This frightened Lu Junyi, and the breath in his body began to become unstable. The first thought was how could this be possible?

You must know that he has arranged ten S-rank Fengshen pterosaurs outside the cave. It stands to reason that even if super-order creatures attack, Fengshen pterosaurs can stop them.

What's more, Lu Jun didn't feel the breath of super creatures at all. Why did Fengshen pterosaurs let other creatures in?

Are they drawn away? Or is it that all the kung fu in such a short period of time was killed?

The most important thing is that with the sound of footsteps, the Deinonychus arranged by Lu Jun in the cave did not respond at all, not even a sound, as if no outsiders were approaching, and it seemed to be asleep.

At this time, Lu Jun really wanted to open his eyes to see who came in, and also wanted to see what happened to the dinosaurs.

But he can't do this, because it's very dangerous to absorb the crystal source, and he can't be disturbed by the slightest bit, and he can't stop it forcibly.

Otherwise, in addition to causing an explosion, it will also greatly damage its strength, and even be seriously injured and life-threatening.

You must know that he has just broken through to his current strength, and he doesn't want to suffer any messy accidents at all.

Therefore, Lu Jun, who was unable to move, could only secretly worry in his heart, praying that the creatures that came in would not attack him, and wait for him to absorb the crystal source in front of him...

I don't know if the creature that came in heard his voice, but stopped moving after walking a few steps, and didn't make any attacks, and seemed to be quietly watching Lu Jun.

Since Lu Jun had no vision and couldn't see the creatures in front of him, this unknown made him a little scared.

But no matter what, as long as the creatures in front of him don't attack him, that's a good thing, and it's also his chance.

In the next moment, Lu Jun blocked all messy thoughts and began to absorb the remaining crystal source with all his strength.

In fact, his approach is very desperate, with elements of gambling, because at this time, as long as the creatures that come in attack him, then in his state, he will definitely die.

Although this is very reckless, unlike Lu Jun's behavior style, but he really can't help it, he can't forcibly interrupt the absorption and blow himself up...

Fortunately, what the Lu army was worried about did not happen. The Lu army did not suffer any attacks in the following time, and it was very quiet both inside and outside the cave.

As time passed, Lu Jun finally absorbed the last bit of crystal source. At this moment, a blue light appeared from his whole body, illuminating the entire cave.

Immediately after the blue light disappeared, Lu Jun regained control of his body, feeling refreshed, with boundless power in his body.

At this moment, what Lu Jun thought was not to check his body, but to kill the creature that just came in.

Although the creature didn't hurt him, it frightened him for so long for no reason, and he was going to be pissed off...

And he also scolded Deinonychus and Fengshen pterosaur, how did these silly dinosaurs think of letting other creatures in?

With this in mind, Lu Jun took out a cold light stick from the armed module and twisted it on, illuminating the cave again.

However, the next moment he was so angry that he was stunned, because with the help of the light of the cold light stick, he saw Xiao Wan standing in front of him and staring at him.

Deinonychus was also in the cave, lying lazily on the ground, showing no reaction to Lu Jun standing up.

"Xiao Wan? Why are you here..." After knowing it was Xiao Wan, Lu Jun's anger disappeared a lot.

Because at this time he could figure out why Deinonychus and Aeolus pterosaur did not intercept, probably because he knew that Xiao Wan belonged to him, so he felt that it didn't matter if he let it in.

In other words, as beasts, they will be infected by Xiaowan's affinity for beasts invisibly, so naturally they will not attack Xiaowan.

"Brother Lu Jun, I have been looking for you for a long time. If there were not a lot of creatures around outside and I saw your dinosaurs flying around, I probably would not have found you." Xiaowan said a little excitedly, "But I just came in When I saw you motionless, I didn't dare to disturb you, but luckily you woke up quickly..."

"Looking for me for a long time? What happened?!" For some reason,

Lu Jun had a feeling that Ruan Bing and the others might be in trouble, otherwise they wouldn't be in such a hurry.

"Westwind Fortress, the Westwind Fortress is in danger! Millions of infected bodies are rushing to where, and the first batch will arrive before noon today!" Xiao Wan immediately reported to Lu Jun.

"Millions of them?! Are you mistaken?! How could there be millions of them coming together?!" Lu Jun couldn't believe it, because he also thought it was nonsense that so many infected bodies came here at once.

"That's right, sister Ruan Bing and I saw it with our own eyes. There are probably hundreds of thousands of mutated infected bodies alone!" Xiao Wan continued to describe the scene to Lu Jun.

"Wait! Did these infected bodies come from the south? Is it 100 kilometers away from West Wind Fortress?" Lu Jun suddenly thought of something, and quickly asked Xiaowan.

"It is indeed from the south. I didn't pay much attention to the 100 kilometers, but it shouldn't be too far away from the 100 kilometers." Xiao Wan recalled it carefully before answering.

Both she and Ruan Bing were shocked by the number of infected bodies just now, and didn't think too much about other things.

But the only thing that puzzles Xiaowan is that Lu Jun has been here all the time, how does he know where the infected group came from? If you guessed it, it's too accurate...

Fortunately, the next moment, Lu Jun slapped the wall next to him and answered Xiaowan's doubts: "That's right, these infected bodies came from Tianhai Haicheng! Only there can accommodate so many infected bodies! Careless, No one was sent to guard over there..."

Lu Jun's tone revealed self-blame, because he really almost forgot about the infected body over there.

However, even if he always remembered, he never thought that the infected body would choose such a time to attack, and there were millions of them coming together...

"Where are they now? Do the rest of us know?" Lu Jun asked Xiaowan two more questions.

"If my estimate is correct, they may be only 40 kilometers away from Westwind Fortress at this time. All of us know about it and are organizing defenses, but there are too many infected groups. We think it will be difficult to defend them. They are all waiting for you. order." Xiaowan told Lu Jun about the general situation.

"Forty kilometers..." Lu Jun muttered, frowning, as if he was calculating something, and then he widened his eyes, "There is still a chance, we have to go back and deploy defense immediately!"

After speaking, Lu Jun planned to rush out of the cave and leave here directly, because he had already thought of a series of defensive plans in his mind.

Xiao Wan also followed Lu Jun closely. She also knew that the situation was urgent, so she was not in the mood to ask how far Lu Jun's strength had broken through...

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