Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1108 The home of the mountain people!

The mountain in Shayue Valley is not very steep. In the opinion of Shen Laoliu, who has rich combat experience, it is not the most suitable ambush site.

The Japanese army is very cautious, and the distance between individual soldiers is very wide. If the Japanese army column connected end to end for more than 600 meters reacts and occupies the high ground, even the terrain advantage will no longer exist.

Therefore, after observing the terrain, Shen Laoliu was the first to propose to retreat to a mountain pass one mile away. Although the terrain there is bad and it is impossible to deploy 400 people, as long as you hold there, the Japanese will not be able to come.

If you use human lives to fill it, you can at least stop the Japanese army for more than an hour and a half.

Shen Laoliu's thinking is typical of fighting a blocking war and a hard battle, and it is also a choice made out of necessity based on the difference in strength between the enemy and us!

Even Shen Laoliu has made calculations in his mind. With only grenade launchers and heavy machine guns as firepower support, the Japanese army wants to break through a mountain pass defended by 400 people. Even if the firepower equipment of both sides is not on the same level, they will have to pay at least 100 casualties.

Of course, most of them would be due to the existence of his semi-automatic rifle and Zhang Saner's MG34 machine gun, unless they were unlucky enough to be hit by the Japanese grenade launcher.

The 1:4 casualties were already a very satisfactory casualty ratio for Shen Laoliu.

With this one and a half hours, it was enough for all the old, weak, women and children in Yeyue Village to escape into the mountains, and it was also enough for the Jiuli boy who was delivering the letter to find Lao Lu and the others.

"No need to go anywhere else, just deal with them in Shayue Valley!" Long Yan pointed ahead with heroic spirit.

Before Shen Laoliu and the others could speak, he added with great confidence: "I know you want to ask why we chose that place instead of the Broken Head Cliff Pass. I have two reasons. First, because when you came, you were sleeping soundly and were carried here by us."

Shen Laoliu...

When this guy is serious, he is a big shot, but when he is funny, he is as good as Li Jiujin! This is a pre-war meeting, can't you not poke people's hearts? I passed through the valley without knowing anything, but what does this have to do with whether the valley is suitable for ambushes?

"Second, because sometimes we do business without capital! You know the risks of doing business, and creditors will always come to your door..."

Long Ying rolled his eyes and glanced at his brother, which meant that you should stop talking nonsense and speak quickly. Didn't you see that a certain big brother's eyes started to bulge?

"I'm serious. The creditors didn't come to my door. They were scared away here." Long Yan looked at his childhood friends very confidently. "Don't you think so?"

"That's for sure. Brother Yan is the best!" The acne-covered 'Pimple' looked at his big brother with admiration.

The nickname of Yeyue Village is all literal!

Obviously, this kind of personal worship that is consistent with words and deeds is definitely not formed in a day or two. It has been cultivated for at least more than ten years.

But it is also true that Long Yan is the son of the headman in the village, and he has a lot of flesh and is also good at playing with incense. The adjective used in the future is: he is the second generation of an official, and he is also an elite! It would be a miracle if a group of younger brothers were not convinced.

The ideas of young people are one-sided. Shen Laoliu feels that they are not very reliable, so he can only look at Long Ying and the only sixty-year-old man.

"I agree with my brother's choice!" Long Ying nodded without hesitation and voted in favor.

"Ayan is my best apprentice, and what he said is right." The old man trusts his apprentice very much.

Good guy! This is either a younger brother or an apprentice. It is true that family members do not talk about two different things. Shen Laoliu is full of helplessness in his heart, but he can only accept this reality.

Since it has been decided, there will be no more hesitation!

Shayue Valley is a long and narrow mountain road, which is 1,700 meters long and winding. The Japanese army has just entered the valley entrance, and it will take 20 minutes to walk out of the entire valley.

However, can they maneuver behind the mountains on both sides in such a short time and set up an ambush at the location mentioned by Long Yan?

As Long Ying and Long Yan, the two siblings, called five more people to arrange them one by one, the young and strong men holding bird guns and long swords shuttled between the forest and the rock walls, like nimble monkeys.

This really opened the eyes of Shen Laoliu and the others.

No wonder even the steady Long Ying said confidently that there was no problem.

