Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1082: Grafting!

As Tang Dao narrated, Xie Jinyuan finally understood that Tang Dao was no longer the soldier he had picked up on the battlefield.

His unparalleled individual combat prowess is just the tip of the iceberg of his true strength.

The most difficult part of this plan, codenamed "Yihua" by Tang Dao, is how to unknowingly remove more than 280 of them from this city that was occupied by Roman Empire soldiers, Japanese spies and even Chinese intelligence personnel. Take people out of the military camp right under your nose.

It is impossible from any angle. Perhaps it is possible to have underground secret passages like the Sihang Warehouse, but it has been nine months since we entered this military camp. More than 280 professional soldiers have already explored this place. Speaking of secret passages, there is only one sewer, and it is not accessible to pedestrians.

Perhaps it was possible only if the Roman Empire people responsible for guarding turned a blind eye, but how could the Roman Empire people dare to risk offending the Japanese? After all, there were hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops outside the concession. If they dared to offend, China's largest intelligence agency would use all its strength. Why did it take so long for more than 280 people to escape?

But it happened that at this most important link, Tang Dao had already opened up.

Afraid that Xie Jinyuan wouldn't believe it, Tang Dao even made it clear who he was looking for.

Although Tang Dao had only been with Commander Xie for a few days and nights, he still knew his temper very well. Xie Jinyuan looked at the scholar and was quite thoughtful, but he was actually very loyal. If he didn't tell him the truth, He was sure that Tang Dao would not be implicated. He would never involve Tang Dao in this matter for his own sake.

More than 280 Chinese soldiers escaped successfully. Even if the Japanese were furious, there was nothing they could do. After all, they had not broken up with the Westerners yet, but if something went wrong, the Japanese would definitely hunt them down with all their strength, including Tang Dao. Even when Sun Wukong was alive, he was probably destined to hate Southeast Asia.

Tang Dao naturally started looking for his first partner, Lou Dehua. Unfortunately, the Germans had lived in Pingjin and Tianjin for a long time, so there were no reliable candidates for Songhu, the largest city in the East. However, after Lou Dehua listened to Tang Dao's story, I was greatly shocked by the life-and-death brotherhood of Chinese soldiers, and took the initiative to help find Brigadier General Tian, ​​the commander of the Jincheng Concession.

Brigadier General Tian didn't have to give face to Tang Dao, but he had to give face to Lou Dehua. In addition, Tang Dao once again offered 10,000 US dollars, so he directly contacted one of the five directors of the Songhu Western Concession Board of Directors by phone. cousin.

To put it bluntly, when it comes to nepotism, there is not much difference between the East and the West. Whoever rises up in a family will work very hard to promote their relatives.

According to Brigadier General Tian, ​​there are five members of his family in China. During traditional Western festivals, everyone can get together and have parties.

The so-called board of directors of the concession, to put it bluntly, is the highest authority in the Western concession. The five directors are naturally representatives of the Western powers and have great authority.

With this one person, most of the problems have been solved.

Later, all the agreements with the little foreign girl were concluded, and seeing that the two of them were about to enter the 'honeymoon period', Tang Dao also tentatively inquired about the Rockefeller family's network in the Songhu Concession. After all, the United States also had a large network in the Western Concession. A piece of land.

Fortunately, the influence of the Rockefeller consortium was greater than Tang Dao had imagined. The person who had been the chairman of the board of directors of the Western Concession for the past six months was named Joseph Rockefeller, and he was also Laura's cousin.

Even though he may look like Laura's elder, coming to the Far East already means that he has been squeezed out of the Rockefeller family's core circle, and his real family status is far lower than Laura's.

When Laura arrived in China, this man went to greet her in person and expressed his support for Laura. This was Chi Guoguo's support for the future head of the family.

This is understandable. Who doesn’t want to secure a place for their descendants in the family’s survival? You know, it is a huge business empire worth billions of dollars now and trillions of dollars in the future.

Born into such a wealthy family, their pain is no longer that poor people have difficulty filling their bellies, but how much say they have in the family.

This is fate, no matter what class, everyone has their own suffering because of desire!

Therefore, instead of envying others, it is better to live your own life.

