Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1023 The cook who became famous in one battle!

The three infantry platoons at the most advanced position of the third battalion are all the spearhead platoons of each company, and their continuous firepower is the best in the entire battalion.

For example, the young corporal named Tu Yunsheng who took the initiative to run to the front line is the deputy squad leader. He is equipped with an MP28 submachine gun, and the soldiers in his squad have automatic firearms such as light machine guns, Mauser pistols, and semi-automatic rifles.

Although there are less than 40 soldiers in the front line, thanks to the continuous firepower equipment, its output firepower is no less than that of an ordinary infantry company.

Especially at such a close distance, within the range of submachine guns and Mauser pistols, a magazine of bullets is almost empty in three seconds.

The soldiers inserted new magazines without regret, and then pulled the trigger fiercely to sweep out.

At this time, accurate shooting is not so important. What is important is to shoot the bullets at the fastest speed.

The two armies are about to enter the moment of white knives in and red knives out, and sufficiently powerful firepower output is the best way.

The Japanese infantrymen who were running wildly under the artillery fire were unlucky, as they ran into a firepower net.

Sixty or seventy Japanese soldiers at the front were shot down in one breath. The cruel reality made the Japanese soldiers who were only 50 meters away from the trenches realize that even if there were not so many Chinese now, their firepower was so fierce that they could not be defeated by their two infantry squadrons by charging hard.

As a last resort, many Japanese soldiers chose to crawl on the ground and shoot at the Chinese soldiers lying in the trenches.

This time, they hit the weak spot of dozens of Chinese soldiers on the front line who were short of manpower.

The shooting skills of the Japanese infantry were extremely superb. At such a close distance, as long as they caught the opportunity, they would almost hit accurately. The previous advantage of relying solely on continuous firepower suppression disappeared instantly.

The best way to deal with this Japanese army was of course the arrival of the main force in the rear. As long as the front line had sufficient manpower, the Japanese army dozens of meters away lacked trench protection after all. The Chinese soldiers lying in the trenches had a complete geographical advantage. They could not be killed by shooting at each other.

However, the current Japanese artillery fire was so fierce that it actually formed a fire wall in the rear. Although there were communication trenches, as long as a shell fell into the trench, there would be dozens of casualties.

For example, Li Jiujin, the commander of the 7th Company, was planning to personally lead people through the communication trench to support his platoon, but was held tightly by his guard.

"Fuck Nenliang, let me go, there are hundreds of my brothers there." The old soldier rarely beat and scolded his brothers.

"Company commander, the platoon is the strongest infantry platoon in our company. If they can't stop the Japanese, then no one can stop them! Also, you see that the communication trenches have been blown down in several places. I can't watch you go to die!" The guard was also a soldier who had followed Li Jiujin for many years. No matter what, he just held Li Jiujin's waist tightly.

"Also, you can't let the brothers die in vain. They are all men born by their parents. It's not easy to grow up like this."

After saying this, Li Jiujin calmed down.

Because what his guard said made sense.

Although the communication trench was only 150 meters long, that 150 meters could very well become a deadly place.

The Japanese artillery came prepared. Through observations made during the day yesterday, they had already analyzed the structure of the Chinese position.

The main position of the third battalion was about 400 meters away from the Japanese trench, and then they dug 150 meters forward through the communication trench to form three horizontal zigzag trenches. On the basis of this trench, they continued to dig forward to form three small positions.

The entire position was like a spear tip, gradually showing its edge to the Japanese army. The Japanese army looked like a thorn in their backs but could do nothing.

But the Japanese army finally found a countermeasure, which was to use the long-distance connection between the spear tip and the spear handle to block this area with artillery fire, and then use infantry to attack and break the spear tip of the third battalion.

A 5-kilogram mountain artillery shell may only create a crater with a diameter of less than one meter when it hits the ground, but if it falls into a trench, the air wave that cannot overflow can rush along the trench for 20 meters and knock away all objects it encounters. It is a force of thousands of kilograms. Even the strongest human body will be broken and fractured in front of it, and it will be so fragile that it is almost insignificant.

