Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1052: Tang Tuanzuo’s plan!

Fujiwara Sen's feeling was definitely not due to the conversation between the Chinese soldiers behind him.

Rather, it came from a mysterious intuition of danger from a great master who had already reached a very high level of martial arts.

In fact, being able to escape from the encirclement of two opponents who were no weaker than him and hundreds of fully armed soldiers, even if he used some inferior tricks, such as taking advantage of the opponent's desire to find his subordinates and not dare to kill him easily, but just like that, Fujiwara Sen's ability to look down on all the millions of Chinese and Japanese troops on the battlefield in North China at that time.

Even his old rival Tang Dao, if he were in his place, would probably not be able to do it more perfectly than him.

How powerful was Fujiwara Sen's ability to dodge the rain of bullets and jump off the cliff to start the full-strength mode?

I'm afraid even he himself wanted to applaud himself.

No longer caring whether the thorns would scratch his face, all his strength was used in his feet and legs, and the first person of the young generation of Japanese martial arts who burst out with the strongest power completely burned his own small universe at the moment of life and death.

Fujiwara Sen'o climbed up a tree four or five meters high with just a push of his arms, and then jumped to another tree with the help of the branches, just like a most flexible monkey shuttling through the forest;

A two or three meter high rock, he just stepped on it suddenly, and his majestic body flew over it like a big bird;

A ravine more than four meters wide would not make him hesitate at all, and with a leap, he would leave behind the deep ravine that could block 99% of humans and even the antelope, which is known as the king of the mountains.

It took less than ten minutes for Fujiwara Sen'o to reach 2,000 meters from Yesanpo, which almost left him behind, and this was the straight-line distance. If the distance up and down the mountain is counted, it would be at least 4,000 meters.

With this speed and endurance, if he participated in the Olympics, he would definitely win all the gold medals in track events for Japan, and the genius Bolt, who is rare in a century, could only chase after him and eat dust.

Although Fujiwara Sen'o, who was determined to see the scenery at the peak of martial arts, felt a little ashamed for using all his strength to run for the first time, he had already thrown this useless emotion behind him when he chose to kill Yamamoto.

The premise of wanting to see the scenery at the peak of martial arts is that one must be alive. His current priority is to try to survive this crisis, right?

Even if he really escaped the encirclement, and ran for five kilometers with a breath of energy, the originally faint sense of crisis did not decrease but increased, becoming more and more intense.

It is more appropriate to describe this feeling as if he was being pricked in the back.

Fujiwara Sen'o is undoubtedly a master with extremely strong willpower. He knows that this sense of crisis is not something that comes out of thin air. If he wants to get rid of it, he can only continue to run wildly and leave this area controlled by thousands or even tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers.

Anyway, he can never admit that his heart is constantly reminding him to stay away from the guy who is a few years younger than him.

In the pursuit of martial arts, opponents are needed, but the so-called opponents are only stepping stones for him to reach the peak of martial arts, but they must not become roadblocks.

Once he is afraid of the opponent, the seeds of failure may be sown, unless he has the opportunity to kill the person in person in the battle.

Unfortunately, Fujiwara Sen'ao knew that unless the Tang sword could stay away from his army, he would not have any chance.

The Tang Da Tuanzuo did not have the demeanor of a master at all, and would never choose to fight alone if he could fight in a group.

All I can say is, "The person who really understands you is often your enemy, not yourself!" This sentence is simply the crystallization of wisdom.

Run! Run! Run!

Even Fujiwara Sen'ao, who had been three kilometers away from Yesanpo, was stimulated by the cold on his back, and he ran all the way in the mountains for more than ten kilometers with extraordinary perseverance and physical strength.

Many Chinese soldiers who stayed in the mountains even caught a glimpse of him from afar, but he was running too fast, and in the dense forest, his huge body didn't even make a loud sound, so the soldiers subconsciously regarded him as a wild animal in the mountains and didn't fire a warning shot.

Finally, at the moment when the first ray of sunlight shone on the earth, Fujiwara Zhanxiong stopped his steps.

No matter how strong his physical strength and will were, Fujiwara Zhanxiong was still a man, not a god. After running so far in the mountains, he already felt a sweetness in his throat.

