Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1095 Farewell!

August 28!

The 18th Division of the Japanese army, which returned to the original city for repairs from the front line in western Shanxi, quietly arrived at Shimen and took six special trains from Shimen along the Pinghan Line all the way south.

Its march was secretive until the evening of August 30, when it was discovered by scouts sent by the Eighth Army stationed in Xinyang and Anyang.

At the same time, intelligence personnel also sent a telegram that Baoding Station was suddenly on high alert and the whole city was under curfew two days ago, all of which showed that the Japanese army was making a big move.

"The Japanese North China Front Army has begun to move! Order the Jindong raid headquarters to send troops!" In the quiet courtyard of Linfen, the stingy old man rubbed his scalp for a while, with a firm look in his eyes, and gave the order.

Because the Japanese army was frustrated in the last battle in southeastern Shanxi, the danger in Linfen has been reduced a lot. In order to boost the morale of the 300,000 troops on the last line of defense in North China, the stingy old man went against all odds and moved the Second War Zone Command, which had crossed the Yellow River and moved to Shaanxi Province, back.

As the saying goes: A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall! This is one of the few irrational behaviors of the stingy old man in his life that puts himself in danger, just like his decision to send the most elite infantry division of his Jinsui Army to participate in the war at the military meeting half a month ago, and to pay the bottom of the box for money, food, and ammunition reserves.

Many of his confidants who are familiar with him think he is crazy!

The Ministry of Military Affairs has issued a secret order to order the Second War Zone to launch a counterattack or destroy the traffic line to contain the main force of the Japanese North China Front Army, but anyone with a little common sense knows that although the Japanese army was frustrated in the previous battle, the loss of only 20,000 people did not hurt the Japanese North China Front Army, which has more than 300,000 troops.

The so-called counterattack sounds very domineering and impressive, but if you are not careful, you may end up with nothing.

Otherwise, several factions would hesitate when they heard about this. Even if the stingy old man put all the money, food and ammunition in the bottom of the box on the table, until the stingy old man took out the most elite 101st Division of the 65th Army under his command, several major factions would reluctantly agree.

With this infantry division as a guarantee, everyone will believe that on the front line of western Shanxi, the stingy old man will spare no effort to contain the main force of the 100,000 Japanese North China Front Army, so that it dare not easily withdraw troops to support eastern Shanxi.

But the danger is still self-evident. In addition to the 108th and 109th divisions on the southeastern front of Shanxi, the Japanese Fifth Division and the First Army in western Shanxi have a total of about 150,000 Japanese troops. The Japanese North China Front Army still has more than 150,000 ground forces. Putting aside the necessary 70,000 to 80,000 garrisons stationed in major cities, there are still 70,000 mobile troops.

This 70,000 against 70,000, and the offensive and defensive positions are reversed. Based on the previous record against the Japanese army, is there any need to say about the result? It is not an exaggeration to say that he was trying to get something out of the fire.

But perhaps the stingy old man's confidants only knew what he showed them. No one would know what the stingy old man said to his most trusted fifth sister: "With that cunning Tang Dao and his Four-Line Regiment, even if we can't win this battle, we will never lose it badly."

It is difficult to say why the stingy old man trusted Tang Dao so much. Perhaps it was a pure intuition.

Or perhaps, it was the record of Tang Dao leading the Four-Line Regiment to fight all the way through the Songhu battlefield and experiencing more than ten major battles without a single defeat that gave the stingy old man an illusion that he could not win in terms of strength, but he was not allowed to have a son of luck?

Don't tell me, the stingy old man who lived for more than 20 years talked about the most exciting battle in the Second War Zone in his memoirs, which was fought by his own efforts. The keyword he mentioned most was luck.

As for whether this luck belonged to the Chinese army or he was attracted by Tang Dao's luck, he did not say it clearly.

After all, he was a hegemon who had the ability to judge people. Wouldn't it be a loss of his reputation to attribute victory to illusory luck?

Anyway, when a Japanese division had arrived at the Yellow River where the Yellow River Bridge was blown off and had crossed the river in batches, and when at least one division had quietly assembled and even set out on the road to the south, the stingy old man finally made up his mind to send troops to eastern Shanxi!

In the past, the Japanese army would swing a stick from time to time to hit him so hard that his eyes would be full of gold. This time, he gathered his elite troops and took this opportunity to return an axe.

In the past year, except for the Shandong Wang Lao Han who had been executed and the declining Hebei Wang Lao Song, are there any bigwigs in various provinces in China who are more aggrieved than him?

The tower was pushed clean by the Japanese, and the crystal was about to explode. As a result, there were still people who were unhappy with him and were ready to settle accounts with him at any time. He had to and could only let those people see that he was not a cat but a tiger. Even if he was a sick tiger, he would bite people without mercy.