If he is unlucky, he, the company commander, will be blown to pieces, and the infantrymen advancing along the communication trench will suffer dozens of casualties.

"Order all the heavy machine guns and mortars in the company to support me in the front!" Li Jiujin, who calmed down, had an iron face. "In addition, tell the second platoon to get ready for me. As long as the emergency flare is fired in the front, even if it is a dead end, I have to take them there!"

"Yes, company commander!" The anxious guard answered while hugging the old soldier's waist.

"Damn it, let me go quickly." Li Jiujin glared at the guard who had not yet recovered. "You are a very good person. You were not afraid of death in the Sihang Warehouse, but now that the army is larger and has more people, you are afraid of death. After this battle, you will be the squad leader of the first platoon!"

"Yes!" The guard was not surprised but happy to hear Li Jiujin say this.

His rank had long been promoted to sergeant. According to common sense, he should have been a squad leader. If he had made some military achievements on the front line, it would only be a matter of time before he was promoted to second lieutenant. However, Li Jiujin always thought of his fellow villager because he was still young, so he kept him by his side after becoming the company commander. Unexpectedly, after this incident, he was willing to let him go.

"Damn it, you don't want to stay with me!" The old soldier was a little annoyed when he saw the expression of his guard, and then more worry appeared in his eyes. "I hope the first platoon can withstand this wave!"

As the company commander, Li Jiujin knew very well that the Japanese army was fighting a desperate last-ditch battle. If they succeeded, they would only destroy the frontline positions. They would not stay for long. For the third battalion, even if they lost the frontline positions, it would only be a small setback for the overall situation. It would only postpone the time of the general attack.

The Japanese, after all, could not escape the fate of final destruction.

But there was his most elite infantry platoon there. If they failed to withstand the Japanese army entering the trenches, he would be most worried about the heavy losses.

But in the current situation, if the guys in the artillery battalion did not form a decent countermeasure against the Japanese artillery, it would be difficult for the front line to get effective support within at least 10 minutes, unless he was willing to pay a greater price in casualties.

On the battlefield of the first row of the seventh company, which was completely shrouded in gun smoke, soldiers kept crawling out of the anti-artillery holes and entering the front line at the risk of being killed by artillery shells.

In the trenches, there were the remains of soldiers injured and sacrificed in the exchange of fire with the Japanese army!

The three mortars belonging to the machine gun platoon of the seventh company had already fired at full power, but they still could not suppress the stubborn Japanese army scattered on the vast battlefield, even though at least more than 50 Japanese soldiers had fallen in front of the trench of the first row of the seventh company.

This was nearly one-third of the 160-plus Japanese soldiers who came to attack the first row.

"Damn it, come on! Come on!" The young corporal with bloodshot eyes had put his submachine gun aside, holding a semi-automatic rifle from the remains of a sacrificed soldier next to him.

The few bullets left in the gun gave him the upper hand in the exchange of fire with a Japanese infantryman who was crawling on the battlefield. The opponent's bullets brushed his ears, but he pulled the trigger three times in a row, two shots hit the ground, and one shot hit his helmet.

At such a close distance, the Type 90 helmet might be able to block the fragments of the shells, but it could not stop the bullets from penetrating. The head of the khaki figure in the smoke drooped fiercely.

The young corporal who helped his brother to avenge was not happy at all. In just a few minutes, at least four people around him had died, three new recruits and one old soldier.

One of the new recruits was a 17-year-old boy who had just joined his infantry squad less than half a month ago.

He still remembered the young boy with green hair on his mouth looking at him when he came in, and quickly stood up and saluted.

He asked the boy why he chose to join the army. The boy lowered his head and hesitated for a while, but he, the deputy squad leader, was still very keen to see that the boy had tears in his eyes when he lowered his head.

He was already an orphan. When the Japanese army captured Licheng more than two months ago, a shell landed on the roof of his house. More than half of the seven people in his family died on the spot. His grandparents who survived by chance in another room could not bear the great pain and passed away within a month.

The war made this 17-year-old boy taste the most extreme loneliness in the world.

