Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1031 A night without stars! (It’s the beginning of the month, please give me a monthly ticke

This night in the mountains was perhaps the most tormenting night in Yin Tengyangtai's entire 40 years of life.

Since he entered the mountains in the afternoon, he had completely lost contact with the outside world.

He knew very well that in these continuous mountains, the communication that could keep in touch with the headquarters was actually useless. The biggest role might be to make a confession of love with the headquarters. Therefore, it would be better to carry more food and ammunition than to carry the strength of the field radio weighing dozens of kilograms.

In fact, to show his determination, this Japanese Army Lieutenant Colonel directly shot and killed the most beloved big blue horse under the seat of Major General Yamamoto and his own black horse.

It's not to make a sacrifice, but Yin Tengyangtai wants to use this behavior to tell everyone in the escort squadron that he and the brigade commander will be with everyone, and no one will be treated specially.

When it is strong, the military is strictly hierarchical; when it is weak, it is officers and soldiers as one! Yin Tengyangtai's behavior is typical of the shameless series.

But the loyal guard squadron of more than 200 officers and soldiers were very fond of the lieutenant colonel's statement of his feelings, otherwise they would not have rushed into various valleys or paths without hesitation even though they knew they were going to die.

Yin Tengyangtai, who used his subordinates to continue to die and continued to circle in the mountains, finally escaped 8 kilometers away from his main position before sunset, but in fact he was not happy at all.

On the way of desperate escape, although separated by mountains, the thunder-like loud noises were still heard from afar, which could only mean one thing, that the Chinese actually violated the convention and launched a general attack on the main position near dusk.

And based on Yin Tengyangtai's experience of fighting with the Four-Line Regiment in the past two days, what frightened him most was not the heavy firepower of the Four-Line Regiment, which was no less than that of the Brigade, but the battlefield rhythm of the other commander who seemed to have everything under control.

Facts also proved that except for the desperate counterattack ordered by the brigade commander himself at dawn, which made the Chinese look a little embarrassed, the initiative on the battlefield was dominated by the Chinese at all other times.

They actually stopped forbearing and directly launched a general attack. That can only mean that either something happened outside that forced them to launch a general attack in advance, or something went wrong inside the brigade, causing them to see the opportunity.

But no matter what, Yin Tengyangtai knew that the brigade was finished!

The remaining 3,500 people were definitely unable to withstand the bloody attack of the Chinese army, which had more than several times their strength, no matter how brave and tenacious they were.

Because the group of Chinese on the opposite side was also the elite of the hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops in southeastern Shanxi, no, it should be the elite of the entire North China.

It has to be said that Yin Tengyangtai was able to become a lieutenant colonel-level officer in the Japanese army, which particularly valued seniority, at the age of 40. That was something.

At least, after two days of fighting, he still had a very clear definition of his opponent, unlike those officers who had been killed by the Four-Line Regiment, who were stubborn even if they were defeated or died, and believed that they died because of the conspiracy of the other party, not the strength of both sides.

Whether it is deception or deception, or a head-on confrontation, it is all "the situation of the army is unpredictable, and the shape of the water is unpredictable". Who stipulated that war is to set up chariots, horses and cannons, and you give me a gun and I return your knife?

What's more, the Four-line Regiment and the 683rd Brigade, which launched the final encirclement and annihilation of the Second Mixed Brigade, just relied on the force to crush them?

Perhaps, many Japanese troops in North China have underestimated the bravery of Chinese soldiers, including Lieutenant Colonel Yin Tengyangtai, the chief of staff of the Second Mixed Brigade, who has now become a dog without a home.

If the Second Mixed Brigade had not fought a fierce battle with two infantry divisions in the mountains, it would never have fallen into such a situation. This is Yin Tengyangtai's self-consolation in despair.

But he was wrong. If he had the opportunity to stand on the battlefield, he would know why Major Lai Gu Yinan committed suicide in despair.