Following the radio waves from the Second War Zone Command, the five infantry divisions and one infantry regiment of the Northern War Zone of China, totaling 75,000 people, quietly left their respective garrisons after nightfall on August 30, and headed towards eastern Shanxi according to the routes planned by the command.

There was no farewell with loud gongs and drums, nor a tearful farewell. Tang Dao, the head of the regiment, and Tan Tai Mingyue, the captain of the medical company, were both on the expedition.

Old Tan Tai, the director of the Ordnance Department who was responsible for staying at the garrison, did not even come at all. However, two days ago, he took his future son-in-law to drink in his own courtyard. What he drank was not the Jiannanchun bought by Tang Dao, but the "sweet potato burn" brewed by the farmers in Dakouzi Town.

The wine was slightly turbid, but it was definitely strong enough. Drinking it was like drinking a ball of fire, burning from the throat to the stomach.

In the words of Old Tan Tai himself: This wine is like the Taihang Mountains, fierce enough! Strong enough!

The handsome old man Tan Tai, who was not very good at drinking, got drunk after three cups. He pulled Tang Dao and said, "Victory or defeat is God's will. Our Chinese people have survived five thousand years of wind and rain. It is not something that can be accomplished by one or a few people. Protect Mingyue and yourself!"

The old father who had experienced wind and rain, after a drunken spell, chose the latter between the clan and his own children.

This is actually very human and rational! He just wanted his daughter and son-in-law to live well and enjoy their lives that have not yet been fully opened.

But why are all the protagonists in the stories of saving the world teenagers? Perhaps it is not just the stories of the elders overcoming difficulties that few people pay attention to!

More importantly, the passion in the chest of the teenagers has not diminished!

More importantly, the soldiers who carried long spears and threw themselves into the battlefield without hesitation under the military order all had slightly blue hair under their chins!

"Don't worry, Dad, I promise that I will protect Mingyue for life and try not to make her sad!" Tang Dao's answer was very Tang Dao.

What he said was all true. Even if he had lived two lives and experienced a hundred years in this world, Tang Dao could only try his best not to make his lover sad.

Because his subordinates and brothers could sacrifice their lives, how could he be immune to it?

No longer young, but also young! Isn't it the same for the hundreds of middle-aged generals who died in this war?

There were very few people who came to see off the main force of the Four Lines Regiment. The only military personnel were the 4th Battalion Commander Shangguan Yun and a dozen lieutenant officers under his command.

At the military meeting of the battalion commanders two days ago, after fierce debate, Tang Dao finally made the final decision. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Infantry Battalions went with the army, and the newly established 4th Battalion was responsible for staying at the garrison of the Four Lines Regiment.

The officers of the 4th Battalion, led by Shangguan Yun, were very depressed. They thought that the regiment commander still thought that the 4th Battalion was not established long ago and could not take on the task. Tang Dao went to the 4th Battalion headquarters and directly took out the map of southeastern Shanxi.

The Japanese army still occupied all the county towns and important transportation lines. More than 50,000 troops were like a rope that stretched across the side of Taihang Mountain. They were able to defend and attack at any time.

"The 4th Battalion was established not long ago, but its core is the elite of the Imperial Guards and the elite of our northern army. When it comes to attacking, it does not have the tacit understanding of the other three battalions, but when it comes to defense, even if it is not the best among all the battalions, it is still the top two choices!" Tang Dao gave a fair assessment of the combat effectiveness of the 4th Infantry Battalion.

"The danger of staying behind is even greater than that of the army going out. If the Japanese army makes any unusual moves, you will have to use the strength of one battalion to cover the retreat of the entire town's people and the personnel and equipment of the arsenal, leaving you very little tactical retreat space! If you are not careful, it will be a life-and-death battle and a decisive battle like the Sihang Warehouse in the past!" Tang Dao's face became extremely serious.

Tang Dao was not fooling around. This was the probability of the regiment's staff department appearing more than 80% when doing tactical deductions. The Japanese army was mechanical and rigid, but they were by no means stupid.

An opponent with superior equipment but stupidity would never have defeated China, which had gathered millions of troops, in this year. Those who think that their opponents are stupid are first of all denying themselves.

The somewhat excited emotions of the officers and soldiers of the 4th Battalion were calmed by Tang Dao, and they accepted the difficult task of guarding the crystal this time.

"Commander, deputy commander, director Ye, director Zhuang, I wish you a great victory over the Japanese invaders!" Shangguan Yun led his 4 company commanders and 4 deputy company commanders to salute the four officers who led the main force of the Four-Line Regiment to go out this time.

"Take care, commander!" Qin Ruoyu had the closest relationship with Tang Dao, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited at this time, with a few crystals flashing in his eyes in the dim firelight.

