Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1145 Flower War!

"Teacher, did we win?"

This was the first sentence Fang Shiheng said when he opened his eyes, felt the warm sunshine, and saw the relieved smile of Teacher Xiao He.

"Yes, we won!" Teacher Xiao He nodded and confirmed the student's question.

As a former leader of the Student Union and a backbone of the arsenal, Fang Shiheng showed enough courage to take responsibility in this battle. He was still stubbornly shooting with his ammunition hand despite being wounded several times, until he fell down with a bullet in the chest.

It was when Teacher Xiao He saw the seriously injured and unconscious student that he said the famous saying with tears in his eyes, and took over the light machine gun left by the three-person team and emptied the last four 20-round magazines.

Fortunately, the bullet that hit Fang Shiheng miraculously avoided the heart and aorta. Fang Shiheng, who was supposed to be placed in the corpse queue, was found to be breathing weakly. After being bandaged to stop the bleeding, he miraculously woke up in the early morning.

How could Teacher Xiao He, who had been worried about him, not be relieved?

"What about Yuan Ren and the others?" Fang Shiheng instinctively asked the students who fought side by side with him.

Teacher Xiao He's smile froze on her face, and tears flashed in her round eyes!

As the supreme commander of this team, she should not be so fragile, but those lying there are all her students!

Those young people who studied hard and asked questions actively in the classroom, those young people who passionately expressed their ideals on campus, have now become cold corpses. As their teacher and leader, how can Teacher Xiao He not be sad?

Fang Shiheng, who was hit by two bullets and four grenade fragments and was in great pain, did not shed tears, but when he saw tears in his teacher's eyes, two bean-sized tears quietly slipped from the corners of the eyes of this student leader who had experienced the tempering of war, and fell hard on the grass under the stretcher.

Without sacrifice, there is no victory!

The cruel battlefield once again verified the famous saying of Tang Tuanzuo!

Although they almost completely wiped out a Japanese light infantry battalion that entered Erdaoliang, this "miscellaneous army" armed with heavy firepower also suffered heavy losses.

100 light machine guns almost used up all the bullets they carried, with less than 10,000 rounds left, and less than 20% of the ammunition for rifle grenades, which means that the light machine gun company and the rifle grenade company are almost out of combat effectiveness!

But what is even more sad is the loss of personnel!

Since the Japanese army has no heavy firepower, the most destructive ones are only grenade launchers and light machine guns, as well as three Type 92 heavy machine guns that were blown up by rifle grenade concentrated fire at the beginning of the war.

That was also one of the best masterpieces of Lao Tantai, who was responsible for personally commanding the rifle grenade company's operations. It was under his order that in the first minute before the start of the war, the rifle grenade company assembled three rifle grenade squads to concentrate fire on the Japanese heavy machine gun positions.

More than 150 grenades were fired wildly, and three heavy machine guns and their shooters were blown to pieces. If not for this, if three Type 92 heavy machine guns were allowed to fire, the losses might be 30% higher than now.

However, even so, the "miscellaneous troops" who participated in the battle still lost 76 people, 189 people were seriously injured, and more than 200 people were slightly injured.

Among them, 13 student technicians were killed and 28 people were seriously injured, almost reaching half of the technicians who participated in the battle.

Originally, technicians were mostly assigned to anti-tank artillery companies and infantry artillery companies, and there were not many rifle grenade and light machine gun companies. It was not to protect anyone, but the technicians were more familiar with the performance indicators of artillery. In order to prevent the workers and militia from having ideas, a group of student soldiers represented by Fang Shiheng took the initiative to choose to enter the two more dangerous companies.

They were very brave. 80 people joined the battle on the front line, 13 died and 28 were seriously injured. The casualty rate was more than half, far exceeding the larger number of workers and militiamen. It was under their brave leadership that the two companies killed like crazy and finally won the final victory of the battlefield covered by firepower.

However, when the returning Tang Dao walked in front of the dozen piles of fresh soil that were eventually transported back to the Martyrs Cemetery for burial, he lingered for a long time and was reluctant to leave!

Tang Dao knew that the decision of the two teachers and Chu Shaoyun was right. If the more than 1,000 Japanese troops were allowed to bypass the rear wing of Qingshiyan, although it would not immediately cause the collapse of the Qingshiyan defense line, Qingshiyan would never have the opportunity to hold on until Niu Er and others arrived, and the survival of the entire 4th Battalion would be zero!

