Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1160 Prelude to Death!

Headquarters of the 17th Division of Fululing. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

"Tang Da Tuanzuo, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd? You should tell me quickly!" The white-haired commander of the 17th Division was watching the arrival of his division headquarters through the path. He was not discussing the military situation but was still smiling and sipping tea. Tang Dao was so anxious that he wanted to jump.

In the telegram two hours ago, he repeatedly stated to Tang Dao that although the 39th Infantry Brigade was surrounded by two armies, it was by no means a fish on a eucalyptus board. It was up to the two armies to braise or steam it.

The Japanese army may not be able to provide ground support in the short term, but its huge air superiority gives the white-haired general a chill down his back just thinking about it.

Is the 17th Division that you swore to fight in last year's Battle of Fululing a lie? The 20,000-strong army had geographical advantages but was beaten by more than 4,000 Japanese troops and suffered 8,000 battle losses. In addition to the Japanese army's artillery advantage, it also had air superiority.

The Japanese planes flew down from high altitude one after another, firing wildly with their onboard machine guns, and the bullets swept across the trenches. The blood and flesh flying everywhere in an instant was actually bearable, but when a 500-pound aerial bomb fell, the entire hilltop seemed to be on fire. , the ending of an infantry platoon being wiped out in an instant is really heartbreaking for any commander.

His soldiers had to be raised by their parents for 18 years, but the Japanese only needed one bomb to wipe out the 18 years of hard work of 50 pairs of parents. How could he not feel pain?

Now, finally we have this situation. According to the white-haired general's idea, the infantry should be quickly organized to besiege the 39th Infantry Brigade. Even if they cannot be eaten in one bite, the battle line must be infinitely close to the Japanese army. It is best to The two armies were fighting together to avoid Japanese aircraft bombing.

He would rather his soldiers die in the flying bullets than watch them be torn into pieces by bombs dropped from high altitude by the Japanese army before firing a shot.

As a result, Tang Dao was not in a hurry to use the infantry. The artillery bombarded them non-stop for two hours, as if they were going to send thousands of Japanese invaders to see Amaterasu just by relying on artillery shells.

He also wanted to do this, but the key point was that the Japanese plane would never sit there and watch thousands of his people being annihilated! In particular, they can see Shimen, and there is no reason why the generals of the Japanese North China Front Army Headquarters cannot see it.

I originally thought that Tang Dao, who took a small road to reach the 17th Division headquarters, would be eager to discuss the battle situation with me and formulate new tactics. However, it turned out that this guy just wanted to drink the authentic yellow tea from Shaanxi Province.

Indeed, the 21st Division has been defeated, the 39th Infantry Brigade has been surrounded, and the originally dangerous defensive battle in Shandong has turned around. It is completely worthy of celebration, but we must first deal with the enemy in front of us before doing this!

The Japanese currently have a huge advantage and can accept this loss, but China's second theater cannot throw away this fat duck that has reached its throat. Every time the strength of the Japanese army is weakened, the pressure on the defense lines in southern Shanxi and southeastern Shanxi will be greatly reduced. few.

Seeing the white-haired general stamping his feet anxiously, Tang Dao put down the enamel jar with a smile, took out his pocket watch and looked at the time: "Hey, Mr. Zhao, I don't mean to show off. I came to you just to be by your side. Stand on the top of this mountain and watch a fireworks show together!”

"Uh! This" the white-haired general was speechless.

I am not a reporter from Tantai Mingyue. Is it appropriate for you to be so romantic?

"There is a poem that goes: The sunset is red in the towering Taihang Mountains, and the pines and waves sound loudly!" Tang Dao recited a poem seriously.

Xia Dayu looked at his parents with admiration. With his literary talent, he would have no problem teaching in the Chinese Department of Jinling University!

White-haired General: Can we stop showing off and talk about business? When it comes to writing poetry, I can beat you eighteen times.

"It is better to chase the poor bandits with bravery, and not to be a famous scholar. If heaven is sentimental, heaven will also grow old. The right path of the world is subject to vicissitudes of life!" Tang Dao looked up at the sky and murmured to himself.

