Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1111 Kill him while he's ill!

Being able to stay calm on the battlefield will definitely pay off!

The Japanese infantrymen did not wait for the heart-breaking explosion, but instead waited for the low roars of their colleagues who were so happy that they almost cried.

"Baga! It's not a grenade!"

"Wow, it's really, really good!"


Really, it’s not that the Japanese soldiers are too fragile, it’s mainly that it’s so wonderful to still have the opportunity to feel the heat in their crotch!

"Crying with joy" is a perfect way to describe those guys who had tears in their eyes.

Of course, there were still Japanese soldiers bursting into tears.

Although that thing is not a bomb, it is definitely hard enough. It can easily break a bone on the body. There are at least a few Japanese soldiers who have broken bones. Who can't help but burst into tears?

However, compared to the previous fear that scared many people to the point of peeing, this loss, in the language of future networks, is nothing!

Then, the Japanese infantry finally saw clearly what was smashed down from the mountain. It was a huge leaf, wrapped in thin vines with something unknown inside.

Due to the violent impact, almost all the leaf bags were broken, and rocks the size of a baby's head rolled out.

Smashing rocks from the mountain. The Japanese infantry can understand that the Chinese have done this before. Those stones as big as millstones are much more terrifying. But even if these stones are small, why do they have to be wrapped in leaves?

Of course, the most important thing is, besides the stone, what else seems to be wrapped inside? After the leaf bag hit the ground, the liquid substance contained inside had splashed onto nearby soldiers.

Many soldiers have already begun to have some bad associations, with disgusting expressions on their faces!

Because this kind of thing really happened on the battlefield in North China. After the besieged Chinese army became anxious, they even placed a stringed grenade in the feces and threw it out. The effect of the explosion was really amazing. It's absolutely disgusting.

But don't tell me, the effect was pretty good. At least it repelled the extremely determined wave of Japanese attacks. The mighty Imperial Japanese Army can fight with blood, but it must not attack with shit.

But the islanders are a race! There were quite a few perverts. Even with such an uncomfortable association, some Japanese soldiers subconsciously dipped their fingers in the yellow substance splashed on their bodies, put it to their noses, sniffed it, and then put it in their mouths.

Really, that scene made the soldiers around the Japanese infantry instinctively want to stay away from him.

Really, Taijiba is disgusting!

"Huh? It's sweet." The Japanese infantryman said to himself.

"Ugh!" Many Japanese soldiers wanted to vomit.

Everyone can understand when he calls something smelly, but when he calls these things sweet, what kind of weird hobby does that have to be?

Especially when I thought that this guy and I often had sex together, and most of the time he stayed at the end. The Japanese soldier who was in the same team with him involuntarily tightened his lower body sphincter at that moment, even tighter than the moment when those leaf bags fell down. Three points.

"Report, it's very sweet, sweeter than honey!" The Japanese soldier, who had already tasted the taste, faced the horrified looks of his colleagues, once again smeared a large amount of the liquid splashed on his body on his fingers, put it into his mouth, smacked it, and said with certainty Reported by Cao Changhui himself.

This may be the almost perverted seriousness in the bones of the Japanese. They feel obligated to find out for their superiors what the Chinese are throwing at them, even if it is really a piece of shit!

But for most of the Japanese infantry, having such a silly thing is enough. No matter it is sweet, salty, sour or smelly, the Chinese mountain people, who are already mortal enemies, will never throw anything good at them.

There was no time for the Japanese infantry to continue to study what those things were. "Baga, continue the attack and kill them all!" Captain Haruta Youmono from behind roared with red eyes.

But he wasn't angry, he was hit.

A bag of leaves that would never explode hit the rock where the Japanese army captain was hiding, and then, with a very light bullet.

Springfield Youwu happened to look up at the sky, and then the bag of leaves packed with stones hit his eye socket. Fortunately, the rock had relieved 90% of the gravity of the bag of leaves, and the helmet supported it. Otherwise, Haruta Umono's name will definitely have the opportunity to be recorded in the history of the war, and he will become the first captain-level commander of the 20th Division to be stoned to death.

Even so, the eye sockets and the eyeballs are all blood red. Isn't Haruta Youwu full of anger?

Then, in the sight of the red Japanese Army Captain, a second wave of black, high-altitude objects was thrown down from the top of the mountain.

However, this time the number was much smaller than the first time, but the size was larger. Judging from the size, each one was no smaller than a carriage wheel.

It's a big guy, there are six or seven in number.

idiot! ,Again!

The Japanese infantrymen were really furious at that moment. Many soldiers directly raised their guns and shot at the "big black blocks" with obvious targets.