Although the Japanese army may not have the opportunity to hunt down all the personnel evacuated into the mountains, the station that took half a year to operate will definitely be bombed into ruins, which will also be a heavy blow to the Four Lines Group.

They succeeded, using a surprise force that neither the Chinese nor Japanese commanders had planned, with more than 200 casualties, to help the Qingshiyan defense line defend the rear wing, buying time for the arrival of reinforcements.

In the history of war, it was definitely a brilliant battle!

However, Tang Dao also knew what the country had lost.

If there had not been this battle, the dozen or so students who died would most likely have become pillars of the country's scientific research community in a dozen or twenty years, and among them there might even be a figure who could be compared with the one who was evaluated by the United States as "one person can equal five divisions".

However, the glorious youth and bright future, because of this battle, all disappeared!

You say, is it worth it? Or is it not worth it?

It is precisely because of knowing the future that even Tang Dao, who is as open-minded as he is, has fallen into self-blame and guilt.

As Tang Dao's fiancée, Tan Tai Mingyue rarely saw Tang Dao blame himself so much, so she had to call her father to comfort him.

"Uncle, this is all my fault. I underestimated the Japanese. If I hadn't been so overconfident, they wouldn't have died. If they were alive, they would have had the opportunity to create much higher value than the entire Four Lines Group." Tang Dao sighed and sat down beside a tombstone.

That was a student named Feng Yuanren. Tang Dao was very familiar with him. He was born in a large Feng family in Hunan Province. He was not only from a prominent family background but also talented. Although Tang Dao didn't know what achievements he would make in the future, the Hunan youth who studied in the Department of Physics had an imagination and creativity that amazed Tang Dao. After Tang Dao proposed the design idea of ​​the rocket launcher, the Hunan youth prepared a rocket propulsion engine research group with the support of Teacher Xiao He and proposed the concept of solid fuel.

If nothing unexpected happens, his future is unimaginable! But now, all his talents have turned into smoke!

"Tang Dao, I know you are sad, but I don't want to comfort you. This is your responsibility as a superior and comrade-in-arms." Tan Tai Yunshu, who seemed to have aged a dozen years in the past month and whose hair had turned gray, gently stroked the wooden tombstone in front of him, just like patting the shoulders of students on campus in the past.

"I just want to tell you one thing. The people lying here are not only students of Jinling University and Tan Tai Yunshu, but also Chinese.

When foreign invaders invaded, we soldiers fought bravely and returned with our bodies wrapped in horsehide. We did our duty as soldiers.

And we Chinese people must not shrink behind soldiers and sit and watch soldiers build the Great Wall with their flesh and blood in the artillery fire of Japanese pirates. That is the Great Wall of China, not just the soldiers'.

So, that is also our duty!

Without the struggle of brave sacrifice, how can we talk about achievements and the future? Yuan Ren and others are just asking for benevolence and getting it."

The words were like a revelation, and Tang Dao suddenly realized!

Since he came to this era, he suddenly developed a sense of mission, as if he had to shoulder the entire responsibility of killing the enemy and defending the country.

But he seemed to have forgotten that this was his country, but not his country alone. The key to winning this war was to mobilize the whole country, just like in that time and space!






"What? A great victory in the rear, annihilating more than 1,000 Japanese troops?" Shangguan Yun, who received the news, was stunned. He asked a lieutenant infantry platoon leader sent to the rear for support several times before he really believed it.

"Send a telegram to the regiment headquarters. I want to ask the commander for credit for Director Tan Tai and others. If we can hold the defense line this time, the rear guard corps formed by the garrison should be the first credit!" Shangguan Yun's fair face flushed red because of extreme excitement. "In addition, inform the whole battalion that the enemy on my rear wing has been completely annihilated by our army, and the rear wing is safe!"

The morale of all the officers and soldiers of the 4th Battalion, who had been fighting for several days and were exhausted, was greatly boosted!

Shiro Kumieda, who had heard the sound of gunfire in the distance until midnight, had been looking forward to it all night, but he didn't receive the bad news until the afternoon of the 13th!

The light infantry battalion that bypassed the rear wing was ambushed by the Chinese side and suffered a great defeat. Chiori Baihui, along with 5 captains, squadron leaders and 16 lieutenants and second lieutenants, died in the battle.

