Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 461: Arilu may be a whitewashing boss?

"That's not a problem." The storyteller nodded slightly.

At this time, Lin Yun picked up A Ruilu's notebook and handed it to the storyteller, "What about this one?" Lin Yun asked directly.

The storyteller quickly grabbed the notebook in Lin Yun's hand, after pondering for a while.

His expression became a little numb.

"Regarding the nature of the rift, what we call 'rift' is actually closer to the exact opposite concept: a 'seam' or a 'lacing'." As he spoke, the storyteller could be seen frowning obviously.

And most importantly, I don't know how to describe it, but Lin Yun somehow feels like it. . . . . A beautiful woman sees something disturbing and acts subconsciously. . . . .

This guy could probably do a parody show with some creature called the phone bug.

"It is the location where the two planes are sewn together so closely that they are almost fused. On the boundary of World Wound, two types of rifts can be seen: short-lived natural rifts and stable man-made rifts.

The latter allows the entire army to move freely between the Abyss and Golarion. The sites of their creation are where the fabric of reality produces certain types of 'folds' where the Material Plane is closest to the Abyssal Plane. More information on these 'folds of reality' in the former Sakorir region can be found in the Temple of Stone Manuscripts in the ruins of the city of Izz.

Some of my own notes are also kept there. As of this writing, five of these 'folds' have been identified.

The most important one is located near the fortress of Threshold, and it is it that makes the World Wound possible.

The second most important fissure: the Izzy Remnant, marks the ruins of this famous city.

The third rift: the Gate of Midnight, hidden in the Temple of Midnight.

The fourth way: disaster, leading to my personal laboratory.

Finally, the fifth way: the blood of Purula, located near the Altar of Sakorik.

All the rifts around Worldwound operate under one system. In a way, they are like a single entity, or a branch growing from a root. This means that it is not possible to turn them off individually. To make them disappear, the only way is to uproot the source, which is the main crack. Some people call it the 'last threshold', but in fact, it is the real origin of the world's wounds.

World Wound cannot be turned off by normal means. The way it is opened itself protects it from interference. The only means of closing it requires. . . . . . "When he was talking about this, the storyteller suddenly stopped.

Just like those who broke the chapters, they are very vicious.

"Wait, what's next?" Lin Yun blinked and asked.

"It's gone, because the owner of this notebook seems to be thinking about what to do." The storyteller shook his head slightly and said.

"Wait, wait, listen to this, is she going to close the wound of the world? The witch who opened the wound of the world herself? How is this possible?" Nie Niu said with wide-eyed eyes in disbelief.

"Although I'm not very clear, but...it seems to be the meaning. I can feel helplessness and determination from this note." The storyteller also took a deep breath. "Of course, there is also an inexplicable madness."

"How does this feel... It seems to have become weird." Lin Yun's face showed a touch of subtlety.

How does this feel like the feeling of those whitewashing bosses who are aware of the problem, but are unable to proceed due to the general trend, and simply follow the trend.

The corner of Lin Yun's mouth twitched slightly, because after thinking about it carefully, and because he looked at the map on the notebook, Lin Yun suddenly found a problem, that is, there was a big problem with the location of the World Wound.

Generally speaking, shouldn't a place like World's Wound be opened in the middle of some important cities, catching humans by surprise?

Lin Yun dared to say that in such a sudden situation, even gods such as Iomedai would feel a little dazed when they came down to earth in person.

Of course, if it is around Neru Zion, the possibility of being found is even greater.

The place where Arilu opened World Wound was in Sakorik.

Before the Wound of the World began, Sakorik was a barbaric place, in a way. . . . . If sacrifice is the premise, then it seems inexplicable to let it be the place where the world's wounds are opened. . . . . Should it be said to reduce casualties?

And to be honest, the Devil's Empire is right next door. Are you sure you don't want to find the devil to do the devil?

However, although Lin Yun's brain was spinning crazily at this time, Lin Yun still said, "Is it possible to affect the content you read through methods such as spells?"

After all, this is something I got from the Succubus Queen, maybe there will be other problems.

"With all due respect, at least as far as I know now, there is a way to change my ability to read, but basically it takes a lot of work, and most importantly, maybe the one called Arilu People don't even know I exist." The storyteller said with a faint smile.