The precise marksmanship is really incredible. Each big black block was shot several times, so that a lot of fragments were blown away, at least that's what it looked like from a distance.

It was not an explosive. The Japanese soldiers came to such a rational judgment that no one wanted to continue lying down.

It's just that I don't want it in my heart, but my body is very honest.

Almost as a reflex, all the Japanese infantrymen, including a captain with red eyes, crouched down again. Even though they had just crouched down, a thought flashed through their mind: It's just a pile of rocks, why would I crouch down there?

But, what if? The Art of War says: Make the real one empty, and the empty one real.

The Chinese have always had many tricks, and you can see it from the military books written by their ancestors thousands of years ago.

Moreover, maintaining sufficient vigilance is a battlefield rule that every soldier should follow, and it is clearly written in the Infantry Drill Manual.

Then, a group of Japanese collectively crouched on the ground again and watched those black things fall to the ground.

But this time everyone was prepared, crawling on the ground with extremely flexible dragon-like bodies to avoid those things that were definitely not rocks.

Because, it seems that the sense of gravity is not very strong. At the moment when the giant object fell to the ground, even the dumbest soldier felt that the movement of touching the ground was not consistent with its size.

What is this thing?

Soon, reality told them what it was.

There was a muffled "buzz" sound from those giant unknown objects, and a yellow cloud rose up.

Almost instantly, the yellow cloud expanded to a radius of more than ten meters, leaving no time for people to react.

All the Japanese soldiers' eyes widened instantly.

What did they see?

Of course, the yellow cloud was not a yellow cloud.

It was just an insect-like creature with countless wings, which flashed rapidly and made a heart-wrenching buzzing sound.

After being stunned for only 0.1 seconds, all the people on the hillside who saw the true face of the yellow cloud collectively ran away.

Cockroaches may make women scream, but what about bees the same size as cockroaches?

I'm afraid that men will run faster than women who see cockroaches.

The kind of "bees" that caught the eyes of the Japanese infantry should not have any connection with the term bees at all.

The size of a single bee is as thick as an adult's thumb, and the whole body is red and yellow with black stripes, which is somewhat similar to the colorful fur of the Siberian tiger. If they must be called bees, they should be the tiger among bees.

They are knowledgeable and can summarize. If the thick-browed and big-eyed man on the hillside knew that the Japanese would think so, he would definitely give them a thumbs up and praise them with such a summary.

That's right, this kind of bee that almost scared the Japanese to death has a resounding name in the mountainous area of ​​100 miles around Yeyue Village - Tiger Bee.

Just hearing the name of Tiger Bee is enough to make people's backs cold, but their other name is the existence that makes people's balls tremble.

Killer Bee!

Yes, this kind of wasp that does not make a living by collecting honey, does not live on trees or cliffs, but lives on the ground and builds a hive on the ground. The length of a single bee exceeds 2.5 cm. The scientific explanation is that it is called Diwofeng. Because of its terrible lethality, it has been given such a terrible nickname by the mountain people.

This kind of beehive likes to build its hive on the ground. Just hearing their food coming can make any creature tremble. They hunt all kinds of insects and even small birds in groups for food.

Yes, they are actually carnivorous creatures.

This kind of bee is not scary because of its large size, nor because its venom glands contain a lot of poison, and its sting is thick and powerful, not easy to fall off, and can attack repeatedly. These are not the reasons why they are called killer bees.

The most terrifying thing about killer bees is that there are up to thousands of soldier bees in a ground nest beehive, and they like to act together, especially with a strong sense of revenge. If one is attacked, they will often come out of the nest. Under the attack of thousands of ground nest bees, few creatures can escape their attack range.

What's even more amazing is that ordinary bees usually hibernate in groups when the temperature is low in winter, but this kind of ground nest bees will still go out of the hive to find food as long as the temperature is not lower than zero degrees Celsius. They are simply "special bees" in the bee world!

And how powerful are these special bees? The man with thick eyebrows and big eyes saw with his own eyes that a wild boar was chased and stung to death by the bees because it accidentally stepped on the beehive of the ground bee while foraging.

The wild boar skin, which was covered with rosin and mud like a set of armor and could not be broken even by the iron sand of the bird gun, was broken by the small tail needle.

As one of the animals that love honey the most, black bears love to dig out beehives and eat honey. Ordinary bees cannot penetrate their thick fur. Although the ground bees do not make honey, they still have royal jelly to raise their offspring.

