Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1039 Sorrow!

The accurate shooter who tried to atone for the nightmare that had troubled him for many years had done everything he could before he fell into darkness.

The last two grenade throwers of the Japanese army did not become Yang Bicheng's key target.

Because before he decided to fight with the three machine guns of the Japanese army, he had calculated the number of grenades fired by the three grenade throwers.

According to the Japanese army's marching standard, an ammunition bag is equipped with 8 grenades. The main shooter and the deputy shooter can carry a maximum of 16 grenades, and the three grenade throwers can carry 48 grenades.

And this group of Japanese soldiers are defeated soldiers, and their ammunition is consumed. From the beginning of the war to now, the three grenade throwers have fired more than 30 grenades.

This should be close to the bottom line of the grenade stock they carry. Otherwise, at this critical moment of fighting for a way out, let alone 30 rounds, even 40 or 50 rounds, the Japanese will have to do their best to shoot.

In addition, the Japanese grenade thrower with the most accurate shooting has been killed by him, and the remaining few grenades are already a negligible threat to the top of the mountain.

The calculation that the accurate shooter learned from Tang Tuanzuo was successful. The Japanese grenade launchers hardly participated in the battle anymore, and the Japanese machine guns that were firing at them no longer roared and spit out bullets.

He even calculated it himself, and his gunshots never sounded again.

He completed his own combat mission, and the rest could only be done by his two dear comrades.

"Brother Chengzi!" Potato had understood since he could no longer hear the familiar gunshots. He wanted to roar, but the three words were stuck in his throat, and when they came out, they sounded like the whine of a wounded beast.

This kind of thing was not the first time that the 17-year-old boy had experienced it.

Last time, he could only kneel helplessly in the tunnel and pray for his brothers, but this time, although he was still in tears, the gun in his hand never stopped roaring.

"Little devils, I'll fuck you immortals!" Potato roared.

The young soldier was like a madman at that moment.

The butt of the semi-automatic rifle that hit the thin shoulder socket hard seemed not so hard. Potato kept rolling in the fortification, constantly changing his position, and shooting at the Japanese soldiers below.

The Czech-made semi-automatic rifle has a rich 10-round magazine and a design that can shoot without pulling the bolt, which makes this semi-automatic rifle burst out with firepower at least not weaker than three infantrymen.

In addition, the veteran who was still able to remain calm despite the constant twitching of grief in the company headquarters had a MP28 submachine gun reloaded with a long magazine. The firepower pouring down from the top of the mountain at this time was not weak.

Don’t look at it as only two people.

At least, this is the case for the twenty or so Japanese infantrymen who no longer have any firepower support.

If their opponents were the American cowboys more than ten years later, they would most likely choose to retreat temporarily to avoid the sharp edge, but unfortunately, their opponents were the Japanese.

The Japanese knew very well that if they fled, they would not be able to escape the more than 200-meter mountain road without any cover. They would either die under the guns of the Chinese on the top of the mountain, or die from the random guns of the main Chinese force that came later.

The Japanese people were originally extremely paranoid, and now that they had no way out, they went crazy.

Under the loud command of the sergeant in charge, the Japanese soldiers, with red eyes, fought hard against the firepower suppression of the rifles and submachine guns of only two soldiers on the top of the mountain.

Or, now their goal is no longer to capture this position and escape, but to kill the enemy.

The blood of their companions also deeply stimulated them, stimulating them to forget their own life and death at this moment.

Crazy versus crazy!

This is the current state of two Chinese soldiers against the Japanese infantry of the size 20.

In just five seconds, Lao Suanpan had thrown his MP28 submachine gun aside, and he had no time to reload the bullets.

Before leaving, the Mauser pistols equipped by the second lieutenant platoon leader to the three of them could also provide enough firepower at such a range.

Grenades were thrown down the mountain without regard for their lives, causing the rocks below to fly everywhere. However, the Japanese army, which was as close as 20 meters, could also throw bombs. Japanese melon grenades were thrown up, which also caused shrapnel to fly all over the mountaintop.

