Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1157 Isn’t this just a tractor?

Ogawa Yeyang was desperate!

Ever since the tank observation hole kept flashing with dazzling flames, even the Type 89 tank weighing nearly 20 tons was shaking in the surging air waves. As an old tanker who had served in the front-line troops for 4 years, he knew that the infantry was finished.

Even with fortifications, it was difficult to support such fierce artillery fire, let alone in a field.

As the commander of this tank team, Lieutenant Ogawa Yeyang did not make no efforts. He kept shouting in the wireless communication device to notify all the tanks in the team to retreat, trying to use armored cover to avoid this wave of artillery fire and successfully evacuate this battlefield that was like hell for the infantry.

But the tank lieutenant soon despaired!

The mountain road was blown off, and the 2-meter-deep crater was impossible for the Type 94 tank to pass through, and the Type 89 tank could only look at the crater and sigh!

All tanks can only maneuver in a limited area in order to avoid various types of shells that can only rely on luck and not strength!

Obviously, the Type 94 armored vehicle was not unlucky, but its body was too thin and light, which made it too light to resist the turbulent air waves formed by the 105mm howitzer shells. The body was overturned, like a turtle with its belly up!

The members who tried to escape from the armored vehicle were basically torn into pieces by the turbulent air waves, and very few were able to escape successfully.

Ogawa Yeyang tried his best to calm himself down and tried his best to comfort the members of the remaining two tanks that did not overturn to stay in the car.

As long as it was not hit directly by the 105mm howitzer, the 3-centimeter-thick armor of the Type 89 tank would be the safest protection!

If the Chinese had limited shells and there were still remaining infantry to protect and help pave the way, the remaining two Type 89 tanks would still have the possibility of evacuation.

Then, when the sound of the artillery gradually faded, Ogawa Yeyang looked out of the observation port. In the smoke-filled mountains and forests, the white shirts and dark blue that kept flashing had already announced what the outcome of the battlefield would be today.

"Captain, there are so many Chinese, what should we do?" The heavy machine gunner asked stutteringly.

The 89 tank miraculously survived the artillery fire, and the weapon system was not damaged. The two 7mm heavy machine guns and short-barreled artillery could be used.

But what made the four members of the Japanese tank very painful was that the tank was surrounded by craters. The tank was now like a bunker covered with steel armor!

"Car No. 12, is the weapon system intact!" Ogawa Yeyang tried his best to hide his inner fear, picked up the intercom in the car, and asked another 89 tank.

"Intact, can fight!" The trembling voice of the commander came from another tank.

"Turn the muzzle to protect the right wing of my car, don't fire first, and observe the direction of the Chinese attack clearly! We are fighting alone now!" Ogawa Yeyang knew that the only prerequisite for his survival was to stay calm enough.

Reminding Car No. 12 was to hope that they would save ammunition. After all, now they have to watch each other. If one is finished, the other will definitely not last too long.






"Oh! The little devils are going to fight to the bitter end! If they can hold out for five minutes, I lose!" Qian Dazhu, who was less than 150 meters away from the Japanese Type 89 tank, watched this scene and couldn't help grinning.

He was a novice in shooting at machine guns, but it was not the first time for him to shoot at tanks!

Not to mention that he could always transfer 20mm machine guns and 7mm heavy machine guns to fight these two Japanese tanks, even if he didn't use machine guns and heavy machine guns, and relied purely on infantry, he knew how to kill them, especially after these two tanks completely lost the protection of infantry.

The 7mm heavy machine gun equipped on the Type 89 tank was terrible, but it also had a range of fire, and there were too many blind spots. Now his infantry company and Yang Xiaoshan's guard company from the other side surrounded the two tanks 360 degrees without blind spots.

What's more terrible is that the two tanks can basically only maneuver in an area of ​​less than 100 square meters, which is completely a metal bunker.

"Two demolition teams, no need to use explosive packs, just use Molotov cocktails, roast the Japanese alive for me!" Qian Dazhu was actually not interested in tanks at all, and had no intention of seizing them.

After all, most of the Sihang Regiment fought in the mountains. This kind of iron lump was heavy and had poor mobility, and the short-barreled artillery it was equipped with was not powerful. Did they want to be driven around by everyone?

