Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1025 The general offensive begins (Part 1)

When Li Jiujin arrived at the front line with a platoon of main forces, and a platoon of main forces had already reinforced, the two infantry platoons of nearly 200 people were full of murderous intent.

"Submachine guns, Mauser pistols, machine guns, don't save ammunition, crush them to death, all the precision shooters and grenade throwers in each class, I will give you the last ten minutes of shooting time! Ten minutes later, the whole battalion will launch a general attack on the Japanese defense line." Li Jiujin issued a military order as soon as he arrived at the front line.

The dense gunfire on the battlefield replaced the previous deafening artillery sound, which gradually restored the hearing of Boss Cao, who had gradually adapted to the battlefield.

The young corporal was called by his second lieutenant platoon leader to the newly arrived commander of the seventh company, Li Jiujin. Boss Cao, whose arms had recovered a little strength, originally planned to help the front-line infantry throw some grenades to deal with some Japanese soldiers who were still resisting on the battlefield. As a result, he was quite embarrassed that he had no grenades on hand, and the two soldiers who were responsible for assisting him had just left.

After all, this was not a time for a complete victory. The Japanese army was just at a disadvantage, and the main trench position a hundred meters away was constantly providing them with firepower cover, with machine guns, rifles, heavy machine guns, and even infantry guns occasionally bombarding them.

However, the mortars of the artillery company of the third battalion were not vegetarians. They were waiting for the Japanese infantry guns to show up. When a target appeared, they would often fire more than a dozen shells at it. Even if they could not kill it, they could scare the Japanese 92 infantry guns away from continuous shelling.

It was not that the Japanese artillery was timid, but that the Chinese mortar shells were easy to hit them, but they had no power to fight back against the Chinese mortar positions surrounded by the circular positions.

Although the infantry guns could be used as mortars by raising the muzzle, they had their own specialties. The main function of the infantry guns was to destroy fixed fortifications and to attack the enemy. They really did not have the ability to use large-curved parabolas to drop shells from the sky and hit the opponent's head.

Thanks to the complete suppression of the Japanese infantry artillery by the mortars, more than 80% of the heavy machine guns of the third battalion dared to fire recklessly to suppress the trenches and the Japanese infantry stranded on the battlefield.

The Japanese infantry, who were caught in a dilemma in the middle of the battlefield, had to risk their lives to shoot at the officers and soldiers of the companies of the third battalion under the cover of the trenches.

However, the conditions of the two sides were very different.

The large amount of firepower output by China was just to prevent the Japanese army from escaping the battlefield. The real effective killing of those Japanese infantry who wanted to bury their bodies in the soil was mainly the precision shooters of each squad.

They all hid behind the hidden shooting holes. Even if the Japanese machine gunners on the opposite side found them, the two layers of thick sandbags could not be penetrated by light machine gun bullets.

Therefore, the precision shooters of the seventh company could completely focus on killing the enemy with 80% of their minds, unlike the Japanese infantry who had to worry about being engulfed by the tide of bullets or being blown into a honeycomb by the grenades falling from the sky.

In just one minute, seven or eight Japanese infantrymen were shot and killed by the 7th Company's precision shooters, but there was no casualty on their side.

At this speed, the 7th Company could kill nearly a hundred Japanese soldiers remaining in front of the position without paying any price, except for wasting some bullets.

This may be one of the reasons why Li Jiujin gave his subordinates ten minutes!

Another reason may be that the 7th Company was not fully prepared and was preparing to launch a general attack.

Who let the Japanese take the initiative? The entire 3rd Battalion had not even finished breakfast!

So, Boss Cao, who was thinking about going to the trench behind to find some grenades, saw such a strange scene.

A group of engineers were carrying large oil drums and "installing" them in the tunnel that should have been dug long ago. The huge mouth of the oil drum was like a cannon barrel facing the front, making it look like a cannon.

Boss Cao was stunned by this scene!

Boss Cao was a cook, but he was also a soldier. It's not like he had never seen a cannon before. Not to mention the ones far away, the 82 mortar equipped by the battalion's artillery company has a muzzle as thick as a bowl, and it fires a 4-jin shell.

The artillerymen boasted that even though the shells were small, that "small" shell was enough to send half of the kitchen staff into the air.