There were already several bloodstains on Lao Suanpan's body, and the blood soaked his military uniform. Fortunately, his helmet blocked the fatal shrapnel flying towards his head. The surge of adrenaline also made the veteran forget the pain in his body in a short time.

Potato was even worse. His entire back was charred black, and it was completely bloody. It was impossible to distinguish between the military uniform and the skin. Because of an extreme roll, Potato rolled directly into a fire that was about to burn out. The high-temperature charcoal stuck to the military uniform and burned through the uniform and skin. The excruciating pain caused Potato to roll on the ground several times to put out the fire. The hand holding the gun didn't even have time to pat the high temperature on his back.

This was almost no longer a battlefield for competing in firepower and manpower, but a decisive battle for will. Whoever couldn't hold on and fell down would be killed.

A middle-aged man and a teenager were both wounded in dozens of places and still fought tenaciously, which definitely broke the limit of human beings.

After the war, the military doctors of the medical company dug out a total of 13 shrapnel from the two men, which made everyone at the scene tear up.

It was hard for them to imagine what kind of willpower could drive these two men to fight tenaciously after suffering such heavy injuries.

But they understood.

There can only be one winner in this war of national defense. Either there will be no Chinese nation in this world, or the Japanese will be driven back to the island.

In the face of genocide, life is not that important.

After nearly 3 minutes of fighting, both sides had basically lost all their grenades and hand grenades. The nearly brutal mutual shooting, the semi-automatic rifles and Mauser pistols showed the power of continuous firepower. At least 13 crazy Japanese infantrymen fell, but there were still 5 people.

That was because the Japanese army threw in their last reinforcements.

The Japanese second lieutenant and a communications soldier at the back finally couldn't hold back and joined the battlefield when both sides started to throw bombs at each other and were about to enter the final fight.

Before entering the battlefield, the Japanese second lieutenant cruelly fired several shots at the Chinese old man who was forced to lead the way.

Perhaps at that moment, even the Japanese second lieutenant broke the fantasy of continuing to escape in the mountains.

Because he knew that the Chinese who were chasing behind would not let him go after killing their comrades. When he thought that he would be chased by countless Chinese like a hound chasing a rabbit in a completely unfamiliar mountain, he even had to hide in a cold mud hole like a groundhog to avoid being hunted. In the end, he still couldn't escape the fate of being caught and hung on a tree as a wind chime. This extremely desperate army lieutenant was cold all over.

Looking at the Chinese old man lying in a pool of blood, the Japanese army lieutenant looked at Major General Yamamoto on the stretcher with a fierce light in his eyes. I don't know what the final reason was. Before going to the battlefield, the desperate Japanese army lieutenant let go of his seriously injured boss.

But this may be one of his most important decision-making mistakes in this battle.

If it was the dead ghost Yin Tengyangtai Zhongzuo, knowing that the battlefield situation had been completely corrupted and irreversible, I am afraid that the first thing to do would not be to kill the Chinese old man, but to kill the supreme commander of the Second Mixed Brigade.

A living Japanese major general is nothing more than a trophy of joy for the Chinese. They have seen many dead Japanese army major generals, but living ones are rare and precious. They are only exhibited in various places for the public to appreciate.

But for the Japanese army, this is definitely a major event that can nail the North China Front Army to the historical pillar of shame.

As a general in the army, it is not terrible to die on the battlefield. A few years ago, there was an incident where a major general of the army was bombed to death in Shanghai, but it is definitely the first time that he was carried by the Chinese and put under the spotlight to show the world.

Unfortunately, the second lieutenant is not a centrist after all. His knowledge and character are not enough to make him make the decision to kill his immediate superior, making an irreparable mistake for the Japanese North China Front Army.

But he did what a soldier should do. He did not run away, but bravely walked to the battlefield, the battlefield of the final decisive battle with two Chinese soldiers.

Seeing that the remaining Japanese troops had surrounded them from both sides and were only three or four meters away from the top of the mountain, the last two Chinese soldiers who looked at each other a few meters apart had a miserable look on their faces.

All the grenades were used up, the three magazines of the Mauser pistol were almost empty, and the 100 rounds of rifle bullets carried by Potato were all used up. The MP28 submachine gun with the most bullets left had no time to reload. They were now at the end of their rope.