The strength of the Chinese does not come from the large number of people, but from fearlessness!

Turn the clock back to dusk.

Since all the large and small artillery pieces of the Sihang Regiment and the 683rd Brigade began bombarding at all costs, a telegram requesting a general offensive had been sent to the general manager of the Southeast Shanxi War Zone Command. Ten minutes later, he finally received the message "Accurate!" ', Brigade Commander Cheng, the highest commander of the Changle Village battlefield at the time, said in a telegram to the Sihang Regiment and its regiments: "Order, the Sihang Regiment of the 22nd Army, the 772nd Regiment of the 921st Division, the 771st Regiment, the Supplementary Regiment, and the Guard Battalion of the 683rd Brigade on the front line of Changle Village, all-out general attack.

In this battle, no reserve troops will be left; in this battle, there will be no us if there is an enemy, and there will be no enemy if there is us; in this battle, from myself down, no matter if it is the brigade commander, regiment commander, or battalion commander, anyone who is afraid of fighting and does not move forward will be killed; anyone who is not good at attacking will be killed; anyone who does not obey the military order and loots supplies will be killed!"

The military order, which was later called the "Three Kill Orders", was a very rare tough statement made by the cheerful Brigade Commander Cheng in his decades of military career. It also shows the confidence and determination of the Chinese soldiers in the Changle Village area at this time to completely wipe out the Second Mixed Brigade.

In fact, the Japanese army was not as bad as the final result. In fact, at least hundreds of Japanese soldiers still defended the honor of "the strongest army in Asia".

For example, the 772nd Regiment, which was awarded the first merit after the war, did not completely collapse the Japanese troops on the defense line in front of them like other Japanese troops before they even started fighting.

When the Japanese army attacked the Zhuozhang River defense line, they had to cross the river. Conversely, if the 772nd Regiment wanted to kill the Japanese troops 900 meters away from the Zhuozhang River, they also had to cross the river.

But fortunately, the artillery fire of the 772nd Regiment was fierce enough. Not only were all the mortars in the regiment concentrated, but the four mountain artillery belonging to the brigade were also basically transferred to them for use. In addition, Wang Xiaoqiang used his personal relationship to request a mountain artillery platoon of the Sihang Regiment to provide fire support to its front line.

When the Japanese soldiers who were stunned by the artillery fire climbed up from the trenches, they were faced with a black mass of Chinese troops.

There were three infantry battalions and the guard company of the 772nd Regiment. Although they were not fully staffed, it was enough to make people terrified with nearly 2,000 people pressing over, not to mention the Japanese soldiers who had just been stunned by the crazy artillery fire?

It can only be said that this group of Japanese invaders belonging to the First Infantry Battalion of the Second Mixed Brigade were very tough. Although their confidence had been crushed to less than a quarter of the previous level by the "rumors", and even their own infantry battalion leader was not there, and they could not get in touch with the brigade headquarters a thousand meters away, they still fulfilled their duties as soldiers and fired at the Chinese army that was already 400 meters away on the 1,800-meter-wide defense line.

In a burst of sparse gunfire, more than 30 Chinese soldiers fell, stopping the 2,000 people of the 772nd Regiment who were slowly approaching.

It was not that the 772nd Regiment was afraid of death, but the intensity of the Japanese resistance was somewhat beyond the expectations of the commanders at all levels of the 772nd Regiment.

There were at least 700 to 800 Japanese soldiers in front of them. According to the Japanese army's light and heavy firepower combination, there should not be only these heavy machine guns and light machine guns.

Although Wang Xiaoqiang looked a bit rough on the surface, he was actually very flexible and his tactics were extremely varied. He immediately felt that the Japanese army was either playing tricks or was really beaten by the eight mountain cannons and more than a dozen mortars gathered by his side.

The two infantry battalions on both sides began to move to the two wings, and the first battalion in the middle tentatively began to attack under the cover of four heavy machine guns on each wing.