But the mountain people here have never heard of a black bear daring to dig out the beehive of the ground bees. Even the black bears with the strongest single combat power in the mountains and forests keep their distance from the ground bees, so the power of killer bees can be imagined.

The only creatures in the entire mountain area who dare to provoke them are probably humans who stand at the top of the food chain.

Although killer bees are not good at collecting honey, it does not mean that they have completely forgotten the instincts of bees. They still need royal jelly to feed the queen bee and larvae. Perhaps because of their size, the quality of the honey they collect is much higher than that of ordinary small bees. Not only is it sweet, but it is also rich in nutrition.

Yeyue Village has a history of collecting Diwofeng honey for more than 150 years. Those royal jelly that are collected almost at the risk of life are either used to supplement the body of weak children or sold outside the mountains for the villagers to exchange for living supplies for Yeyue Village, becoming one of the important sources of income for Yeyue Village.

Those bird guns, rifles, and bullets may all be contributed by killer bees.

The reason why Yeyue Village dared to touch the honey of such a terrible creature was because killer bees also had weaknesses. They particularly hated a smell, the smell of the juice of the tender buds of the Chinese toon tree. When they smelled this smell, they would quickly hide in the hive, not to mention approaching.

So, after Long Ying returned to Yeyue Village three years ago, he made full use of the weakness of killer bees and launched a century-long plan to "artificially breed" killer bees and develop the honey collection business of Yeyue Village.

With Long Ying's brain and the high value of killer bee royal jelly, if it weren't for the full-scale invasion of China by Japan, it would not take more than six years for Yeyue Village to embark on the road of getting rich by breeding.

Of course, at this stage, the concept of artificial breeding in Yeyue Village is still very primitive. In fact, it is to move all the killer bee hives that can be found within a radius of dozens of miles to the Sun Moon Valley, which is the main road guarding Yeyue Peak.

A hive is placed every few hundred meters, and then every three to five months, people are sent to harvest honey, which not only does not destroy the internal circulation of the hive, but also generates income and increases production for the village.

Whether the killer bees will kill each other for occupying territory and cause the bee colony to decrease sharply is not the main concern of Long Ying. Anyway, after three years, there are only six or seven left of the twenty or so beehives that were moved here.

As for why they moved to this place, and whether these hornets were used for defense purposes, what do you think?

Anyway, all the remaining beehives were thrown on the hillside artificially.

The leaves and stones thrown earlier are not the focus, but the royal jelly hidden inside, otherwise why did the Japanese infantry think it was sweeter than honey! That thing will be a supreme treasure in the future, and the Japanese will be worth a lot of money.

The reason why the thick-browed and big-eyed man went to so much trouble was that he always worried that the killer bees had a good "eyes" and a sensitive sense of smell, but now he was afraid that they were not sensitive enough.

After talking about killer bees for so long, it is actually not as profound as the personal experience of the Japanese infantry who encountered nearly 20,000 killer bees on the scene.

Seven beehives, but nearly 20,000 thumb-sized killer bees rushed out of the beehives frantically. Their sensitive sense of smell allowed them to smell the smell of the nutrients that their queen had worked so hard to "pull out".

However, the nutrients were not in the beehive.

Therefore, the killer bees, who were naturally irritable, suddenly became more irritable. Those two-legged creatures running wildly with the smell of honey were their first targets to attack.

The nearly 1.5 cm long sting that popped out from the tip of their back seat was their characteristic that proved their irritability, nothing else.

Of course, the Japanese invaders would not sit and wait to be attacked by a group of "bees". The more aggressive ones took off their military uniforms and waved them desperately at the swarm of killer bees that pounced on them.

"Tsk tsk, this is a group of ruthless people! They dare to fight them?" The thick-browed and big-eyed man who had escaped to the top of the mountain along the path hidden under the bushes earlier was full of admiration.

If he encountered this situation, if he wanted to survive, he had to run to a crowded place. Whoever was stung to death would be stung to death, as long as it was not him.

And how many or dozens of bees can be killed by waving clothes? Okay, even if one person has great luck and kills a hundred bees, killer bees are typical group players, and at least hundreds or even thousands of bees will be killed...

Sure enough, after a few swings, even the fiercest Japanese invaders will scream and cover their faces and run around.

Anyone who has been stung by a bee knows how painful it is to be pierced by a thin tail stinger, not to mention being pierced by dozens of bee stings that are so thick that they can be seen with the naked eye?

No one can resist that kind of pain.

It is almost visible to the naked eye. Big lumps quickly appear on the faces of the warriors who dare to fight against the "evil bees". The warriors roll on the ground with their heads and faces in pain, but the vengeful killer bees often send a group to chase them.