The only consolation was that they almost defeated a standard or even enhanced Japanese squad, killing more than 35 enemies, and now only 5 were left.

If nothing unexpected happened, in the battle of Changle Village, their 1st Battalion, 2nd Company, 1st Platoon, 3rd Squadron would become the combat squad with the most enemy kills in a single battle, and they would be able to get a lot of bonuses and medals.

It's a pity that at least three medals have to be hung on the tombstone.

"The girl next door to Mala, Zhang's sister, I'm sorry, I can't go back this time." Lao Suanpan muttered to himself, and pulled out the newly issued three-edged military bayonet from the knife bag on his waist with his backhand, and held the handle of the Mauser pistol firmly with one hand, with a dark look in his eyes, but more of it was firmness.

"Squad leader, go! I'll stop them." Potato on the other side suddenly roared, then stood up from the bunker holding the gun, and jumped down suddenly, "Kill!"

Without giving the old man time to react, the new recruit took advantage of the mountain and looked down from a high position, holding a rifle with a bayonet already fixed on it and stabbed the Japanese soldiers two meters away who were also not ready for hand-to-hand combat.

But this was obviously not wise. Not to mention that the Japanese still had time to pull the trigger, even from the perspective of hand-to-hand combat, the opponent only needed to raise the muzzle of the gun to easily stab him in the chest, which was almost a way to kill himself.

Yes, Potato didn't plan to live.

Potato, who had turned from a new recruit to a veteran a few months ago, knew that as long as a few seconds passed, the Japanese would rush into the position. Not to mention that they might still have bullets in their guns, even if they didn't, they were already covered in wounds and were definitely not the opponents of several Japanese soldiers.

Potato is not the brave Tang Tuanzuo, nor is he an elite special forces soldier of the reconnaissance company. He is just an ordinary soldier. Under the attack of five Japanese soldiers who are proficient in bayonet fighting and holding 1.7-meter-long Type 38 rifles, he has no chance at all.

However, Potato is not afraid of death, which is the basis for his top-down charge tactics.

Of course, not being afraid of death does not mean dying in vain. He can also exchange his life for others.

As long as the Japanese dare to raise the muzzle of the gun and let him hit it, his bayonet can also be inserted into the chest of the Japanese. Maybe, it can also attract the Japanese and create an opportunity for the squad leader to escape.

In this short moment, the boy was more decisive than the middle-aged man.

Did he have no worries? Of course, his parents in Sichuan Province were still struggling to survive, but if he didn't fight hard, when the Japanese entered Sichuan Province, his parents and brothers and sisters would have to depend on the mood of the Japanese to eat tree bark and grass roots.

A few months ago, weren't those big brothers who took care of him and even cheated to keep him here turned into powder under the artillery fire of both sides because of these?

The accurate shooter has nightmares, and Potato also has demons in his heart. It's okay during the day, but every night, he always has trouble falling asleep when he thinks of the moment when he pulled out the bamboo sticks and the big brothers shook their heads pretending to be sad and blamed their bad luck and took their guns back to the battlefield.

No one told him the truth, but as he gradually matured, he knew that he was deceived.

The so-called drawing lots was just a play by everyone to tease him, a little kid. They didn't want to live in guilt, but they actually reached a tacit understanding before the drawing lots.

'Big pots, Potato has disappointed you and can't live well for you, but the little devils, don't think about living a safe life! ' Potato held the gun, jumped high, and fell towards the crazy but extremely stunned Japanese army.

The Japanese infantryman who was only two meters away from Potato may never have thought that the Chinese would fight back like this, actively seeking death.

Subconsciously pulling the trigger, a flower of blood bloomed again on Potato's shoulder in mid-air, but he remained unmoved, his hands still tightly holding the butt and body of the rifle, stabbing.

At that moment, in the eyes of the Japanese infantry, this Chinese soldier who shot and killed at least 10 of his companions was like an eternal sculpture. Even if he was shot at such a distance, there was no change on his face, as if the shot was shot at someone else.