By the way, this thing was also fuel-consuming, and the regiment had to spend a lot of effort to snatch diesel from the Japanese. Why bother!

"Go ask the commander if you want to take it alive!" Yang Xiaoshan on the other side was much more cautious than Qian Dazhu.

Tanks are useless to the regiment now, but that doesn't mean they won't be in the future. Moreover, now is the time to fight the Japanese to the death, so who knows if they will be useful?

Soon, Tang Dao's order came: "Try to capture them alive!"

So, after waiting for ten minutes, Ogawa Yeyang and his seven subordinates, who had prepared various ways to die in their minds, never waited for the Chinese to attack. Moreover, from the observation port, the number of Chinese people around them became less.

The Chinese are not the only ones who understand that ‘there must be something wrong when things are out of the ordinary’, but even if they know, what can they do? The two tanks, like being stuck in a quagmire, can’t go anywhere. They can only wait, waiting for the Chinese to attack and then send them to Amaterasu.

Waiting to die is definitely the cruelest punishment in the world! But the Chinese are so vicious that they let 8 Japanese soldiers suffer in the tanks!

Finally, the battlefield is no longer quiet, and a voice suddenly sounded.

"Gentlemen, you have been surrounded. Stop resisting in vain and sacrifice your life for the nobles who launched a dirty war. It is not worth it!"

Less than 40 meters away from the Japanese tank, Kobayashi Koichi held a loudspeaker made of rolled iron sheets and shouted at the top of his lungs.

Pure Japanese can be heard throughout the battlefield!

"Are the Chinese trying to persuade them to surrender?" Ogawa Yeyang didn't react for a while, but then he realized that someone was speaking in his native language.

"Damn traitor, you are a disgrace to the Imperial Army!" Ogawa Yeyang's face turned red and he roared through the observation port.

"The shame of the Imperial Army? That is a title only given to the Imperial generals who made stupid command mistakes. Do you think it will belong to us little people who only deserve to be cannon fodder?" Kobayashi replied with a sneer.

Ever since he became a second lieutenant in the Allied Army, the former Japanese first-class soldier suddenly seemed to have enlightened himself.

In this war, the glory will not belong to them, the big soldiers, nor will the wealth and land. They, the big soldiers, will gain nothing but death and bringing sorrow to their families.

Ogawa Yeyang was speechless for a moment. He could not refute the words of the traitor opposite!

"It's useless to talk more. The heroic Imperial Japanese Army will never surrender. If you want to come, come!" Ogawa Yeyang replied firmly.

He didn't even look at the faces of the other three members in the car, because he knew too well that if he didn't say so, he wouldn't be able to control the fear in his heart.

The Chinese spent ten minutes of silence, which almost destroyed all his calmness and determination.

"Really? If you are unwilling to surrender, then see how you will die first! Maybe after that, you will make a wise choice." Kobayashi responded with a sneer again.

He used to be like this, but Tang Dao defeated all his persistence with just one decisive blow of the military thorn.

For those who experience it, death may be a matter of a moment, but for bystanders, seeing the tragic scene of twitching bodies and gushing urine is really shocking to the soul's defenses.

No wonder the old man often says that a ‘good death’ is the last and greatest luxury of mankind.

"It's just blasting with explosives. Gentlemen, before that, we can take away ten times more enemies. It's worth it!" Ogawa Yeyang turned around to encourage his three subordinates.

Even though the faces of the three Japanese riders were already white and white.

Then, Lieutenant Ogawa Yeyang's eyes froze as he looked into the distance through the observation port.

Several ignited glass bottles were thrown into the woods and smashed against a rock the size of a house!

"Boom!" The flames rose several meters high, and the flames surrounded the entire rock, burning violently.

Because they were at least thirty meters apart and blocked by tank armor, the Japanese soldiers in the car could not hear any sound. Only red flames jumped in the four pairs of holes.

"All of you will be roasted alive in the tank under the attack of such a Molotov cocktail! If you are lucky enough, I can guarantee that you will only be roasted to medium rare, and the fire will be extinguished by us!" Kobayashi Koichi The voice sounded again.

The gums of the Japanese soldiers watching all this in the tank began to fight. Regardless of whether it was medium-rare or very rare, wouldn't the Baga's food be cooked?

The thought of his own flesh and skin becoming fragrant would probably drive a normal person crazy with fear!