Fujiwara knew that this was a sign that his lungs had reached their limit, and many capillaries had begun to bleed. If he continued to run, he would run to death like the Spartan warrior who ran for 40 kilometers to convey the news of victory.

He sat down in a bush, using a strange breathing frequency derived from ancient ninjutsu to suppress the terrible blood flow rate, and gently kneaded the ankle and calf muscles.

Even after such a round of full-speed running, the muscles that had been tempered for thousands of times actually showed soreness symptoms, which shows how much output load Fujiwara Sen's full-power output load was.

After resting for nearly ten minutes, Fujiwara Sen took out the 8x telescope that could see clearly one kilometer away from his backpack. It was an imported German high-power telescope that only brigade commanders were qualified to be equipped with. It was a gift given to him by the general of the indoor shroud before leaving.

Then, Fujiwara Sen saw the pursuers running on another mountain path. The leader was the guy he wanted to stay away from in his heart, or more precisely, a dog, a big dog that was much larger than ordinary dogs.

The big yellow dog that Fujiwara Sen had seen once on the battlefield did not sniff at all, and ran wildly on the mountain road with a few Chinese.

In the clear field of vision of the eight-fold telescope, the distance between the five people headed by Tang Dao was more than 20 meters. Although their speed did not exceed 20 yards, Fujiwara Zhanxiong, who had been lying in the bushes and silently watching the tide, knew that judging from their pace, this team of five people who cooperated well would have no problem killing him.

Needless to say, Tang Dao and the young man with a big sword were both masters who could fight him, and the other three, one carrying a machine gun, one carrying a long gun, and the other carrying a grenade launcher and a short gun on his waist, were obviously very good at hot weapons and could instantly form a firepower point with an attack range of up to 500 meters.

With such a configuration, they might be able to compete with an imperial infantry squad!

However, if you think they are only good at using firearms, you might be wrong.

Their physical fitness is also top-notch. Otherwise, how could they run more than 8 kilometers in just 40 minutes while maintaining such a heavy load?

What made Fujiwara Sen's Tong Kong shrink slightly was their tacit understanding.

In the minute he was observing, the pace of the five people was miraculously consistent without any change, which meant that if there was no accident, they would continue to run at the current speed.

Even if there were no Tang Dao and Great Sword masters, Fujiwara Sen knew that even if he faced these three hot weapon strong soldiers with dazzling tacit understanding, he would still have a headache.

Of course, whether it was the Tang Dao or the three hot weapon elite soldiers, these were not enough to make the martial arts master who was one kilometer away in a straight line and the actual distance exceeded at least seven miles feel fear. In terms of endurance and perseverance, he was confident that no one on this planet could chop 3,000 swords every day like him, and persisted for ten years.

Including that terrible old opponent, those Chinese elite soldiers would also be tired, but Fujiwara Sen had enough confidence that he was not inferior to anyone in endurance and perseverance. As long as he exerted his strength, the gap of several miles might never be made up by the Chinese.

Moreover, they were not gods, so how could they know the exact location of Fujiwara Sen's brother?

Then, the next second, Fujiwara Sen's eyes shrank fiercely, and he finally knew where the mysterious sense of crisis came from.

It was not because of people, but because of dogs.

That dog of unusual size.

After the big dog stopped directly at the bend of the mountain road, jumped into the forest without hesitation and returned again 200 meters away, Fujiwara Sen's scalp tingled.

Because only he knew that in order to confuse the pursuers' sight, he paused for a few seconds under the big rock and then ran into the forest, ran more than 400 meters up the mountain in the forest, and then used a vine to pass through the branches and returned to the mountain road. Although he didn't know where he finally appeared, the big yellow dog was obviously not deceived by himself, and its super-sensitive sense of smell actually followed him completely according to his running route.

But, it was so far away, what kind of magical creature was that dog, and it could track him accurately by smell?

Fujiwara Sen'o's scalp was tingling, and he felt cold in his heart, but he still remained calm enough to analyze the possibility of being calculated.

The only moment when he was closest to Tang Dao was in that wooden shed.

