Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1079: ‘The scumbag’ suddenly becomes affectionate!

"Miss Laura, thank you very much for coming. It's not because of any shitty business, but because your beauty is like the sun, which makes this simple room shine. As we say in Chinese, with the sun, what else do we need lights..." Tang Dao smiled and praised her generously when he came to the door.

Not only did the foreign girl get goose bumps involuntarily, but even the dark-skinned muscular man beside her didn't want to wipe his sweat.

Can you be more fake?

The apartment that Tang Dao rented can be considered high-end in the entire concession. The room of more than 300 square meters is decorated magnificently in Western style. The rent is not only as high as 20 US dollars a day, but also requires an appointment from a big shot in the concession to live there. What does this have to do with being simple?

This kind of lies that came out of his mouth even made the dark-skinned muscular man fall into deep self-doubt at that moment. This man is simply an authentic old silver coin merchant. What kind of connection does he have with some prehistoric monster?

But soon, at Laura's straightforward request, Shen Laoliu and Mingxin, who were staying in the house, including the dark muscle man who had not yet entered the house, were waiting in the garden outside the apartment. Only Tang Dao and Laura were left in the spacious and bright living room.

This made the dark muscle man a little worried, but fortunately Tang Dao took the initiative to open the wide curtain. Looking from the garden, he could see the two figures at least one meter apart. Although it can be seen from the action that Miss Laura was waving her arms angrily to express her intense emotions, Tang Dao remained calm enough.

It seems that such excellent two people would never perform an "action movie" in front of their bodyguards. The dark muscle man put down his worries and put his mind on the two Chinese "bodyguards".

The older one grinned at him and was very obscene, but from his thick joints and strong arms, the dark muscle man could fully sense that anyone who underestimated this obscene middle-aged man would die ugly, especially if he was given a gun.

This is a gunman who has been using guns for a long time, because his eyes look at his position, which can almost be killed with one shot, even if he is not very deliberate.

That day, he felt threatened even hundreds of meters away, and it should be this person.

But compared with the terrible gunman, it was the gentle Mingxin who made the dark muscle man alert, because he could not see the depth of Mingxin, but his intuition always reminded him to stay away from this young man.

These Chinese soldiers have obviously experienced battlefields with mountains of corpses and seas of blood. They are the top soldiers in China and are more dangerous than he imagined.

Not only did he regret not bringing all the escort team with him, but the 4-man team and himself who stayed outside the apartment did not seem to have the strength to absolutely guarantee the safety of the lady.

It seemed that Mingxin felt the tension of the dark muscle man, smiled at him lightly, and extended his hand to invite him to drink tea, which somewhat relieved the tension of the dark muscle man. After all, the lady came here to discuss business, not to fight.

But that might just be the dark muscle man's own idea. For Laura in the room, this is a war.

Her war with the dragon.

Unfortunately, not everyone can be a dragon-riding warrior, even if the dragon has already laid flat and rotten.

Yes, facing Laura's almost exasperated roar, the dragon always just spread his hands: "Miss Laura, it seems a pity that I can only find someone else to cooperate, but we are still good friends, and the previous agreement is still valid. If I make money from this drug, I am willing to pay 10% more for the transportation fee."

Just tell me, is this infuriating? Is it the 10% transportation fee that I lack? Laura wanted to scratch the face of the shameless man countless times.

Who said that my beauty is like the sun in the sky? You dare to treat beauty as nothing when talking about money, right?

Especially the good friend who always hangs on the mouth of the Tang Dao. If possible, Laura really wants to say to this guy, don't insult the word friend!

The dragon that refuses to listen to anything and lies down is definitely the biggest nightmare that Laura has encountered in her 26 years of life.

It's like there is a mountain of gold in front of you, but the owner who sits on the mountain and drinks the northwest wind always says one sentence when facing the proposal of jointly developing the big guys to make a lot of money together: "This mountain of gold is mine, I want it all."

