Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 472: Mulattos from the stake

"What she said now is helping me purify the corruption around Juanze City. The damage caused by the world's wounds is really big." Lin Yun said in a deep voice.

"What is the wound of the world?" The old crusader said a little confused.

The Crusaders were not an organization established by Montivy to defeat the Wound of the World. Considering the time before this guy came in, even before the Wound of the World appeared, Lin Yun could understand.

Lin Yun talked a little bit about the wounds of the world, and the general situation that has happened over the years. Of course, it is mainly some generalizations.

More importantly, Lin Yun wanted to observe their reactions.

The dwarf druid was obviously more interested in Suoyana than the shock caused by the wounds of the world.

On the contrary, the old crusader and the elf kept cursing Arilu's betrayal.

No, wait, these guys came in before the Wound of the World opened, and there is no source of information. If this is the case, then why do they call Arilu a traitor?

The situation suddenly became a little more complicated.

Although he was puzzled, Lin Yun said without changing his expression, and then looked at the dwarf druid, "In short, for the time being, Soyana is temporarily living in my city, and if you know him. ...Well, for the Dongyang clan, then I am still the new chief of the Dongyang clan." Lin Yun continued.

"The Dongyang clan? I don't know, but since you know Lord Socia and Lord Socia is willing to believe you, then I am also willing to believe you. If there is anything that needs help, please tell me." The dwarf German Rui first asked in confusion, and then said very straightforwardly.

"Okay, if there's anything, I'll tell you." Lin Yun nodded slightly, and it was a good start to have one more person to help. "By the way, have you tried to escape?"

The dwarf druid was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "We have tried countless times. No matter what we think of, it won't work. If there is a powerful priest or spellcaster among us... But the word Come back, since Arilu can easily imprison a real angel, then we should have little hope, shouldn't we?"

The elf nodded at the motionless woman with wings, "We can't even explore the entire laboratory, some passages are blocked by barriers, and only demons can pass through."

"Then how did you survive under such circumstances? You look like..." Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

It's almost impossible to say that they are all old and weak soldiers.

The dwarf druid continued, "It was hard. Before we were many more, all Ariel's experiment subjects. There were mortals, demons, and other abominations. After she left, we were all set free, which is really It was a mess. The demons killed everyone they could and then killed each other. The surviving mortals set up a base here, thankfully I'm a druid and I was able to help grow food, and the others fend off the demons and try to find a way out .Occasionally newcomers show up, unlucky travelers or reckless adventurers who got here by accident. As you can see, the only survivors are us."

It seems to be because of Socia.

The Druid, who seemed to be quite silent before, now seemed to be talking a lot.

At this moment, the elf said, not knowing whether to be optimistic or self-deprecating, "This may be just wishful thinking, but I guess there is any way to pass through the barriers that block us. We have tested many times, They only allow pure blood demons to pass through, but there are exceptions...these barriers existed before Arilu gave up the lab, which means she has some way to get through. Maybe she has a key, we can Look for it? Who knows."

"That is to say, although you have said that you have tried to leave this place, you have never fully explored it, have you?" Lin Yun scratched his head slightly.

If that's the case, then the "experience" of these guys is basically on the level of being useless.

He seemed to be wasting his time. . . . . .

Fortunately, it seems that it is not a complete waste of time.

At this moment, the old crusader suddenly looked thoughtful, and then said, "There is one more thing... I heard demons, I mean those conscious demons. Tome of Paradox. I don't know what it is, but it sounds like it's some kind of artifact, a sacred object... In other words, something very precious. So it has Might help us get out of here. But I have absolutely no idea what it is or where to find it."

"The Secret Code of Paradox? Okay, I understand." Lin Yun nodded slightly. "Then I'll explore this place a little bit more, and you guys can stay here first." After saying that, Lin Yun was about to leave.

"Wait, are you alone? If that's the case, maybe we..." The old crusader had seen Lin Yun wanting to leave alone, and said subconsciously.

