Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1018 You have to make a nest when fishing!

However, unlike the Japanese army's impatient attack to escape, the Four-Line Regiment began digging trenches in front of the Japanese defense line at 4 a.m.

First horizontal, then vertical, and then horizontal again!

If you look down from a high altitude, it looks like a crisscrossing flag!

Of course, the Japanese army on the other side also built two lines of defense, which they spent the whole night digging under the threat of Chinese artillery.

The potential of the human body under a major threat to life is terrible!

Take the Zhaozhuang Infantry Battalion as an example. Yesterday, 160 people were killed in the crazy bombardment of the Four-Line Regiment Artillery Battalion. As a result, less than 600 people were left. They dug a trench 1.5 meters deep and 1,200 meters long in this hilly area, which basically guaranteed that they would have a hiding place in the next wave of crazy bombardment.

As long as the shells did not fall into the trenches, the Japanese soldiers hiding in the trenches had a much higher chance of survival. Of course, it is not uncommon for the shells to fall just two or three meters from the trench edge, and the entire trench is squeezed inward by the huge energy of the explosion, causing the soldiers in it to be crushed to death by the mud.

Then, it depends on fate.

To put it bluntly, in this dark night in the mountains, the Chinese and Japanese sides who wanted to kill each other were no longer wielding swords and guns, but iron picks and shovels, and the clanging sounds on both sides' positions never stopped.

If you have to find a difference, it is that the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment who came on a forced march had to eat and sleep for 8 hours, while the Japanese did not stop for a moment. If you count the previous overnight forced march, the Japanese army has only slept for a total of 3 hours in one day and two nights. Even if they are iron men, they are almost broken by fatigue. You can see it by looking at their lifeless eyes like zombies.

Yes, under Tang Dao's command, the Four-Line Regiment would not charge forward with guns against the Japanese gunfire and rain of bullets. Even if they won the final victory and killed the three or four thousand Japanese invaders blocking the way, the Four-Line Regiment would probably be seriously injured. Tang Dao would not do such a stupid thing that would hurt the enemy by one thousand and hurt itself by eight hundred.

The so-called early morning offensive was that after the horizontal trenches were already built, the three infantry battalions began to dig fortifications forward. If possible, the distance between the two positions could even be shortened to 40 meters, which was almost the distance for infantry to throw grenades.

Yin Tengyangtai, the chief of staff of the Second Mixed Brigade, who was the commander of the rear wing of the Japanese army at the time, looked through the telescope at the soil that was constantly flying from the ground more than 300 meters away, with a solemn expression, but helpless.

He wanted to stop the Chinese from constantly digging towards him, but the bullets could not turn, and there was almost no weapon that could threaten them except the grenade launcher that could attack the other side.

It's not that he didn't try to have his grenade launchers throw grenades at the trenches that the Chinese were digging, but firstly, the trenches were narrow, and it took luck to accurately throw grenades into trenches less than 1.5 meters wide across hundreds of meters. On the other hand, the Chinese might have expected this move, and they also prepared countermeasures.

However, the Chinese counterattacked not with the Japanese grenade launchers that could only throw hand grenades, but with 82 mortars!

At least 10 82 mortars were on standby. Once the Japanese fired grenades, the artillery observers observed the approximate area of ​​the grenade launchers, and immediately 10 to 20 shells whizzed in.

It simply brought the concept of "rich firepower coverage" to its fullest!

After more than 5 grenade launcher teams and more than a dozen infantrymen were torn to pieces by the overwhelming mortar shells, some grenade launchers even began to refuse to accept orders, even if they were slapped several times by the infantry squadron leader.

At this time, if Yin Tengyangtai showed enough strength and killed the disobeying sergeant immediately, he might be able to exchange death for death, and at the very least, he could slow down the speed of the Chinese army's crazy digging forward.

Unfortunately, the lieutenant colonel chief of staff of the Second Mixed Brigade, who was always used to living under the shadow of Yamamoto, hesitated. He believed that this was because the soldiers did not get enough rest and caused mental disorder. He was afraid that his toughness would make the morale that was on the verge of collapse completely ruined. By then, even gods could not save him.

The result of looking ahead and behind was that the 200 officers and soldiers of the third battalion responsible for the stubborn advance in front of Zhaozhuang dug nearly 60 meters forward in 1 and a half hours, forming more than 20 communication trenches. If this situation did not change, it would only take 3 pm for the third battalion to dig in front of the Japanese position, and then it would really be the end of the Japanese.