"I guarantee in the name of Chinese soldiers that if you choose to surrender, you will enjoy regular prisoner of war treatment. In this battle, our Fourth Army Regiment has captured nearly 200 people. They will become bargaining chips for our regiment and the North China Front Army." A metal The voice of quality suddenly came, and it was also in extremely pure Japanese.

"Who are you? Why do you give us a guarantee?" Looking back at the three subordinates with begging eyes, Xiaochuan Yeyang screamed in his heart. He knew that he had no intention of fighting anymore. Even if he ordered to fire, it might have already happened. Useless effort.

"I'm Tang Dao, now the leader of the Four Elements Regiment. Why do you think I'm here? I'm very busy here and don't have time to bother with you. I'll give you 30 seconds to think about it! In 30 seconds, our troops will launch an attack!" Tang Dao's impatient voice sounded.

This time, no one answered!

"Prepare to attack! Kill the little devil." Qian Dazhu, who was closely following him, gestured forward.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds

The tank's still roaring engine suddenly stopped.

The roof of the tank made a crisp sound, and a Japanese soldier got out of the tank with his hands raised.

Then, there was another tank.

Waiting until all eight Japanese soldiers got out of the tank, Ogawa Yoyo, who was wearing the rank of second lieutenant, also dropped the Nanbu Fourteen pistol worn on his waist on the ground, and there was a burst of cheers around the forest.

Hundreds of Chinese troops are certainly qualified to cheer.

Because, the ‘Secret Sting’ plan was a complete success!

They not only wiped out the Japanese artillery and defenders, but also captured 17 artillery pieces. They also wiped out all the Japanese troops who came back. Now, they have captured two Japanese 89 tanks!

Note, it is not destroyed, but captured! This is the first time in the entire North China battlefield that I heard that a intact tank was captured. Even if I don't need it, it's good to drive it back and take pictures to show off.

Especially when he was wearing a military uniform and sitting on a captured Japanese tank. Not to mention how handsome he looked. Isn’t it easy to take photos and send them back so that the family can say we are a family member?

"Can I see your Commander Tang?" Ogawa Yeyang suddenly asked a squad leader with the rank of sergeant before being taken away by the Chinese officers and soldiers who came over with guns.

"As a young second lieutenant, you are qualified to meet my platoon leader, and you still want to meet our regimental leader?" The sergeant glanced at Xiaochuan Yeyang's collar badge and answered him disdainfully.

"Those two tanks, you can't drive away without us." Ogawa Yeyang reminded himself of the importance with a red face.

"Really? We can't leave without you? Lieutenant, let's make a bet. If we can't leave, I will let the eight of you leave." Tang Dao strode over.

"Who are you"

Tang Dao was tall and tall, but no one saluted him along the way. Even the sergeant squad leader who stood in front of him only gave way but did not salute.

At first glance, he looked like a powerful guy, but he definitely didn't have the attitude of an army colonel commanding thousands of troops.

Therefore, even if the metallic voice sounded familiar, Ogawa Yeyang did not dare to recognize it.

"This is our regimental commander!" The sergeant introduced his prisoner with a proud look.

Not saluting on the battlefield is the military rule of the Four Elements Regiment, even if there is no threat around now.

"If we can't drive away, let us leave, but what if we can drive away?" Xiaochuan Yeyang took a deep breath and asked boldly.

Anyway, the current situation is already the worst. Even if we lose the bet, how much worse can it get?

Besides, you won't die if you ask.

"Then you or your colleagues should join the Allied Forces like Second Lieutenant Kobayashi Koichi!" Tang Dao replied with a blank expression.

"I will not work for the enemy!" Ogawa Yeyang refused.

"You are not working for me, China, but for your own country and nation. These are two concepts!" Tang Dao shook his head.

"I don't quite understand what you're talking about, but the premise is that your subordinates can drive these two tanks." Ogawa Yeyang changed the subject wisely.

Tang Dao laughed!

Pointing to two tanks not far away, "Second Lieutenant, I don't know whether you believe it or not. I've only seen such old antiques in museums before."

"Colonel, I've made this bet!" Ogawa Ye blushed with anger.

