Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 136: ready to attack

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"It's not that..." Sedum frowned and said helplessly. "Elysium is a plane of the Outer Planes that represents the ultimate expression of wild freedom and mercy. Dwelling here are like-minded mortal souls and emissaries who love wild freedom, who can express love without restraint, art and ego. The Plane of Elysium is an unexplored wilderness of primeval forests, foaming seas, towering mountains, dotted with inaccessible green valleys. The normal features of any civilization are absent here. Existing, locals prefer to live in small groups, only occasionally coming together for larger meetings. The pristine wilderness may appear harsh and unattractive to outsiders, but only those who join it understand its true nature. Elysium is a self-sufficient land of selfless cooperation, completely free from external power struggles."

"Is it a so-called Xanadu?" Nero raised his eyebrows and said.

"I remember that spirits are benevolent and kind-hearted celestial beings born in Elysium. Spirits are champions of freedom and goodness. They travel the planes, helping creatures in distress, and fighting evil. Spirits do not believe in order. A campaign that can wipe out evil once and for all, instead they are dedicated to showing up where they are most needed, helping as best they can, and then leaving quickly. Although it is argued that the Envoys are the most elf-like race of celestial beings, many of them are Animal-like, elemental, and even other grotesque features in countenance and figure. Many spirits have grotesque forms, resembling those good-natured goblins with whom they are sometimes associated. That is, Those creatures have taken a fancy to you?" It is surprising that Dylan has such profound knowledge. . . . . .

The three **** exchanged surprised looks, and Iknas said firmly, "I dare say this is an omen. Desna personally pays attention to your omen."

"You helped us and protected Wallflower from the judge, although these are not your duties. The goddess will not deny such a noble soul..." Alanka also smiled, and she should even say it. . . . . closeness.

"I may be self-indulgent... There are many powerful beings in Elysium besides Desna... However, there must be a reason for this. I am very happy to meet you, friend. Not only because if there is no You, I'm about to be severely tortured by the judge, and it's also because you helped me dispel my doubts." Thrall also looked grateful.

"No matter what happens, we will always remember you in our hearts." Ikenas said seriously.

"It's not a matter of keeping in mind now. The reason why we came here is to see you on the one hand, and on the other hand, we need help." Lin Yun felt that he was almost done, with a smile on his face as if he was selling piglets Said.

"Your Excellency, your smile scares me a little, but if it is something we can do, we are willing to help." Alanka said bluntly.

"Of course, this is to make up for mistakes. According to the information we have now, the cultists are planning to completely corrupt the guardian stone, and then carry out destructive actions on the entire world's wound front. We need the help of someone who understands the guardian stone." Lin Yun said directly.

Although these guys are indeed suspected of corrupting the guardian stone, didn't they even have a chance to get close to the guardian stone, so they were pushed back by Hu Erlun?

So it shouldn't be their problem that the guardian stone was affected.

"But now the guardian stone..." Obviously, during this period of time, they didn't have the time and energy to look for the guardian stone, so the three of them looked a little confused at this moment.

"Cultists, transport the fragments of the Guardian Stone to the Gray Barracks. We are now preparing to raid the Gray Barracks." Lin Yun squinted his eyes and looked at the three people.

"D20+9=21, the Sense Motive test is successful."

It can be clearly seen that they really don't know the situation, and even have some concerns about the guardian stone.

"What? The Gray Barracks, that used to be the barracks of the Crusaders. Goddess Iomedae paid close attention to it. How dare those cultists..." Hearing Lin Yun's words, Thrall seemed a little unbelievable.

"Maybe, because the guardian stone was bestowed by the goddess Iomedae, it may be more exciting to be under the nose of the goddess Iomedae." Hun Yuan said with a strange face.

"Um, well, maybe you really need our help, and we are happy to help." Alanka was a little embarrassed in the Temple of Desna, and the three **** all stared at Sedum with wide eyes: "Just now... What happened just now? For a moment, light surrounds you... We also heard music that seemed to come from Elysium..."

"Hey, are you okay?" Lin Yun also leaned in front of Sedum and shook his hand.

"I just saw Solanum nigrum, and there is a place called Elysium, where there are a group of guys who call themselves emissaries." Sedum rubbed the center of her brows, deeply recalling everything that happened there.

"Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss?" Hun Yuan said subconsciously.

Glancing at Hun Yuan, he said hastily.

"Very good, then let's go there now." Lin Yun said with a smile.

The three **** were easily fooled by Lin Yun.

After walking out of Desna Temple, Lamien looked a little surprised when he saw the three **** who came out with Lin Yun and the others, "Did something happen?"

"Save the world." Ikenas, who looked the most middle-schooler before, said pretending to be handsome.

"It's very dangerous outside now, can you not worry me?" Lamien showed a helpless expression.

"Well, from a certain point of view, he is right, we need to save the world now." Lin Yun shrugged and said.

"What?" Lamien was stunned for a moment.

Lin Yun naturally repeated what he said before.

It's a pity, "I'm sorry, I'm still here to wait for those who need rescue. There are enough of you." The stubborn Lamien shook his head.

[To tell the truth, I have been using Mimi to read and update books recently, switch sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

So helpless, Lin Yun could only take three second-handers and run to the Temple of Iomedae.

It's just, "Wait, this is not the direction to the Gray Barracks." After following Lin Yun for a long distance, he was almost at the Temple of Iomedae, and Thrall was the first to react. . . . .

"This is the direction to the Temple of Iomedae, where there is a secret passage leading to the Gray Barracks." Lin Yun said helplessly.

At this time, Lin Yun and the others soon arrived at the Iomedae Temple.

Beside the Iomedae Temple, a group of people, no, it should be said that an army is already standing there ready to go.

Waiting for Lin Yun's order.

Lin Yun looked at the sky and deduced the approximate time.

"It's almost done, I'll leave it to you, Woerjiv." Lin Yun looked at Wuerjiv.

"Leave it to me." Voljiv nodded, and then led Lin Yun and the others to a place similar to a cellar on the side of the Iomedae Temple. . . . . Is it so casual?

Open the big iron door that is not hidden, and then go down, there is a deep tunnel directly inside.

It can be clearly seen that this tunnel is often used by people.

Gray Barracks, as the name suggests, the fortress is like a gray boulder lying on the ground.

Before the fall, the fort was used as a museum, maintained by some elderly caretakers.

Gray Barracks has a two-story main building, and a partial third story. The interior rooms are lit with everlasting flame lamps, and the lack of windows makes the interior smoky.

At this time, the crusaders and others who set off with the iron guard's ambition have already arrived here.

There is a long section of flat land in front of the fort, which should have been a playground, but now it has become potholed for some reason. Some of the collapsed buildings in the clearing came from the Iomedae Cathedral in the distance.

I don't know why it appeared here after a distance of several hundred meters.

Although considering the limited space, some weak and injured crusaders did not come out, not even Aniviya and Alafashnai.

But even so, nearly 50 crusaders~www.wuxiaspot.com~, two adventurer squads, and very few scattered people also came here.

"You don't mind if we say hello first." The 1.6-meter-long soldier looked at Hu Erlun who was on the side with a rebellious expression.

"Exactly, we lack a loud enough doorbell." Hu Erlun showed a slight smile on his slightly stern face.

"Boys, catapult formation." With a slight smile, the soldier commander 1.6 meters shouted loudly.

"Understood." Everyone in the attacking giant team was very excited, and raised their fists at the captain of 1.6 meters, placing them in front of their hearts.

Then, "Transform." Accompanied by the soldier's 1.6-meter shout.

The shortcoming of the source of magic power, such as physical strength, was used by them. . . . . Bite on the back of the hand.

As they bit the backs of their hands, the crusaders around were surprised, and even looked at the five giants that appeared in front of them with a little fear along with the smoke.

I saw them standing in front of the queue, and then clasped their hands. I saw a stone forming in their hands at an astonishing speed, from small to large, and then. . . . . "Fire." Accompanied by the roar of the super giant.

The five huge stones bombarded towards the Gray Barracks like stones thrown by a trebuchet.

All of a sudden, the people around felt that the mountains were shaking and the ground was shaking, like an earthquake. The stones hit the wall and made an extremely loud sound, and a part of the wall even collapsed directly.

Especially the guy with the super giant.

Since he is an elemental child, he is able to incorporate the bombardment into the throwing stone.

So when it went down, it was like a siege artillery, directly blowing up a hole with a radius of at least 1 meter.

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