Until the first battalion advanced to within 150 meters of the Japanese position, there was no trace of the Japanese heavy machine gun firepower point.

At this time, the weapons that the Japanese army could use, except for the three heavy machine guns that were suppressed by the eight heavy machine guns and had to be moved around, were a few grenade launchers and not as many rifles as imagined, firing in vain.

Seeing that the Japanese army had been shooting like this "to the point of death", they had advanced to the distance where they could charge to the death. There was no strong firepower point, nor did they show the strength of an infantry battalion, even though they had just been abused by a round of artillery fire.

But there were 800 Japanese soldiers! It is impossible that they were all killed by artillery shells! This is almost a fairy tale for anyone.

But the fact is that there were less than 250 Japanese soldiers left at that time. The main reason was that one of the Japanese infantry squadrons was withdrawn in the morning. After the sharp reduction of troops, the fierce Chinese artillery fire caused more than half of the more than 500 Japanese soldiers in the trenches that were no more than 1.5 meters deep to be lost.

The infantry battalion commander of the 1st Battalion of the 772nd Regiment was the battalion commander Xiao Ding who Tang Dao wanted to poach. Seeing that his three main infantry companies had entered within 120 meters, at the slowest, it only took fifteen seconds for the entire army to rush into the Japanese trenches.

This first battalion-level officer of the 772nd Regiment after the death of the head of the night regiment in the past time and space looked like a pale scholar, but he was actually a super macho man.

Once he got on top, he was so fierce that Wang Xiaoqiang couldn't help wiping his sweat.

"Damn it, no matter what tricks you play, I'm going to fight you today." Battalion Commander Xiao Ding, biting his back teeth, stuffed the Mauser pistol in his hand into the hand of the orderly who had been following him, and took a Type 38 rifle with a bayonet from him, and roared: "Everyone, fasten your bayonets, follow me, the whole battalion will advance without retreat, the first row will throw grenades at 40 meters, throw all the grenades on your body, bugler, blow the charge!"

As the charge sounded, "Kill!" The infantry major roared, and took the lead in rushing towards the Japanese position with his waist bent and holding a gun. Behind him, there were 400 infantrymen from an infantry battalion, who launched a desperate charge towards the Japanese position in front of the nearly 1,300-meter wide Japanese position. No longer worried or hesitant, under the leadership of their highest commander, they ran wildly towards the unpredictable Japanese position, and at the same time, tried their best to shoot the loaded bullets in the gun chamber.

Wang Xiaoqiang, who was 450 meters away, probably didn't expect that the commander of his first battalion would be so determined that he would not even make a tentative attack before entering a desperate charge. His face suddenly tightened, and he immediately ordered the heavy machine guns on both wings to suppress the Japanese trenches with full firepower, and ordered the infantry on both wings to speed up.

This is a very safe way of attack. If the Japanese army plays tricks, the two infantry battalions on both wings can contain part of their firepower, so that the infantry battalion that rashly enters the charge state will not be wiped out.

Just this military order, Wang Xiaoqiang is definitely not the kind of "crazy warrior" who seems to be easily intoxicated on the surface. His brain is more useful than many people.

The Japanese in the trenches, under the pressure of the heavy footsteps of the Chinese infantry from far to near, also entered the final frenzy.

Although the heavy machine gun bullets fired from the opposite side made the trenches smoke, there were still many people desperately shooting at the infantry of the first battalion of the 772th Regiment who were running wildly, and the sound of "bang hook" resounded throughout the battlefield.

In just seven or eight seconds, at least forty soldiers on the entire charge line fell to the ground while running. Some rolled over in pain, while others remained silent.

But no one stopped charging.

Again, the so-called comrade-in-arms, in addition to being someone who allows you to trust your back to him, is that when he falls, you don't have to stare at him with tears and sadness, but you throw yourself forward towards him. Direction, along the road he has not yet completed, forward, forward.