This piece of information was naturally the icing on the cake for Tang Dao, and when she heard Tang Dao’s help, Laura, who was overwhelmed by Tang Dao in front, did not hold Tang Dao in her arms, but readily agreed to help. .

At this point, Tang Dao has opened up the relationship channels between the two most influential figures in the Western Concession of Songhu. One can indirectly command the Roman Empire garrison in the Western Concession, and the other can coordinate other relations and communications.

A long time later, when Tang Dao and Yang Niuer, who were already friends in the "revolutionary friendship", curiously asked her why she didn't take the opportunity to give him a hand, Laura's sea-blue eyes were full of mischief and she smiled back at Tang Dao. One sentence: "What do you think?"

Perhaps only Lieutenant James knew the reason for this.

"Tang Dao is as cunning as a fox. If he wants to rescue his comrades, he must be fully prepared. Why would he only place his hopes on me, a new collaborator?

More importantly, it doesn’t matter if we have no relationship, but if we do have a relationship and still use it to make things difficult, especially when I don’t know the specifics at the time, it will definitely make him feel bad, and it will never be made up for. gap.

It's okay to offend the Japanese, but it's not worth offending him. And don't forget that he has a country with a population of hundreds of millions..." Laura answered James's doubts in such a meaningful way after Tang Dao left.

The dark muscular man only realized at this time that his lady valued Tang Dao more than Japan, the first military power in Asia.

And the final facts also proved how wise his lady was. Many of the future Rockefeller family's business ideas actually came from Tang Dao's suggestions, and they never made mistakes.

As for Japan, except for being a little crazy, it is really vulnerable in front of the most terrifying manufacturing power in the world today. After the war, it has been kneeling in front of the United States and has never raised its head. Even though they are already rich, the United States father will make a little move and the national economy will collapse and fall into a great depression.

On the other hand, China , the vast land area and huge population base have created a solid foundation. Even if the managers have made many mistakes, they are still on the road to rise, and eventually make the giant of the United States deeply afraid.

The founder of the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the largest consortiums in the United States, decided on the future heir not because his great-granddaughter was beautiful enough, but because of her brain.

It is said that Laura had already shown her extraordinary side when she was three or four years old. Children of three or four years old are still at the age of fighting with toys, but Laura likes to be in a daze at the door.

When asked what she was doing, she said she was watching the rain and listening to the wind. She wanted to know how the rain came and how the wind started, and she could even stay quietly for a whole day on a rainy day.

Perhaps from the moment she knew it, her deceased father The great grandfather, who was over 10 years old, had already paid attention to his great-granddaughter, who was "smarter" much earlier than ordinary people.

His choice was not wrong. The 26-year-old Laura met the most important friend of her life in China, and she firmly held him.

Tang Dao did not say anything about Laura's decisive help, but he remembered this favor. In the future cooperation with the Rockefeller Group, he was less harsh, and the Rockefeller Group saved a lot of money.

But for Tang Dao, everything is worth it.

Because those brothers who have lived and died with him are priceless!

After opening up the two most important networks, the rest is much simpler.

The day after Tang Dao arrived in Songhu, he went straight to visit with US dollars. The two big men were unable to communicate because of the telegrams from Brigadier General Tian and Laura. With the 30,000 US dollars offered by Tang Dao, there was no reason to refuse.

Then Tang Dao used his connections to find Yang Zongdao, the highest person in charge of the Military Control Commission in the Songhu area, and used the public and private relationship of Brigadier General Cheng to persuade him to become the "scapegoat", so that the rescue operation had a main body and kept him, the initiator, away from the vortex of the incident.

Tang Dao knew that his long absence from the battlefield in North China had really aroused the fear of that person. There were many intelligence personnel from the Military Control Commission in the Second War Zone in the past few months, which made the stingy old man very nervous, fearing that the person was going to attack him.

The victory of the Southeast Shanxi Campaign made the whole country jubilant, but there were undercurrents behind the scenes. If he came to Songhu to rescue the 542nd Regiment and let that person know that he actually had connections with the West, I don’t know how he would deal with him.

