Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 902 Approaching Westwind Fortress

"We're going back to Westwind Fortress first, right?" Lin Yilan asked Lu Jun again.

"Well, there is a high chance that Ruan Bing and the others will be there, and I want to ask her about what happened recently." Lu Jun replied with a slight frown.

For some reason, the closer he was to home, the more uneasy he felt, as if something bad was waiting for him.

"Okay, I understand. I will control the Fengshen pterosaur to go on the road. You can continue to work." Lin Yilan also knew that Lu Jun had something to do.

"Okay, pay attention to the bottom, and tell me if you have any questions." Lu Jun nodded.

After finishing speaking, he entered the system again, and was busy with fusing spars. There are still hundreds of thousands of spars waiting for him to fuse...

At the same time, at a position twenty kilometers away from West Wind Fortress, a battle between humans and humans is going on.

"Big bear! The opponent's shield fighters are coming up again! Let our people get ready!" Anan yelled towards a dilapidated camp while riding a dark wolf.

"Fuck it, what time is it, why don't you let people sleep?" The strong and strong bear stood up from the cold ground and kicked his teammates, "Little ones, wake up!" , The Silent Crusaders are here again, don't sleep!"

Urged by Big Bear, a hundred or so young people who were sleeping on the ground in the camp stood up one after another, patting their cheeks to wake up their heads.

It can be seen from their dirty clothes and unkempt hair that they haven't washed in days.

And many of them had injuries on their bodies, most of which were caused by sharp weapons or supernatural abilities, and they were in a bit of a mess overall.

But their identities are real rebels. Although they have just been promoted from the outer legion, each of them is a supernatural being and has impressive strength.

"Brother Xiong, why do we have to stay here? The higher-ups haven't sent anyone over for three days. Have we been forgotten..." A small man rubbed his eyes and asked Big Bear with doubts.

"Where is all this nonsense coming from? Are you dissatisfied with your superiors?" Big Bear slapped the little man directly, but still explained, "This is the main road leading to our strategic hinterland, as long as you hold it here, keep silent Crusaders can't attack our city, understand? Our army is too busy fighting Zerg creatures to support us. Do you know how vicious those Zerg creatures are? For your size, they all have a mouthful One, I sent you here to guard these stupid silent crusaders, how dare you have any objections..."

While talking about Big Bear, he couldn't help scolding the little guy. In fact, he also said these words to everyone on the field, in order to stabilize the morale of the army and improve the morale of everyone.

Because they really had no supplies for several days, the Silent Crusaders attacked fiercely, attacking more than 60 times in a few days.

And here, apart from him and Anan, they are all newly promoted fighters and have never experienced any battles, so he has to take care of the emotions of these people at all times.

"I don't, Brother Xiong, I know you are good to us, so I just asked casually, hehehe." The little man slapped a few times to ease the atmosphere around him.

Looking at the disheveled people in front of him, Da Xiong felt a little sad. These were actually children, the youngest was sixteen years old, and the oldest was only nineteen years old.

Originally, they were still training in the Outer Legion of the Rebel Army, so they didn't need to go to the battlefield in a short time.

Because these are extremely talented young people,

Some people follow or have supernatural powers

But who knew that after the Lu army disappeared, the battle situation here suddenly became tense, they were besieged by many parties, and their troops were seriously insufficient.

Therefore, the soldiers of the major peripheral legions can only be temporarily promoted to enhance the overall combat power.

However, in order to ensure the survival rate, the younger people are on the side of the big bear

"We're going back to Westwind Fortress first, right?" Lin Yilan asked Lu Jun again.

"Well, there is a high chance that Ruan Bing and the others will be there, and I want to ask her about what happened recently." Lu Jun replied with a slight frown.

For some reason, the closer he was to home, the more uneasy he felt, as if something bad was waiting for him.

"Okay, I understand. I will control the Fengshen pterosaur to go on the road. You can continue to work." Lin Yilan also knew that Lu Jun had something to do.

"Okay, pay attention to the bottom, and tell me if you have any questions." Lu Jun nodded.

After finishing speaking, he entered the system again, and was busy with fusing spars. There are still hundreds of thousands of spars waiting for him to fuse...

At the same time, at a position twenty kilometers away from West Wind Fortress, a battle between humans and humans is going on.

"Big bear! The opponent's shield fighters are coming up again! Let our people get ready!" Anan yelled towards a dilapidated camp while riding a dark wolf.

"Fuck it, what time is it, why don't you let people sleep?" The strong and strong bear stood up from the cold ground and kicked his teammates, "Little ones, wake up!" , The Silent Crusaders are here again, don't sleep!"

Urged by Big Bear, a hundred or so young people who were sleeping on the ground in the camp stood up one after another, patting their cheeks to wake up their heads.

It can be seen from their dirty clothes and unkempt hair that they haven't washed in days.

And many of them had injuries on their bodies, most of which were caused by sharp weapons or supernatural abilities, and they were in a bit of a mess overall.

But their identities are real rebels. Although they have just been promoted from the outer legion, each of them is a supernatural being and has impressive strength.

"Brother Xiong, why do we have to stay here? The higher-ups haven't sent anyone over for three days. Have we been forgotten..." A small man rubbed his eyes and asked Big Bear with doubts.

"Where is all this nonsense coming from? Are you dissatisfied with your superiors?" Big Bear slapped the little man directly, but still explained, "This is the main road leading to our strategic hinterland, as long as you hold it here, keep silent Crusaders can't attack our city, understand? Our army is too busy fighting Zerg creatures to support us. Do you know how vicious those Zerg creatures are? For your size, they all have a mouthful One, I sent you here to guard these stupid silent crusaders, how dare you have any objections..."

While talking about Big Bear, he couldn't help scolding the little guy. In fact, he also said these words to everyone on the field, in order to stabilize the morale of the army and improve the morale of everyone.

Because they really had no supplies for several days, the Silent Crusaders attacked fiercely, attacking more than 60 times in a few days.

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