Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 458: Storyteller joins

"Haha, what an interesting reaction. Is it strange that a succubus believes in Desna? You humans are so strange, we little dragons also believe in Desna, oh, but I prefer to say to play with Desna." Little Aiwu first laughed at Alanka and the others, then tilted her head and said.

"It's okay to play with Desna. Could it be that you Carnival Dragons often go to play with Desna?" Lin Yun's eyes twitched slightly.

"Otherwise?" Little Aiwu said with a confused look.

Very good and powerful, the inheritance memory of the dragon is not static, but is inherited to a certain extent based on the memory inherited from the mother and parents.

That is to say, the relatives of this little Aiwu may be parents, or it may be a grandfather like Carnival Dragon who is very familiar with Desna.

"By the way, how do you feel now? By the way, is this normal for you?" Lin Yun looked at Xiao Aiwu, who had grown from almost Lin Yun's thigh height to near his chest, and said.

Originally, it was just a little maintenance, and after preparation, maybe a guardian dragon could be brought out, but it seemed that there was no need to wait for it now.

"Well, it should be abnormal, but I feel that my body is in good condition, as if I have really turned into a young dragon." Xiao Aiwu said bouncing.

"It's okay, I will find someone to help you investigate the situation later, and you should be careful yourself. If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me, you know?" Lin Yun said seriously.

"Yes, yes, I got it, Dante, you feel like an old man now." Little Aiwu said, wagging his tail dissatisfied.

"Forget it, then I'm going back now, goodbye everyone." Lin Yun waved to the others, and said

"Wait, you forgot the most important thing. Seriously, what would you do without a smart little dragon like me? Such a beautiful place, why don't you give it a name, like,' The Garden of Silent Laughter', for example, the 'Garden of Flame Storm'. Each courtyard has a nice name, and people can freely go to these courtyards and stay there according to their own preferences or find a place that suits them So, you should also give this place a name. After all, this is your courtyard." Xiao Aiwu said with great interest.

"That's right, if you hadn't invited me here, maybe this place wouldn't be what it is now, maybe you really should name it." Xiao Aiwu's suggestion, even Soyana seemed to agree .

"Okay, let's heal the world." Lin Yun looked at the trees growing around him, thought for a while, and then said.

"Is it against the wound of the world? It's really a good idea." Aklan said with a smile on the side.

"No way, at this moment, I can't think of any name." Lin Yun also said with a wry smile.

"Oh, why not call it Little Aiwu's Biscuit Paradise?" said the little Aiwu, who looked like a big lizard with puffed cheeks.

"Go away." Lin Yun, who was a bit dumbfounded, pushed the guy who was overflowing with private goods to the side.

In short, this is how this back mountain got a new name, Healing the World.

And Lin Yun also returned to Juanze City.

Back in Juanze City, Lin Yun showed a satisfied smile as he watched the changes on the ground around him.

In particular, the dry river has flowed again at this time, and the bridge has finally resumed its normal function. Most importantly, the land is now full of fertile soil. Maybe some farmers can be organized to plant directly here.

Build high walls, accumulate food widely, cough cough cough slowly, the prince is also the king.

In addition to these places outside, a lot of changes have taken place in the city. Some open spaces even grew flowers and plants, which made the original look a bit dark, especially in the city that became a bit gloomy after there were more undead. , but at this time there are a lot of colors.

At least it looks brighter.

There are also many smiles in the eyes of the surrounding civilians.

And the most important thing is that few people knew Lin Yun before, but now, Lin Yun is walking on the street, and finally someone knows Lin Yun, the city lord.

Before, these guys only knew Xiao Jin, which was simply too much.

After seeing Lin Yun, everyone greeted Lin Yun, and then said hello frantically. . . . . .

Well, this time, Lin Yun also understood the difficulties of those celebrities.

When Lin Yun came to the mage's tower, the expression on his face felt frozen. After all, he kept responding to the greetings of those civilians with a smile, and he felt like cramping.

Standing by the side of the mage tower, the half-demonized Devil May Cry Army greeted Lin Yun for a while.

After responding again with a smile on his face, Lin Yun finally walked up successfully, "Oh, Commander, what's the matter?" Nie Niu, who seemed to be looking up books and researching something, Yu Guangzhi He found Lin Yun in the middle and asked directly.