Xia Dayu: Even though I don’t understand, he still looks very powerful. Jinling University will definitely not tolerate our leader.

White-haired General: Damn it, this guy just flew straight up from the ground into the sky. Isn't it a game of suppressing first and then rising?

Besides, what the hell are you looking at the sky for? There is no Company Commander Tantai Mingyue here, so why are you pretending?

"Mr. Zhao, look at the sky, I told you that there is more than a little surprise today." Tang Dao continued.

"In the sky?" The white-haired general looked at the blue sky and white clouds with a telescope for more than ten seconds, but he couldn't see the ugly Yin Mao.

After that, his expression changed drastically!

There was a faint roar of thunder in my ears!

For a general, that does not mean changing the situation!

That's the prelude to death!








"Attention, all air forces, maintain an altitude of 1,500 meters and maintain cruising speed!" A dark-faced and slightly thin young man sitting in the cockpit of the aircraft looked at the mountains below, picked up the wireless intercom and used it, which was not very standard. Said in northern dialect.

As the deputy chief instructor of the Chinese Air Force who is responsible for leading the team to receive Yin-15 fighters this time, Huang Xinrui is actually very happy.

The joy did not come from the fact that I, an overseas Chinese who had returned from the Anti-Japanese War, was valued by the superiors and was given such a high position, but that the Battle of Central China was in full swing, and Japanese planes came to provoke Jiangcheng, the important town in Central China, almost every day.

Since the beginning of June, the Chinese Air Force has lost more than 20 fighter planes, and the savings of the hundreds of fighters it has finally saved are about to be wiped out again. These 60 fighters are completely a timely help.

But now, the deputy chief instructor of the Chinese Air Force, who graduated from the Chilihi Aviation School in Rockville, USA, was full of worry.

The sudden military order caught the major instructor of the Chinese Air Force off guard. The first battle between him, his students and the newly received fighter planes was not over the heavily-trooped central China, but in a little-known battlefield in North China.

Faluling? The chart in his hand did not mark this location at all, but fortunately there was Shimen, a major town only 50 kilometers away, as a direction guide, so that the instructor would not take the wrong direction when flying.

What he was most worried about was not whether he would fly in the wrong direction and fail to arrive at the battlefield at the designated time, but that this time, except for a dozen pilots with combat experience who served as squadron leaders and aviation team leaders, the remaining 40 or so people who came to receive the fighter planes from him were all his students.

The longest training time in the air would never exceed 400 hours!

That's because China lost too many excellent pilots in the year-long battle, and even ace pilots such as Le Yiqing, Gao Zhixing, Li Guizhou, and Liu Cuigang died for their country.

Just as Tokugawa Haoming said, China now has no planes and no pilots, and can only send flight trainees who have only been trained for one year to the battlefield.

Can they be competent in this destined to be a head-on battle?

You know, before he led the trainees to board the plane, the intelligence department had estimated that the Japanese army might dispatch about 90 fighter planes.

This scale of air combat, not to mention that his trainees have never seen it, even as an instructor, he has never experienced it.

"Instructor! Are you looking at the scenery of my splendid China? Why did you say this for so long?" A young voice suddenly sounded in the intercom.

"Yes! Looking down at the Yellow River from the air is really spectacular! The legendary towering Taihang is indeed magnificent enough. My motherland is really as beautiful as my grandfather said." Huang Xinrui smiled and picked up the intercom to answer.

Teachers always have a preference for outstanding students, and Huang Xinrui is no exception!

The person who spoke had a strong Guangdong accent. He was his fellow villager and the best student he had ever taught.

Shen Chonghai, born in the Shen family of Guangdong, graduated from Jinling University. He just graduated and went home to serve his seriously ill father when the war broke out. He signed up for the army at the end of December of that year and became a student of the Guangdong Aviation School. He arrived at the Hunan Central Aviation School in April for training!

He was extremely talented and had a strong patriotic heart. He had only been in school for 3 months and had less than 200 hours of flight time, but he had already become the best student in the aviation school. If he was given enough time, he would definitely become an ace pilot comparable to the four kings.

