Just like the peer from the parallel world, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

Auschwitz, the temple guard of this world, has also developed the power of life that can theoretically cross the boundary between life and death.

Unfortunately, Milin got the timing wrong.

Qui-Gon Jin, who was still taking the King of Character as his apprentice, had not yet completed this skill.

Similarly, the master of Auschwitz in this world has only touched the threshold of life and death with the force of life.

Without Milin's wave of disturbances to the Force, it would have taken a long time for the master of Auschwitz, who had fallen into a state of chaos, to find himself again in the mystery of life and death...or to be completely lost.

In other words, although there is nothing wrong with the miraculous results of vigorous efforts, the process is a little strange.

Milin is also a little speechless that he has become the opponent's guide in some aspects.

However, from the moment he decided to work hard to create a miracle, Milin had no intention of hiding his ability to also cultivate the light side of the force.

Nothing happened that deviated too much from the plan.

The reason why this Jedi Master immediately called Master Milin after he appeared as a Jedi hero is the same as in the parallel world.

There is a Jedi in the parallel world who can master both the light and dark forces. There are also records of similar existences among the temple guards in this world.

But it's not called Jedi Yi, nor is it called Temple Assassin, but called Guardian.

Looking at Auschwitz who was immersed in thought, Milin helped the other party to completely stabilize his figure speechlessly and said:

"I haven't mastered the art of balancing the Force, and I don't know what you mean by a Guardian."

"There are not many detailed records about the guardians left in the temple."

Auschwitz, which remained translucent, continued:

"But what is certain is that the original Guardians can control the dark side of the Force, rather than being controlled by the dark side of the Force."

Auschwitz was not surprised that Milin did not know what a guardian was.

Because even the temple itself has long lost many records about its guardians.

In addition to being able to control the dark side instead of being controlled by the dark side, there are only fragmentary records about the guardians in the temple, involving the files from the beginning of the establishment of the temple and the Assassin's Court.

"Is it the temple and the assassin... court established by the guardian?" Milin asked, ignoring the strange name.

"It's not that" Auschwitz shook his head and said, "the founders of the Temple and the Assassin's Court are just followers of the Guardians."

"That's why you call them Temple Guards? Not Templar Warriors?" Milin nodded and asked.

"Yes, Master, we have been pursuing the path of the Guardian from beginning to end, looking for the way to balance the light and darkness of the Force." Auschwitz confirmed Milin's question.

"It sounds like the Temple Guard was established together with the Assassin's Court?" Milin then asked.

"That's right. We are scholars and they are warriors. We guard the temple together. It's a pity that the power of the dark side is too terrifying after all." Auschwitz said with some emotion.

Seeing Milin's puzzled look, he thought that Milin, who was from Cathay and didn't know much about the history of the empire, explained Auschwitz in detail.

According to the Auschwitz narrative, the original Assassin was also a member of the Temple Guard.

While cultivating the Force, they are all looking for ways to balance it.

Through the efforts of these original temple guards, city-state after city-state was established.

As time went on, these connected city-states formed kingdoms of varying sizes.

Eventually these kingdoms were brought together by the Temple and became the Republic.

Unfortunately, under the influence of the dark side of the Force, the Temple Guards, later known as Assassins, began to frequently use their power to influence the world.

The originally peaceful Republic, under the influence of this power, fell into continuous war for various reasons.

…This should be called the inevitable law of productivity progress and historical development…

Milin felt a little drowsy while listening to the explanation of Auschwitz, and a line of words popped into his mind.

After confirming that Auschwitz, which was transformed into Jedi heroes, posed no threat to Milin, Alori, who was not interested in this history, left the basement directly.

I don’t know if I am fishing or fishing.

Gray Wind also found an excuse to leave here. It wasn't that she didn't care, but she didn't need to stay here all the time to record the story of Auschwitz.

Only Ella, who had moved to a different chair, looked very interested and followed Milin to listen to the history class.

By the way, she also took over the maid's job and served Mirin tea and water.

Before the establishment of the Empire, under the control of those assassins, the world... to be precise, the area where the Empire was located during the Republic was always in chaos.

Compared with the chaos at that time, the current situation in the empire, where the three families are divided into promotions, can be described as peaceful.

These emperors fought with each other, but at least they did not slaughter cities at every turn or even sacrifice for unknown reasons.

Later, someone couldn't stand it anymore and led the temple guards who put down their books and picked up weapons to defeat the assassin with a chaotic and evil style.

Established an empire called Calradia and ended the Reign of Chaos.

The name Calradia is to commemorate the last guardian who left her name in the temple - Cassandra.


When Milin heard the name, he choked out the mead he just drank.

"It turns out, Master, that you are the descendant of the last guardian."

Seeing Milin's reaction, Auschwitz smiled with relief.

"It can't be considered a descendant. I can only say that I know the name..."

Well, anyone who has played Assassin's Creed Odyssey doesn't know Maraka.

Okay, since there are already temple guards and assassins, the appearance of Sister Cassandra is not a too surprising setting.

However, the card sister in this world actually established a country, which is a bit inconsistent with the character.

"Master Cassandra did not lead the empire, just like the temple guards did not think about leading others." Auschwitz shook his head and explained:

After annihilating the assassins and promoting the establishment of the empire, Cassandra did not stay to ascend the throne and become the empress of the empire.

However, in order to prevent the loss of life from happening again, the guardian gave the first emperor of the empire a dragon flag and made an agreement.

When one day the people of the empire once again face the threat of assassins, the descendants of the emperor holding the dragon flag can call on the last guardian to continue the battle of the past.

Although the temple guards were not mentioned in this agreement, the temple guards actively believed that the guardians in "Calling the Last Guardian" were referring to them.

After all, even for a guardian, living for hundreds of years is too exaggerated.

However, with the help of Milin, Auschwitz, who transcended life and death and became a heroic spirit, changed his views. Perhaps the last guardian, Cassandra, also transcended life and death early.

"If... it's really the Cassandra I know, then she must still be alive now." Milin suddenly looked forward to meeting Malaca in the parallel world.

"Master, are you asking your apprentice to go to the temple for the sake of the last guardian?" Although he used a questioning tone, Auschwitz expressed a positive attitude.

While saying these words, Auschwitz also glanced at Ella sitting next to him.

There are descendants of the emperor, and clues to the imperial dragon flag first appeared from the former lord of Escalon City.

Guardians like Milin appeared again, and no one believed it if it wasn't for the last guardian.

As for why this roundabout way was used, Auschwitz judged that Milin was trying to better achieve this goal.

Including Milin using the dark side of the Force to disguise himself as an assassin.

Facing Auschwitz, whose thinking was seriously impaired, Milin's mouth twitched.

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