"I'm sorry, there's something new here. This time it seems to be Arilu's notes. Maybe you can study it." Lin Yun said, and directly took out the notes he got from Silk Shadow Palace.

"Huh? Arilu's notes?" Nie Niu was obviously not usually interested, and almost screamed, he snatched the notebook from Lin Yun's hand, and then quickly observed it.

"Well, this is the change record of the world's wounds. What exactly is Arilu planning to do? I don't understand at all." Nie Niu frowned slightly, then frantically flipped through it and said. "Well, no, there is too much knowledge involved here, I need to find Alafash Nai to study it, oh, yes, there is also that guy who calls himself a storyteller, his words may be useful." Nie New said quickly.

"The storyteller? Do you know anything about him?" Lin Yun frowned slightly, then asked.

"Him? Speaking of which, I have indeed heard many rumors, especially in the travel notes written by a bard named Lin Cui. This mysterious storyteller does look like a brush, but as for his origin, Although I said I was very curious, I really didn’t know, but I knew it before. Miss Anivia had already known it to Mr. Quedens at Cannabury, and it was true that this person called the storyteller was called to come over to study the guardian. Shi, and generally speaking, it is indeed similar to what he said." Spreading his hands, Nie Niu said.

"Is that so? Well, maybe I should really find an opportunity to ask the storyteller to help, but his ability is very important." Lin Yun nodded slightly. After all, the storyteller's feeling is more powerful than the sense of touch. Ability is indeed very important.

"Ability? What is it?" Nie Niu blinked, then asked very curiously.

"Well, it is to touch a thing, to be able to empathize with it to a certain extent, and then go back to what happened inside, probably." Lin Yun said tentatively, explaining the perception of tactile objects.

"Really, this is a very magical ability. With this ability, many unsolved mysteries may be solved, such as this." Nie Niu took out the somewhat twisted book on the side as he spoke.

That was the note that Sedum snatched from Wally Miraco.

"Isn't that notebook already analyzed?" Lin Yun asked with some doubts.

"Although that's what I said, after all, our knowledge is limited. If it's like you said, that old elf might be able to analyze the situation of the creator at that time through contact with this, so that we can further study how to relieve those who were suppressed. The pain of the people affected by the ritual." Nie Niu said very seriously.

"Okay, I'll find him right now." Lin Yun's expression was also slightly solemn at this time, and then he ran out of the mage tower.

Soon, Lin Yun found Aniviya directly, and then found the storyteller through Aniviya.

"Knight Commander, you seem to be in a hurry." The storyteller looked at Lin Yun with eyes that had lost their light, "Do you need my help?" Although it sounds inexplicably slow and full of time, this Under normal circumstances, it might make Lin Yun even more irritable.

But at this time, Lin Yun felt that he had calmed down instead.

As for why he was so impatient, Lin Yun knew very well that it was not just for those half-demonized people, but also for himself.

I haven't figured out this magical ceremony for a day~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Yungui knows what kind of pit is hidden behind such a powerful battle background.

So since it can help solve it, it is naturally the best situation.

However, Lin Yun was a little surprised that this storyteller had such abilities. Should he be said to be a supernatural being who is good at psychic abilities?

"I hope you can settle in the Mage Tower and assist us in investigating things about demons." Lin Yun looked at the storyteller sincerely and said.

"Although I said before that I would give a little effort, as I said before, I am just an old elf with amnesia, so..." The storyteller said with a gentle smile.

"I understand that as long as there are any clues about your memory, I can help." Lin Yun said seriously.

The ability of the storyteller is really strong. From Chaoyou's point of view, this so-called storyteller should be a guiding npc, just like some prophets, prophets and the like.

It should even be said that this guy gave Lin Yun the feeling of the person who released the main task, so in this case, it is better to express his attitude directly, so that the communication will be smoother.

"Fresh, since I am such an old man, I am not hypocritical, I will do my best to help you, Commander." The storyteller shook Lin Yun's hand as he spoke.

-----Off Topic-----

(Actually, the storyteller still has a lot of plots here, but I thought about it and cut them all out. After all, some people said recently that I unpacked too many plots. Speaking of which, the storyteller is probably the main one that I cut off the most plots. It’s an npc, ahem, ahem, there’s no way this guy actually talks a lot of nonsense.)

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