However, with a smile on his face, the worry in the eyes of the Chinese Air Force Major was getting stronger. Before he grew up, all the excellence was just talk on paper. If such a good seedling died in this battle, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

"Yes! Teacher, our Chinese mountains and rivers are so magnificent, how can we let them fall into the hands of the Japanese invaders! Please don't worry too much, as your students, we will not let you down, just fight hard!" Shen Chonghai's voice sounded again in the intercom.

"That's right, Instructor Huang, just wait and see! We will definitely beat the Japanese devils like the seniors in the aviation school." Another young voice came from the intercom.

It was the voice of a pilot named Chen Ping, who was very young and full of energy. He liked to tell jokes most after heavy training. He was a famous live treasure in the aviation brigade and a happy fruit for everyone.

He was already engaged, and his fiancée was his childhood sweetheart. According to Shen Chonghai, this kid must have been able to make girls laugh since he was a child, so he practiced this skill. However, Chen Ping accepted this evaluation with pride.

Because they were at high altitude and at cruising speed, they only needed to keep the rudder and throttle. The pilots were not so focused on the control, and perhaps they all sensed the worries in the instructor's brief words, and expressed their views and determination to participate in this war in the public wireless communication channel.

"If they don't fight, what are they doing as pilots?"

"Sacrificing their lives in the blue sky is their own choice, and they will never regret it!"

It was probably this view, and no one backed down!

This is the youth, the youth of China!

Huang Xinrui took a deep breath and glanced at the towering green mountains under the white clouds. The worry in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a firmness.

Yes! Just like his students expressed, does he have a choice? Or does China have a choice?

As a flight instructor, almost all of his pilots have a high school degree or above, and some even study in China's most famous universities. They are all elites of this era, but as a Chinese soldier, Huang Xinrui knows that in order to replenish troops, many army divisions have relaxed the age of military service, and many teenagers who are only fifteen or sixteen years old have already carried rifles that are longer than their heads!

To win this war, China, whose economy and industry lag behind its enemies, has to give everything it has, even if it means gambling on the future of the entire country!

If not, perhaps the entire country and nation will no longer have a future.

The fighter planes that have not yet been painted with the blue sky and white sun crossed the Yellow River and the mountains under the roar of the leading fighter planes and continued to move forward!

And two hundred kilometers away, the Japanese planes with the sun flag painted on their fuselages were also circling in the sky.

They were not looking for a battlefield, but gathering the aviation squadrons flying from airports all over the country.

The fleet increased from 10 at the beginning to 20, 30 and even 74!

Four fighter planes had to return due to flight failures during the flight, including Captain Zuo Zuomu, the captain of an aviation squadron.

Captain Zuo Zuomu's car had an engine failure a hundred kilometers after taking off from Baoding Airport. Thick white smoke dragged for dozens of kilometers, and Captain Zuo Zuomu was forced to return.

Although there was no Captain Zuo Zuomu, the "lone star" to guide this time, most of the Japanese pilots were not panicked at all, especially when they arrived at the rendezvous point, it seemed that the entire sky was occupied by fighter planes. The fleet of more than 70 fighter planes was the largest air force dispatched at one time by the Japanese Army since entering the battlefield in North China.

The large number of aircraft gave the Japanese pilots great confidence. They believed that no matter how powerful the Chinese ground air defense firepower was, it would be wiped out in front of the tens of tons of bombs carried by the fleet.

You know, each fighter plane will carry a 500-pound bomb, and then 80-pound, 50-pound, and 30-pound bombs will be mounted on the wings. The average weight of bombs carried by each fighter plane is more than 800 pounds.

Such a bomb weight is enough to destroy a Chinese Army brigade's ground position, and even a mountain can be flattened.

But these Japanese pilots with confident faces may not have seen Captain Zuo Zuomu's relief when he was allowed to return, otherwise they would definitely discount their confidence.

Captain Zuo Zuomu's air combat level is average, but his life-saving skills and battlefield intuition are first-class. Before he went on the expedition, he had the opposite idea from his high-spirited colleagues. His intuition told him that this time when he arrived at the battlefield, he might not be able to escape the disaster like before.