Who knows that the 22nd Army Group might be transferred to Central China with a military order. Didn’t Tang Dao say that the organization would be under the Sichuan Army? If the Ministry of Military Affairs transferred an infantry regiment to him alone, it would cause opposition from the Sichuan Army, so it would transfer a group army. The whole country was a chess game, and we would see who dared to say a word more.

Therefore, for Tang Dao, the most difficult point that Xie Jinyuan thought was actually the simplest one. How to keep himself out of it was the most difficult.

In the next week, the concession party came forward to recruit refugees with no place to live, nominally as transport workers, with a number of about 300 people. During the pre-job training stage, Tang Dao came forward to instill righteousness into these refugees, telling them that their job was to replace the regular army trapped in the barracks in exchange for their freedom to fight the Japanese devils on the battlefield.

In addition, all those who were willing to participate were given 400 oceans of resettlement allowances on the spot, and promised to set everyone free in about a year. If they could not be released, 30 oceans would be paid every month according to the time until everyone returned to freedom.

Of course, if you don't want to participate, it doesn't matter, but you have to stay in the cell of the patrol house for half a year to prevent the news from leaking out. But in that case, the subsidy is only 40 oceans, which is equivalent to free food and drink in the cell of the patrol house, and then a little more money every month.

What is the concept of 400 oceans? In such a time of war, it can allow a family to save money to rent a small house in the concession and have no worries about food and drink for three years. For refugees who sleep under the eaves every day and rely on porridge sheds for food, and their eyes are green with hunger every day, it is definitely a huge sum of money.

In addition, Tang Dao said very clearly that if you don't want to change, you can't get out, and you have to stay in the cell for half a year. In comparison, it is better to stay in the military camp for one or two years, so that the family can fight for a few years without worrying about food and clothing.

As for what the Japanese can do to them, this is a concession after all. It has been almost a year, and the Japanese haven't done anything to the regular soldiers in the military camp!

Moreover, Tang Dao, who was wearing a regular national army uniform, made his righteousness clear. Didn't they lose their homes because of the Japanese devils? In exchange for the elite soldiers who fought in Sihang Warehouse, they went to the battlefield to fight the Japanese. Only by driving away the Japanese can everyone return home.

Furthermore, the scene where the Chinese soldiers in Sihang Warehouse fought bravely with the Japanese army in front of their eyes nine months ago was still vivid in their minds. They wanted to fight the Japanese even if they risked their lives. If they didn't even dare to do this, , still considered a man?

The two elders of the Western Concession are not ordinary people who can sit in this position. The people they recruit must have a family of more than 3 people. As long as they have a family connection, it is basically difficult for them to refuse this offer. He spent a huge amount of money to support his family and was able to keep secrets.

As for the trick of "civet cat for prince" being discovered by the Japanese in the future, it has been a done deal for a long time. What can the Japanese do?

To put it bluntly, Tang Dao can finally persuade the bottom psychological logic of the big figures in the concession because Westerners do not take the Japanese seriously at all, and even the entire East is a place of ignorance and backwardness in their eyes.

If the Japanese can be considered a figure here, then it means that the tiger is not here and the monkey is the king!

As a dozen or so bloody men took the lead, throwing down their hats and striding to press their fingerprints, some hesitant refugees also took the risk.

Of the 300 people recruited, more than 260 people pressed their fingerprints on the spot and received money. The remaining 30 people who were still hesitating wanted to agree again, but it was too late. The vicious armed soldiers in the concession imprisoned them directly. Although they were imprisoned, the 40 yuan was paid directly to their families. It was considered hush money, just like remuneration for their service in the patrol room.

Of course, the refugees didn't just put on military uniforms and look like soldiers. In the Roman Empire's military camp, a week-long military training was specially prepared for them. Tang Dao led Shen Laoliu and Ming Xin to queue them up. Special training.

Those were perhaps the five most painful days for Tang Tuanzuo. He finally understood why his former recruit company commander's face had been so red for so long. It was not because of the sun, but because he was so angry because of his elevated blood pressure.

But as Tang Tuanzuo roared that unqualified people would be kicked out and the ocean was taken back, the refugees actually held up their military posture for an hour, which made people truly experience the magic of money.