Faced with the aggressive digging of fortifications by the battalions of the Four-Line Regiment, the Japanese infantry could not sleep at ease at this time, so they could only continue to deepen the trenches. The two sides fought against each other in civil engineering fortifications, which was also a rather alternative battle.

Of course, during this period, the artillery of both sides were not idle. You fired a burst of artillery at my rear, and I immediately fired a burst of artillery.

This time, because both sides had enough trench protection, the infantry losses on both sides were not great, but seeing that the artillery of both sides was fighting fiercely, they did not target each other, but instead attacked the infantry. The infantry of both sides almost cursed their own artillery mothers.

So, if you two fight, the final damage will be borne by us?

Although Tang Dao is the artillery battalion commander of the Sixing Regiment, everyone knows that Tang Tuanzuo is now in charge of the overall situation, and the artillery battalion is basically under the charge of Deputy Battalion Commander Pang Dahai. For this reason, Major Pang Dahai has been scolded by the three battalion commanders of the first, second and third battalions.

Da Dahai is also aggrieved! It's not that he doesn't want to hit the Japanese artillery, but the distance between the two sides is at least 6,000 meters. Is the 150's measly range of 3,000 meters enough? Besides, they were hiding behind a hill, in the blind spot of the mountain cannon. What else could they do besides just watch the fun?

Then it would be better to destroy the fortifications built by the Japanese army with great sweat and sweat, and kill some Japanese soldiers by the way, so as to pave the way for the next attack by the infantry brothers, right?

The Japanese artillery probably thought the same way. If they couldn't hit the opponent's artillery, they would take it out on the infantry. No matter how hard they scolded them, that was the only thing they could do.

After Yamashita, who was located in the Changle Village headquarters, received the telegram from Yota Yinto behind him, he let out a long sigh, and his face full of gloom appeared relaxed for the first time.

"Yo Xi! The artillery brigade has done a great job. Tell them that if they continue to fight the Chinese artillery, they won't be able to be arrogant for long."

Although the Japanese army is still unable to accurately determine the specific location of the Chinese artillery, the general area can basically be locked. This information has been sent to Yuancheng Airport through the field radio.

If the Chinese artillery continues to bombard like this, the rising smoke will be the most obvious target. The formation of 24 fighter planes that have already flown to the Changle Village battlefield will definitely turn this serious threat into ashes.

Without this artillery group with large-caliber artillery, Yamashita would have the confidence to hold on for another three days under the siege of the Chinese.

Yesterday afternoon, the 108th Division, which was frightened back, had regrouped in Liao County and Licheng respectively. This morning reinforcements will be sent to Changle Village. According to intelligence, the Chinese can only deploy one infantry division to stop them.

Although the intelligence department of the front army had made a big mistake, causing the headquarters to misjudge the strength of the Chinese troops, Yamashita could only choose to believe it this time, otherwise what could he do?

In short, all Yamashita's hopes were pinned on Army Aviation and the 108th Division.

Perhaps, even Yamashita, who was arrogant and looked down on the two "reserve" divisions when he sent troops before, didn't realize that after more than ten days of fighting, his sharp edges had been smoothed by the Chinese.

Not only did they lose the confidence to break through the enemy's defenses, they even placed their own safety on friendly forces.

Obviously, this is a terribly wrong idea.

Women cannot rely on men, but men still want to rely on men. Do you think this is reliable?

Yamashita must not have been able to see the clouds of smoke rising in the mountains in the distance that he could not see. There were white smoke after the artillery was fired, and smoke from a large amount of wet firewood being ignited.

There are so many of these firewood piles that they are almost all over the mountains, and Tang Tuanzuo ordered that no open flames be allowed. They are typical smoke-making machines. As a result, the Chinese soldiers inside were not allowed to wrap wet towels around their mouths and nostrils. Otherwise, they will all be stunned.

The same is true for the people inside. From the outside, it looks like a fairyland filled with smoke. No one can spot the humans and equipment hidden inside without looking closer.

Therefore, when Sasaki led 23 Japanese planes to arrive over the area aggressively, the collective was stunned.

In order to prevent them, did the Chinese set the entire mountain on fire?

It is already difficult to maintain accuracy when dropping bombs at a height of 1,500 meters. It is absolutely impossible to see the target clearly under the smoke.