"Okay, then at least what is certain is that for how to close the wound of the world, it seems that at least these five places need to be investigated clearly." Lin Yun squinted his eyes, and subconsciously remembered what the guy from the Hand of Successor said before. The Pulula Waterfall, it sounds like it has something to do with the Purula's blood.

"Maybe, but if it's about this laboratory, maybe I can find out the approximate location." The storyteller said in a deep voice.

"Laboratory?" Lin Yun's eyes lit up, apparently in disbelief.

After all, if Arilu's laboratory is found, then whether it is the wound of the world or the questions about Naihancui Potion, they may be able to be answered.

There is no need to find too detailed clues, just find something important enough for the storyteller to read. This is a very good opportunity.

Compared to this, attacking the ivory maze doesn't feel so anxious.

"Yes, there is this thing on this notebook, I just need to recalculate it. If I have the previous impression... I found it." Looking at the notebook in his hand as if he was just flipping through the book , the storyteller should be blind, but. . . . . It looks like I really found it.

Both Lin Yun and Nie Niu subconsciously squeezed over. Looking at the top, they could only see a simple map, but they didn't know where it was, and there was no sign at all.

Without the storyteller's interpretation, Lin Yun and the others might not even know what the map is for.

"Speaking of which, in your current situation, is healing or regeneration useful?" Lin Yun looked at the storyteller's blind eyes. After all, it's really inconvenient in this situation.

"Unfortunately, this seems to be a very powerful curse effect." Shaking his head again, the storyteller said.

. . . . . . Why does this guy feel that his whole body is covered with curses? Should he really be worthy of being an antique from 10,000 years ago?

"Okay, so can we find this?" He looked at Nie Niu.

"No need, I've found it." At this moment, Arafash Nai had already said.

"So fast?" Lin Yun blinked and said.

"This place should be among the mountains in the northwest of Cannabury." Alafashnai squinted his eyes halfway, and then said.

"Cannabury? I see." Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what was going on.

If this is the case, it doesn't seem strange for Arilu to go to Cannabury to make trouble.

"Okay, I will go to investigate with my team, hoping to find it." Lin Yun nodded seriously, and then said. "The next thing, then I will leave it to you."

"Okay." The storyteller said with a slight nod.

In this way, Lin Yun quickly ran out of the mage's tower and looked down on the inner city wall. He didn't know whether he was acting as a street light or observing the hands of the successor of Juanze City.

But it hasn't passed yet.

Before confirming what this guy's real evaluation of him was, Lin Yun felt that it was better to be more cautious.

Although it is said that if the current Lin Yun is an angel, then Lin Yun will probably believe in the hand of the successor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But now Lin Yun is a demon and a necromantic creature, to be honest , this inexplicably gave Lin Yun a feeling that he was not trustworthy.

So I didn't tell him such a big discovery.

Instead, choose to act first.

Before I knew it, it had already been half a day, because the Succubus Queen said that she helped Lin Yun solve the situation of a ghost that was accidentally summoned.

So it shouldn't be such a trouble in the future, I have to come back to sleep every day.

However, it just so happens that it still needs to be tested.

That is. . . . . . Let Sedum not sleep at all, and directly prepare for the action. Once Lin Yun shows signs of disappearing, he will send a dimensional anchor to force Lin Yun to stay on the material plane.

No way, if possible, Lin Yun doesn't want to take such a risk at all, but Arilu's laboratory requires a high enough combat power, and then a high enough "knowledge", and obviously cannot dispatch large-scale troops.

So the only ones who can use it are Lin Yun and the others.

And don't look at Lin Yun and the others seeming to spend so much time, that's because the government affairs are all handed over to Camelia, and then the military operations, under the command of Ilabes, the attacking giant team and the zoo team are almost I haven't heard much about it, and I have been pulling out those demon outposts, and I am constantly expanding the security range.

So at least as far as Lin Yun knew, the upgrade speed of the zoo team and the attacking giant team was really not slower than that of Lin Yun.

But, it's useless, the zoo team's "knowledge" is almost 0, and the only spellcasters are charm casters.

Then Attack on Giant Squad. . . . . . Although it is indeed possible to cast spells intellectually, but. . . . Still don't care about the details.

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