So, when the Four-Line Regiment entered Licheng and evacuated the people, this boy who was as dead as a ash and survived by relying on the help of neighbors chose to join the Four-Line Regiment, not because there was food and clothing here, but because he could take revenge.

The recruiting platoon leader of the Four-Line Regiment could not refuse this boy. At his age, the battalion wanted him to be a signal soldier, but he refused and chose to join the front-line troops.

However, the battle had just begun, and he had not killed a Japanese invader, which was far from his wish to kill 6 devils to avenge his family, and he died.

Although he had strictly followed the training and tried to keep his head down as much as possible, the accurate bullets of the Japanese infantry still penetrated his helmet.

Seeing the young life that had not yet been fulfilled disappear like this, how could the young corporal not go crazy?

"Brother, look at me, what can I do to help you?" A hand slapped the young corporal's back fiercely.

Putting away the gun and retreating back to the trench, the young corporal turned back angrily, but saw a middle-aged uncle with blood mixed with gunpowder and mud on his face.

"I don't need breakfast here now, get out of here quickly." The young corporal yelled at Boss Cao with a face full of anger.

"What, what did you say? I can't hear you?" Boss Cao felt as if there were millions of bees in his ears. Although he could tell from his facial expression that the young corporal was angry, he had no idea what the other party was saying.

Boss Cao didn't know if he was possessed by a ghost. He hugged the machine gunner who was about the same age as his brother but hadn't had a mouthful of broth yet and cried for a while. He watched many soldiers rushing forward with their backs bent by his side, and he actually followed behind them.

Because he had no gun, he took a grenade from a soldier who might have died from shrapnel while advancing and carried it with him.

Boss Cao couldn't explain the ghost possession. He only knew that there was a breath in his chest, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

It seemed that if he didn't participate in this battle, the young face who couldn't swallow a mouthful of soup would keep appearing in his mind over and over again.

"Brother, I will help you fight the devils, you can go with peace of mind!" Boss Cao could only repeat this sentence in his heart.

Then, Boss Cao, who arrived at the front-line trench in a daze, saw the young corporal he had said a few words to on this battlefield.

What he didn't expect was that the other party didn't seem to welcome his arrival.

"Fuck you!" The young corporal could only curse helplessly.

He knew that this was a common phenomenon for soldiers who went to the battlefield for the first time. They were not mentally prepared enough, and the huge noise caused temporary deafness in their ears.

He just pointed his finger to the distance to signal the cook to get out of here quickly and not delay him from killing the enemy, but his eyes suddenly stopped at the bloody grenades stuck in Boss Cao's waist, and his eyes were dazed.

If he remembered correctly, when the cook came with the buns, he didn't bring any weapons to reduce the weight.

It was obvious that these bloody grenades were taken from the injured or sacrificed soldiers.

What does this mean? It means that he came here to help fight.

"Don't you throw grenades far? Help me throw grenades, aim at the group of Japanese soldiers lying there, and blow them up." The young corporal said while gesturing.

Most of the Japanese infantry were still 50 to 60 meters away. Although the trench was nearly 2 meters deep, it was not wide enough to allow people to run up. Therefore, only by standing and throwing it hard, few of the dozens of people here could throw the grenade so far.

"Okay, watch me!" Boss Cao, who was lying behind a shooting hole formed by a pile of sandbags and looked at the distance, estimated the distance and nodded vigorously.

According to the young corporal's finger, Boss Cao saw his target, that was a Japanese veteran with a very poisonous gun. He had killed and injured three people in a row, and he was very good at hiding. Just now, several people shot at him, but he avoided them with skillful rolling.

Although Boss Cao had not thrown live ammunition many times, most of them were training ammunition, but the steps were deeply imprinted in his mind.

Screw the cap, pull the line, waist and abdomen plus arm strength, throw out!

All steps, meticulous.

However, the first grenade was thrown out by Boss Cao, perhaps because the trench was too narrow, the terrain was different from the usual training, or perhaps because it was his first time to participate in actual combat. He was nervous and only threw it more than 40 meters away, and he was still more than ten meters away from the "shit yellow" he aimed at.

