When the U-35 parked in the canal started on its own without any advance warning, the alarm sounded immediately throughout the canal.

Those NZ soldiers who instantly entered a combat posture and wanted to prevent the submarine from entering the water could not figure out how the submarine was activated.

Except for the SS Major and his adjutant who just said they wanted to go in for a check, there was no one inside the submarine.

Even if the number of people on board a submarine is much smaller than that of a conventional warship, it cannot be driven by two people.

What's more important is that since the submarine was parked in this port area, it has always had major problems and no minor problems, and these minor problems are just the kind of minor problems that can affect normal navigation.

After discovering that they could not be repaired, these soldiers regarded the submarine, which might need to appease the machine spirit, as a fixed sight in the port area.

At the same time, he also found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not stop the submarine from sailing towards the sea and submerging into the waves. The NZ soldiers could only choose to issue a warning to the Tirpitz anchored in the distance.

Speaking of which, does the Tirpitz have anti-submarine equipment?

While the NZ soldiers were wondering, the Tirpitz responded to their warning...with a round of saturation bombardment.

Because the bombardment was so violent, even the submarine that had dived underwater could feel the violent shaking.

However, the three people in the submarine, or rather one person, one deer, and one boat, did not become nervous due to the shaking.

"Although this ship cannot be regarded as my true body, it is still very simple to cause some minor problems." In the narrow and rickety submarine cabin, two people, Milin and Jiuselu, were gathered together. Said the U-35 next to the Navy can.

Compared with the Army's fourth-class canned food, which only has "luncheon meat", the Navy's canned food is much more luxurious, including not only fish but also canned fruit.

The Awakened One, who once again transformed into the shape of a nine-colored deer, held the canned fish and ate it politely. In later generations, those Buddhas and descendants who fasted to show their piety, few people knew or were unwilling to know that in fact, the Awakened One never Don't be shy about these things.

True enlightenment is not something you can figure out through a lifetime of eating.

Milin, who opened an orange can and ate it, heard U-35's words and said strangely:

"Can't it be considered your true body?"

Just after entering the submarine, the entire submarine was running on its own as if it were unmanned. Milin thought the ship was the U-35's body.

"Well, I thought it was my real body at first. Even the places where these cans are hidden are the same as in my memory." U-, who looks like he's only in his teens, but looks old-fashioned. 35 said: "But then I suddenly discovered that these memories...are not necessarily mine."

"Isn't it my own memory? How did you and Bei Zhai get here?" Milin asked as he sipped a canned orange.

"The only memory I can confirm now is that I was dragged by Beizhai to clean the admiral's office. How I got here after that and what happened in the middle, we have no idea..." After finishing speaking, u- 35 paused and said, "In other words, what we know may not necessarily be what we actually experience."

"How did you find it?" Milin asked curiously.

"Although we ship girls, according to you, Admiral, are born for war, we were born to protect mankind against... bullying those deep seas in the sea." U-35 shook his head and said: "But After this world, I can fire on humans without any psychological pressure."

"Did you notice it because of these contradictions?" Milin nodded, understanding what U-35 was talking about.

In the world view of U-35 and Bei Zhai's hometown, they, the elves of the sea, exist in the form of guardians, and they are also the kind of pure and good guardian spirits.

When an elf with such a pure heart is suddenly forced to have a memory or a camp and turns into a killing machine, he will naturally feel a sense of disobedience.

"Yes, but it took us a long time to realize it, because the things that brought us to this world did not force these concepts on us, but a... I can't tell you, Admiral. Do you know this thing?"

As U-35 talked, he found that he didn't know how to explain it, so he put down the can in his hand and took out a badge from his ship's equipment space.

Looking at the Iron Cross badge, which looked like a sharp sword in a scabbard, Milin was stunned for a moment and said: "Iron-blooded..."

Gu Yan\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt; "Iron-blooded? Admiral, you really know me." U-35 threw the badge in his hand directly to Milin and asked: "What is this?"

"The shipgirl camp logo is the same as yours, but it's from another world." Milin said, playing with the iron-blooded badge in his hand.

"A ship girl from another world?" U-35 was confused for a moment but did not ask in detail. Instead, he said with some emotion: "It must be difficult for compatriots in that world."

"Why do you say that?" Milin asked as he put away the Iron Blood Badge.

"Because they...should open fire on their compatriots, right?" U-35 said, and then explained in order to make his words more credible:

"I can feel the fascination with fighting, as well as the inevitable struggle and anger caused by war."

Seeing U-35's old-fashioned look, Milin smiled and said:

"That's true, but the world is different after all."

Using another cause and effect to influence this cause and effect, that God can play, but I don’t know why he didn’t just bring those ship girls from Azur Lane into this world. Isn’t it impossible?

So why is it not possible? It can’t be because it’s too big.

"Admiral, please comfort Beizhai for a while." U-35 is not too entangled in what the ship girl is like in another world. In front of the ship girl in this ship, which can also be regarded as an old ship, many things are easy to understand. Cloudy.

"What happened to her?" Milin asked.

"She got in a little deep. Even if I couldn't control myself with my small arms and legs, I couldn't hurt a few people. She killed a lot of people, and she gave up on herself." Compared to the ship girls in another world, u -35 still cares more about his comrades in the port area.

"How can she give up on herself in Beizhai?" Milin couldn't imagine how a great painter who was good at drawing notebooks could give up on himself? Do you want to change your style and start drawing pure love books?

"Hey, Admiral, you are still like this, as if you don't care about anything. Murder is a serious crime for us shipmates. If Commander Aila finds out, he might be forced to dismantle you." Seeing that Milin didn't understand, U-35 immediately reminded that the situation was serious.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Ella, and even if she knows, she won't dismantle it. Besides, who dares to dismantle my ship?" Milin said.

"Hehe, this is the admiral I am loyal to. Wait, admiral, you seem to know where the missing Commander Ella has gone?" U-35 said as he noticed that Milin's tone expressed some strange meanings.

"She is in the same world as me now, well, another world." Milin replied to the U-35.

"...Elope?" U-35 asked after hesitation.


"Honeymoon?" Seeing that Milin didn't answer, U-35 gave another guess without hiding the gossipy expression on his face.

Seeing that Milin still didn't answer, U-35 took out a small notebook and wrote:

"What a big deal. In order to avoid being captured by the gendarmerie, the Harem King of Minato chose to elope with the gendarmerie commander."

"Stop, stop, stop, why are you acting like a banana reporter?" Milin raised his hand and snatched the small notebook from U-35's hand.

"This can be regarded as the original duty of a submarine." U-35 said, not angry at Milin taking away the small notebook in his hand.

"What the hell kind of responsibility." Milin brought the topic back to the topic speechlessly and said, "As for Beizhai's psychological counseling, I brought professionals here this time."

As he spoke, Milin turned his head and looked at Jiuselu, who had already finished one canned fish and was reaching for another canned fish.

...Wait a minute, did the Awakened One follow him just because he expected to provide psychological counseling to Bei Zhai?


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