Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1141 Battle of Qingshiyan (4)

September 11!

Qingshiyan was still filled with the sound of gunfire!

A special meeting was also being held at the Dakouzi Town headquarters of the Four-line Regiment.

However, there were many people attending the meeting, including all the technicians of the arsenal, the skilled workers trained in the past six months, and all the militia forces except the guards.

As the highest-ranking officers in the Four-line Regiment, Lao Tantai and Xiao He were both standing on the high platform of the main training ground of the Four-line Regiment. Next to them stood the platoon leader of the arsenal guards and several veterans who were leaning on crutches but were armed with guns and full of murderous intent.

"Dear colleagues and brothers, the news from the front is very bad. The total number of Japanese troops gathered on our front line has reached nearly 10,000, but the total number of our 4th Battalion is only 1,400. This is the telegram sent by the 4th Battalion Commander Shangguan Yun to me and Director He two hours ago..." Lao Tantai unfolded the telegram sent by Shangguan Yun and read it softly in front of the microphone.

Two loud speakers set up on the training ground played Shangguan Yun's farewell message. More than 1,300 people on the training ground were agitated at first, and then, under the pressure of the sharp eyes of the veterans in the team, they became silent.

The lieutenant platoon leader standing on the stage showed a bitter look on his face.

What can Tan Tai Yunshu and Teacher Xiao He expect from such a group of people? But what can he blame them for?

Among these 1,300 people, more than 200 were the proud children of heaven who were wantonly swaying their youth on the university campus a year ago. Their most powerful battle was not on the court, but in sweat; more than 400 were skilled workers recruited by the arsenal from Henan Province and Shaanxi Province through Boss Qian; the other 700 were still farmers wielding hoes and hatchets.

At the critical moment when the Japanese army was approaching and about to destroy everything, they were only a little restless and did not make other overly radical actions, which was already quite good.

However, it is probably difficult to rely on these people to accomplish what Teacher Xiao He advocated!

But it doesn't matter. As long as these soldiers have the opportunity to rest in peace with their comrades, it won't be too regretful.

The lieutenant platoon leader, looking at the restless and disappointed people in the audience, regained his determination.

"Now, there are two ways in front of us. One is to move all the equipment and materials that can be moved within four days and nights, as Captain Shangguan Yun said, and blow up those that we can't take away; the second way..." Tan Tai Yunshu's face was extremely serious.

"Commander Tan Tai, what do you say the second way is! Time waits for no one! Don't talk nonsense." A disabled old soldier from Sichuan in the crowd was obviously impatient and shouted.

"This second way was proposed by Director He, let Director He speak!" Tan Tai Yunshu stepped back and handed the microphone to Teacher Xiao He, whose round face was already full of determination.

"My fellow students, fellow workers, and comrades, I am He Zehui, born in Suzhou, and studying at Yenching University. When I was a student, I made a vow to design the most powerful weapons to protect China from being bullied by foreign races.

For this reason, I applied for the mechanical department of the top university in the German Empire and the best tutor, but the war had burned to my motherland, and the road to study was cut off. I once thought that my ideal was aborted, but fortunately, I met the Four Lines Group.

Here, although I was unable to design the most powerful weapons as I dreamed of when I was young, the firearms and ammunition I designed were just machine guns, rifles, pistols, and even small bullets, but I was also happy.

Especially Especially seeing the yellow-orange bullets being packed and transported from our factory production workshop to the barracks, I know that each bullet can kill the Japanese invaders, they will bleed and lose their lives.

This is what I, a so-called scientific researcher, have to do, and it is also what you are doing here. Although we cannot shed blood like the Chinese soldiers on the front line, it is also of great significance.

We are very ordinary, but many years later, our descendants will know that there is a group of people like us in the depths of such a mountain, and they will also pay high respect to us who do not know our names. "Teacher He stared at his students and workers, and said with a slightly delicate voice full of affection.

"Director He, will people in the future know us?" A young worker asked involuntarily.

"Haha! Of course I know, because in this great Patriotic War, China will definitely win, because we have soldiers like our Four-Line Regiment who are not stingy with sacrifice, and we also have technicians like us who work more than 16 hours a day.

Your bed is next to the production equipment, your dining table is at the door of the workshop, and your sweat drips on the operating table. All of this will not be forgotten by the Chinese in the future. Do you believe it or not, in just a dozen years, our Yadong Arsenal may become a memorial hall, and there will be the names of everyone who has worked here." Teacher Xiao He answered firmly.

"That would be great, but it's a pity that we have to evacuate, and the Japanese devils are likely to blow up the cliff cave." The young worker was full of hope, but then his eyes were a little dim.

Everyone here knows that with their current manpower and material resources, it is almost impossible to move more than a dozen precision machine tools and dozens of various mechanical processing equipment and various materials weighing thousands of tons in 4 days. Moreover, there are also equipment from several garment and lime factories in Zhengcheng that have come to invest and build. It is almost an impossible task.

The various factories, dormitories, and some equipment and materials that took half a year of hard work to build were destined to be bombed.

