Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1139 Battle of Qingshiyan (2)

3pm on September 11.

Shangguan Yun, the major of the 4th Battalion, walked to a position on the left wing of Qingshiyan and looked at it. The army major who had experienced the Battle of Songhu and the desperate battle of Sihang Warehouse could not help but look a little dim, because his extremely anxious, dry and peeling lips were cracked because of the subconscious action of pursing his lips.

A trace of blood was soaked on his lips.

In fact, the battle at this position, which he personally named "Menbolt", was too tragic.

A small hill with a width of less than 100 meters and an altitude difference of less than 130 meters, swallowed up his 6 infantry squads and a fire support squad in less than two days, which was almost the strength of an infantry company in the past.

For this reason, he even had to use 3 infantry squads from his two infantry platoons to supplement the position belonging to the first company last night. Unexpectedly, it was almost exhausted in less than a day.

The call from the first company commander Deng Ying was full of tears!

Shangguan Yun knows better than anyone who knows who Deng Ying is. Among the three infantry companies and one fire support company of the 542nd Regiment stationed in the Sihang Warehouse, Lei Xiong is the company commander with the strongest individual combat capability, Shangguan Yun is the one with the most tactical training, and Tang Li is the one who can get along best with officers and soldiers. But if we talk about the company commander with the most tenacious personality, it really is Deng Ying.

Like Lei Xiong, Deng Ying is not an academic. He is a typical soldier who rose from a sergeant squad leader to a second lieutenant platoon leader and then to a lieutenant company commander. As his name suggests, he is 1.75 meters tall, with a straight and heroic figure, but he is like a rock. He always talks less and does more, a typical doer.

On a battlefield in September of the Battle of Shanghai, Deng Ying led his infantry company to fight hand-to-hand with the Japanese army. He relied on the form of grenades stuck all over his body. Once he was stabbed and seriously injured by the Japanese army, he immediately used his last strength to pull the grenade.

From the company commander to the privates, no one was exempted. They emptied the grenade boxes of the entire infantry company in the form of hand-to-hand combat.

In that battle, Deng Ying's subordinates only died, no one was injured, but they fought back the successive attacks of two Japanese infantry squadrons with an infantry company. After the war, the casualty ratio with the Japanese army was almost 1:1, which was almost a miracle at the time.

Such a tough infantry company commander cried when he asked for reinforcements, which shows how fierce the battle was on the "Bolt" position.

So, taking advantage of the interval between battles, when the battalion's cooking platoon delivered lunch to this position, Shangguan Yun, who took off his military rank, wore a steel helmet, and was not much different from an ordinary soldier with a serviceman, decided to come and see this position with his own eyes.

As a result, it was not a big deal to see it, but Shangguan Yun almost cried himself.

After two days of fighting, Qingshiyan had been turned into a scorched earth! The few bushes and dwarf trees on many positions were blown away by the Japanese artillery fire, and the special geology of Qingshiyan made them basically bare.

But many fortifications built with stones, wood and sandbags were still there, and some positions even had barricades in front of them, which were still burning even after being ignited by the Japanese artillery fire.

But the "door bolt" position in front of us was bare. The trenches that the engineers had previously used explosives to blast and dig on the rocks were like being torn apart by an invisible big hand, and they were in tatters. Some gaps could still be filled with sandbags and wood, but more positions were directly filled with corpses...

There were "shit yellow" and dark blue, and the rocks were scattered with broken black things everywhere. A mature soldier almost didn't need to look at them.

Under the destruction of bullets, grenades and even artillery shells, living people could be torn into pieces, not to mention those "fortifications"!

That was obviously a helpless move by the officers and soldiers on the battlefield, but it was still like a sharp bayonet, piercing Shangguan Yun's eyes red.

Especially after approaching, he saw a hand stretched out from the "fortification" alone, with a blackened copper ring on the middle finger of the hand.

Shangguan Yun had been holding back tears for a long time, and the tears came down in a flash. He squatted down, gently grasped the palm that was swollen and blackened like ice, and roared hoarsely: "Where is Deng Ying! Let him roll over here. I brought my brothers here with great difficulty. It is true that we kill the devils, but we don't want to be used as wood and bricks even after death."

