Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 456: Diagnosed, this is a bunch of problematic troops

The latest website: "Alchemist? That's really great. I just need a powerful alchemist, but can you tell me which faction is robbing me of talents? It can't be because of your beauty." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Although I've heard about it, I didn't expect the savior of Juanze City to be such a smooth-tongued person." With a slight smile, this disheveled woman also showed a slightly reserved smile.

From the clothes that look like she has been scorched a dozen times, and then splashed with various paints dozens of times, it can be seen that this guy has a very high chance of being the type of explosion maniac people. . . . .

From a certain point of view, it is indeed very necessary.

And at this time, after a slight smile, Madam Oka shook her head with a disdainful expression, "Why, of course it is because of prejudice, I don't know why, people are always suspicious of alchemists who believe in Cayden Kaelin ..." He said with a gnashing of teeth again.

Just when Lin Yun was wondering what was wrong with the alchemists who believed in Kayden Kaelin.

Mrs. Oka gave the answer.

"They also think my experiment is dangerous. This is completely nonsense. In any case, there is always a price to be paid for exploring the mysteries of science. Besides, the explosion in Ambu Sarang flattened half a block, but that I didn't make it at all. I mean, I wasn't there at all. But now, surrounded by open-minded people, I can use my talents to the fullest. I'll let the demons know that alchemy bombs and Prayer works just as well to protect us."

. . . . . .

At this moment, Lin Yun could probably only show the expression that you said yes.

Feelings turned out to be a bomb maniac of the terrorist type.

"Goddess Chaltila is..." Lin Yun decided to change the subject very decisively.

A combative-looking halfling raised his sword to Lin Yun and saluted: "Chaldeira is the goddess of pranks, battles and luck, and a friend of Moon Mother Desna. Let's put it this way, Chaldeira Ra is not the goddess of tactics and planning. And as her worshippers, we will throw ourselves into battle without fear, and go first into the enemy line. Moreover, we despise all forms of evil. My friends and I have long wanted to There's jihad, but this is the first time we've found a leader we want to follow."

. . . . I don't know why, Lin Yun has a bad feeling, this leader who is willing to follow for the first time, are you sure it's not the first time to fight?

Sounds like it's the **** on the halfling's side.

What needs to be explained is that basically the mainstream gods in this world, such as Iomedae and Gulam, mostly use human beings as their benchmark.

In fact, many races have their own gods, and these gods are their own gods.

For example, a **** like this halfling.

"In order to avoid misunderstanding, I think it's better for me to tell you in advance. If you go to Juanze City, you will be able to see that I recommend using the power of undead creatures to solve battles as much as possible. I even use the power of demons myself. I think it's better for you to think about it." Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said.

"You use the undead to protect those ordinary human soldiers, and then take the lead, and use the power of demons to hunt down demons everywhere. We have long known that this is also a kind of mischievous revenge against demons. It should even be said, This method is not evil in our opinion, but worthy of our respect." The halfling said solemnly.

"Yes...really?" Lin Yun showed a subtle expression on his face.

As for all forms of evil, feelings are just what you think is evil.

"The famous street artist Master Aventulin, may I ask you this is..." Changing the subject decisively again, Lin Yun looked at the seemingly robust master on the other side.

"Galleries of ashes and pompous guests are not my cup of tea." Master Aventulin replied solemnly, "I just want to paint where everyone can see and appreciate the special meaning of the work. I He once painted flowers and the sun on the wall of the besieged fortress, so that the invading army realized that they are destroying the peace and happiness of others.” He said, stroking his beard contentedly.

"I once painted a picture of Iomedae in the center of Cheliax's capital city. Not because I worshiped her, but to remind the people of Cheliax of the one who overthrew the tyrant The Goddess of Pride was born on that land. I haven’t decided what to paint here at World Wound, but I feel like I have to do my part to save this land.”

. . . . . . Stream of consciousness artist? And it's still the kind that doesn't watch the scene. . . . .