Before, they had only seen these guys breathing long and moving very fast on the mountain road. When they were in the mountain forest with complex geographical structure and difficult for ordinary people to climb, the two soldiers realized more deeply that when it comes to trekking through mountains and rivers, it really is something that only professionals can do.

Although the Japanese army has a road to go, in terms of speed, they may not be able to outrun the Jiuli villagers who have lived in the mountains all year round and are jumping between the dense forests and rocks behind the mountains.

Even Shen Laoliu and Zhang Saner, two elite scouts of the Four Lines Regiment who take the fully armed five-kilometer cross-country as daily training, feel that they are not as good as them.

It’s not that the two scouts were weak. Their endurance and speed of running five kilometers in 20 minutes in full gear would be outstanding even in the future.

But they felt that they might never be able to run as agilely as the people of the Jiuli tribe in this life, or, it could be said that they took an unconventional approach.

Especially when they saw many people carrying a five-kilogram iron shell shell on their backs, shuttling through the mountain forests with almost no roads, and many times they were about to fall, but they continued to leap forward with the help of vines.

Shen Laoliu's heart was about to rise to his throat. That was a cannonball, a homemade cannonball that might explode if it encountered a strong impact.

But the facts proved that he was overthinking!

A race can survive and reproduce in such a mountain without being eliminated by nature. The tenacious vitality comparable to Xiaoqiang is only one of the reasons. Choosing to learn from nature and adapt to and integrate with the cruel nature is the way for biological survival.

Those who try to conquer and transform nature will eventually swallow the bitter consequences of nature's fierce backlash!

Captain Chuntian Youwu, who has entered the entrance of Shayue Valley and is vigilantly looking at the surrounding mountains and forests, certainly doesn't know that across the mountain, a group of Chinese "natives" are racing with him.

When Shen Laoliu rushed to the back section of the winding Shayue Valley, he knew why the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes said with certainty that "creditors rarely come to the door".

Originally, the section before Shayue Valley was not very steep, and it was even considered gentle, but here, the mountain suddenly became sharp.

Between the two mountains is a 500-meter-long mountain road, plus a mountain stream that is only one meter wide and runs along the mountain road. Although the mountains on both sides are not 90-degree cliffs, they are not small in inclination, and the shrubs and various trees on the mountain are extremely dense. It is not only laborious to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, which is only two or three hundred meters away, but the military uniform will probably become a beggar's outfit after climbing up.

This may be the only section of the Moon Valley that cannot sprinkle all the moonlight!

To put it bluntly, in such a position, if the roads on both sides are blocked, the people on the mountain road will almost become turtles in a jar, and there is nowhere to run.

However, the premise is that there must be enough strength to block both ends, and there must be enough firepower to suppress them on the mountain road and not let the angry opponents climb up the mountain.

Shen Laoliu quickly assigned the mob to their respective combat positions. All the bird gun holders were divided into two groups. One group of 40 people was led by him and Zhang Saner to hide on the mountainside about 150 meters high on the left side of the mountain road along the 500-meter mountain, using rocks, bushes and trees as cover.

This is mainly because the range of the bird gun is too short. It has almost no lethality beyond 150 meters. In fact, the role of these 40 bird guns is not to kill the Japanese troops on the mountain road.

Their greater role is to attract the firepower of the Japanese army or to block the Japanese army who attempt to climb the mountain. The real lethality is still the semi-automatic rifle of Shen Laoliu and the MG34 machine gun of Zhang Saner, which are about 200 meters away.

Nearly 100 villagers holding long knives hid on the top of the mountain as a reserve, ready for the Japanese army to rush up and fight with them, or rush down the mountainside to pick up the bird guns left by the dead bird gun soldiers and continue to use them as consumables.

This is cruel, but this is the battlefield!

Most soldiers and lives are just consumables, consuming the opponent's ammunition storage. If you can exchange one for one with the opponent, it is already very cost-effective.

Long Ying and his sister hid on the right side of the mountain road with 80 bird guns, a dozen rifles, 6 box guns and 140 long swords.

Their ambush height is lower than the left side, and the bird gun closest to the mountain road is only 120 meters away.

In the same way, almost all bird guns are considered consumption, attracting Japanese firepower, and then the rifles and box guns that can really kill will attack the Japanese.