From then on, the Sixings Regiment Arsenal and several factories, large and small, not only became impoverished, but also suffered a serious loss of vitality. I don’t know when it will be possible to regain their vitality.

"We still have a chance. This is the second way I mentioned!" Teacher Xiao He's big round eyes suddenly burst into a frightening light.

“This war belongs to all Chinese people, not just Chinese soldiers. They do not hesitate to sacrifice or shed blood. Can we only live under the high wall they have built with their blood and lives?

At this critical moment, as Chinese, we can also run to the battlefield with our heads held high, stand in a trench with them, and tell them, brother, I'm here! "

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent!

At this moment, the second path chosen by Teacher Xiao He has become obvious. She advocates not retreating but advancing. Everyone here should put their guns on their backs and rush to the front line!

But can they?

Although they also have military training two afternoons a week, 90% of them have never experienced a battlefield. When the gunshots sound and the blood blooms on the bodies of their comrades around them, will they be frightened? Pee your pants?

On this point, not to mention that the thousands of people present would doubt themselves, even Tantai Yunshu and the lieutenant platoon leader were extremely doubtful, so they both had reservations and finally chose to let Teacher Xiao He do the mobilization in person.

What finally made them make this decision was Teacher Xiao He's words that moved them both.

"Leave the choice to themselves, there is often only a thin line between bravery and cowardice!" Teacher Xiao He said firmly.

"Of course, the reason why I proposed this second way is not just because I hope that we can keep our own glory, but because we actually have no way out. The main force will not return until at least ten days later. The 4th Battalion sacrificed all its troops. The lives of 1,400 people can only be saved for 4 to 5 days. How far can we run in the mountains carrying all kinds of heavy equipment?

Also, there are so many military relatives and villagers in Dakouzi Town. Even if some people can escape, all the houses and daily necessities will be burned by the Japanese. How will tens of thousands of people survive this cold winter?

Retreating will only save all of us here and less than half of the folks in Dakouzidong Town. If we have the courage to work hard, many of us here may lose our lives, but we can definitely save the lives of more people and the necessities of life! "Teacher Xiao He continued.

"But Director He, are we just going to fight the Japanese with rifles?" A young militiaman raised his old-fashioned rifle with some anxiety.

Most of the militiamen issued were Hanyang-made and Type 38 rifles, which are also commonly used firearms for their daily training.

"Little brother, don't forget, there is a director of the arsenal here, and there is also the director of the Ordnance Department of the Fourth Army Regiment. The inventory of the arms warehouse of my Fourth Army Regiment can make even German weapon masters drool with envy." Teacher Xiao He smiled.

"Teacher Tantai said that Tang Tuanzuo and Company Commander Tantai chose to go to the battlefield. That is their military duty, and most of the people here are not soldiers. He has no right to issue military orders to you, he can only request! Then! Teacher Tantai, Lieutenant Chu Shaoyun and I, the temporary headquarters, are making a request to everyone here, asking some of you brave people to join us and go to the front line to support our brothers!" Teacher Xiao He's big eyes said, With tears in her eyes, she bowed deeply on the stage.

"If you are willing to wait with me, stand on the left side of the training ground and come closer to me!" The lieutenant platoon leader strode forward and jumped off the stage with a loud sound like a bell.

"Haha! Don't worry, brother Shaoyun, I'm here! I can finally go to the battlefield again. I'm so excited that I'm blinded." A veteran who was missing an entire arm walked out of the queue.

First, he saluted Lao Tantai and Teacher Xiao He on the stage with his remaining arm, then ran all the way and stood up straight in front of the lieutenant platoon leader.

"Young Lao Lan, can you run fast just because you have two legs?" Several veterans on crutches walked out of the team.

Salute and return to the team!

In less than a minute, more than 90 veterans gathered in front of the lieutenant platoon leader. None of them was intact, either missing an arm or a leg.

There was even one who lost both forearms, leaving only two bare arms!

"Old Long, you are so stupid that you have no arms and can't even fire a gun. You are here to join in the excitement of a ball game. Hurry up and get out of here with those little bastards. You might still have a chance to help me collect corpses and burn paper or something." A veteran Cursed.

"Get off your grandma's lap. I can't shoot, so why can't I carry a bullet box and pull an explosive pack? Do you bastards believe it or not? I tied two explosive packs one after the other, pulled the grenade string, and brought There are more little devils leaving than all of you put together." The old soldier with the broken arm glared, showing his big yellow teeth.

There were two unscrewed grenades strapped to his shoulders near his neck. The fuses were right next to his mouth, and they could be bitten by tilting his head.

If two more explosive packets are hung, it will really be a large bomb comparable to a heavy artillery!

"You are such a bitch, why don't you live to beg for a guest, have a few more babies, and watch them grow up?" A veteran must also be his old comrade. Seeing his old comrade so determined, he couldn't help but choke up in his throat. .

The Four-Line Regiment actually gave these disabled veterans a high pension. With the bonus for killing the enemy, each veteran here had at least 200 yuan on hand. With this money, it was not difficult for him to find a wife when he returned home, even though he was disabled.