In his mind, Fujiwara Sen'o went through all his actions and conversations in the wooden shed like watching a movie, until he killed Yamamoto and hid behind the carriage with the help of the great sword swung by the master, thus avoiding the first wave of bullets fired by the Chinese soldiers who reacted. It seemed that everything was normal and within his calculations.

The only abnormal thing was that when he blocked the fierce great sword of the young master, he still retained five points of strength, just to guard against Tang Dao, but until he flew up and hid in the carriage, Tang Dao did not attack.

It seemed that because the distance was a little far, Tang Dao knew that his attack would not be of much use, so as not to waste his energy.

No, as Fujiwara Sen'o, who had fought a great battle with Tang Dao, knew this old rival who would never give up a single grudge the most. However, given how much Tang Dao hated him, no matter how much he cared about his subordinates, how could he easily let go of the opportunity to attack him after knowing that he was determined to escape? Even if he threw the fierce bayonet with all his strength, it would not be so easy for him to hide behind the carriage.

Moreover, with Tang Dao's ability, how could he easily put Yamamoto Wen only a few meters away from the carriage, so that the carriage with steel guard plates could become his cover?

Unless, this was intentional by Tang Dao.

He deliberately let him kill Yamamoto Wen and deliberately let him escape into the forest. As for what benefit he would get from a dead Yamamoto Wen, Fujiwara Sen'o could not understand it for a while, but the reason why he let him live was that Tang Dao did not want to give up rescuing his subordinates.

Because if he died, the possibility of the Chinese soldier's death was higher than 99%. If he was alive, there would be hope.

Tang Dao dared to let him go, so he naturally had the confidence to track him and trap him again, which was the most critical.

Perhaps, ever since he set foot in the wooden shed, he had fallen into Tang Dao's calculations. The reason why the big dog could track him accurately from such a long distance might be related to the fact that he entered the wooden shed and even broke it open.

After re-analyzing, Fujiwara Senzuo figured out many key points, and a rare drop of sweat broke out on his forehead. This time, it seemed that he was not in control of the overall situation, but that he was like a moth fluttering in a spider web, but Tang Dao was Like the spider that stares at its prey with a stern gaze, letting him flutter around, only to wait until its strength is exhausted before it pounces on its prey and slowly devours it.

Trying his best to erase the shadow of failure from his mind, he quickly took off his coat and the pair of cloth shoes that had stepped on the wooden shed floor and buried them in the soft soil beside him, carefully erasing the traces on the ground one by one. Fujiwara Senzuo, who was lying prone and retreated into the dense forest, ran wildly.

Fujiwara Senzuo, who was running wildly and intent on escaping, was walking through the mountains and forests at a speed half a minute faster than before. According to future Japanese animation, that was the small universe burning again, which was completely overdrawing the body's potential.

Because the great master from Japan knew that if he didn't exert his strength now, he might not have a chance to exert his strength.

The big dog would keep sniffing the smell he had in that wooden shed and follow him. A master of Tang Dao and big sword was already almost as powerful as him. If those three elite soldiers were added to the mix, he would definitely die. .

The so-called martial arts training was completely forgotten by Fujiwara Senzuo.

This is not grinding. But take death.

Even if someone as powerful as Tang Dao found his target and wanted to chase him, he would probably not be able to catch him.

After all, the difference in strength between the two is only half a point, and the distance between them is more than seven miles.

It has to be said that Fujiwara Senzuo is the best choice for his skills, mind and will, whether in Japan or China. Just by relying on the accurate tracking of the hammer, it can be judged that he was plotted by Tang Dao. The fact that Yamashita was killed and he escaped smoothly can be concluded that Tang Dao did it deliberately.

He would even rather give up his clothes and shoes to eliminate the risk of being tracked.

He guessed at least 90% of the time. The soles of his shoes and the back of his clothes were each contaminated with traces of trace amounts of medicinal powder.

It was a type of 'biochemical weapon' that Tang Dao carried with him.

Of course, it is not specially used for tracking, such as the kind of thing that can make people and animals go crazy. After Tang Tuanzuo used it once, he made the 108th Division, with ten thousand people, so ecstatic that he almost flew to the sky. , he completely fell in love with this thing.

