"If I had a chance to meet the maker of this summoning golden finger, I would definitely release the seal of the Kirin Arm."

After reading the third paragraph in the instruction manual, Milin immediately complained.

Reciting ancient poems is disgusting enough, but people are also asked to recite the devil's modified version of ancient poems. This is so insane and evil.

Accompanied by the lines "Nine heavens, the universe, the sun, the moon and the stars" were read out.

The stars symbolizing various technology trees and skill points appeared in the black and white world, instantly replacing everything and becoming the only scene around Milin.

Attila, who became the vanguard of the wandering stars, looked so small and dim in this starry sky.

Under the twinkling starlight, the only thing still dazzling was the circular formation at Milin's feet.

The magic circle wrapped in endless starlight, and the three Milin people standing on the magic circle, did not know when they came to the top of a bottomless tower that seemed to connect the earth and the sky.

Even if there is no relevant knowledge, anyone who sees this tower can tell the name of this tower immediately.

"Tower of Babel"

Humanity unites to hope to step into the tower above the nine heavens.

But it is obvious that the Tower of Babel where Milin is located was not destroyed by God like the legend. It is a Tower of Babel that has been completed.

Perhaps in the eyes of different people, the completed Tower of Babel has various meanings.

But here in Milin, the presence of this tower could only mean one thing.

"A hero of mankind? Not bad at all."

It is not a towering mountain, nor a turbulent wave, nor a beautiful and imaginary supreme paradise, nor an endless abyss burning with endless flames.

What was summoned was not something strange, it could be said to be the best news so far.

Unfortunately, this good news soon turned into not-so-good news as the ceremony continued.

After briefly recalling the selection items in the manual, Yonebayashi spread his hands, raised his head and looked at the stars that seemed to be within reach, and then read a line with a changing style:

"We abandon all gods and resist a thousand disasters."

This is a special summoning spell when the Tower of Babel appears. If the scene of heaven or hell appears, it is another trick...

If a star with big eyes or a bunch of colorful bubbles appeared, Mirin might just interrupt the ceremony.

It was like responding to Milin's summoning spell, as if it was close at hand yet like the stars falling far away in the sky.

The starlight that converged into spheres formed a rotating ring on the magic circle around Milin.

"Damn, no gold, no color." Milin, surrounded by rotating rings, said depressedly.

The starlight without any extra color means that the hero summoned this time is a low-star hero.

As the first draw rewards, Gray Wind and Alori are both shining colorful lights.

"It can't be the great hero Arash?" Milin said worriedly.

It's not that the great hero is incompetent, but that this great hero seems to be neither a general nor a governor, nor a bodyguard.

As for Chen Gong, Mi Lin will definitely find a way to return it... Of course, the real scope of summons is not limited to those lunar heroes.

When Milin was speechless at his own unhappiness, the starlight without additional color rotated around Milin faster and faster, and became smaller and smaller.

Finally, it gradually gathered into a copper card in Milin's palm.

"What kind of job agency?" Gray Feng asked, having heard Milin introduce the summoning process.

"Uh...ruler." Milin looked at the card floating and spinning in his hand and said strangely.

"Ruler?" Hui Feng was stunned for a moment.

"That's the adjudicator. It's strange, why is it the adjudicator?" Milin said a little strangely.

Although they were not from the same work, both Gray Feng and Alori were given a job placement label by this golden finger across works when they were summoned by Milin.

For example, Gray Wind's job description is the "other" with the clown symbol, and Alori is a standard "berserker"

Fortunately, this cross-work job evaluation is just a simple evaluation, and there is no other impact.

Similarly, the appearance of a card representing a job agency does not mean that the summons is about to end.

Or to be precise, the calling has just begun.

In Milin's hand, the career card rotated faster and faster, and then gradually turned into a diamond-shaped gem that seemed to be struck using the Acheulean stone tool making method.

During the process of change, Milin still silently recited:

"Change to rainbow, change to rainbow, change to rainbow, change to rainbow..."

Unfortunately, the prayers of Africans have no warming effect, and the diamond-shaped gemstones that are transformed are still ordinary gemstones with neither golden light nor colored light.

