunderstanding? No... There is no misunderstanding... You killed my subordinate... You attacked me from behind... Made me look like a ghost... You also killed my father... Destroyed my family... This is not a misunderstanding!" Young Master It was difficult to make a strange sound, but it was obviously better than before.

After finishing speaking, the young master stretched out his right hand under the gray robe, and stuck it to Scarface's face.

It was only when he got close to the scarred face that the young master's right hand was no different from the claw of the black thorn infected body except that it was a little bigger.

Before Scarface could figure out why, he felt a sharp pain. It turned out that the young master directly plunged his claws into his face, tearing off a large piece of skin in an instant, leaving the right cheek of Scarface Go bloody.

"Ah! Ah! Ah..." The moment he reacted, Scarface let out a scream, covered his face and rolled on the ground, and the piercing voice echoed everywhere on the third floor.

"This is... for you..." The young master pointed at the three scars on his face, "I... will not... kill you easily... I will... enslave you... let you Eternal life... tortured..."

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