The palm was deformed, but he recognized the ring.

After the battle of Sihang, everyone was locked up in the barracks where supplies were not guaranteed. There were only 280 people in total. Even if they were new recruits who came in later, they were familiar with it.

The owner of this ring is a soldier from Hubei Province, from Xiangyang City in the northwestern mountainous area of ​​Hubei Province. He was supplemented by the Hubei Province Security Corps in the late stage of the Battle of Songhu.

And because of the supply problem, the 280th soldier took out his personal property to sell and exchange for supplies for the entire battalion. Even Captain Xie took out the gold pen that his wife gave him, but when it came to the small-statured Hubei Province Xiangyang soldier nicknamed "Dog", he refused to give a penny.

If you say that he doesn't have it, it's fine, but the small-statured soldier is wearing a gold ring on his hand, and he refuses to give it up. He is also a soldier in his company, so naturally he can only let him, the company commander, do the work.

But in the end, he, the company commander who has been promoted to major, couldn't get the ring from the small-statured Xiangyang soldier.

It's not that the small-statured soldier is tough, but that the ring is not gold, silver, or even copper, but a piece of iron. When he went to the army, his mute mother, who was born deaf, spent a night grinding it with her hands and hammering it with a stone to make a round ring.

Why use a ring instead of something else? It’s not a custom, it’s just that the family was too poor to find anything decent for the child to wear, and the mute mother couldn’t speak, so she made up such a thing by herself and put it on her son’s finger. superior.

Maybe it's because I hope he'll be safe after this, or maybe it's because I hope he can get married and have children in peace.

My mother's thoughts are nothing more than these two.

'Gouzi' was young, and when he arrived in the big city of Jiangxia, he was afraid that others would laugh at his ring because it was made of iron, so he got some brass powder and dyed it golden, so that people would mistake it for gold.

Shangguan Yun always remembers what Gouzi said: "Company Commander, this ring was given to me by my mother. I don't know if it's worth it, but I beg you to let me keep it. I can keep it for two days. No, Not eating for three days.”

How much can an iron ring be worth? Shangguan Yun naturally would not embarrass this little soldier under his command. This time when the 4th Battalion was reorganized, he was specially cared for and made him the bugler of an infantry platoon. He was the soldier responsible for blowing the charge bugle and also had a part-time job. Signal Corps.

Unexpectedly, he did not die on the Songhu battlefield, nor in the Sixing Warehouse, but in North China, and his remains were filled in the fortifications.

His mute mother could no longer look forward to having her son back.

Tell me, how could Shangguan Yun not be angry after witnessing all this?

"Batalion Commander, why are you here? It's too dangerous here. The Japanese may attack again at any time. Let's go, go quickly!" Fan Mobei, who personally led his deputy company commander and also served as the platoon leader, crouched. Deng Ying, who rushed over, was shocked when she saw Shangguan Yun squatting in the dilapidated trench.

Without any explanation, he and Fan Mobei prepared to take Shangguan Yun away with one hand and one hand.

"Bastard, I'm asking you, if the dog dies in battle, he dies in battle, but why don't people carry him down? Your Deng Yingteliang's will be brought to the military court." Shangguan Yun glared at the commander of his company. .

Deng Ying was stunned and squatted on the ground, unable to speak for a long time!

"You're so stupid, but you've given me a reason. As long as you, Captain Deng Dal, say this, even if no one is without supplies, I, the battalion commander, can help you build a few fortifications if I go to chop down trees and dig out rocks!" Shangguan Yun Seeing that Deng Ying didn't speak, he became even more angry.

"Battal Commander, don't blame our company commander. This is our 2nd Platoon's voluntary choice." Seeing that he could not escape, Fan Mobei could only take out a dirty piece of paper from his arms.

Shangguan Yun took it over and took a look, and became as silent as his company commander.

"I voluntarily use my useless body to protect my comrades after my death! No regrets!"

Except for this sentence written in charcoal, the dirty paper was covered with bloody handprints.

"This is signed by the remaining 30 brothers who were in line during the roll call last night, as well as the brothers from the three classes who came to support today." Fan Mobei placed his fingers on the first fingerprint.