Only less than 100 people escaped from the 1,400-plus army!

The reason why the Japanese army counted less than 100 people, while the Chinese side counted less than 1,100 people killed, was not because both sides didn't know how to count.

It was because there were too many gullies and bumps in the Taihang Mountains, especially in the extremely poor visibility at night, the Japanese army did not dare to light a fire, and in a panic, I don't know how many of them stepped into the deep ditch.

It would be fine if they fell to death on the spot, but they were afraid of breaking their arms and legs. Once they lost their ability to move, it was obvious what the result would be in such a desolate place.

With the end of the entire Dakouzidong defense battle, Shangguan Yun organized a small-scale reconnaissance operation to prevent the remaining Japanese troops from lurking. In the end, more than a hundred remains were found in many cliffs and piles of rocks.

After inspection, some of the remains showed signs of being eaten by wild wolves, but more of the remains had no other injuries except broken limbs or gunshot wounds. It was thought that they died of thirst on the spot after falling from a high altitude and losing their ability to move.

There was little rain in the Taihang Mountains in autumn. There was no rain for nearly half a month, so that many Japanese corpses had weeds in their mouths but could not swallow them. It is entirely possible to imagine their despair before death.

As for the nearly 100 people who disappeared, it was as if they had never appeared. In response to the war report that the Chinese side had made a big fuss in the newspapers sponsored by the Second War Zone, the 108th Division could only list these 100 people in the list of missing persons.

Until many years after the war, during a geological expedition to the Taihang Mountains organized by a certain university in China, a large number of human bones and weapon fragments were found in an uninhabited valley covered with bushes.

Finally, after identification of the nameplates and modern DNA testing, it was determined that nearly 100 corpses were left by the Japanese invaders.

Combined with the battlefield records of the Taihang Mountain area in the War History Museum, nearly 100 people who were listed as missing by the Japanese at that time were finally found.

But they were at least two infantry squads, how could they be wiped out in a small valley? Not to mention the Japanese, even the Chinese were a little confused.

In the end, it was the local elders in Taihang Mountain who gave the answer. The valley was called Snake Valley, which was famous for producing many precious Chinese medicines, but few people dared to set foot in it. There were too many poisonous snakes in it, so that when standing on the top of the peak and looking down in the early morning, it felt that the valley was steaming, and the faint fishy smell made people dizzy just by smelling it.

Thinking of it, nearly a hundred Japanese soldiers rushed into the Snake Valley at night in a panic. Facing the surging snakes, the weapons they carried were useless. In addition, the visibility was poor at night, so the whole group was wiped out.

The skeletons were covered by the bushes that grew day after day and year after year. Even if someone passed by by chance, they would not find it. It was not until more than 80 years later that they were discovered by a well-equipped scientific expedition team.

If the Japanese soldiers who fled the battlefield knew that they would die in this way, they might prefer to stay on the battlefield and fight to the death, which would definitely be much more pleasant than dying of thirst and starvation.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

The dead Japanese infantrymen were actually happy. At least they would not be forced to rush to the battlefield by the enraged Kumieda Shiro with a heavy machine gun supervision team like their colleagues, and then be swept down by a rain of bullets...

The support troops of the light machine gun company and the rifle grenade company, except for the wounded, were stopped by Shangguan Yun himself before they entered Qingshiyan.

As a commander, Shangguan Yun knew very well that the success of the Erdaoliang ambush was actually very accidental. There was an advantage in firepower coverage, but more importantly, the Japanese army was unfamiliar with the terrain and they lacked even a heavy firepower counterattack.

If these students, workers, and militia troops were allowed to rush to the Qingshiyan battlefield, the casualty rate would be absolutely outrageous.

Before the Qingshiyan defense line reached the worst case, he would never let these people go up to die easily.

So, under his insistence, the light machine gun company and the rifle grenade company handed over 70% of the machine guns and rifle grenades to Shangguan Yun, and the remaining personnel were equipped with rifles. Most of them went to transport the wounded back to the station, and a small part went to guard the anti-tank artillery company and infantry artillery company that had to detour because the road was blown up by Japanese planes.

In other words, after a fierce battle with the Japanese light infantry, the two companies turned into transport teams and handed over dozens of light machine guns and rifle grenades that had not been damaged to the front-line troops, successfully completing the historical mission of this "miscellaneous army".