Then. . . . . From the other side of the door, a group of people came out.

Even Hun Yuan waved his hands at them playfully and said hello. . . . . .

Although it looked weird, looking at the appearance of this professional team, the old crusader seemed a little speechless for a while.

"Hahaha, now I somewhat believe that it may really be the city lord of Juanze City, a knight commander. He didn't trust us at all before, and he was also a city lord anyway. How could it be possible that only one person came here? Come here." The elf on the side said with a self-deprecating expression and a wry smile.

After leaving the room where the angel was imprisoned, Lin Yun and the others came to the end of the corridor, and they could see a downward staircase, but unfortunately, there was the black barrier mentioned by the dwarf druid before. It looked like a black mist.

Lin Yun tested it with his hands a little.

It didn't feel too big, as if it was really a fog.

Look at Nero.

"What are you looking at me for?" Nero was obviously a bit reluctant.

However, under Lin Yun's gaze, Nero finally stretched out his arm, but at this time Nero was surprised to find that when Lin Yun touched the black barrier, it looked like an ordinary fog, but if it was If he touches it, it is a physical barrier in the true sense, the kind that cannot be broken through.

"It seems that we can't do it except for Dante. In this case, our choice seems to be only on the side of the old wing hall." Sedum looked at the fog, but didn't see why. , finally said.

"Then go back." Lin Yun said directly after being silent for a while.

Although it is said that since he can pass through, he may be able to explore the way and see if he can take a shortcut or something, but considering that this is Arilu's home field after all, and what he found here, Ariel Lu Zai Lin Yun's psychology is even more unpredictable, or it should be said. . . . . It is the feeling of snake spirit disease.

Following the road they came from, Lin Yun and the others went back to the corner, entered the door of the old wing hall, and then walked down the stairs, which seemed to be connected to the stairs at the end of the road before.

Walking down the stairs, compared with the above, the place below seems to have been carefully crafted.

The surroundings seem to be filled with the feeling of the so-called Sakoli culture, should it be said to be "quaint?"

After walking through a long passage, almost tens of meters long, I finally saw a door again.

At this time, Arles stepped forward and opened the door under Lin Yun's signal.

"A...mongrel?" From behind Arles, looking behind the door, was a ragged figure at the far end of the room, the few exposed skins covered in horrific burns. It looks like tentacles and umbilical cords, and the weird and twisted hyperplastic tissue fixes him. It can be barely seen that he is probably a mixed race.

The mixed-race man moaned softly, "Who... who is over there? I haven't heard other living creatures speak for a long time..."

"Who are you? Are you a mixed race?" Lin Yun asked subconsciously.

"I've been here for so long ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can't remember my name. I used to live in... Cannabury... in a cave under the ground. But I've always been The surface world attracts, so one day my friends and I decided to venture up. I was the only one who made it all the way... But after coming out, I met a group of Inquisitors. They thought I was a demon.' Burn to death The devil! The devil must die!' Flames.....all I can remember is the flames." Saying that, the hybrid man had a look of fear and madness on his face, and then he struggled wildly.

But at this time, the blood on Xiao Jin's face faded, and his gaze became dull. Her lips seemed to move by themselves as she whispered, "Burning.....the flames.....all I can remember is the flames."

. . . . . . what happened?

In the past, even when Xiao Jin encountered flames and the like, he could face it calmly, and even when he saw Hu Erlun, the guy who presided over the ceremony of burning her, Xiao Jin was able to go up and say a good knight.

Although it was Hu Erlun who saved Xiao Jin in the end.

But Xiao Jin shouldn't be so fragile.

"The situation is wrong." Leon on the side whispered at this time, "What is that guy definitely hiding?"

"Do you know Arilu? How did you get in here?" Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and asked directly.

"Ariel? Yes, I remember her. She took me from the stake. She brought me to...here. She healed me and took my blood to do things about mutation The experiment...but she has already left, and I haven't seen her here for a long time." With regret or other emotions, the old mixed-race man said.

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