Right Here Waiting For You

Chapter 52 Going to Elementary School

After Children's Day, Ning Tiantian's big class life is running out, and finally on September 1st after the summer vacation, she officially becomes a primary school student.

The school he attended was the experimental school where Li Yanmo was.

On the first day of school, Ning Tiantian, who was wearing a pink plaid skirt, was sitting on the back seat of Li Yanmo's bicycle, cheerful like a little sparrow, "Now I can finally go to school with Brother Mo!"

"Well, but it's not on the same floor, and it's not in the same classroom." Li Yanmo explained to her, lest she mistakenly think that he was also in the first grade, and was promoted from Da Nao Kindergarten to Da Nao Elementary School.

Ning Tiandian nodded, "I'm not an idiot!"

"You are not an egg, you are a pig."

Li Yanmo said lightly.

Ning Tiantian blinked her eyes, wouldn't it be stupid... a pig?

snort! ! !

Primary School.

Ning Tiantian went to the car with Li Yanmo, and then he took Tiantian to see the class schedule. Tiantian was in Class One, Grade One, and Cookie's name was just below her. They were in the same class.

"Little Biscuit, where are Tiantian and the others!" Su Yi held Cookie's little hand and walked over excitedly.

Ning Tiantian frowned slightly, and looked at him, "Su Yi, why are you hooking up with my cookie again?"

"Hey, I came with biscuits on the way!" Su Yi said embarrassingly rubbing his head.

Li Yanmo glanced at him, knowing that he was just flirting with girls, after sending Tiantian to the classroom, he was about to go to his own classroom, "Go to class obediently, I'm on the sixth floor."

"Brother Mo, I still want a farewell kiss." Ning Tiantian eagerly tugged at the corner of his clothes.

Li Yan Mo Ruyu's face gradually turned red under the bright sun, he bent down and approached Ning Tiantian.

Tiantian closed her eyes, waiting for his kiss.

"Li Yanmo, he...he..." He is too bold!

Su Yi was almost stunned, subconsciously covering Cookie's eyes with one hand, this kind of scene is really not suitable for children.

Cookie: mmp, can you take your hand away, she has seen it so many times!

"Want a farewell kiss?" Li Yanmo's lowered face suddenly moved away, and the mouth that should have landed on her lips was now attached to her ear, saying, "It's a beautiful idea..."

After finishing speaking, he dragged his schoolbag and went upstairs coolly.

Su Yi also said "see you at noon" to Cookie and chased after her.

Ning Tian slapped the table sweetly, "I will never talk to Brother Mo again!"

Cookie's eyes almost rolled out of the sky, and her ears were almost callused when she heard this, but she had never seen her do it once.

"Oh, are you so angry on the first day of school?" The fat and short Zhou Xiaoxiao walked in from the door of the classroom, and looked at Ning Tiantian mockingly.

"You went to the wrong class!" Ning Tiantian was still angry, and even less angry when talking to her.

"Who said I went to the wrong class, this is my class!" Zhou Xiaoxiao took a short leg and sat down behind Ning Tiantian.

Cookie took a copy of the shift list and patted it directly in front of her, "Your name Zhou Xiaoxiao is not on it at all!"

Although he is only in the first grade, he doesn't know many characters, but he can still recognize the name clearly.

Zhou Xiaoxiao slowly stuffed his schoolbag into the belly of the table, then raised his eyes and glanced at the shift table lightly, "Oh... I forgot to tell you, my dad has already transferred me to this class by virtue of his relationship. It’s a classmate again, please take care of me!”

"It turned out to be through the back door!" After Cookie poohed, he never spoke to her again.

"Leave her alone." After Ning Tiantian wiped the table casually, she took out the buns in her schoolbag and said while eating, "Can't you tell, she is in the same class as me on purpose, and I'm afraid she wants to be with me again. What am I better than?"

Since the beginning of the big class, Zhou Xiaoxiao has always targeted her inexplicably, no matter what she has to compare with her, she is always defeated every time, and she still enjoys it, which is really speechless.

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