Give me a gun, I will kill him! I will let you take everything! This may be the main voice of Laura during the two-hour period when she stayed in front of Tang Dao.

Yes, what Tang Dao is holding in his hand now may be a huge wealth that is more terrifying than a mountain of gold.

The reason why Laura came to the door in person so urgently is that the medical team of the largest Western medicine hospital in Pingbei City has proved the effect of five bottles of "antibiotics" in just four days.

A refugee with a serious wound infection, a son of a Chinese businessman infected with sepsis, and a syphilis patient, all three of them had been sentenced to death by doctors before, but with the injection of drugs, they all miraculously entered the recovery period in four days, especially the sepsis patient who was almost completely ulcerated and had only weak breathing, and actually started to eat normally.

For this reason, the rich businessman donated up to 20,000 oceans of life-saving money to the hospital.

20,000 oceans for a life is not expensive, but if a medicine can save a life, what consequences will it cause?

After receiving the experimental report from the medical team of Pingbei City, Laura could no longer sit still, and did not care about the seven-day appointment mentioned by Tang Dao, and came to the door directly on the fifth day.

No matter how much it costs, she has to get this technology that will change an era.

Of course, after the last round of confrontation, she also knew how difficult Tang Dao was. Before coming, she also made sufficient preparations. She believed that no Chinese could resist the temptation she gave.

She offered a 20:80 profit share. Tang Dao only provided technology, and all other production and sales were the responsibility of the Rockefeller Foundation, but Tang Dao could still get 20% of the net profit.

According to her estimation, perhaps in five years, or even shorter, this drug alone could bring 1 billion US dollars in profit to the entire foundation, which is almost comparable to the foundation's largest pillar industry---oil.

And Tang Dao could earn 200 million US dollars without doing anything. Not to mention China in the midst of war, even in the United States, he could become a rich man on the rich list.

As long as Tang Dao is willing, he can leave here and enjoy his life to the fullest, and even have a party and call a hundred girls.

But it was useless. When Laura confidently offered this condition, Tang Dao looked at her with a look of idiot, which made the foreign girl confused.

She didn't understand what was wrong with her. All production and sales belonged to Rockefeller, and those also cost money! No matter how powerful the technology in Tang Dao's hands was, he had nothing in the United States or even the entire West.

More importantly, even if he had it, with his strength, he would take this technology that could change the era of medical care there, just like a child holding a golden doll. Those huge capital forces would swallow it up without mercy. Without the Rockefeller sign, he would not only not make a penny, but he might even lose his life.

Marx's words couldn't be more correct: "From the day capital was born, every pore was dripping with blood and dirty things!"

Since humans entered the industrial civilization, which war was not coerced by capital? Just like the war that China experienced in the mid-19th century, which they themselves called the "Opium War", the main reason behind it was nothing more than Western capital's desire to dump the profitable opium into this backward country with a population of hundreds of millions?

Western merchants brought a large amount of poisonous things into China, and then left with cargo ships full of silver, leaving the Chinese people to become emaciated and their average life expectancy shortened by more than ten years.

Even the so-called "Civil War" in the United States, the internal cause was nothing more than the huge artificial profits brought by black slaves that southern farmers could not give up? A large number of black slaves were captured from the African continent by fully armed troops, sold to farmers like livestock, and then enslaved like cattle and horses until they died of exhaustion.

In the eyes of capital, there is only profit! Laura, who grew up in the largest consortium in the United States since childhood, knows all about this. She doesn't believe that a man as smart as Tang Dao doesn't understand these.

However, Tang Dao still exceeded her expectations and was more stubborn than Laura imagined.

However, if Laura could choose, she would rather face a sinister and stubborn dragon. If all kinds of temptations could not achieve the goal, she would just whip and candle him. Anyway, there is always one that suits him! Even if he is a very special man.

Laura is still naive after all.

Tang Tuanzuo is a super old man who has experienced the vicissitudes of a hundred years. Let alone dealing with a girl like Laura, even those old men in high positions are like old sows wearing bras----one set after another.