Until the screaming human can no longer move.

The poison in the killer bee stinger does not need to be much. A few dozen stings are enough to paralyze an adult human and eventually kill him.

This is not the most desperate thing for the Japanese army with a head full of butter and honey.

Rather, the Chinese simply interpreted the spirit of "killing him while he is sick" to the extreme. Not only did the sound of rifles continue to ring, but there were also machine guns.

"Da Da Da" the crisp sound of continuous long bursts of gunfire rang out, and clouds of blood mist exploded in the Japanese army who were frantically avoiding hornets.

Despicable, too despicable.

But the despicable Chinese chose a terrible time.

And for the dozen riflemen on the mountainside, this was simply a feast for hunting. The Japanese soldiers in the attack range of the hornets almost lost their ability to fight back, and were even forced to expose their bodies.

They finally had the opportunity to show off the training that the cottage had spent a lot of money on. In the previous chaotic battle, their results were not great, but now, they could shoot as they pleased. The hillside that was hundreds of meters long was full of running targets.

The only regret was that although the Japanese were confused by the killer bees, they still had a sense of direction and basically ran down the hillside, which made them still not reach the peak of the fun.

But in just one minute, at least a dozen Japanese soldiers were shot and killed, which was enough to be proud of.

That was civilians against regular troops! They were not even militiamen.

However, the Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain were not vegetarians. Even though their colleagues on the hillside suffered such a disaster, they were also terrified to see a group of stupid companions running wildly with crazy hornets. They needed to carefully change their positions, but they still suppressed the areas on the mountain that dared to shoot.

At least three riflemen were shot and killed by the Japanese in the riot caused by killer bees.

But Shen Laoliu on the left wing mountain also found a good opportunity. He fired ten bullets in one breath, and five Japanese soldiers died. The 92 heavy machine gun shooter was replaced again, and two light machine gunners and two sergeants were also killed.

Zhang San's machine gun once again showed its power and carried out a round of almost massacre-like shooting at the Japanese soldiers running wildly on the hillside.

More than 10 Japanese soldiers fell under his machine gun. Even if they might eventually be stung to death by killer bees, Zhang San always felt that it was safer to kill them with bullets.

The Japanese army frantically hid in the mountains and bushes. That was actually a good method. They could avoid the bullets from the hillsides on both sides. The dense bushes could easily catch the wings of killer bees, and the killer bees' rampage was also curbed.

But they still hovered in groups over the bushes, as if waiting for the "enemy" covered with honey to show up.

Pieces of pale yellow "clouds" gathered over the mountains and forests, and people couldn't help but feel cold all over when they saw it!

Not only the Japanese army, but also Shen Laoliu and the others were the same.

If they were in the same place, if they encountered such a strange attack, they would have to thank God for the lumps all over their bodies!

At least a dozen Japanese soldiers on the hillside were stung to death by the swarms of wasps. They seemed to be able to move before, but now they are probably dead.

This was less than two minutes.

That is to say, in this wave of "biological bomb" attacks, not counting the Japanese soldiers stung by killer bees, there were more than 40 Japanese infantrymen killed by killer bees and by the military and civilians on the hillside who took advantage of the chaos. An infantry squad was gone.

If there were a few more waves, let alone being able to stop this group of Japanese soldiers, it would not be impossible to wipe them all out.

It's just a pity that such "biological bombs" are disposable. Looking at the pale yellow mist returning to the hive, Shen Laoliu knew that this thing was no longer useful.

The Japanese would never let these guys have another chance to attack them. A grenade could completely solve the terrible creatures that got into the hive.

But if the Japanese thought this was called "taking advantage of his illness to kill him", they were wrong.

The real killer of Yeyue Village is that old cannon! Although the stone mortar cannon has no range and no sight, and it will explode after firing ten shots in a row, it is the only cannon in this place, with a caliber of more than 150 mm.

Compared with that, the Japanese 50mm grenade launcher is nothing!

Following Shen Laoliu's order, four villagers in bright clothes ran and jumped wildly on the top of the mountain!

Because of the threat of killer bees, more than 50 Japanese soldiers gathered in Area No. 4!


The old man in his sixties looked at his fellow tribesmen running wildly on the top of the mountain in the distance. One of them fell down suddenly, and then another person ran again. His old face showed pain. He raised the muzzle of the stone mortar high, adjusted it to the direction of Area No. 4, and roared.

"Boom!" As the gunner pulled the breech block violently.

A big black iron ball was ejected from the barrel and thrown towards the distant mountain in the form of a parabola!

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