After the Silent Crusaders left, Lin Zhan came up with a few of his confidants, only three meters away from the Lu army.

This is also the first time Lu Jun has seen Lin Zhan, but he can feel that this man's aura is different from those around him.

"I'm Lu Jun." Lu Jun took the initiative to extend his right hand towards Lin Zhan.

"Tomahawk Legion, Lin Zhan, thank you for the rescue." Lin Zhan clasped Lu Jun's right hand tightly with both hands in response.

"Rescue can't be talked about. We are cooperating and helping each other." Lu Jun released Lin Zhan's right hand.

"But why did you occupy this place with just a few of you..." Lin Zhan also withdrew his right hand and said weakly.

No wonder he was puzzled, because when he got here, he realized that the inner city was full of Silent Crusaders.

If he hadn't seen a group of high-level Silent Crusaders squatting on the ground, he would have thought that the Lu army was also a member of the Silent Crusaders...

"You will know this question later, just like I don't know you now." Lu Jun chuckled.

It would be too troublesome to explain it slowly, and it would be nice to be able to just perfunctory it.

Before Lin Zhan could speak, a voice suddenly sounded from the side: "Dad, how are the casualties on our side?"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yilan walked out of the crowd and went directly to Lin Zhan.

Everyone around was startled by Lin Yilan's "Dad" and looked at the two people in front of them with puzzled faces.

"This is your dad?!" Lu Jun was obviously surprised, his eyes widened.

"Uh... yes..." Lin Yilan turned his head, "I forgot to tell you in advance, this is my father Lin Zhan, he founded the Tomahawk Legion, and he was the one who promoted the last incident and this incident .”

"So it's like this..." Lu Jun muttered.

In this way, he understood the whole thing, no wonder Lin Yilan has such a good relationship with the Tomahawk Legion.

No wonder the Tomahawk Legion will cooperate with them unconditionally, no wonder the Tomahawk Legion is willing to help them attract the attention of the Silent Crusaders.

These questions that had made Lu Jun extremely confused can now be sorted out, and the reason lies in Lin Yilan.

But he really didn't expect that Lin Zhan would be so relieved that Lin Yilan had been in the Resistance Army for so long, making it seem like he abducted someone else's daughter...

After Lu Jun and Lin Yilan finished talking, the surroundings fell into silence, and the atmosphere was once awkward.

Only Lin Zhan didn't think there was anything wrong, and smiled lazily at Lin Yi: "Our loss is not big, and your arrival is very timely."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to Lu Jun's side: "I didn't expect Boss Lu to be so strong at such a young age. I didn't quite believe it when Xiaolan said it. Now it seems that I was wrong. It's really better to be famous than to meet. "

These are Lin Zhan's sincere words. He still remembers that half a month ago, a person who opposed the scorpion group suddenly appeared in Ori City, and was besieged by the scorpion group.

In order to help this person, he sent Lin Yilan, who has spatial abilities, to save him.

But half a day later, Lin Yilan came back suddenly and told him that he was leaving, and that he was going to join a force called the Rebel Army and go out to make a living.

This made Lin Zhan a little confused, why did his daughter feel that her soul had been hooked away after only going out for a long time?

At first, Warrior Lin was very opposed, and asked Lin Yilan what happened.

After all, it is the end of the world, and it is impossible for him to let Lin Yilan out without knowing the reason.

But Lin Yilan didn't tell him, he just tried his best to make Lin Zhan trust her and train the Tomahawk Legion well.

After finishing speaking, Lin Yilan used his space ability to slip away, without giving Lin Zhan a chance to continue talking.

This startled Lin Zhan. He "lost" his daughter for no reason. This was a big deal. He immediately sent his men to look for it everywhere, and began to search for information, trying to figure out what happened in the past ten hours.

After a lot of trouble, Lin Zhan's subordinates failed to find Lin Yilan, because she had already returned to Westwind Fortress with Lu Jun.

However, Lin Zhan is not without gains,

According to his subordinates, a few hours ago, someone sneaked into the inner city, destroyed the site of the Silent Crusaders, bombed all the research institutes, and even ran away.

At the beginning, Lin Zhan didn't understand who did it, after all, no one in Ori City had such courage.

But as more and more information was collected, Lin Zhan soon figured out that all this must be related to the person Lin Yilan was going to save, and also related to Lin Yilan.

Thinking that Lin Yilan actually participated in such a big operation and succeeded, Lin Zhan was both excited and worried.

Excitement is that he feels that his daughter has grown up, is capable, and can be independent.

What worries him is that he doesn't know who Lin Yilan hangs out with, and he doesn't know what kind of force the rebel army is. He is afraid that Lin Yilan will suffer a disadvantage if he is alone outside.

As for Lin Yilan's safety, he was not very nervous, because he had seen Lin Yilan's ability to escape.

In layman's terms, Lin Yilan has no other skills other than running for his life and taking others to escape...

Although he was worried, Lin Zhan didn't dare to tell anyone about it, and he didn't dare to say that Lin Yilan was missing. Only his confidantes knew a little bit.

After all, this matter involves the Silent Crusaders, and their Tomahawk Legion may be uprooted if they are not careful.

In this way, for a long time to come, Lin Zhan was frantically collecting news about the Jing Rebel Army and Lin Yilan.

Being praised by Lin Zhan, even if Lu Jun's face is thick enough, he felt a little hot, pointing at Lin Yilan: "We are all the same. When she said you would cooperate with us at first, I thought you It’s a liar, and now it seems that I was also wrong.”

After finishing speaking, Lu Jun and Lin Zhan laughed "hahaha", dispelling the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Okay, since we are all our own people, let's not talk about the mother-in-law's words, let's discuss the future arrangements." Lu Jun directly turned to the topic.

"Okay, Boss Lu, please tell me, our Tomahawk Legion will cooperate fully." Lin Zhan clasped his fists, he knew his position very well.

Although he still doesn't know

In this way, for a long time to come, Lin Zhan was frantically collecting news about the Jing Rebel Army and Lin Yilan.

Being praised by Lin Zhan, even if Lu Jun's face is thick enough, he felt a little hot, pointing at Lin Yilan: "We are all the same. When she said you would cooperate with us at first, I thought you It’s a liar, and now it seems that I was also wrong.”

After finishing speaking, Lu Jun and Lin Zhan laughed "hahaha", dispelling the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Okay, since we are all our own people, let's not talk about the mother-in-law's words, let's discuss the future arrangements." Lu Jun directly turned to the topic.

"Okay, Boss Lu, please tell me, our Tomahawk Legion will cooperate fully." Lin Zhan clasped his fists, he knew his position very well.

Although he still doesn't know

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