"Tang, you have to understand that this is the most favorable condition I can offer. I don't think anyone else can make concessions better than me. Whether you go to the Germans, the French or the British, their conditions will only be more demanding than mine. Because, they are all arrogant in their bones." After Tang Dao still refused to give in, Laura tried her best to calm down her crazy mood and persuaded Tang Dao earnestly.

"Haha, Miss Laura, I understand what you said. Speaking of this, I am very grateful to you, Miss Laura. You are one of the few Westerners I have met who looks at me as an equal from the beginning." Tang Dao calmly looked at the foreign girl and nodded in approval.

"But, Miss Laura, can you tell me how long you have been in China?" Tang Dao turned to ask a question that seemed to have nothing to do with this business negotiation.

"About five months, just after your Chinese New Year!" Laura recalled carefully and answered seriously.

"New Year!" Tang Dao seemed to be lost in memory.

"I remember when I was a kid, I was looking forward to the New Year since summer, because when the New Year comes, my mother will prepare new clothes and cotton shoes for me, and there will be bacon that I rarely eat at other times. To be honest, Miss Laura, although my family is in the town, my hometown is considered wealthy, but even so, many things can only be eaten during the New Year.

When I grew up and left my hometown, I no longer crave those bacon, but whenever the word New Year is mentioned, what still comes to my mind is that my mother personally cooks those shiny bacon slices and puts them into my bowl..."

"Yes! I don't know if I understand it correctly. For you Chinese, the New Year is a reunion. What to eat and wear may not be important. What's important is that relatives are together, just like our Christmas. We will give gifts to children on this holiday and send Christmas cards to relatives and friends outside to express our blessings." Laura didn't know what Tang Dao was going to do. Why did he talk about the New Year again? She could only follow his words.

"Yes! During the New Year, the whole family gets together together, no matter rich or poor, even if they just have a sweet potato meal together, that's good, and my mother will be happy too." Tang Dao sighed slightly.

"However, this New Year before Miss Laura arrived, how many mothers could no longer see their sons, and how many families could no longer eat this New Year's Eve dinner. Miss Laura, do you know?

The number of people killed by Tang Dao's army alone before the new year was as high as a thousand. But if it were left to our Chinese army, the number of casualties in the Battle of Songhu would exceed 300,000; in the Battle of Jinling, nearly 400,000 soldiers and civilians would be martyred. ; Tens of millions of ordinary people were displaced in this war, and countless others died of freezing and starvation.

But this is just the beginning. In the future, more young people in China will devote themselves to this Patriotic War. I don’t know how many mothers will no longer be able to wait for their sons, and the bacon they pick up can only be placed on the cold graves. . "

Speaking of this, Tang Dao's eyes brightened slightly.

Because, only he knows that in the future, more than 3 million Chinese soldiers will be bloody on the battlefield, which means that millions of mothers will be heartbroken.

In the countless long nights to come, thinking of their son, they could only sit at the window and look in the direction of the grave, where only the clothes of their son before he left might be buried.

As the saying goes: Don't be afraid of a scumbag, but be afraid of a scumbag suddenly becoming affectionate.

Tang Dao, who has always maintained the image of a sinister, cunning, and stubborn 'evil dragon' in Laura's heart, suddenly appeared like this, and Laura's heart suddenly moved, which was really heartbreaking.

Because, in the six months since she came to China, she has often seen the miserable situation of the Chinese people struggling in the war. Who knows how many people who have lost their means of production are struggling to survive in the wilderness, and the ruthless Japanese have made it worse. Many young and strong people have only Because they had calluses on their shoulders or scars on their bodies, they were considered Chinese soldiers and were either brutally shot or forced to do hard labor in the mines.

What Tang Dao said was indeed the truth.

"I'm sorry, Tang. I deeply sympathize with the suffering of the people in your country. From a personal wish, I also hope that your country can win this war and allow more Chinese people to reunite and celebrate the New Year." Laura Hailan His lustful eyes were full of apologies.