"Hehe, you bastards, how could I not know about those petty ideas? You just want me to burn paper for you and pour some wine for you during festivals. I won't do such stupid things. You are all dead. I can't take care of you alone. Let's go downstairs and have a drink with the King of Hell!" The old soldier grinned happily.

"You are right! Okay, let's go together!" The old soldiers were also very open-minded and laughed.

"Teacher, as the saying goes, a teacher is a father for life! How can we disobey the orders of our parents? We are here!" Fang Shiheng, the former vice president of the Jinling University Student Union, stood in front of the team and saluted his two teachers.

After the battle outside Jinling, Fang Shiheng, who witnessed the cruelty of the war, was no longer the kind of proud child who lived in his imagination. He became more pragmatic. His growth was also seen by Tang Dao, who gradually entrusted him with important tasks. He has served as the head of the personnel and publicity department in the arsenal, which is second only to the deputy director.

At this moment of choice, this proud child did not live up to the trust of his two teachers and Tang Dao. After saluting, he turned back and ordered loudly: "Classmates, comrades, brothers, turn left and march in unison!"

The technicians turned left together and marched forward!

After nearly half a year of military career, these proud children have already looked like soldiers, including firmness!

On the field, only a few technicians were left standing there at a loss!

After all, at this moment of choosing their own destiny, not everyone can be so brave, no matter where.

Fang Shiheng looked back and saw this scene. He sighed slightly, but did not say much. He continued to lead his classmates and comrades forward firmly until he reached the veterans' line and stopped!

"Teacher, I'm sorry! But I'm really scared. I'm scared when I shoot!" A girl said to Teacher Xiao He who walked down the platform with a thick crying voice.

"You guys, don't be ashamed. This is not your job. Pack up your personal belongings and try to evacuate as many villagers as possible!" Teacher Xiao He gently comforted the students who stayed in place.

"Damn it, people die and their eggs fall to the sky. How can we, the big brothers, watch our little brothers and sisters die to fight for our lives? Brothers, let's go and taste what it feels like to kill the devils." A strong man from Henan Province shouted loudly.

This man should also have some appeal. More than 20 workers also followed him to the left.

"We can't let the people of Henan Province take the limelight! The Japanese are almost at the edge of the Yellow River. We must defend Taihang Mountain. There are no cowards in Guanzhong!" Nearly fifty people walked out of the workers' queue.

The workers of the arsenal are basically divided into three parts, mostly from Henan, Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces. Usually, they are naturally divided into small hills according to their hometowns. Seeing that Henan Province took the lead, the workers of the other two provinces also became anxious.

Yes, they are peddlers and hawkers, who have never been to school and have no culture, but Chinese traditional culture has actually been deeply rooted!

Death is a small matter, but the face of the hometown cannot be lost, otherwise there will be no way to get along in the future.

Including the stimulated militia, it took about five minutes, and the number of people standing in front of Lieutenant Platoon Leader Chu Shaoyun was as high as 1,200, accounting for 80% of the number of people present.

This number exceeded the expectations of the three people in the temporary command center. They originally thought that it would be good to have half of them.

Perhaps, it was not only the fearlessness of the veterans and student soldiers that infected them, but they also knew the key point that Teacher Xiao He said, "Under an overturned nest, no egg can remain intact." Once the defense line was breached, Dakouzidong Town would become a living hell. The severely damaged Japanese army would not let go of any creature belonging to China in this area, not even a dog!

If they want their families to live, they have to fight hard and risk their own lives!

"Okay, since the brothers have made their own choices, I, Tan Tai Yun Shu, cannot promise you anything, but I can promise you on behalf of Director He and Lieutenant Chu that the three of us will fight with you until the last man. If you live, we live. If you die, we die too!" Old Tan Tai took the steel helmet handed over by the person next to him, inserted the Black Star pistol into the gun bag on his waist, and issued a military order: "Open the regiment armory and take out all the anti-tank guns, infantry guns, rifle grenades, light machine guns..."

Kumida Shiro on the Qingshiyan battlefield may never have dreamed that the enemy in front of him not only did not run out of troops, but instead added 1,200 new troops after this afternoon.

What's more terrible is that after Tan Tai Yun Shu took a gamble to open the armory, the last trump card of the Four Lines Regiment was forced to be revealed.

In order to ensure the mobility of the main force, and because the 12.7mm heavy machine guns and 20mm machine guns can hit tanks, the Four Lines Regiment has all the 37mm anti-tank guns in stock, up to 24 guns!

There are still 18 Japanese 70mm infantry guns that have been eliminated, and 120 Czech-made ZB26 light machine guns that have been replaced, as well as 200 American-made Browning grenade launchers that have not yet been fully equipped to the entire regiment!

With these light and heavy firepower, combined with some light weapons, it is completely possible to build another infantry brigade, not to mention arming 1,200 people.

At this desperate moment, Lieutenant Chu Shaoyun, who was the real military commander in the garrison, made a military organization that was considered crazy by Tang Dao.







ps: Please vote for the monthly ticket, everyone, please vote for the monthly ticket again! It has fallen out of the top ten in the military channel, how can Feng Yueqing feel embarrassed!

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