Ten seconds later, an infantry company of nearly 100 soldiers in the first echelon charged to a position forty or fifty meters away from the Japanese trenches. Everyone took out the long wooden handle grenades hanging on their bodies and opened the back cover. , pulled the fuse, and with the power of running, threw it towards the Japanese trenches dozens of meters away.

There is no need to be right or wrong. Whether it falls at the front of the trench or inside the trench, the smoke and shrapnel can provide cover for the charging soldiers.

More than a hundred grenades exploded, filling the Japanese trenches and in front of the trenches with smoke. Those outside could not see the inside clearly, and those inside could not see the outside clearly. The gunshots of the 38-meter gun could hardly be heard anymore.

In fact, when the infantry company reached a distance of 40 meters in front of the Japanese trenches, it basically declared the demise of the last remaining Japanese troops on this position.

Because each of these infantrymen carried at least 3 grenades, that is, more than 300 grenades, which means that on average, a grenade will fall every four or five meters on a defense line that is no more than 1,000 meters wide, even if only 10% of them fall. The trenches were also something that terrified the Japanese troops in the trenches.

By the time the first row of soldiers finished throwing the grenades, there was almost no gap. The second row of soldiers had already rushed in, holding rifles with bayonets fixed. They no longer crouched, but stood up straight, charged, and used Running as fast as he could in his life, he rushed towards the Japanese position.

There was no cry of killing that resounded throughout the battlefield, because all the Chinese soldiers poured their strength into their legs, held their breath, opened their eyes angrily, and ran as hard as they could.

At this moment, speed is life.

At the moment when the first battalion broke out with an all-out charge, all fire suppression stopped. Hundreds of meters away, from the colonel commander to the ordinary private, and more than a thousand meters further away, from the major general brigade commander to the cook, no matter what they looked at, Whether they could see clearly or not, countless Chinese soldiers had their eyes fixed on this battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke.

Everyone's heart almost stopped beating. I am nervous, excited, and extremely uneasy and worried. It is such a complex emotion that many people may have never experienced in their lives.

As long as they rush through these forty meters, as long as more than two hundred people jump into the Japanese trenches within five seconds, the Japanese army will be finished, no matter how many more people they have.

However, the officers and soldiers of the 772nd Regiment who have had many encounters with the Japanese army know better that the Japanese army is fierce, and in hand-to-hand combat with them, even elites like them can only beat them 50-50.

The officers and soldiers who crossed the first row to throw grenades, led by the major and battalion commander, walked through the gunpowder smoke and arrived at the Japanese trenches. With the awareness of death, they clenched their 38 rifles hard and summoned up their strength to burst out the most powerful roar in their lives: "kill!"

However, what greeted them was not the once ferocious Japanese invaders, but Japanese troops with less than 200 troops, dark faces and somewhat dull expressions.

Chinese soldiers are in the trenches, and Japanese soldiers are in the trenches, facing each other.

In the eyes of the Japanese soldiers, there was no longer arrogance, but deep despair.

"Kill them all!" the major battalion commander shouted with a hint of joy in his eyes. Pull the trigger and shoot at the Japanese soldiers.

"Bang bang" The Chinese soldiers never hesitated for more than a second before collectively pulling the triggers in their hands.

The desperate Japanese troops were also firing.

Both sides used the same single-shot rifle, and the crisp sound of gunfire echoed through the wilderness.

Dark blue and khaki fell to the ground on and in the trenches.

However, no one gave in, even if there was no cover, even if they knew that they might die at any time in the next moment. The Chinese and Japanese soldiers looked at each other with stern eyes, and they did not hesitate to pull the trigger and shoot.

When two armies face each other, the brave one wins.

The Chinese soldiers who had empty bullets in their magazines and had their eyes red with blood raised their bayonets high and followed their major and battalion commander to plunge down into the trenches. The bayonets and meat "popped, puffed" and the "creep" of the bayonet and the teeth were sour. The sound of bones touching even overshadowed the sound of gunshots at that moment, and at the same time sounded the final death knell for the remnants of the 2nd Mixed Brigade.