The murderous aura in his eyes was as thick as substance, which made the Japanese soldier who came here at the cost of his life feel a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.

However, this was a veteran Japanese soldier after all. Although he was impressed by Potato's momentum, he still raised his rifle high and pointed the bayonet at Potato, making the most correct choice.

Potato had no intention of avoiding it. He just stretched his arms and sent his rifle and the three-edged bayonet on the muzzle over with force.

The Japanese infantry was scared.

However, it was too late to avoid it at this time.

With a "puff", the Japanese bayonet pierced Potato's chest and penetrated through his body, and the three-edged bayonet also pierced deeply into the Japanese chest.

The Japanese's eyes suddenly widened.

Before, he was puzzled, wondering why the Chinese were so stupid to jump on his blade, but now he finally knew that he wanted to exchange his life with his.

But he still didn't understand. If you can't win, you can run away! Why don't you run away? Don't you Chinese often say that if you take a step back, the sky will be wider? Don't you often say "Leave a line for others, so that we can meet again in the future?" Even the bandits often say "Green mountains and green waters will not change, and we will meet again in the future."

Why are you two so stubborn? If you run away, we can also go into the mountains, and we don't have to die. How great is that?

It can only be said that this Japanese infantryman who was pierced by the three-edged bayonet has some understanding of Chinese culture, but he is very wrong in one thing.

This is not a Jianghu, this is a battlefield, a battlefield where Chinese people defend their country.

On this battlefield, as a Chinese, as a Chinese soldier, you can't retreat, and you can't retreat.

'If one person retreats, ten people will retreat, ten thousand people will retreat, and ten thousand people will retreat! In the name of the head of the Four-Line Regiment, I swear to the heroes and the elders and fellow villagers present that the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment will rather die than retreat in the face of a war with foreign races! '

Tang Dao stood in front of more than a thousand tombstones in the Martyrs' Cemetery, representing not only himself, but also thousands of officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment. The voice of 'rather die than retreat! ' belongs to the entire Chinese army, to the entire Chinese people who are unwilling to be enslaved.

Retreat, it will be contagious!

Not retreating, it will also be contagious!

Your bayonet pierced my chest, and my bayonet also pierced your heart. The two Chinese and Japanese infantrymen stared at each other like sculptures!

Perhaps, the only difference between the two ‘human sculptures’ is that the one with a burnt back has a glimmer of joy in his eyes. He successfully fought off a powerful enemy and won a sure win! The other sculpture’s eyes are full of fear of impending death. He doesn’t need to look closely at the thick steel bars that penetrate his body. The coldness that penetrates his bones tells him that he can’t survive!

“Fuck you, little Japanese ancestor!” The old abacus’ eyes burst, and a heart-wrenching long howl sounded in the mountains.

Like a lone wolf driven out of the wolf pack!

As an elder brother, he lost two little brothers, right in front of him! How can he not be angry, crazy, and crazy! Even if he can survive, how can he sleep in the long dark nights ahead?

Not alive! Perhaps these three words are all lingering in the old soldier’s mind at this time!

In the mountains not far away, a long howl of ‘Ah! ’ echoed it.

That was emitted by the hammer that was running towards the position.

Its sensitive hearing allowed it to hear the old abacus's howl. Tears welled up in the eyes of the military dog, which sensed its companion's strong sadness. It instinctively raised its head to the sky, wanting to issue a deterrent and warning that belonged to the beast tribe.

As a result, the dog, which had been domesticated for thousands of years, actually let out a shrill wolf howl under the catalysis of extremely sad and angry emotions!

The valley, which no longer had gunshots, suddenly fell silent at this moment, and only the howls of a man and a dog lingered in the valley.

Among them, there was also an unknown "whoosh" panting sound.

It was made by a wild boar with gradually red eyes, after it kept touching its owner's gradually cold body with its nose.

The pig's mouth, which had not yet fully grown fangs, actually revealed sharp white teeth.

That was another mistake made by the surviving Japanese lieutenant.

A half-grown wild boar is still a wild boar!

A wounded wild boar is even scarier than a tiger or a bear.

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