So, no one knew that after the ground maintenance personnel checked the plane, Captain Zuo Zuomu, who was also proficient in mechanics, actually made some small moves in the engine of his beloved car, which was not enough to stop the engine from working, but only required that the power could not meet the combat needs.

Captain Zuo Zuomu's trick was a textbook escape. No one could blame him, but he miraculously escaped from the battlefield again. The other fighter planes that had malfunctions and were forced to return were just pure luck.

Captain Zuo Zuomu was not the only one who stood out. After the war, they were collectively called the "four lucky men" of the temporary air corps!

Captain Zuo Zuomu was among the lucky ones with his own strength, but his 74 colleagues were not so lucky. They were equipped with various types of bombs, and their engines roared hard. They rushed at an altitude of 2,500 meters, like a fierce wasp, rushing straight to Falulu Ridge.

At an altitude of about 4,500 meters above the battlefield of Falulu Ridge, Huang Xinrui was also looking down with his eyes wide open, but he could not see anything except a vast expanse of white clouds in his field of vision.

This air battle was ordered by the Supreme Command, and the confidentiality level was extremely high. Moreover, since the two general commanders of the Second War Zone sent a telegram request to the person who issued the instructions and then the fighter plane flew to the battlefield, the total time was no more than 10 hours. No intelligence personnel could get the news in such a short time, and the high-level Japanese North China Front Army naturally would not notice it at all.

In order to ensure the flight secrecy, the 60 fighter planes took off at 3 pm, flew 400 kilometers at a low altitude of 1,500 meters, and then jumped back to an altitude of 4,500 meters 200 kilometers away.

The low-altitude flight in the front was because it was all in the Chinese area. Huang Xinrui needed to determine the correct heading of the aircraft formation through the position on the flight chart. When it was about 200 kilometers away from the battlefield, it was necessary to hide the whereabouts of the fleet.

The dull roar of the aircraft engine at an altitude of 4,500 meters was unavoidable, but it was enough to avoid human sight. No one knew which side this group of aircraft belonged to. Even if the Japanese heard it, they would only think it was their own fighter plane.

After all, there had been no Chinese fighter planes in the sky of North China for half a year.

Huang Xinrui looked at the odometer that showed that he had flown 600 kilometers. Judging from the mileage alone, he should have arrived at the battlefield.

But looking down from the sky, the mountains look the same, and there is no obvious difference. If he wants to be sure, he must lower the altitude to find the battlefield.

However, he doesn't know whether the Japanese planes have also arrived at the battlefield. If they haven't arrived yet, whoever is at a lower altitude will inevitably fall into a passive position.

Even if the performance of the Yin-153 fighter under their seat is much stronger than the current main fighter of the Japanese army, the Type 96, the battlefield cannot determine the situation by looking at the performance of the aircraft.

What's more, the Japanese army may dispatch 90 or more aircraft, while they only have 60 aircraft.

More importantly, this time the battle time is only 20 minutes at most. After this time, even if they destroy more Japanese aircraft, they will not be able to return to the airport outside Zhengcheng.

The Yin-153, with a combat radius of up to 700 kilometers, is already China's most advanced fighter, and it will crash into the mountains of China due to insufficient fuel.

As a leader, he couldn't make even the slightest mistake.

It was a long story, but it was just a flash in the mind of the Chinese Air Force major who fought one against three and died in the Chengdu air battle three years later. After just a few seconds, Huang Xinrui made the decision.

"Except for Air Force 1, which will lower its altitude to 2,500 meters with me, the rest of the air force will continue to maintain an altitude of 4,500 meters and circle with a radius of five kilometers. Attention, all aircraft, search the battlefield and pay attention to the northeast direction, where Japanese aircraft will come from."

Huang Xinrui made this decision for a reason. 2,500 meters is the best cruising speed for single-engine fighters. It is very likely that the Japanese 96 fighters will advance at this altitude before arriving at the battlefield. If no trace of Japanese aircraft is found at this altitude, he will continue to leave 8 fighters at this altitude for cruising alert, and the remaining four will descend to search for the battlefield.

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