This tactical arrangement, Shen Laoliu had explained to Long Ying and Long Yan before, not only did the two siblings have no objection, but even the 120 bird gun soldiers did not shrink back.

Although there is no discipline, when it comes to fearlessness and even meaningless death, this group of Jiuli people actually surpasses the Four Lines Group.

This may be the so-called power of faith! However, the Four Lines believe in the country, and they believe in the homeland, but the difference is big and small!

The old man named Longmao led 20 people to carry the stone mortar and shells to a small hill more than 400 meters away from here.

The hill is slightly higher than the mountains on both sides of the Shayue Valley by several dozen meters, just in a high position, but if you want to use that ancient cannon to accurately bomb the iron shell shells on the not-so-wide mountain road, it really requires a very high level of control.

Shen Laoliu actually has a kind of resistance to this stone mortar cannon. In fact, the old cannon is too similar to the "thunder bomb" with oil barrels as barrels used by the engineering company of the Four Lines Regiment.

It's okay to throw a five-kilogram iron shell shell filled with a lot of iron sand on the Japanese, but if there is a few dozen meters error and it is thrown on your own head, the exploding iron sand will not have any enemy identification ability.

But Long Yan was more confident than his master, and he patted his chest to guarantee that his master had been the best gunner in the village for more than 30 years, and there would be no problem.

That was because Shen Laoliu did not ask the best gunner of Yeyue Village how many shots he had fired, otherwise his legs would be cramped.

Yeyue Village has had several crises in recent years. For example, some merchants in Lincheng County did not want to pay tolls, so they hired a few hundred armed guards to fight against Yeyue Village. For example, several surrounding counties invited garrisons to "suppress bandits", and even some surrounding bandits thought that Yeyue Village was a big piece of fat meat, and they also joined together to take a bite...

As a result, the long swords and bird gun rifles of Yeyue Village made them see what ferocity was, and the stone mortar also made them taste what firepower coverage was!

But the old man has fired less than 100 shells in the past 30 years, averaging only three shells a year. With this level of actual combat, let alone the artillerymen of the Four-Line Regiment, he can't even compare with the Sichuan Army, which was known as the "Beggar Army" during the Anti-Japanese War, and those mortar gunners who only fired less than 10 shells!

And there is a fatal flaw. Artillery needs communication, otherwise the gunners don't know which area to fire the shells at all. This section is 500 meters long, and Xia Jiba will definitely not be able to shoot.

A full 400 meters distance, it is not possible to run on foot, and it is also not possible to shout with a loud voice, so Shen Laoliu adopted a joint combat method with his own artillery.

The entire mountain road was divided into five areas, that is, a section of 100 meters, from Area 1 to Area 5. As for when to shell that position, the old man took the few telescopes in the mountain village to look here.

See if there are any family members on the top of the mountain, based on the number of villagers jumping on the top of the mountain.

That is to say, if you see one villager jumping, then shell area one, if you see three jumping figures, then shell area three, if you see five, then naturally shell area five.

The reason for jumping is to ensure the safety of the villagers. Otherwise, if they stand there, they will become a living target for the Japanese army in the valley, which is only two or three hundred meters away! The Japanese are not stupid.

When everything was ready, the Japanese scouts arrived.

The captain of the Japanese Army never relaxed his vigilance. A 15-man scout team was always 500 meters ahead of the main force of the Japanese army.

However, the dense bushes and thorns not only discouraged the Japanese scouts, but also only searched 30 meters up the mountain wall at most, which also blocked their eyes from constantly patrolling the hillsides on both sides.

Two soldiers and hundreds of villagers hid in the gaps of the bushes, watching the main force of the Japanese army coming here.

Seeing a fully armed army up close is completely different from seeing it from a distance. The bayonets on the long guns carried by the soldiers who were marching in neat formations flashed cold light, jumping in rows among Tongren, and the people who were stabbed dared not look directly at them.

But this was not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing was the light machine guns carried by the Japanese soldiers in the formation and the heavy machine guns carried by four Japanese soldiers!

Before entering Shayue Valley, Chuntian Youwu ordered the heavy machine guns to be taken off the packhorses and carried by the soldiers, so that they could be ready to shoot at any time. The infantry squad carrying the heavy machine guns was naturally led by the pig-headed squad leader.