After seven days, let’s not talk about training these refugees who are about to become dead soldiers into real soldiers! At least he had a soldier, and Tang Dao even found a few talents among them. If they were trained well and put into the regular army, it would be good.

Just in time, a dozen or so people who were pretty good were assigned to the positions of battalion commander, company commander, and platoon commander. They even found a guy who looked quite similar to Xie Jinyuan to be the group leader, but it was basically just a decoration, letting him go on stage and pretend to talk. A few words are okay, but if you do more, the secret will be exposed, but that's okay. Anyway, the Japanese spies can only observe here with a telescope, and they can't get closer than 300 meters.

Tang Dao promised to increase the allowances for the refugees who were 'officials' according to their levels, and gave them jurisdiction over their respective 'subordinates'. He also promised that if they wanted to join the army in the future, they could come to him directly, which made more than a dozen admired officers They were so grateful that they worked extra hard in training.

A week later, the 260 performing refugee soldiers not only had a decent appearance, they even had a preliminary management system.

I gave them all guns and bullets, and I trained in the military camp for a few more weeks. Maybe I could actually touch a Japanese infantry team.

The desire for money and power is universal everywhere.

It wasn't until everything was ready that the substitute refugees could replace all the officers and soldiers of the 542nd Regiment by putting on the tattered military uniforms of the 542nd Regiment. Only then did Tang Dao arrive at the military camp and talk to Xie Jinyuan about the matter.

This is also to do something absolutely so that Xie Jinyuan cannot refuse.

"You have already brought this matter to this point, how can I refuse." Xie Jinyuan said with a wry smile.

"Then, sir, are you willing to go to North China with me? You can't be the leader of the Four Elements Regiment, but I can definitely give you a regiment of soldiers and horses, which you will command, and we will kill the Japanese together." Tang Dao stared at himself. The former commander had a burning gaze.

Although Xie Jinyuan did not become famous until the Battle of Sihang Warehouse, his solid military experience has already destined him to be an excellent commander.

It's a pity that in time and space, he died at the hands of Xiao Xiao before he had time to show his talent. Tang Dao believed that if he was given a regiment of soldiers, he would never do a bad job.

If this person is willing, the Four Elements Group will have another strong helping hand.

"I really want to fight side by side with you again!" Xie Jinyuan was silent for a long time and finally spoke, with sadness in his eyes. "But I'm sorry, Tang Dao, I'm going to let you down this time, I can't go there."

"Sir..." Tang Dao's heart sank. What he was worried about still happened.

"It's not that I don't want to kill the Japanese invaders, but, you know, your four-line regiment has been stranded in North China for a long time, which has aroused suspicion. If I go back with the remaining troops, it will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire. Moreover, our 542nd regiment is the 88th Division Anyone under his command can go, but I, the nominal leader, must not go." Xie Jinyuan stood up and put his hand on Tang Dao's shoulder: "This rescue only saved me, Battalion Commander Yang and the quartermaster. We are waiting for a few people, but the rest, including Company Commander Shi, Company Commander Shangguan and others, are still stranded in the concession, do you understand?"

"Sir, why are you doing this?" Tang Dao felt the burning heat coming from the big hand on his shoulder, and his heart trembled.

Tang Dao understood what he meant. He clearly meant that in addition to taking away Captain Yang and several civilian officers, the other three incomplete infantry companies would be handed over to him.

"The heroes of the Sihang Warehouse must die on the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War. I know you will not let them down." Xie Jinyuan roared hoarsely, showing that he was also excited.

"Besides, even if I don't go to the north, the Military and Political Department will not let me, an army colonel, eat idle meals. Maybe one day we will meet again on the battlefield, right?"

"Okay, sir, then we'll see each other on the battlefield." Tang Dao was not a hesitant person. He knew that this person's choice was actually the best one.

Both of them were heroes. Since they had made a decision, they would not continue to entangle in this matter. Both sides sat down again and called Captain Yang, Shangguan Yunbiao, Shi Hao and others who had been waiting anxiously to discuss all the details. Then they saluted each other again and said goodbye.

But Tang Dao might not have expected that it would be years after he parted with his former superior.

When they met again, it was several years later.

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