And how thick was this oil drum? It was more than enough to stuff two adults like him!

If this is also considered a cannon, then the shell must be as big as a human? What are you playing with?

Just when Boss Cao was a little entangled in whether he should go up to disturb the busy engineers, a shout came from behind: "Uncle Cao, what are you doing here? Come here quickly, our company commander wants to see you."

Boss Cao just turned around, and Li Jiujin, with a face full of gunpowder, strode over from a turn in the trench, walked straight to Boss Cao, and raised his hand and saluted.

This scared Boss Cao.

Of course he knew Li Jiujin, who was not only the top general of Battalion Commander Leng Feng, but also the favorite of Commander Tang.

When he was still a recruit, he heard the veterans who trained the recruits bragging about the origin of the name of the Four-Line Regiment. It was the honor that Commander Tang led a group of brothers to defend the Sihang Warehouse and kill a Japanese left-level infantry regiment commander.

There is no need to mention Deputy Commander Lei, who was a powerful figure who had once served as the commander of the regiment. Battalion Commander Leng Feng had even competed with the commander. Now they are considered the two giants of the Four-Line Regiment. Among the few people who followed the commander from the beginning, the veteran Li Jiujin was the most mentioned.

It is said that it was he and Captain Yang of the Communications Company who ‘captured’ the ‘deserter’ of the Sichuan Army, the regiment commander, and brought him to the Sihang Warehouse, which led to his brilliant rise like a comet.

How could such an outstanding person salute a little cook as soon as they met?

“Brother Cao, right? I heard from Xiao Tu that you are thirty-five this year, a few years older than me, Old Li. But I am not saluting you because you are a few years older than me.” Li Jiujin looked at Boss Cao, who was shocked, and said with a smile.

“I am thanking the cooking squad of the battalion headquarters on behalf of my Seventh Company. Thank you for supporting my Seventh Company’s first platoon at the most dangerous time. You can accept this salute.”

“But, Captain Li, it seems that our regiment’s military regulations say that military salutes are not allowed on the battlefield.” Boss Cao, who was embarrassed by Captain Li’s trick, held back for a while and gave such an answer.

Without saying so, this honest middle-aged man who was frightened by the old man really didn't know how to answer.

For him, a private, this military salute was really unbearable.

Damn! The young corporal following behind really wanted to cover his head.

No wonder this brother was assigned to the kitchen squad despite his amazing bomb throwing ability? There really is a reason for this.

The scene was quiet for a while, and finally it was Lao Li himself who laughed to resolve the embarrassment: "Haha! Brother, it really makes sense for you to go to the kitchen squad. The buns you make will definitely not be filled with wild vegetables like the damn Lao Liu, who licked his face and said that it was to enrich nutrition. Damn, do you think I'm a fool! Isn't adding more meat better than anything else?"

"Squad leader Liu was forced to do that, and you can't blame him. The quartermaster department hasn't purchased meat for several days, and the battalion commander requires that all officers and soldiers in the battalion must be well fed." Boss Cao explained for his sergeant kitchen squad leader with a serious face.

He didn't know that his cook squad leader who lost an arm was a member of Captain Li's team four months ago. He rushed to the front with a light machine gun in the night attack of the Laoshushan blocking battle. Unfortunately, he was shot in the arm, which caused a large area of ​​infection in the wound. In order to avoid sacrifice, Captain Li personally led people to hold him down and sawed off his entire arm to save him.

In the end, the disabled machine gunner refused to leave the front-line troops. Captain Li blocked Leng Feng's door for several days and even guarded the door of his toilet, driving the cold-faced battalion commander crazy. Only then was the machine gunner with only one arm arranged to the battalion headquarters as the cook squad leader, which violated the military order of the regiment commander.

Tang Dao clearly said that disabled soldiers can go to the baggage unit and the military training department to train new recruits, but they cannot stay in the front-line troops. That is also for the safety of disabled soldiers. A healthy person is extremely vulnerable in the face of gunfire, let alone a soldier without an arm or a leg?