"Thank you, Miss Laura, so do you know why I can't agree to your proposal, Miss Laura? Because it's not me, Tang Dao, who needs this money personally, but the whole of China. My country and nation don't have any assistance, then I can only do my best." Tang Dao expressed his reasons with rare seriousness.

"I understand!" Laura nodded instinctively.

What’s wrong, I didn’t ride on the evil dragon, but was ridden by the dragon instead! This should be the thought that came to Laura's mind the moment she walked out of the apartment door and looked at Tang with a big grin as he waved goodbye.

Really, it was difficult for her to combine the man with the 'cheesy' smile in front of her and the affectionate man with tears flashing from before.

That’s exactly two people!

But whether it was two or one, Laura, who was poked in the heart, finally gave in again.

A company under Tang Dao's name will share 30% of the net profit from the sales of an 'antibiotic' named 'penicillin'.

As for why it is a certain company, that is because the company has not yet been registered. The personnel sent by Laura will accompany the representatives sent by Laura to register the company in the United States. After the two parties go to the headquarters of the Rockefeller Foundation to sign a contract, they will also carry the drug samples. On the body.

To put it bluntly, this guy is a leather bag company, and its only purpose is to sign contracts and distribute money.

Of course, after Laura promised not to sell medicines to any Japanese, and all medicine bottles that had been shipped to Japan would also take back the sales rights of their sales companies, Tang Dao also promised not to exchange all funds for material shipments in the short term. Returning to China and promising to purchase a large amount of various materials to support the country until three years later was the main reason why Laura finally relented.

Although she didn't quite understand why Tang Dao agreed to wait for three years, at least she didn't have to spend a lot of money to purchase materials in the short term, and she couldn't explain the whereabouts of the goods, so the Rockefeller Foundation also reduced a lot of political risks.

After all, Rockefeller also has many opponents in the United States, especially if the golden doll of ‘antibiotics’ is added.

Why three years later? Because at that time, the Pacific War will officially break out! Tang Dao naturally knew.

In addition, Laura not only agreed to a series of conditions for purchasing and transporting civilian supplies to China previously proposed by Tang Dao, she even personally promised to transport them all out of Jincheng. The payment will not be fully settled until China receives them. .

This was originally the condition that Laura used as a trump card. She knew that transporting supplies out of Tianjin was much more difficult than transporting supplies from the United States to China, which was thousands of miles away.

As a result, before she even had time to take it out, a certain model of military tough guy defeated her with tears. When Tang Dao agreed to a 30-70 score, the trump card completely became a bonus.

In fact, even Tang Dao couldn't help but be surprised as to why the little girl in front of him dared to make such a guarantee. Although civilian supplies seemed not as risky as military supplies, the Japanese were not big fools and would never watch it. The Americans sold grain or other goods to the Chinese, and the Chinese, who were full, came to fuck the Japanese.

But Laura is extremely confident in the transportation line she has opened, and it is obviously not the first time she has done this.

"Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd., President Hideo Kori, Osaka people..." In order to reassure Tang Dao, Laura simply revealed some of the ways she had found with money.

But Tang Dao was already relieved by the fact that he was from Osaka.

If the emperor and money were placed on both ends of the scale, most Japanese citizens would weigh the pros and cons to see whether to choose the former or the latter, but for the vendors in Osaka, this choice was simply a blasphemy to His Majesty the Emperor. For the dignity of His Majesty the Emperor, they would choose the latter without hesitation.

And the Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. is a behemoth with its own transport trains and a large number of businesses.

Traitors and traitors, do you think they are only made in China? The Japanese are not young or old, right!

In the past, there were so many Japanese who did business with the 80th Army in the Japanese-occupied areas and even sold guns that ten hands could not handle them all.

Do you think those senior generals didn't know? No, it's just that money made their eyes see what they should see.

Turning guns into money is better than letting them rot in the warehouse! So what's the big deal about dying as a lowly, low-level soldier?

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