Floating in front of Milin like a piece of transparent blue glass.

Milin, who failed to smuggle for the second time, sighed and continued to read in a weak voice:

"Our legacy will last forever."

With these words, the diamond-shaped gem in Milin's hand flew into the sky.

When it just left Milin's hand, the diamond-shaped gem flew very slowly, but it became faster and faster as the distance increased.

Finally, with a stream of light, diamond-shaped gems without additional colors joined the stars in the sky.

Knowing that he had no hope of leaving Europe and joining Europe, Milin took a deep breath, raised his hands high, and shouted loudly:

“Create all that shall be created.”

"Destroy everything that will be destroyed."

"O man of destiny, listen to the announcement of the fourth natural disaster, transcend endless possibilities, and come to this place and now!"

"Okay, it's done, just wait." Milin, who had finished everything he had to do according to the Goldfinger instruction manual, breathed a sigh of relief and complained:

"It's all spent, not a penny left! It's so expensive!"

A five-digit dinar is not a small amount of money in this world. It is enough for a family to live a life without worries about food and clothing for most of their life in a small city like Escalon.

"Did you do the same thing when you summoned me?" Gray Feng, who still looked like a mosaic humanoid, asked.

"It's almost the same, but the lines are different, and before I finished reading, you ran out and asked me if it was mating season," Milin said.

When Gray Wind was summoned, what appeared was not the Tower of Babel, but directly ran to a dead planet.

"Because I didn't understand the characteristics of your species at the time, Commander, what about Alori?" Although he knew that he had made a big mistake regarding the mating season, Gray Wind continued to ask without paying much attention.

"She, I scared her when I appeared in Songgard. I began to think that she regarded me as an intruder." Milin said after recalling:

"I found out later that she thought she had been caught stealing wine. Tsk, obviously there is an unlimited supply of wine in Songgard."

"Commander, how did you form an alliance with Alori?" Gray Wind asked.

"Well, it's a long story, oh, here it comes." Milin, who was about to find the original scene in his memories, noticed the change in the sky.

Without having to raise his head along with Milin, Gray Feng could already see that the stars above his head were squeezed out by a huge circular sky.

Behind the sky is a blue world.

"Fortunately, at least he's not a hero from the wasteland, and I don't need to go there myself."

This is almost the only advantage of low-star minions over high-star minions.

SSRs like Gray Wind and Alori require Milin to make a trip in person.

A shining point of light flew out from the blue world. After crossing the circle occupying the sky, the point of light turned into a meteor and hit Milin at a very fast speed.

When the light and shadow caused by the meteor landing dissipated, a black handbag appeared in front of Milin.

"Pfft, isn't it the promised apocalyptic wasteland world?" Milin almost gasped when he saw the handbag.

"What is this?" Gray Feng asked, looking at the black handbag that could almost fit a person into it.

"A document package containing the operator registration form, but I think the operator himself should also be included."

As if in response to Milin's words, the black handbag moved, as if someone was trying to get out.

"Why the Doomsday Wasteland?" Gray Wind asked curiously.

"Because in my memory, only that world would dress people in this way." Milin said as he reached out to unzip his handbag.

Well, a white light, indeed.

Milin unzipped the zipper without waiting. In the white light, the black handbag disappeared, leaving only a blond figure lying curled up on the ground.

"Hey? Who is this?" Milin, who didn't see the tail or animal ears from the blond figure lying on the ground, was surprised.

Holding a document holder in his arms, wearing a pair of headphones, and wearing a white uniform and black short skirt, the descendant, who looked like a woman from the clothing and figure, rubbed his sleepy eyes, then stretched out his hand to look around for something.

"Are you looking for this?" Milin asked, handing over a pair of glasses.

"Ah, thank you, thank you." The woman quickly took the glasses and put them on before taking in the surrounding scene.

With her appearance, both the starry sky and the Tower of Babel disappeared, returning to the wilderness.

It looked like she couldn't accept waking up in the wild. The confusion on the blonde woman's face lasted for a whole minute.

It wasn't until her eyes moved to Milin that she temporarily put her confusion aside and asked Milin:


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