The Chinese don't even have tanks, but they are using a battlefield victory to ridicule the Imperial Army's backwardness of heavy equipment, just like a poor man who doesn't even have enough to eat laughs at the golden bowls in a rich man's home for not being delicious. This is really This is unacceptable to the senior tank commander.

"Come on, Sergeant Deng, let's take one car each and show this second lieutenant how the old antique moves." Tang Dao smiled faintly and waved behind him.

Deng Guihai, who joined the Sixing Battalion due to the defeat outside Jinling City and now serves as the sergeant and deputy squad leader of the mountain artillery company, came out.

This man was a senior tank gunner, and he also had the record of destroying two Japanese tanks in the Songhu Battle.

However, since he joined the Si Xing Regiment, mountain infantry regiments such as the Si Xing Regiment did not have tanks for him to practice, so he had to be forced to start as an ordinary artilleryman.

It just so happened that Deng Guihai was among the 160 artillerymen brought this time. When Tang Dao thought of capturing these two tanks, he immediately thought of him.

If you want to be a tank gunner, you have to know how to drive a tank. That is almost a necessary skill for every tank crew member.

Tang Dao and Deng Guihai each got into an 89 tank.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Chinese soldiers and eight Japanese soldiers, the two 89 tanks moved slowly after starting their engines. After going back and forth several times, the engine of the tank where Tang Dao was located suddenly roared violently and rushed towards a large artillery crater.

"This" Xiaochuan Yeyang's mouth twitched sharply.

He felt really distressed!

Of course, he didn't feel sorry for Tang Dao, the enemy, but for his car. He usually took good care of his old friend, even wiping the dust off the car in his spare time.

Now it is being controlled by someone like Xia Jiba. It is about to fall into the two-meter pit. With the off-road capabilities of the 89 tank, it is absolutely impossible to get up. The nearly 20-ton body cannot be pulled up by human power. of.

On such a battlefield, the steel behemoth that cannot be dragged or driven away can only end up being blown up!

As a result, the tank suddenly braked and used this force to make a U-turn.

Driving a tank to play drifting, Tang Dao has long been tired of the controls on the 59 tank. The Japanese 89 tank is older than that antique, and the controls are also simple. To be honest, it is not much different from driving a tractor.

The 8 Japanese tank soldiers were almost stunned by Tang Tuanzuo's sudden "arrogance", but the officers and soldiers of the Sixing Regiment were accustomed to Tang Tuanzuo's arrogance. In addition to the drones flying in the sky, the artillerymen and sharpshooters on the ground , machine gunner, what can’t Tang Tuanzuo do?

Now Tuanzuo Tang can drive a tank, and he is about to drive a tank to fight the Japanese. It is estimated that only a few officers at the regiment headquarters were dark-faced, but the majority of officers and soldiers were happy. The fact is that Tuanzuo Tang was If he suddenly said that he could only stay at the regiment headquarters and be the regiment leader, then they really couldn't adapt.

This is Tang Dao. No matter he is the platoon leader, company commander or battalion commander, he will always fight side by side with his brothers and kill the enemy no matter what, as he said!

In the hearts of the officers and soldiers of the Sixings Regiment, he is both a commander and a comrade-in-arms!

Ogawa Yeyang's face was bitter, not because he lost the bet, but because he knew how much damage these two tanks would cause to the rest of the division once the Chinese knew how to operate tanks.

The second lieutenant of the Japanese tank corps knew very well the power of tanks, and his worries were not groundless.

Today, the 21st Division, after losing two more infantry brigades, only has 12 mountain cannons and thousands of infantry and auxiliary troops. It is difficult to even protect itself, let alone attack.

Ogawa Yeyang is quite smart and can see the current battlefield situation clearly, but his vision is limited after all. He can only see what is in front of him, but not what is farther away.

The significance of these two tanks for the Taihang Mountains, which is not suitable for armored combat environments at this time, is not combat, but training.

China is not only a mountain, but also a rich plain.

The Japanese tactical concept of tank armored clusters is still in the First World War, while the German Empire at this time, under the guidance of Guderian, has already elevated the armored cluster combat concept to another dimension.

And these are just basic operations for the future little butterfly of Tang Dao!

4 kilometers away!

"The whole army retreats!" After hearing the fierce artillery fire from afar, Nagano Kameichiro, who had contacted two infantry battalions for 30 minutes without receiving any news, decisively issued a military order.

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