"Battal Commander, look, these are the fingerprints I pressed."

Then, he put the paper against the finger with the ring, and gently printed one of the fingers on it, with a trembling voice: "This belongs to Brother Gouzi. He even told me specifically that if he really died in the battle, This body of flesh will be burned to ashes, so it is better to block the bullet for the brothers and don’t send the ring back, just let him wear it. Even if he goes underground, he can still think about his mother.”

"Why is this so!" Shangguan Yun's anger disappeared, but his throat could not help but choke.

The Army Major was very sad, sad that even though his soldier was dead, he still had to stay on the battlefield until he was shattered into pieces, as if this person had never existed.

But he was even more proud of the soldiers under his command. He believed that perhaps there were soldiers in the world who were stronger than his 4th Battalion of the Si Xing Regiment, such as the three infantry battalions that ranked before the 4th Battalion in the regiment. They were composed of The record of fighting a bloody path on the Songhu battlefield is unparalleled.

However, Shangguan Yun believes that no one in the world wants to prove that he is not a coward more than his brothers, and even fear like death cannot stop them.

Because two-thirds of his 4th Battalion had stayed in Japanese or Western prisoner-of-war camps. They ate food that even pigs would not eat, were physically and mentally abused, and even had to encounter their own race. Scorned by others, struggling to survive.

The Four Elements Group gave them a platform to prove themselves again. Living is not that important. What is important is to kill the Japanese.

Even if he dies, he must use his flesh and blood to block the Japanese guns!

"Battal Commander, you don't know, the Japanese offensive in the past two days has been like crazy!" Fan Mobei shook his head in pain, pointing to the gaps in the fortifications that seemed to be torn open by invisible hands.

"Those holes were not blown up by artillery, but were made by the Japanese with explosive bags. We had no time to block them with anything else. But if they were not blocked, the Japanese heavy machine guns would aim at this place and cover us with firepower." If you cannot maneuver in the trenches, you will be separated by the Japanese sooner or later. If a position is lost, the lives of all brothers will be handed over here. "

It turns out that the reason why this position is called the 'doorbolt' is that this position has the gentlest terrain compared to the entire Qingshiyan. As long as this position can be broken through, the entire Qingshiyan position will almost be open to the Japanese army.

Shangguan Yun attached great importance to this position and specially gave it to Deng Ying's company to defend. This was because he believed that Deng Ying would be able to live up to his trust.

Through unremitting observation for most of the day, Kuyeda Shiro also set his sights on this area.

Therefore, on the afternoon of the first day when the battle began, the Japanese army invested 8,000 troops in the Qingshiyan position, which was thousands of meters wide, but only less than 200 troops were invested in the 'door bolt' position.

In other places, strong attacks are used to test the firepower, even without hesitation to shed enough blood, but using free attacks on this identified breakthrough is more paralyzing!

Sure enough, the battlefield on the second day was completely different. Thousands of people were once again put into the attack. A complete infantry brigade was put into this position alone, and the attacks were repeated for up to 13 rounds throughout the day.

In the evening, the Japanese army used special attack teams crazily!

What is a special attack team?

I don't mean elite, but death squad!

While using at least a dozen heavy machine guns, more than twenty light machine guns and a dozen grenade launchers to provide crazy fire support, the infantry attacked wave after wave like a tide, taking advantage of the defenders' desperate firepower output to suppress it. The infantrymen at the front were carrying explosive packs, using the thick smoke on the battlefield as cover, crawling into a thirty-meter area, and then suddenly launched a charge.

These Japanese soldiers had no guns and only one grenade in each hand. After throwing the grenade, they ran all the way and were knocked down by the hail of bullets. Those who were lucky enough to survive rushed to the trench, lit the explosive pack and jumped into the trench.

The lethality brought by a five kilogram explosive package is comparable to that of a mountain artillery shell falling into a trench. Although such bombers have few chances of success, as long as there are a few successes, it is enough to cause irreparable damage to the trench.

Yesterday evening alone, five or six such bombers arrived near the trenches and detonated them, causing at least a dozen casualties among the defenders and destroying several trenches with rock bottoms.

