Right Here Waiting For You

Chapter 774 Did Ning Tiantian find out?

His movements were skillful and skillful, gentle and full of love, which made Ning Tiantian's whole body tremble slightly as if electric current was passing through her. Even her cute and round toes curled up unconsciously, and she let out a small moan from the corner of her mouth. Muffled sound.

Li Yanmo glanced at her cheeks, which were getting hotter and redder, and knew that she was ready.


Li Yanmo took a deep breath and took off his belt...

After it was over, Li Yanmo looked at Tiantian, who was slightly messy but still clueless. Guilt and guilt suddenly appeared in his heart. All the previous calmness had gone to Java.

He is now like those little boys in kindergarten who bully girls until they cry. He is at a loss and looks like he has no idea what to do.

Tiantian, will she... be angry...

Will you really want to chop him up?

Or just ignore him?

The more Li Yanmo thought about it, the more he became afraid. He quickly hugged the person on the bed and walked towards the bathtub.

He filled the bathtub with water and tested the water temperature with his hands. When he saw that it was neither cold nor hot, he put her in.

Then, he carefully bathed her, poured the shower gel from the bottle, poured it on the flower ball, made bubbles, applied it to her body, and finally rinsed it off.

He made her clean, as if he wanted to pretend everything didn't happen.

After washing, Li Yanmo took her out of the bathtub, wiped every drop of water with a bath towel, and put her into the nightgown she wore before going to bed.

After doing all this, he took her back to the bed.

During the whole process, Ning Tiantian didn't even open her eyes. She didn't seem to feel anything. Her cheeks were rosy and her little mouth was still chirping unconsciously. Not only did she not feel anything, she was sleeping deeper than a pig.

Li Yanmo kept staring at her, his eyes fixed on her motionless.

After a long time, when she snored softly, her breathing became more even, and there was still no response, Li Yanmo's heart, which had been hanging in his throat for a long time, finally slowly subsided.

He lay next to her, looking at the ceiling and couldn't help but laugh.

He was touching his wife, not anyone else, so why did he behave like a thief?

early morning.

Sunlight shines through the undrawn curtains, illuminating the person on the bed.

Ning Tiantian frowned slightly and slowly opened her eyes.

She yawned and was about to get up, but when she moved, she felt something was wrong with her body.

Legs hurt...

She frowned in confusion and gently tapped her sore legs with her little hands.

It's strange. She obviously drank yesterday, but her head didn't hurt but her legs hurt?

Oh...my back also hurts a lot.

"Tiantian, what's wrong with you?" Li Yanmo couldn't help but asked guiltily when he saw her like this.

"No, it's nothing, I just feel a little pain in my legs." Ning Tiantian pressed her legs and said depressedly, pouting.

"Then let me give you a massage." Li Yanmo immediately raised his long fingers lovingly and gently massaged her legs.

Ning Tiantian didn't refuse, she just narrowed her eyes at him.

He seems to be acting weird today...

Extraordinarily attentive.

Realizing that she was examining him, Li Yanmo's heart skipped a beat. He immediately lowered his eyebrows to hide the guilt in his eyes, and pretended to be unintentional and asked, "Tiantian, do you have any other pains?"

He wanted to know if she realized that she was touched by him last night...

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