Who made him so brave and wise? Anyway, Chuntian Youwu thought so.

Looking at the Japanese army marching under their noses, even the dullest villagers couldn't help but hold their breath.

Although they had an absolute geographical advantage, in the face of the enemy's superior manpower and equipment, that so-called advantage had been lost.

They are not soldiers, but ordinary people. Even though the cruel nature has shaped them into enough toughness over hundreds of years, their courage to stand firm even when facing the Japanese is already worthy of praise.

Shen Laoliu not only observed the Japanese army through the scope, but also instinctively looked at the friendly forces on the opposite mountain.

The state of his own people before the battle can also determine the outcome of this ambush.

Long Ying, who was holding two box guns, looked calm enough, which was within Shen Laoliu's expectations. After all, he was once the deputy squad leader of the 29th Army.

But the extremely calm behavior of the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes holding a rifle who placed the brass bullets one by one on the grass beside him was somewhat beyond Shen Laoliu's expectations.

This is a very small detail, but its inner meaning is the embodiment of extreme emotional calmness. This kind of person who is calmer in the battle, Shen Laoliu has only seen in his deputy company commander Niu Er.

He himself can't do it, he will be nervous, for example, he is chewing the leaves he picked from his side, and the slightly bitter juice reminds him to be calm and sober all the time.

This is because Shen Laoliu didn't know the target that Long Yan was aiming at at this time. The sight of the old Hanyang rifle was firmly locked on the chest of a Japanese soldier who was walking in the middle of the queue 250 meters away, with his head held high and his chest held high, and a small sun flag tied to his bayonet.

The Japanese soldiers who could tie the sun flag on their bayonets were actually non-commissioned officers, and they were considered the backbone of the Japanese army at the grassroots level. The sun flag tied on their bayonets was more not a symbol of glory, but more conducive to command.

On the battlefield where the sky was dark and the sky was dark, with such a small flag to guide, ordinary soldiers could quickly gather and find the direction of attack again. It was precisely because of the existence of these non-commissioned officers called sergeants that the Japanese army could quickly recover their combat effectiveness even if they suffered heavy losses.

In other words, in the sequence of the Japanese grassroots forces, a sergeant was even more important than a squad leader. They were the cornerstone of the Japanese army's powerful army.

Moreover, there was a Japanese soldier carrying a grenade launcher next to this Japanese sergeant, who was the second target that Long Yan intended to shoot. The two were not far apart, and he could find this person as quickly as possible.

The man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, who had never dealt with the Japanese army, chose to kill the Japanese sergeant and the grenade thrower, both of whom were the most important figures in the basic sequence of the Japanese army.

It can only be said that this is his talent, and he is born with the perception of danger.

Shen Laoliu will soon have a new understanding of this little brother who knocked him out.

"Bang!" accompanied by a gunshot.

The Japanese sergeant who was locked by Longyan fell to the ground with his chest in pain.

"Bang, bang, bang!" A burst of gunfire sounded from the right mountain road, at least four Japanese soldiers fell to the ground, and the rest of the Japanese soldiers hurriedly sought shelter on the spot, and quickly fired at the area where the gunfire was heard and smoke rose.

None of the bird gun soldiers fired. At this distance, the lethality of the bird guns was really limited. They had to wait until the Japanese climbed up dozens of meters and fired a round of volleys to maximize their power.

Even according to the pre-war plan, the left wing where Shen Laoliu and Zhang Saner were located did not fire at all. If the Japanese soldiers who reacted could form the illusion that there were enemies on the right wing, then their two guns would make them pay a more painful price.

Even though he didn't have many cards in his hand, Shen Laoliu, who had learned a lot from Tang Tuanzuo, did not rashly play all his cards.

Besides, in addition to hot weapons, there are also cold weapons here?

It doesn't mean a cold blade. The so-called "cold" is mainly a cold door!

Don't forget, this is the home of Yeyue Village, but the Jiuli people have worked hard to survive in the mountains for more than 200 years. At that time, the regular army had no guns, let alone the people in the mountains.

But in the mountains, there is no shortage of wood and stone, and even more no shortage of wisdom!

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