For comrades, the saddest thing is not to see you fall, but I know you are about to go to the battlefield, but I can only stare at you!

If I can stand shoulder to shoulder with you and protect our young ideals together, death is really not as terrible as imagined.

"Take care of yourself, too!" Tang Dao rode on his warhorse and led his three main officers to return the salute. He glanced into the distance, gently squeezed the horse's belly, and whispered: "Pass my military order, let the third battalion be the rear team of the whole army!"

"Yes!" Xia Dayu's little bald head nodded and ran away!

Lei Xiong, Ye Chenghuan, and Zhuang Shisan smiled at each other, waved to Shangguan Yun and others who were seeing them off, and each shouted "Go!", and the warhorses began to trot.

Beside them was the ranks of officers and soldiers of the First Infantry Battalion of the Four-line Regiment, which had already set off in advance.

As the first battalion, being the spearhead of the whole army seemed to have been integrated into their bones. 'Use me in the first battle, and I will win! ' This is the eternal slogan of the first battalion.

And the three main officers all understood that Tang Dao suddenly ordered the third battalion, which was in the middle to protect the artillery battalion's advance, to be changed to the rear team, probably to take care of the people who came to see them off.

Mrs. Yue held the little girl in her left hand, Yue Yiman in her right hand, and Shitou, standing on a hill about 50 meters away from the army's marching column.

Since becoming the principal of the elementary school with more than 200 students, Mrs. Yue has been busy every day, living a fulfilling life, and smiling more and more on her youthful face.

However, no matter how busy she is, she will ask Yue Yiman or Shitou to go to the third battalion headquarters to bring back Leng Feng's sweat-soaked military uniforms for her to wash, and then fold them neatly for the third child to send back in the evening of the next day.

The third child is very happy to do this job. Not to mention that Shitou and his sister were rescued by Leng Feng's company that day, even on the long march of thousands of miles into Taihang Mountains, Leng Feng's broad back has carried countless dreams of the little girl and Yue Yiman.

If you want to say who the three young boys of the Four Elements Regiment admire the most, it would probably have to be Tang Tuanzuo, who is said to be miraculous by the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment. But if you want to say who you like the most, then it probably has to be the cold-faced uncle Leng Feng.

Of course, in order to find some work for the military dependents, the Fourth Army Regiment Headquarters stipulates that all officers and non-commissioned officers with a pay grade higher than second lieutenant can have their clothes cleaned by a dedicated laundry team as long as they pay 1 yuan a month.

Just this one job supports at least 60 aunts and sisters-in-law!

Except for stingy old Li and a few others, most officers and sergeants basically have clean clothes to wear every day.

But you have to make your own socks and underwear. For someone like Battalion Commander Leng who keeps them clean and neat from head to toe every day, I'm afraid only Tang Tuanzuo can compete with him.

Who let Tang Tuanzuo have a fiancée?

Although Tantai Mingyue is the eldest lady, Jiangnan women are inherently ingenious. Regardless of Tantai's family tradition, she is always favored. However, she has been good at doing household chores since she was a child. No matter how busy she is with her own work, Tang Dao is so good at it. However, her clothes are washed cleanly by her, and when she is free, she can personally cook Tang Dao an authentic Hangzhou meal!

Even if Tang Dao is ignorant, he always likes to eat sweet Hangcheng food with chili! But every time, he ate everything without even leaving any soup.

Leng Feng and Mrs. Yue both have "cold" personalities. Even the entire Four Elements Group knows what they are doing, just like knowing that Daya, the nurse in the health company, chases Mingxin every day to learn Chinese martial arts. It's all like a mirror.

What’s up! Uncle Han from the Military Training Department is not a master of Chinese martial arts. He has been personally certified by Tang Tuanzuo. His Bajiquan is said to be the second in the Four Elements Group. Even Tang Tuanzuo dare not say that he is the first. It is compiled by integrating the marksmanship of the past dynasties. Not only the entire Four Elements Regiment is practicing the Four Elements Thorn Technique, but also the 683rd Brigade, the 17th Division and even the 104th Division are organizing exercises.

As a result, Mingxin didn't understand the style. She always hid far away after completing one and a half moves. She was also the most active one in the missions. Gu Xishui, who had been hurt by love, couldn't help but intervene. He: "In this era, don't leave any regrets to yourself!"

Yaomei'er is Gu Xishui's biggest regret! Her tomb is buried in the highest place of the Sixings Regiment Martyrs Cemetery.

That was Gu Xishui's request. Although Yao Meier's military exploits were not enough to keep her there, Gu Xishui did. He used his military exploits in exchange for a small comb that Yao Meier left behind along with Yao Meier's. The letter his sister wrote to him was buried on that peak!