Seeing that the Chinese wanted to blow him up with a grenade, the Japanese veteran rolled several times and lay down in a small pit. Moreover, he did not forget to attack, crawling and firing several shots. A soldier in the first row was shot in the shoulder and a blood flower bloomed.

However, the bowl-sized shooting hole was actually caught by the Japanese veteran. The opportunity to hit it was a great threat to the first row.

"Uncle, can you do it!" The young corporal was not only a little discouraged.

Boss Cao was not affected by his mistakes at all. This was completely different in the training ground and the battlefield. The strong smell of gunpowder and blood reminded him all the time that he could lose his life here at any time, which would naturally affect him when throwing grenades.

However, the only advantage is that he can hardly hear any sound, which is much stronger than the deafening slogans and cheers on the training ground.

Moreover, his first grenade was mainly to regain his touch, just like he threw stones at birds in the mountains.

No one would know that he could not only throw far, but also hit accurately, because he was forced by life. Without a gun, he could kill a pheasant with a stone at a distance of 20 meters.

However, Boss Cao has never exposed this unique skill. This is mainly due to the teachings of his old father who has passed away. If you want to survive in such a chaotic world, you must keep a hand.

But at this time, if you don’t kill the Japanese, the Japanese will kill you. Boss Cao can’t and dare not hide it.

So, the second grenade was thrown out by Boss Cao without hesitation. 55 meters, about six or seven meters away from the small pit where the Japanese veterans were hiding.

"It’s almost there. Uncle, come again." The young corporal’s eyes lit up.

One said, the other threw, the two Chinese soldiers were full of hope.

But for the Japanese veteran, this was extremely painful psychological torture.

From the first grenade exploded more than ten meters away from him, the Japanese veteran knew that he was being targeted by the Chinese grenade thrower.

Because the distance was too close, it was difficult for the grenade launcher to maintain accuracy, and only the grenade could cause him difficult to avoid.

If the first grenade was still a joke, then the second grenade exploded half a meter from the ground and the shrapnel formed hit the soil in front of the small pit where he was, which really made people feel cold.

If it was two meters closer, he could be effectively killed.

But what could he do? Escape from this small pit? Would the Chinese rifleman hiding in the trench let him go?

Attack? Even more impossible!

When the Chinese threw bombs in the trench, what else could he see except the arm raised high in a flash? Even if his shooting skills were superb, could he still shoot the hand that stayed in his sight for no more than half a second?

Unable to attack, unable to escape, then they can only passively take the beating.

So, in the desperate eyes of this Japanese veteran, the third grenade attacked again after an interval of 3 seconds.

This time, Boss Cao deliberately held the grenade in his hand for two seconds before throwing it out. That was what the instructor told him. The grenade has a delay of 6 seconds. If you throw it far enough, it will fly in the air for about 4 seconds. The grenade that explodes in the air will form a 360-degree barrage around you. As long as you throw it accurately, no matter how low you lie, you will be shot into a sieve by shrapnel.

So, 3 meters away from the Japanese veteran's crawling place, the grenade exploded in a cloud of gunpowder in the air about one meter.

The screams of the Japanese veteran seemed to be transmitted to the trenches at a distance of 60 meters.

"Fuck, uncle is awesome, come again!" The young corporal's eyes widened.

Boss Cao, who was getting better and better at throwing grenades, was almost hitting the target in the middle and late stages. It was no myth that one grenade could kill an enemy.

You have to know that the Japanese soldiers at that time were not gathered together for you to kill. The distance between the soldiers was at least more than 10 meters. The lethality of the 82 mortar shells was enough! There was no guarantee that one shell could kill a Japanese invader.

But Boss Cao achieved this effect at a distance of 70 meters. After the war, there was a statistics that he even killed a Japanese second lieutenant in an area of ​​75 meters.

In three minutes, Boss Cao threw up to 30 grenades and killed 24 enemies. Two soldiers handed him grenades.

After the war, he was nicknamed "the human grenade grenade of the kitchen team!"

Boss Cao became famous in one battle!


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