But for Captain Sasaki, this time he was ordered to bomb, it was not as simple as dropping bombs at high altitude. He had to destroy the Chinese artillery positions.

Otherwise, the crisscrossing Chinese infantry positions on the ground must be his first choice target.

The formation consisted of a huge fleet of 24 aircraft carrying more than 15 tons of explosives, enough to reduce more than a thousand Chinese soldiers to ashes.

Unfortunately, the biggest threat to the Second Mixed Brigade is no longer China's huge infantry, but the artillery group it unveiled yesterday evening, which even includes a 150-caliber heavy artillery. Anyone who is a soldier knows that that kind of artillery is very effective against What a threat the infantry poses.

But the Chinese also made their own defenses. The entire mountain was shrouded in light smoke. From an altitude of 1,500 meters, it was difficult to see the trees, let alone the artillery and people.

If you want to see the artillery positions clearly, you must have fighter planes fly to a lower altitude for reconnaissance.

"Gentlemen, the Chinese are very cunning. They use smoke to try to obstruct the sight of our Imperial Army Air Force. I need two warriors to conduct fire reconnaissance on the ground!" Captain Sasaki has never been that cruel commander. Qian always treats his subordinates with kindness, even when giving orders.

This is probably one of the reasons why Japanese pilots can still tolerate this commander who is known for his ability to "keep friends".

The Japanese fleet was hovering high in the sky, but there was silence on the radio.

All Japanese pilots know that the Chinese army below is most likely the legendary Si Xing Regiment. They gave the Imperial Army Aviation a taste of the power of their anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns in Zhengcheng and Licheng. If they fly too low, they will inevitably encounter attack.

The key is that the fighter formation will never easily waste bombs on such not-so-powerful anti-aircraft anti-aircraft machine guns or small-caliber anti-aircraft guns. If they die, they will most likely die in vain.

But the Imperial Japanese Army never lacks brave men. After dozens of seconds of silence, someone finally answered.

"I, Chiba Yoshioka, take the order!"

"I, Sato Hyoukihara, take the order!"

"Very good, the Imperial Army Aviation will be proud of you. No matter what the outcome is after the war, I will report the bravery of the two colleagues to the headquarters!" Sasaki's gratified voice sounded on the radio. "The base reconnaissance altitude is 1,000 meters. You two can adjust it according to the actual situation. Be careful of the Chinese anti-aircraft machine guns. I approve that you two can drop bombs at any time to reduce the load. If the fighter plane is damaged, you can leave the battlefield immediately without returning to the formation."

This is the greatest authority Sasaki can give his two brave subordinates as a commander. The subtext is that if they are attacked, they will immediately drop bombs and escape. If the fighter plane is damaged, saving themselves will be the first choice.

Really, Sasaki has had enough of 'sacrifice his comrades' to preserve his reputation, and he doesn't want to go back with heavy losses this time.

Especially when he thought of his old rival, the Four Elements Regiment, Sasaki felt inexplicably trembling in his heart. Most of his reputation throughout the Army and Aviation Front was bestowed upon them.

Two 96 fighter jets roared out of formation and headed downwards.

There is a machine gun fortification on the mountain peak that is completely covered by pine trees and camouflage netting.

Cheng Tieshou, deputy instructor of the artillery battalion and commander of the air defense company, was looking up at the sky with a telescope.

"Sir, the Japanese plane has sent a reconnaissance plane down. Do you want to fight?" the second lieutenant on the side asked with a serious expression.

"Fight, why not fight? I ordered each odd-numbered anti-aircraft machine gun team to attack any Japanese aircraft within their range immediately. However, in order to prevent the Japanese aircraft from dropping bombs in retaliation, everyone except the machine gunners and ammunition handlers took shelter temporarily." Cheng Tietsou raised his eyebrows. "The other gun positions are not allowed to fire without orders without permission. The real big fish has not yet entered the net!"

Although the two Japanese pilots looked heroic in their answers, they were actually very cautious. They always maintained an altitude of about 1,000 meters and kept roaring over the mountains.

However, a large amount of smoke rising from the mountains still blocked their sight. The field of view looking down at 1,000 meters and 1,500 meters was actually not much different.

Finally, the two Japanese pilots bit the bullet and lowered their flying altitude by another 200 meters. The altitude of 800 meters was already the upward range of the anti-aircraft machine gun, but their field of vision was much clearer.