He hoped that every time he went on an expedition, Yao Meier could stand there and look at him, and then wait for him to return, even if it was just his soul!

Maybe that's Gu Xishui's wish too!

Mingxin is still young and has never experienced this, so he won't understand!

Leng Feng understands, but he won't say it, because he knows that there is some heartache and it takes time to heal!

Only when the wound has become scarred and the scar has become dull, and you enter her heart again, will she not suddenly feel sad.

Leng Feng hopes she can be happy!

But the army had already set off, and Mrs. Yue came with three children to see her off. How could Leng Feng look at it indifferently?

"You too, the children are already asleep, why are you bringing them here!" Leng Feng rubbed the heads of the three children one by one, covering up the redness on his dark face with a cold face and a critical tone.

When he ran over just now, he saw the smiles on the faces of many old comrades who were trying their best to hide them, especially veteran Youzi, whose big yellow teeth almost fell out when he smiled.

There was also the military order that the little bald guy ran as fast as possible and loudly conveyed, for fear that everyone would not know that the regimental commander was 'using power for personal gain'.

"Then you can't blame me, you have to blame Xiao Shitou. He ran over and dragged us here, saying that Uncle Leng Feng was going to fight the Japanese." Mrs. Yue had a look of sadness on her quiet face and shook her head in denial.

"You kid, you're the only one with a lot of trouble!" Leng Feng ruthlessly rubbed Shitou's head, which was smiling innocently.

"Here, this is for you!" Leng Feng suddenly took out something from his waist and solemnly placed it in the eight-year-old Shitou's hand.

The heavy and cold touch made Little Shitou open his mouth in surprise.

"Haven't you already stopped playing with wooden guns?" Leng Feng grinned. "My Black Star pistol has too much recoil. You are still young and can't use that. This is the Walter pistol that I specially brought from Jincheng as a trustee!"

The Walter pistol, born in the 1930s, was specially designed by the German Empire for self-defense for agents and high-ranking officers. The biggest feature of this model is its compact size, with a total gun length of only 150 mm, a weight of 570 grams, an ammunition capacity of 7 rounds, and an effective range of 50 meters!

When Leng Feng asked Tang Dao for a sophisticated pistol, Tang Dao purchased 100 Walter PPKs from Lou Dehua's Krupp Company at one time, mainly for use by some female nurses who could not use the high-recoil Black Star pistols. Substitutes, as well as dedicated ones that need to perform some special tasks.

"Long live Uncle Leng!" Shitou almost jumped up with excitement.

"Oh! We also have real guns." Yue Yiman and the little girl also jumped up happily.

"You are spoiling them, how dangerous it is!" Madam Yue said angrily.

"Shitou, you have to remember one thing. When you pick up the gun, you are a warrior. Promise me that during my absence, you will protect your brothers, sisters, and your adoptive mother!" Leng Feng said with great solemnity.

"I promise!" Shitou nodded fiercely, his face showing a maturity that was inconsistent with his age.

Suffering makes people grow quickly! Although this is not what the Chinese thought, the Japanese came and there was nothing they could do.

"Is this battle very dangerous?" Madam Yue suddenly asked softly.

The moonlight was like a flower, falling on Madam Yue's peaceful face, a little pale!

In her memory, Leng Feng has always been an extremely calm person. Such a calm soldier, but before leaving, gave a real gun to an eight-year-old child. The fact represented by this behavior made her inexplicably frightened.

"Yes!" Leng Feng hesitated for a moment and nodded.

He knew she would be worried, but he didn't want to lie to her!

Madam Yue lowered her head slightly, and her hair fell from her full forehead, blocking her suddenly red eyes.

Leng Feng opened his mouth, but didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only stand silently.

The three children felt that the atmosphere was different, and they didn't dare to interrupt the conversation between the adults.

Silence for a long time!

"Then I'm leaving. You should also pay attention to safety at home, but if there is an air raid alarm, hide in the air-raid shelter immediately!" Leng Feng heard that the company of the third battalion had begun to form a team, and hurriedly left a word and turned around.

Seeing that the figure was about to sink into the darkness.

"Hey!" Madam Yue suddenly raised her head and shouted bravely.

Leng Feng paused.

"If you want to come back, I'll wait for you!" Although Madam Yue's face was still pale and her eyes were filled with tears, she was full of courage.

She was a widow, which was unlucky for him who was about to step onto the battlefield! But if she didn't say some things, she was afraid it would be too late.

"Okay!" Leng Feng stood there for a while and agreed dully.

The tall figure disappeared in the night.

No one knew that in the cool night breeze, the hard heart of the infantry battalion commander who walked like the wind was so happy that it seemed to be about to break!

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