And in this kind of battlefield where the fighting interval is only ten minutes at most, how can the defenders still have time to collect wood, stones and sandbags to block the gap?

This is the only last resort!

Fortunately, there were more wreckage left by the Japanese army on the battlefield. The defenders worked hard. While signing the volunteer form, they made loops with ropes and put them on the JIO wearing cowhide boots. For sandbags.

But the bodies of the dozen Chinese soldiers who died in the battle that day and night were never transported.

When the Japanese played this bomber trick, the Chinese soldiers on the 'Doorbolt' position were also furious. A total of nearly 110 people from 7 squads died on this position, more than 60 of them, and 20 were seriously injured. , now there are less than two infantry squads in the position.

In two days of fighting, his originally fully equipped 320-man infantry company suffered losses of up to one-third. In the past, it would have been basically disabled. Even if he did not withdraw from the battlefield, he still needed to rest.

But now, the Japanese troops are pressing down on the border, and the whole battalion is here. Behind them are the garrison, arsenal and their families. How can they rest and recuperate?

What's even more terrible is that it's not a matter of rest, but that the company is facing repeated attacks by nearly 2,000 Japanese troops. The other two infantry platoons are struggling to carry it on their own, so how can there be any extra troops to support the first platoon?

I don't know if the two infantry squads can survive this afternoon. The first platoon has always been the trump card of an infantry company. The sharp knife platoon in the hands of the company commander was just beaten away. Who would be heartbroken if they replaced it?

Otherwise, Deng Ying, who is famous for his tenacity, would not have asked Shangguan Yun for help with a strong cry.

Rubbing the red circles under his eyes, Shangguan Yun said nothing, but gently held the blackened palm, carefully removed the iron ring from the middle finger, and put it on his own middle finger.

"Batalion Commander, Gouzi said..." Fan Mobei couldn't help but want to remind himself of his commander.

Chinese people attach great importance to the concept that the deceased is the greatest, and his wishes during his lifetime will be helped to achieve as long as there are conditions.

Fan Mobei has already thought about it. As long as the brothers who are still here can survive, even if he takes away one of his hands, he will bury them in peace. Gouzi will definitely be able to take the ring that his mother gave him. Travel with peace of mind.

Deng Ying gently tugged at his subordinate, indicating that he should first listen to what his superior had to say.

"The dog is gone, but he is too young to understand what it means to be a mother!" Shangguan Yun stared at the iron ring on his finger. "The dead will eventually go on their way, but the living must have something to think about, right? What my mother wants is a son. As an elder brother, I can't give her my biological son back, so I will give her a group of adopted sons. "

He stretched out his palms towards the major and lieutenant, "Remember, after your company and platoon defeat the Japanese, as long as there is still one person alive, wear this ring and go to Gouzi's hometown, find his mother, kneel down and call mother when they meet. , Even if his mother cries, there is someone holding her at her knees, and she can still smell her son. "

Many years later, in a small mountain village in northwest Hubei, five soldiers wearing military uniforms with medals on their chests knelt in front of a thatched house and shouted to an old woman with gray hair in unison!

The old woman looked at the iron ring in the hand of the leading northern man and mourned silently!

There is a tomb on a high mountain!

This ridge is called Tiejie Ridge!





At this time, at the 'door bolt' position, Shangguan Yun transformed into a cook and sent steamed buns and rice soup into the position.

"Brothers, it's time to eat. Eat two more mouthfuls, drink a jar of rice soup, and then pee, and then you can fuck the Japanese all afternoon!" Shangguan Yun's encouragement was never lofty, but extremely simple.

"Haha! Sir, you are right, eat enough to kill the Japanese!"

The soldiers on the battlefield raised their helmets filled with rice soup and clinked glasses, cheering for victory and survival!

It was worth it. There were about a hundred of them, they repelled nearly 20 waves of Japanese attacks, and killed more than 400 Japanese invaders. It couldn't be worth it anymore.





ps: Fengyue came back last night, and drove 800 kilometers on the highway in one day. From today, 800 kilometers will be restored. Sorry brothers.

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