"Okay, I won't beat around the bush. I heard from Xiao Tu that you killed more than 20 Japanese soldiers just by throwing bombs. It's a pity to keep such a good bomber in the kitchen. I'll go to Lao Liu and tell him to come to my 7th Company. Xiao Tu's class just needs a bomber. As long as you come, your rank will be promoted by one level!" Li Jiujin is also an old man. Through a few short conversations, he knows that the middle-aged man in front of him is a bit stubborn. He can't speak too obliquely. He has to be simple and rough.

"Rank promotion by one level? 12 yuan a month?" Boss Cao's eyes lit up instantly.

Does that mean that I can get an extra 2 yuan in military pay a month?

"Yes, Lao Li, I won't hide it from you. Just for your military merit today, whether you come to my 7th Company or not, you will be a senior soldier, and according to the rating of military merit, you are very likely to get a reward." Li Jiujin looked at the honest middle-aged man in front of him who was a little moved by the promotion of military rank, and he was rarely serious and serious.

He needs talents, but he needs talents who regard the infantry company as their home, not just for the military pay.

He hopes that the cook who dares to rush into the war is the one.

The young corporal also looked at Boss Cao very enthusiastically. Captain Li didn't know why Boss Cao rushed into the front-line trenches, but he knew.

He believed that Boss Cao was no longer a recruit who only wanted military pay.

"Then can I become the first recruit in the kitchen squad to win military merit? Squad Leader Liu will definitely be happy!" Boss Cao thought about it, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face full of black smoke.

"Ah!" Li Jiujin sighed slightly.

This excellent grenadier, after experiencing a war, still did not ignite the blood of the soldiers.

The young corporal was even more disappointed!

He had seen Boss Cao's strength with his own eyes. Within a range of 70 meters, as long as he was allowed to throw smoothly, he would almost blow up wherever he pointed, which was more powerful than a grenade launcher. If his infantry squad had one more such person in the future, no matter attacking or defending, the combat effectiveness would increase by at least 10%.

But does he still want to be a cook who only cooks and makes soup?

"Sir, big brother, I am willing to join the Seventh Company, and I hope you can help me report my military exploits to the battalion headquarters. I need a bonus." After being happy, Boss Cao suddenly said.

"Okay, this is what you deserve. The battalion headquarters and the regiment headquarters will not give you a penny less." Li Jiujin frowned slightly, but still answered firmly.

It is natural for soldiers to eat wages! Didn't he think so when he was in the barracks for ten years? It was not until he met Tang Dao that he knew what the real responsibility of a soldier was. How could he blame a new soldier who had only been in the barracks for a month and a half?

"However, I hope to give this reward to the brother who died in the battle. He was too young and didn't even have a mouthful of mutton soup I fed him before he died." Boss Cao continued with red eyes.

Li Jiujin was stunned.

"It was Gao Qunshan, a machine gunner from the third squad of our first platoon, who was bombed by the Japanese artillery during the counterattack. Uncle Cao was beside him at the time," the young corporal explained hurriedly.

"Okay! I will fulfill your wish, and I promise you that all the brothers who died will receive the same pensions as their hometowns, regardless of whether they are new recruits or old soldiers." Li Jiujin nodded heavily and promised.

"Yes!" Boss Cao also nodded vigorously.

"Were you looking at these big oil drums just now?" Li Jiujin asked, perhaps not wanting the topic to be too heavy.

"Yes! Sir, what are these oil drums for? For Tibetans or as shelters?" Boss Cao was very curious.

"Haha! How about this! Since you gave the cash reward to your brother, then I, as the company commander, will give you a new reward and take you to see a fireworks feast." Li Jiujin said with a smile.

Therefore, the cook who became a grenade thrower on the battlefield threw more than 20 grenades in front of Li Jiujin.

The fatal number 14 was added to the already brilliant results, and Li Jiujin was so happy that the wrinkles on his face could kill mosquitoes.

A single soldier killed 38 enemies. This should be the record of a single soldier killing enemies in the history of the Four-Line Regiment in just a few months. It is certain that there is no one who has ever killed an enemy before. Before that, Mingxin killed 33 enemies alone. Wow, the inconspicuous cook directly raised this record by 5 people.

Although this was due to the current special terrain and special battle conditions, the Japanese infantry was pressed by crazy bullets, not to mention retreating, even if they raised their buttocks a little bit, they would lose two taels of meat. They could only hide in large and small earth pits in despair and watch the grenades fall from the sky, and then their arms and legs flew around, leaving only their strong torsos and the land of Taihang Mountains.