As more and more Chinese soldiers jumped into the trenches, the resistance of the Japanese army became weaker and weaker, until the last scream of despair was turned into an inaudible moan by the bayonets of three 38 rifles in the trenches. All Japanese troops on the defensive line were wiped out.

On the battlefield, there was a sudden silence, a terrifying silence, except for the heavy breathing that was unique to males and filled the air.

The life-and-death struggle, which lasted only a minute or two, depleted most of the soldiers' physical strength. Many of them were paralyzed the moment they inserted their bayonets into the chests of the Japanese invaders.

"We won." The battalion commander, a major covered in blood, looked around at the khaki and dark blue trenches lying around him, with tears rolling down his face, and muttered to himself.

Then, he jumped out of the trench and raised the rifle in his hand, "We won."

"We won, we won."

"Mom, we won."

"Brother, I avenged you."


Soldiers climbed out of the trenches one after another and stood on the edge of the Japanese trenches they captured. Like their battalion commander, they raised their rifles high and roared to the sky.

They used all their strength, even if their brains were dizzy due to lack of oxygen.


Hundreds of meters away, Chinese soldiers also raised their rifles high and cheered with their colleagues on the Japanese positions. Including their colonel regiment commander and major general brigade commander, they all tore off the military discipline buttons and shouted with all their strength: "We have won!"

At least two thousand people made the same move, with long spears like a forest and roars like waves.

The Japanese invaders who were still resisting a thousand meters away were startled by the roars from afar. Seeing the Chinese standing on the position of the first infantry battalion with their guns raised high, they completely collapsed psychologically.

The 772nd Regiment gnawed off the hardest bone at the cost of nearly 110 deaths and more than 70 serious injuries, completely crushing the confidence of the remaining Japanese invaders and causing a great defeat of the Japanese army on the entire battlefield.

The first achievement was not only because Wang Xiaoqiang and Xia Jiba fired artillery to kill Yamamoto, but also because of this battle.

The First Battalion, which was led by Captain Xiao Ding to rush into the Japanese trenches, was awarded the title of "Hard-Boned Battalion" by the 80th Army Headquarters after the war, and was even recognized by the Second War Zone, which was an unprecedented phenomenon.

In fact, the great military exploit of killing the unlucky child of the Second Mixed Brigade gave the old man from Shanxi a golden nugget on his face. Even the big man who frowned when he saw the old man from Shanxi and felt sick when he thought of the 80th Army had to send a congratulatory message to the Second War Zone Headquarters overnight and issued a bunch of medals to the participating troops.

. . . . . . . . .

This was a starless night, and everything should have been quiet.

However, this mountain, which should have been peaceful, was like Yin Tengyangtai's mood, and could not be stable.

Because there were many more little mice and more rat catchers.

The mice wanted to live, and the rat catchers wanted to get rid of the harm!

The mice originally thought that the night would become their protective color and their last chance.

But the mice underestimated the dangers of the mountains.

In the dark forest, not to mention at night, even during the day, you have to be careful not to get hurt by the hard branches, and you have to be careful not to step on the air and fall down.

Moreover, the Japanese army did not dare to light up at all. In addition to the forest and the cliffs, there are more Chinese people here, and any light may become a live target.

You want to escape in the dark without making any noise, unless you have a pair of night owl eyes.

But obviously, the mice don't have it.

The Chinese soldiers on the mountain and those chasing from the rear also dared not sleep easily. They fired a burst of bullets or even flares when they heard the movement in the dark.

The machine guns spewing flames would occasionally draw a dark red in the mountains, and screams and cries of pain often resounded through the mountains.

However, for the Chinese and Japanese soldiers who were eager to escape and hoped to harvest lives, they knew very well that this level of killing was just an appetizer. After tonight, the real feast would be tomorrow.

A feast full of death!



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