Under the cover of the green mountains and blocked by the smoke, they still saw the camouflaged piles in the valley.

However, before they could use the telescope to see more clearly, sparks suddenly burst out from the high ground on the side of the mountain.

There were at least four anti-aircraft machine guns shooting at two Japanese planes that had increased their speed to extremely high speeds. Each bright bullet represented dozens of bullets hitting the Japanese planes.

The two Japanese pilots, who were already highly nervous, instinctively yanked the rudder, and then pulled the bomb release gate hard. Two 200-pound aerial bombs roared downward from the belly of the aircraft.

The 96 fighter jet, which instantly became lighter, rose up at high speed under the crazy fire of four anti-aircraft machine guns. In just five or six seconds, it jumped forward five to six hundred meters, and its altitude also rose to 1,100 meters.

They were lucky. Apart from a few bullet holes on the fuselage and a cold sweat on their bodies, the less powerful anti-aircraft machine guns did nothing to them.

"Suspected Chinese artillery positions were found, but time was limited and only a few were found. It is not yet completely certain." Although one of the Japanese pilots was in shock, he still did not forget his mission and radioed to the formation's supreme commander, Captain Sasaki. Report what you see.

Of course, the Japanese second lieutenant named Yoshioka Chiba was an honest child. Because the time was short, he only had a glimpse, but it seemed that those green groups were too rich compared to the normal mountain forest.

He just stated the results he saw, and all decisions had to be made by the supreme commander.

Sasaki was actually very confused. As expected, the Chinese spared no effort to protect their artillery and hid a lot of anti-aircraft machine guns below. The two fighter planes finally risked their lives to reconnoiter the intelligence. Even if it was a bit vague, he couldn't say that he would send another one. Two to confirm!

"Yo Xi, thank you Chiba-kun and Kihara-kun for your hard work. The Chinese only arrived at the battlefield yesterday evening. Even if they have disguises, they must be rough. They must not be able to escape the eyes of the imperial eagle.

Warriors, now it is their turn to bear the wrath of the Imperial Eagle. I order the area where Chiba-kun discovered to be the center of the circle, radiating 1,000 meters outward. The formation is divided into 6 groups, 3 groups on the left and 3 groups on the right. Keep the altitude at 1100 meters and attack with bombs!

However, everyone please remember that we are the noble imperial eagles, not the inferior infantry. Unless it is absolutely necessary, we should not easily use machine guns to fight against the enemy. That is a crude tactic that only inferior infantry will use!

I repeat, don’t underestimate the Chinese people below. Have you all remembered? "Sasaki took a deep breath, and his voice sounded on the radio.

Captain Sasaki now looks more and more like a commander.

This may be because the position is different, and the head is starting to look different! Just like an old Chinese saying goes: The head determines the butt, and the butt can also affect the head!

"Hi!" the Japanese pilots responded to their commander on the radio.

No way, who gave their commander the experience of participating in more than a dozen air battles and returning unscathed? Teammates change one after another, but they are still living well and can be promoted. This is capital.

Sasaki, who was becoming more and more like a commander, certainly couldn't have known that at a distance of only 2,500 meters from him, a Chinese army colonel looked at the Japanese planes turning around and planning to enter the battlefield after the reconnaissance planes fled, and his mouth arched high.

The Japanese were fooled again!

It was worth it that he fired 5,000 shells like a prodigal son yesterday.

You know, yesterday, the director of the military supply department, Zhuang Shisan, begged him in a crying voice not to fight again. His director Zhuang was good at calculations, but he was not a god and could not make shells. He had to wait until the decisive battle when there were no shells. The artillery battalion asked him for them. He could cut and cut dozens of people in the military supply department into shells and throw them out.

But Tang Tuanzuo was still determined to fight.

You have to be willing to make a nest for fishing, let alone if you want to shoot a plane? Then you have to make an art film in place, plus take off your pants for a prelude or something?

. . . . . . . . .

PS: Yesterday I saw some book friends leave a message saying that if I hadn’t started a new book, this book would still have at least 500,000 words. I can only say that I should open up my mind a little bit, huh! It’s only been 38 years! The reason for starting a new book is that after writing about the war of resistance and science fiction for a long time, isn’t it also a way to change your mind? The more you use your brain, the more flexible it will be!

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