On this trip, Tang Dao brought nearly a hundred kilograms of this 'colorless and odorless' magical medicine for diarrhea. Although he wasn't going to fight anyone, as the saying goes, be prepared!

No, isn't this useful when dealing with Japanese masters? Not to mention that other medicinal powders have an odor and are easily detected by Fujiwara Senzuo, who has a keen sense of body. There are not so many that can be wasted like this, but this pure green and natural 'biochemical medicine' produced deep in the Taihang Mountains fully meets this condition.

At night, a lot of Tang knives were scattered on the floor of the wooden shed. To be sure, Tang Tuan seats were not spared on the wooden door and the surrounding wooden boards.

If Tang Tuanzuo hadn't vowed that a big fish would appear, Mingxin really wouldn't have wanted to enter that 'terrible' wooden house. She had personally witnessed the Japanese soldiers from the 108th Division unbuttoning their military pants and sticking up their fat balls next to the pot where they were eating, regardless of their appearance. Ming Xin, who had his butt turned yellow, didn't want to cause...

Fortunately, the breathing of masters is all about long and light breaths. None of them, including the clueless Senio Fujiwara, did not inhale a sufficient dose of the powder. Otherwise, how could Fujiwara Senio have been able to run so sonorously and powerfully? If it's not done well, the hammer will be able to track it just based on the smell.

However, Fujiwara Senzuo, who thought a lot and far away, still ignored one thing. He used lurking methods to hide in the forest and no one might be able to detect him.

However, this is still the defense area of ​​the 17th Division. For the infantry squad that was killed in a surprise attack by the Japanese army, Commander Zhao Shoushan of the 17th Division cursed the brigade commander and regiment commander under his command.

How terrifying is a nearly fully mobilized infantry division?

Although Tang Dao's password is a bit strange, it is extremely effective. Not to mention that Fujiwara Senio and his subordinates will basically hesitate. Even if they answer immediately, there is still a slight difference in the Northeastern accent they learned.

The various patrol teams operating in the mountains received instructions that if anyone answered the command with a different accent, they would enter combat mode, and if they were asked again if they were wrong, they would shoot immediately.

This crude and simple way of judging ourselves and the enemy was a big disaster for Senio Fujiwara, who was running away like crazy.

No matter how powerful he is, can he kill at least 40 Chinese soldiers in a platoon in one go?

If there was cover of night and he was given enough time, maybe he could, but at this moment when it was already dark, he couldn't.

Even if he could, he couldn't afford to waste that time. The terrifying pursuers who could kill him were chasing after him under the leadership of a big dog.

He could only hide, he could only wait, waiting for a gap between patrols so he could continue his escape.

However, Tang Dao, who had found Fujiwara Battle's abandoned clothes, had a fierce look on his face. Fujiwara Battle was smart and thought of the problem he had exposed, but he still underestimated the power of that kind of medicinal powder.

Medicinal powder is almost odorless to humans, but for animals like Hammer and Guaiguai, whose olfactory cells are dozens of times larger than humans, it is simply a navigation locator. Even if there is a little bit left, Hammer can still track the smell. Unless Senio Fujiwara also took off his pants and washed his naked body in the mountain spring water.

Although the smell was so thin that Hammer had to stop and sniff from time to time, Hammer still did not lose the direction of tracking.

Moreover, Tang Dao was not tracking alone. Thousands of people within a radius of dozens of miles were like a huge net that tightly trapped the entire mountain range. He had encountered more than ten patrols on the way of tracking.

I'll see where you escape to. Tang Dao looked at the mountains with murderous intent in his eyes.

Now, he had to wait for the prey to be squeezed dry of the last bit of strength and fighting spirit, and then force him to tell the whereabouts of his subordinates and chop off his head.

Tang Dao believed that the head of a Japanese noble would cause no less damage to the army general in Pingbei City than the capture of an army major general. The pressure from the Japanese island would obviously be greater.

The more painful the Japanese army in North China was, the muddier the water was, and the greater the possibility of him sneaking into Tianjin City and succeeding.

That was Tang Dao's first goal.

The life of Fujiwara Zhanxiong was not as important as he thought.

That was just a small prelude to some events.

The real high dynasty is still far away.

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