How do you feel that you really deserve to be brought by Desna Saner?

How does this feel like they are all problem species.

With the last hope, Lin Yun looked at the dwarf riding on a wolf, "May I ask the Knights of Plastic Stone, are you druids who are good at purification?"

After all, there is a word for stone-shaping in the stone-shaping knights. Lin Yun's first thought was stone-shaping, and then considering that it should not be a "knight" like a stone carving expert, then it should be a druid, after all riding a wolf.

Although, it made Lin Yun a little, um, just, um. . . . . . The gnome was dressed more like a bandit than a knight. . . . .

"Well, in fact, we are all knights. The Knights of Stone Shaping is an ancient dwarf organization that is highly respected... Of course, it is well respected in certain circles. Our only enemy is the candy gun Soldiers." With a strange expression of both seriousness and a smile, the dwarf riding on a wolf said with a smile.

knight? ? ? Dwarf knight? ?

Lin Yun felt that he was shocked.

Because it is compared with the panacea of ​​any attribute of human beings +2.

Gnomes are flat bonuses, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, and then most importantly, -2 Strength.

Although it is said that some abilities of cavaliers are adjusted with charm as the main attribute.

But the most important thing for a cavalry is to attack, neither strength nor agility is added, not to mention, even strength is -2.

Then there is another serious problem.

Gnomes are small creatures, so the weapons they hold, even weapons such as lances, can only use small weapons.

That is, the damage of D8 will be reduced to the damage of D6. Although it seems insignificant, the cavalier's ability to double the damage in the end is obviously greatly reduced.

In short, it can be said that gnomes are basically one of the races that are most unsuitable for playing cavaliers.

Then? ? ? ? Candy Troopers?

Why did Lin Yun feel as if he had entered some incredible children's animation.

"But they are different from us. They don't have any great legends. According to our legend, there was once a brave dwarf knight who participated in a protracted battle. Every time he started the battle, he would walk along the same path. He rode his horse over the same boulder. Soon, he got bored. So, every time he rode over the boulder, he chipped off a corner of the boulder. Finally, the boulder was carved into A huge apple." With a proud expression, the dwarf knight said with a smile.

. . . . . It's really boring.

"This little game became very interesting. It didn't take long for the whole cavalry squad to play the same game, and then even the enemy got involved. Of course, the enemies were all gnomes too. The war was over quickly , but before the end of the war, they had already carved all kinds of fruits and vegetables on dozens of large stones, and they all rode horses when carving. This is how our noble order of knights was born."

Well, the strange order of knights has increased again.

What a strange thing this is.

The smile felt a little stiff. At this moment, Lin Yun could only use his invincible acting skills to maintain his expression.

take a deep breath.

Then he looked at Alanka, "So you brought them here, are you all coming to join me?"

"Of course not." Alanka replied, and her answer obviously represented everyone's opinion, "We are not here to march in line like other crusaders, but to answer the call in our hearts. We We will do our best to help you, and everyone will contribute to the cause of jihad. However, we are free people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We will not take orders from anyone, and naturally we will not join other people's war games. "

"The rules in the army and the gray walls of Juanze City can't arouse our enthusiasm, but I know very well that you are the wind of change we have been waiting for. I have witnessed your kindness, Bravery and tenacity. I would go through fire and water with you. Each of us would... but we would do it our own way."

"I know what you should do with them. Canonize them as knights." Aiwu whispered loudly.

Seeing Alanka and others looking at her in surprise, she was a little embarrassed, but continued, "I mean, I've heard many stories about Golarion, and it's like this. It's the commander, That’s right? In other words, he can canonize you as knights. Although ordinary knights are quite boring, I dare say that with Dante around, your knight oath ceremony will be very interesting.”

"Sounds good. Then we'll be... er... er... Free Crusaders. What do you think, make up any oath, so that we can be knighted. After that Then we can fight against the demons and make them tremble in front of us." Alanka hesitated, then looked at Lin Yun.

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