But the number of enemies killed was real. The Seventh Company was not without good grenade throwers, and some could even throw 80 meters, but those who threw farther were not as accurate as him, and those who threw more accurately were not as far as him. Boss Cao's ability to hit whatever he pointed at within 70 meters was really unique!

But at this time, the gunfire on the battlefield was still in full swing. Like the Chinese, the Japanese army did not easily give up their comrades!

The Japanese soldiers in front of the position had not died yet, and there were still dozens of people alive. For the last bit of their remaining troops, the Japanese soldiers on the opposite position also tried their best, and the light and heavy machine guns and grenade launchers also fired desperately.

Boss Cao, whose arms were so sore that he couldn't lift them, wanted to get a grenade, but was stopped by the young corporal, "Uncle, let's go, the company headquarters ordered that everyone retreat 40 meters!"

"What are you doing? Don't kill the devils?" Boss Cao looked up and saw that the soldiers who were still shooting crazily just now were bending over and evacuating along the communication trench in batches, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

It's not that he wanted military merit, but when he thought of the young man who was like his younger brother setting up the machine gun in the artillery fire, he wanted to help him fulfill his wish.

The remains of the young machine gunner were just a hundred meters away. He should still be able to see all the devils killed.

But now, seeing that they were about to kill them all, they suddenly wanted to retreat. What was going on?

"Did you forget that the company commander said he would reward you with a fireworks display. Let's go! The general attack will start soon!" The young corporal pulled his arm and turned to run.

Boss Cao didn't know what those big oil drums were for, but he, an army corporal who had participated in the battle of Laojinkeng of the Four-line Regiment, knew it too well.

The thing called the thunder bomb could throw a dozen kilograms of explosive packs a hundred meters away, and its power was even greater than that of a 150-ton heavy mortar.

The Seventh Company had a total of 18 guns. Throwing out 18 explosive packs together would be a devastating blow to the Seventh Company's current defense line of only 600 meters.

Its greatest advantage is its power, but its disadvantage is also fatal. It has no accuracy at all. If Xia Jiba flies randomly, even his own people will be trembling with fear.

Therefore, when it is fired, it is forbidden to have our own soldiers in front.

Then, about 50 meters away from the front line, Li Jiujin smiled and patted the inexplicably nervous Boss Cao: "Don't worry, those Japanese can't run away. Not only them, but even the little Japanese in the trenches, using their own grammar, are dead!"

Then, he gave him two pieces of cotton and his telescope: "I said it was a reward for you, but Lao Li will not break his promise! This, plug your ears!"

"Hehe, you still have to stand in a horse stance!" The young corporal came over and reminded with a smile.

At this time, a second lieutenant platoon leader of the engineering platoon ran over, "Captain Li, the engineering platoon is ready!"

Li Jiujin took out a dirty pocket watch, looked at the second hand that was about to point to 12 in a few seconds, and nodded: "Start!"

As the small red flag of the engineering platoon leader waved

"Dong Dong Dong!" A series of dull sounds rang out.

In Boss Cao's field of vision, nearly 20 large black packages suddenly flew up from his own position, rolling in the air and flying towards the Japanese position more than 100 meters or 200 meters away.

Then, Boss Cao was surprised to see that all the officers and soldiers of the Seventh Company, including Captain Li, instinctively squatted down.

With the telescope that only the company commander had, Boss Cao saw that the Japanese position was directly surrounded by the exploding fireballs and thick smoke.

If that was considered fireworks, it was really too big.

“Boom boom boom!” Although he blocked his ears and was mentally prepared, Boss Cao was still dizzy from the loud noise.

Then, there was a tremor, and a strong wind mixed with countless gravel blew over the trench. Even if you were hiding in the trench, you would feel a chill down your spine.

This was more than a hundred meters away, and with the protection of the trench, the whole person was like standing on a rough boat.

No wonder Deputy Tu Ban said that he had to do a good horse stance. Boss Cao, who almost fell on his butt, now knew the power of the big oil barrel facing the sky.

And how miserable the Japanese positions that were bombed were, you can imagine with your butt.

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