At least that's what Shangguan Yun and others thought at the time.

And although the unexpected increase in light firepower could not directly dominate the battlefield, it definitely greatly enhanced the firepower output of the front line.

Shangguan Yun ordered that each infantry squad should add an additional light machine gun and a rifle grenade.

The specific use and when to use it are all decided by the squad leader.

Although the front-line infantrymen were all blood-thirsty, the squad leaders were all veterans, and they were absolutely old silver coins on the battlefield. They had been hiding these unexpectedly increased firepower until the Japanese army began to charge desperately, and then they moved them out and desperately output firepower!

Faced with the sudden increase of dozens of light machine gun firepower points and the overwhelming grenades, the Japanese army almost cried!

Is there still justice? Is there still the law? Why are there more machine guns the more they fight?

From the news that the light infantry battalion was finished to the sunset, it took only 3 hours, and the Japanese army actually launched a crazy six waves of strong attacks.

Among them, the "Bolt" position was still the main attack direction of the Japanese army. Under the command of Fan Mobei, less than 30 infantrymen continuously repelled five waves of Japanese attacks. In the last round of fighting, only 12 people were still able to fight on the position, and 6 people were seriously injured. The killing mad Fan Mobei was forced to use the "flowering war" tactic.

The so-called blooming war means that Fan Mobei gave up the edge of the position and huddled the remaining 18 people in the core position with a radius of only a few hundred meters above the position, like the core of a flower, and the surrounding of the position is like petals.

No matter from which angle, the Japanese army thought they were about to win this attack, as long as they finally annihilated a small group of Chinese army remnants located inside the high ground.

So, more than an infantry squadron and nearly 200 Japanese soldiers came from the three directions of the edge of the occupied position, vowing to kill the last dozen Chinese soldiers who were still resisting on this position where they paid more than 700 casualties.

Two minutes later, the confident little Karamis were stunned.

The ‘Bolt’ position, as the name implies, is a key position that locks the gate of the entire defense line, but it is actually a synonym for small.

The 4th Battalion had no more than 60 soldiers at its peak on this position, but the Japanese army suddenly poured in 200 people. It was like a popular tourist attraction in China in the future. During the peak tourist season, people were crowded and close to each other, but the distance between individual soldiers was never more than one meter.

On the battlefield, this was simply seeking death. A volley of bullets swept over, and it was like skewering human meat. At least five or six people would be shot.

At this point in the battle, the 12 people on the position who could still fight, including Fan Mobei, were either submachine guns or light machine guns, and at worst semi-automatic rifles. The sudden concentrated fire and shooting knocked the little Karamis to the ground.

But this is not the essence of the "flower war" tactic. The most important thing is to have mortars, 9 60mm mortars, 3 82mm mortars, and 3 80mm howitzers. At the moment when the signal flare hits the sky, all of them will cover the "petal" area of ​​the bolt position with artillery fire.

This is undoubtedly a life-and-death tactic. If one or two shells fall into the "flower core", the 12 Chinese officers and soldiers who can still fight and the 6 seriously injured will definitely die.

But in Fan Mobei's original words: "If you don't fight, you will die. If you fight, you can take more lives of the Japanese devils away. Whoever changes, will choose this!"

Fortunately, the infantry battalion of the Fourth Regiment was equipped with small-caliber mortars. Although it might not guarantee that the shells would hit within 10 meters, it could at least guarantee that they would hit within 30 meters, almost perfectly avoiding the "flower core". The shell closest to the Chinese soldiers also exploded 10 meters outside the trench.

200 small Karamis probably never dreamed that the Chinese would do this. They came to cover their positions with artillery fire when there were still people on their positions, and they were directly blown to pieces.

Two minutes later, as three red flares rose into the sky, the artillery fire stopped, and 12 Chinese soldiers rushed out with continuous-fire firearms. In the crazy stream of bullets, more than a hundred Japanese soldiers were driven out of their positions.

Nearly a hundred corpses were left on the positions!

The Flower War became famous in one battle!

Even after the tactic was passed on to the headquarters of the Sihang Regiment, the Third Battalion, which was responsible for defending the high ground on the flank of the main battlefield at Niangzi Pass, used it as many as four times. A wave of mortar fire put the Japanese infantry in a dilemma. Even if they really occupied the position, their balls would be shrunken.

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